When we invade Iraq we
will face women warriors. How will they fight? Will
they be a substantial force? In Vietnam I fought women
warriors--the fiercest of all enemies. Will the Iraqi
women match up to them? I believe so. Why? Because
they are protecting their homes and children, not Saddam Hussein.
Read how they will fight and die. Then decide if you'd rather
fight a woman or a man to the death. |

8, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 483
When Women Fight The
War Against Terrorism, They Become The Lady Liberty Of Iraq & North Korea
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Jan. 8--
Every morning I do what every good TerrorHunter journalist is supposed to do--I
search the world for Terror.
The journey is often troubling. It
forces me to face the Beast of Terror in many different shapes and
sizes, and to ponder whether I am the Terrorist or the TerrorHunter.
Sometimes I'm not so sure.
To keep a clear perspective, I read
the news from the "Terrorist Nations," or those often or
historically allied
with "Terrorist" causes. They include Russia's official
news agency, Pravda (once our archenemy), the Arabic News, and
North Korea's Central News
Agency. I want to see what "the other side" thinks since I
know I have a Western prejudice that must be kept in reasonable check.
(I've included portions of various stories and headlines
from each of these news organs below so that readers might get a taste
of the views held by them.)
I also read the New York Times,
Christian Science Monitor and any link to other news formats that
might offer yet another facet of America's role as the Global
Terror Hunter.
Yesterday(Jan.7), the New York Times headlined
a story "A Spiffy Army of Volunteers Parades in Praise of Hussein."
It dealt with how Iraq is massing reserve forces in preparation for war with the
The feature photo was of veiled Iraqi women brandishing a Russian Kalashnikov
rifles as they marched in regimented rows in Baquba, Iraq. The
parade was a signal of solidarity
among the local people should the U.S. invade Iraq. "If
anyone is tempted to do anything evil, the answer will come not in
slogans or words, but through the huge numbers of volunteers like the
ones in this parade," said Abdel Baqi al-Sadoun, chief of the Baath
Party in the Diyala Province where thousands marched through the
provincial capital situated 40 miles northeast from Baghdad.
The parade followed a speech by President
Hussein celebrating the 82nd anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi
army. In it, Hussein denounced United Nations arms inspectors as
spies. He also issued a warning to Iraqi citizens to prepare for
any sacrifice necessary.
I was surprised the New York Times
editors allowed an inflammatory comment against women militia
members, drafted by reporter Neil MacFarquhar, to stand in the
article. MacFarquhar stated: "Women in units of about 100, each with a different
uniform, gave the entire first half of the parade the feel of 'The
Barbie Collection Meets Lady Muslim Holy Warrior.'"
I found this comment insulting to the
Women Warriors and demeaning to the Time's position as respectable
world commentator. The comment ranked close to the "propaganda"
commentaries often found laced in Pravda, the Arabic News and North
Korea's news organ. I took it as a "cheap shot," an underrating
of a great potential danger.
Grim, determined Women Warriors, in
my view, should not be cast in the same breath with "Barbie Dolls,"
neither should they be considered the "scrapings of the barrel"
as was the implication made by the "Barbie Doll" analogy.
Vietcong women
POWs |
In Vietnam, my experience with
local Women
Warriors elevated them far above men in their ability to fight to
the death, and to take as many enemies with them as possible.
As a veteran of more than 100 combat
operations, I am more wary of women
in combat than any man. Women fight with
a ferocity equal to ten men, for they fight not just for the cause,
but for the safety and security of the children, and the children's
children's children.
determination to survive is inversely proportional to their ability to
kill to protect their “nests." The more precious the nest, the
greater the killing quotient. Thus, they can kill with abandon and
enjoy a relentless ability to survive in the process.
Deborah Samson
Served in the Revolutionary War |
Little hard facts are known about Women Warriors
except by those of us who have fought against them.
In Vietnam, women were commonly in charge of key VC cadres and cells.
