Who are the most
wanted Terrorists of 2003? What do they look like? How
tall are they? What age? What books do they like to read?
How many children do they have? What do their kids think of
them? Their mothers? Their fathers? What will their
children think when we kill them? And, what about Terrorist #1?
How come he isn't on the list? How come he isn't listed?
Find out in this amazing story of hunting down the many to get the
one. |

2, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 477
Here They Are--
The Most Wanted Terrorists Minus One--The Big One!
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Jan. 2--
Here they are! The Most Wanted Terrorists
of 2003, straight from the FBI. But, the list
is Minus One Terrorist. The display below
is like a "Where's Waldo" book.
Look hard and see if you can find the one that is "missing."
Listed below
is the official "Most Wanted Terrorist" list
from the FBI you can use as your "Where's Waldo"
puzzle. It promotes the most vile of Terrorist
venom, the heads of the Terrorist hydra, the cancer cells
of Terrorism. Of course, there's one big one missing.
The anonymous one as far as the FBI "Most Wanted"
list is concerned. Have you guessed who that one
is yet? Hang on, we'll get to that.
But first, there're some big questions that need to be
we hunt the "Most Wanted" down and capture or
kill them, will we slice off Terrorism's head, or tail,
or foot, or blind its eye, or chop off its fingers, or
extract its liver? Will we exorcise
Terrorism from our land, from our lives, and free our
children when we have all their heads in our hands?
Will the capture, containment or execution of the creatures
listed below end the threat of Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency that fuels Terrorism's fires?
We would think
so. We would hope so. But will it?
Take a careful look at them. Read their profiles.
But then don't just stop with them. There's more.
There's the mission one! Figured out who it is yet?
A Tip | Most
Wanted | War
on Terrorism | FBI
Home Page
The alleged
terrorists on this list have been indicted
by sitting Federal Grand Juries in various
jurisdictions in the United States for the
crimes reflected on their wanted posters.
Evidence was gathered and presented to the
Grand Juries, which led to their being charged.
The indictments currently listed on the
posters allow them to be arrested and brought
to justice. Future indictments may be handed
down as various investigations proceed in
connection to other terrorist incidents,
for example, the terrorist attacks on September
11, 2001.
It is also
important to note that these individuals
will remain wanted in connection with their
alleged crimes until such time as the charges
are dropped or when credible physical evidence
is obtained, which proves with 100% accuracy,
that they are deceased.
Besides the
twenty-two "Most Wanted Terrorists" listed
above, there're more faces and names we need to
emboss in our TerrorHunter minds.
include the five guys the FBI has been flashing
pictures of since Christmas Eve. The
five are "wanted for questioning," but
the FBI denies they are Terrorists.
Hmmmmm. What's going on? But,
just so you know, the great Missing One is not included
in the "Where's Waldo Christmas Eve Five.
a look at these guys. The Five Most Wanted
For Questioning Not Terrorists guys.
The FBI says they aren't
"Terrorists." They are just
wanted for "questioning," says the FBI,
but without any comments regarding in reference
to what?
I guess I'm a bit
confused about the reason for promoting the Not
Terrorists Five to the world.
Then last night,
as I was about to go to bed, the news stated one
of the pictures was of the wrong guy.
I felt I was in a Marx Brothers movie, trying to
decide who was on First Base. I began to laugh.
Here is the
FBI's quote about the Five Not-So-Wanted-For-Anything-Specific
Hello? What is this?
Not only are we looking for five guys who all look
like one of the 44,000 cab drivers in New York City,
but we're really spending energy on fingering someone
who's not wanted for anything. Man,
it just didn't make any sense............until I
gave the issue more thought.
Yes, I cogitated, the FBI threw out these pictures
on Christmas Eve to divert attention away from North
Korea, and to heat up the justification for attacking
Iraq. I thought about an enemy missile
approaching a U.S. aircraft. The pilot goes
into evasive tactics, banking and diving the plane
to foil the heat-seeking missile on its tail.
Then it releases all these pieces of foil and scatters
them, trying to fool the missile into following
one of the false trails.
Of course,
I thought. The FBI was trying to get our attention
off the Most Wanted List so we wouldn't wonder why
the Number One Terrorist wasn't listed on it.