They were
selected not only for their powers as warriors to defend their
country, but also because men tend to discount a woman's ability to
fight as Mr. MacFarquhar erred so blatantly in his Barbie comment.
It is within that delusion Women Warriors have the killing edge. If a man
hesitates to fire upon a woman because she is a woman, that momentary
flinch or falter gives her a fatal advantage over her enemy.
women pilots of China's People's Liberation Army
It makes perfect sense that a
woman is a much more ferocious warrior than a man. Nature
is the best authority on this subject. In nature, few male
animals hang around after mating. Mothers care and
guard their offspring. Anyone who has ever crossed the
path between a mother bear and its cub knows what I mean.
Mother bears will chase and hunt you down and rip out your guts where
a papa bear might just roar until you're gone. Mother bears
don't want you coming back.
Ducks and geese are also fine example.
Try stealing a goose egg. Mother goose will flog you to
death with her wings, bash and brutalize you so that you never attempt
to rob her nest again.
I didn't scoff at the picture of the
Iraqi women armed and grimly determined. The fact they led the parade of men in a show of force
represented to me the tip of the sharpened arrow, not its dullness. The
flippant comment by the Times reporter--"The Barbie Collection Meets
Lady Muslim Holy Warrior"--suggested a huge oversight on the power of
a militia bent on protecting its homeland.
The picture brought back
memories of Women Warriors I would prefer to have not revisited. Women I have fought against and
witnessed in battle were as ferocious as the mother bear in defense of
her lair. Not only were they cunning and wily, they were
bold and powerful in their defiance of death. They could lob a
grenade with deadly accuracy, and use a BAR with bloody results.
They died as gloriously as their male counterparts.
In one horrible
instance, I witnessed the brutal torture of a V.C. woman suspect. In
my memoirs called The Pain Game, I recited the story in detail.
was beaten ruthlessly for hours by our South Vietnamese interpreters
as I stood watching. Her body, tall, defiant, elegant at first,
was glacially turned into a mass of twisted, broken bones from the
fists and sticks used to thrash her into submission. Her
once beautiful face was smashed so viciously her right eye popped out
from a blow and dangled on her bloody
cheek. Even when she was hung like a piece of meat by ropes over
a bamboo beam, she never once uttered a word of pain or information.
I remember vomiting over the scene for I was helpless to intervene. To this day her face looms
before me, a reminder of not only war's brutality and senselessness,
but of women's courage and fortitude in battle.
I saw that same determined countenance on
the Iraqi women's faces marching in Baquba.
protected Stalingrad |
Despite the "Barbie" comment, I understand the
power of Women Warriors, especially when they are driven to protect their nests.
I know they will fight with a ferocity beyond anyone's expectations,
and will take as many lives as possible of those who invade their
War's cruelty will turn them
into Beasts of Terror, as it will and historically has all caught in
its vice. War releases primal angers and hatreds against invaders,
and inspires a willingness to sacrifice far beyond what any mind can fathom in
terms of pain and suffering.
Unfortunately, the fortitude of
the militia is often greater than that of the invaders because the
militia members are defending their homes, families and children and
the invaders are trying to conquer control.
The Germans found the power of
the militia when they attacked Stalingrad in World War II. In
what one would expect to be a cakewalk, the Germans ended up against a
brick wall of women, old men, even children fighting for their homes,
inspired not by any particular leader of philosophy, but by
dogged determination not to be conquered by outside forces.
It is this equation that
bothers me most as America positions itself to invade Baghdad, or
plans to assault North Korea, or, in any shape or form structures its
policy to take command and control of any foreign land to change its
politics from the outside in.
Strategically, we often forget
that societies and peoples of lands we think are eater for regime
change are used to weathering
the storms of internal conflict. For eons the
average citizen in any nation has learned to adjust to its changing leadership.
In Russia, the people revolted against the rich and crumbled them
during the Bolshevik Revolution, only to fall victim to Stalin's cruel
leadership under communism. While they may not agree with
the internal politics of their nation, they chose to fight outside
intervention to the death, preferring to sail their own ships of
destiny rather than have foreign navigators do it for them.
America shifts its leadership every four to eight years.
People adjust and brace themselves for change from within, but revolt
against change from without.
The foreign news from these
nations (listed below) bark out this
message. In each of them, America is denounced as a
foreign aggressor. The rhetoric used by each slaps at the
face of America's might being imposed upon the sovereignty of each of
the nation/states being threatened by physical and economic force.
America becomes the "alien invader." A mother who may disagree
with Saddam Hussein's or Kim's policies, may feel American
intervention is far worse.
I do not necessarily
agree with the politics of the nations we have singled out as "evil
axis" of Terrorism. And, I don't agree we should sit back
and let rouge nations build weapons of mass destruction at will and
use them as bargaining tools to Terrorize others.
The U.S. Marine in me wants to rush into each of these nations in full
battle gear and wipe out the leadership of the country, then stand
guard so that future tyrants can't take command and start the process
all over again
Mother bears
protect their young at all costs |
But to do that, I know
you have to fight an entire nation. I know I would have to kill
a lot of moms and dads and maybe even their children to get to the
palace where the bad guy was holed up. I know a lot of
those I would kill along the way were not in support of the bad guy or
his politics, but fought to the death not because they believed their
leader was right, but rather because they refused to accept my right
as an invader to tell them how to live their lives and bring up their
children. I would be an outsider reaching into their cub's
den. It wouldn't matter how right I was, or how morally
correct, or how justified I was in the bigger scope of things. I
would just be a "child robber," another tyrant seeking to dominate
their lives, and not even of their faith or culture.
The women who will fight in
Iraq will not be dressed up Barbie's in Muslim clothing.
They will be ferocious mother bears, angry lionesses, cunning mother
wolverines who will stalk and kill all who threaten their homes and
children with such alacrity and skill that our warriors will be caught
by surprise, befuddled, confused at their tenacity and ferocity.
Leading the People" by Delacroix |
one can tell them what to expect and come close to the reality they
will face when the women bear arms against them. But it
won't be just women they will be fighting. It will be Mothers of
Vigilance they will be up against. They will be fighting those
women who seek to protect their children, their grandchildren, their
brothers and sisters, their cousins, aunts. These
women won't be fighting for Saddam Hussein or the Iraqi flag, they
will be fighting for their homes, for the safety of their children
from the "foreign aggressors." Politics will melt away and
real estate will be the issue--a person's home will be the prize, and
it will not be given over easily.
Vigilance is about mustering
the Courage, Conviction and taking the Right Actions to protect the
children's children's children. The women who fight
in Iraq, just as those who fought in Vietnam, or those in Stalingrad,
or women who have defended their "nests" anywhere in the world
throughout history, will prove a horrendous and worthy force to whomever treads
near or on their lairs.
They will have the
Courage of all mothers before them, the Conviction of all the Wombs of
Vigilance that have ever been, and will take what they consider the
Right Actions in defense of their homes--to kill as many as brutality
as possible to drive the invaders away.
I do not want to
think about the blood that will be spent if this happens. I've seen
more than my share of it already.
A Vigilant
Amazon: Barbie -NOT |
So when you
read the news articles below, as I do, be cautious not to discount
them as propaganda or simply national fodder railing against the U.S.
I believe the words written below are geared toward the mothers of the
nations. They are words that present the United States as
a Beast of Terror en route to capture and take the children of other
nations under their wings--to steal them from the arms of their
mothers, grandmothers, guardians.
These are words not
geared to Barbie. They are words aimed at the Amazons of
Vigilance, the women of nations who, in the final analysis, will form
a shield over their children, and fight to the last breath for their
I wish this wasn't true,
but I know it is.