It was a ploy, a diversion to make us all think
that a Terrorist would pop up under our Christmas
Tree on Christmas Morning, or jump out of the great
ball dropping at Times Square and yell "Gotcha!"
It just didn't make any sense.
But then, so much doesn't make sense when you are
hunting Terrorism. The Beast of Terror loves
So, okay. The answer. Who is the
most wanted of all but missing from the FBI's Most
Wanted List?
I'll give you one more chance.
His initials are S.H.
Get it? Got it? Good!
Of course, Saddam Hussein!
That's it, folks.
All of a sudden it made total sense to me.
for FBI and parents and children of the
world: "Where's Saddam Hussein"
We are about to launch a great war against Iraq,
troops are converging on the scene, battle stations
are being manned, bombs and bullets are being polished
as we prepare to launch a full out effort to seek
and destroy the Most Wanted Terrorist in the world--Saddam
But wait! His picture isn't on the FBI
Now, that does make you wonder.
Above are listed the official Most Wanted Terrorists
in the world according to the FBI, but one is missing--President.
Hussein. Dah, how come?
The war on Iraq specifically geared to destroy Saddam
Hussein is estimated conservatively to cost America
about $60 billion dollars, plus countless lives
that aren't included in that cost factor.
That's about $210 per person in America.
We're going to throw all our money, our power and
our purpose to destroy a guy who isn't even on the
FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list?
That is most confusing.
If the 22 guys listed by the FBI, plus the five
ringers just thrown in at the last minute, represent
the core of Terrorism, how come we haven't spent
$60 billion to get them first? It seems
our priorities are off.
Now, there's North Korea. It's flagrantly
building new nuclear bombs. And it's
not on the Most Wanted Terrorist list. In
fact, we've shelved the North Koreans as the Least
Most Wanted Terrorists in favor of Iraq.
The guy with the gun pointed at our back is favored
over the guy who is threatening to build a gun to
point at our head.
Then there's the five Not So Wanted Non-Terrorists
we need to think about.
Wheel at Toys R Us
the 22 Most Wanted Terrorists we have forgotten
I truly don't mean to confuse anyone, least of all
I'm just thinking of my grandson asking me:
"Why, G-Pa, are we going to war with Iraq?"
I'm sure the six-year-old will ask that question
once the body bags start to fill up. Kids
always want to know who's killing whom and why.
Yesterday, my wife and I took the kids up to Toys
'R Us to spend New Years afternoon riding the Ferris
wheel and looking at all the toys on sale.
We also planned on taking them to Candyland located
inside the store, a magical Willy Wonka display
of candy that makes one's sweet tooth ache.
On the way to the "N" Train we passed
a dead pigeon. It was lying on the sidewalk,
its neck all twisted, the rain pelting its feathers,
its pigeon feet curled in repose.
"Oh," jumped Sarah, four, "a dead
"How come it died, G-Pa? How come it
Hundreds of people passed by the dead bird.
It was a bad omen.
"It's in pigeon heaven," I said.
"It's flying around having fun in pigeon heaven,"
I quickly answered, not quite sure what to say.
I thought about my answer. When we kill
Saddam, will I tell her and her brother Saddam is
flying around Terrorist Heaven? I wasn't
treats at CandyLand at Toys R Us
But then, I realized I
really couldn't go that far. Saddam was not
officially listed on the Most Wanted Terrorist list
by the FBI. Legally, he wasn't a "dead
or alive" target.
All day I tried to get
the dead pigeon analogy worked out. I figured
the U.S. was about to attack Iraq because they threw
out the five Not So Wanted Terrorists on New Years
Eve. I figured that was a silent
signal to all we were about to launch the attack,
kind of like the French resistance playing Beethoven's
Fifth Symphony as a signal of Victory during World
War II. The opening--dah, dah, dah,
dum--is Morse Code for the letter "V,"
a way of telling the world "We will be victorious!"
So, I'm going to spend the rest of this week working
out an answer to why the most wanted Terrorist of
current time, Saddam Hussein, is not on the Most
Wanted FBI list. I'm going to work out
an answer for my grandson when he asks: "How
come we're killing people in Iraq?"
I know for sure how to answer the question about
a dead pigeon, I just wish I had one for a dead
Terrorist who didn't make the list..

Jan 1--Laughing In The Face Of Terrorism's Cancer
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