If anyone in the Western
World isn't sure of the power of women to lead the warriors to victory
or death, then I suggest they view one of the Western World's most
famous paintings illustrating what I have just described. It is
Eugene Delacroix's famous 1830 painting illustrating the French
Revolution called " Liberty Leading the People." There is
a reason a woman leads the men. She is the Mother of
Despite what many think,
there are Mothers of Vigilance in both Iraq and North Korea.
They are ready to fight just as fiercely as Delacroix's Liberty.
News From Russia's
Major Newspaper--Pravda.RU:Top Stories |
From ArabicNews.com
Millyet: Turkish tanks incurred in Northern Iraq
Iraq-Turkey, Politics, 1/7/2003
The Turkish daily Millyet said yesterday that the
Turkish tanks incurred in northern Iraq area in order to
avoid any leakage in the area in case of any American
military action against Iraq.
The paper published a photograph for more than 30
Turkish tanks in Barmati area, situated at a depth of 40
Kilometers into the Iraqi territories, noting that in
line with the call addressed by Jalal al-Talibani, the
chairman of the Kurdistani Democratic party, the Turkish
forces controlled the strategic points in the region and
that the Turkish army is preparing to broadcast radio
news in the region in which it will urge members of the
Kurdistani workers party to surrender.
The paper explained that the Turkish army positioned in
three different points in order to avoid the flow of
refugees and is prepared to incur into more depth in
northern Iraq, whenever it is necessary. |
From Korean Central News Agency
KCNA urges U.S. to drop its anachronistic policy
toward DPRK
Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) -- The U.S. bellicose forces
should clearly know that their strategy to dominate Korea is a
pipe-dream, stop the provocative and military pressure and
withdraw their aggression forces from South Korea without delay,
urged the Joint New Year Editorial published by newspapers
Rodong Sinmun, Josoninmingun and Chongnyonjonwi on the occasion
of the New Year, 2003. Last year they listed the DPRK as part of
an "axis of evil" and as a target of their nuclear attack
instead of giving up their anachronistic policy toward it, while
openly calling for a "preemptive attack" in a desperate bid to
increase their military pressure upon it.
But the Korean people have resolutely smashed the aggressive
offensive of the enemies with a revolutionary principle and
reliably defended the dignity and honor of the DPRK by further
augmenting the might of the single-hearted unity under the
banner of the army-based policy.
This is clearly evidenced by the fact that last year the
Korean people made a new leaping advance in building a powerful
nation despite difficulties and consolidated the revolutionary
base of socialism though the international situation remained
complicated and the country was beset with manifold ordeals.
Nevertheless, the U.S. bellicose forces, turning aside such
reality, have worked hard to put international pressure on the
DPRK under the pretext of its "nuclear issue". This clearly
indicates to the world how desperate they have become in their
moves to dominate it.
Some circles of the U.S. seem to calculate that they can
achieve their criminal purpose of the strategy to dominate Korea
by increasing the pressure upon the DPRK, while talking about
the "tailored containment strategy" under the pretext of its
non-existent "nuclear issue". Nothing is more foolish and
reckless than this calculation.
The U.S. is persistently making futile efforts to isolate
and stifle the DPRK, whiling away time, instead of accepting the
latter's proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty with
the U.S. this, however, will only precipitate its
self-destruction. Already half a century ago the army and people
of the DPRK won a brilliant victory over the U.S. and its allies
in the great fatherland liberation war. And this year marks the
50th anniversary of this victory.
The DPRK is much stronger than what it was 50 years back and
the single-hearted unity of the party, the army and people based
on the idea of giving top priority to the army will remain
unbreakable with the passage of time.
The U.S. is well advised not to forget the lesson drawn from
the history of the DPRK-U.S. relations and the present reality
but to give up its anachronistic hostile policy toward the DPRK
and immediately withdraw its aggression troops from South Korea. |

Jan 7--Why We Should Terrorism Over To The Zoo
- 2004, VigilanceVoice.com, All rights reserved - a ((HYYPE))
