
January 1, 2002—Tuesday—Ground
Zero Plus 112
The Vigilance Resolutions
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
I vow to be vigilant against Terrorism both from without
and within.
I recognize that I am the primary Sentinel of Vigilance
who must stand up against Terrorism’s “fear,” “intimidation,”
and “complacency.”
I am responsible for converting “fear” into “courage,”
“intimidation,” into “conviction,” and “complacency,” into “action.”
I recognize that Terrorism includes both physical and
emotional attacks.
To ward off the physical attacks, I keep a wary eye on
the safety of my self, my family, and the children in my life.
I do not expect the “government” to singularly resolve the problem
of physical Terrorism, and therefore keep myself ready and alert
to its dangers.
To ward off the emotional attacks, I remind myself that
Terrorism is my fear of others, my feeling of being intimidated
by others, or my complacency to act against what might appear
as overwhelming odds. When these feelings
of fear, intimidation or complacency come to me, I resolve to
think of those heroes of Nine Eleven who braved great dangers
to save others, and to all those who died that day to remind
me that courage, conviction and action are the critical tools
to fighting off Emotional Terrorism.
I resolve also to help my family and children fight Terrorism’s
Emotional Attacks. I will act as a Sentinel of Vigilance
with them—promoting courage, conviction and action when they
sense fear, intimidation and complacency. I will
remind them that Terrorism is about making us feel “less than,”
and to fight it we must stand up and not fear its bogeymen.
I resolve to keep a reminder in my home about Nine Eleven—a
symbol of vigilance—so that when times become challenging or
troubles abound, I can take a deep breath and call upon the
Sentinels of Vigilance from Nine Eleven to aid me in overcoming
my doubts and fears and apprehensions.
I vow to promote myself as a Citizen of Vigilance—one
who respects the values of Freedom and recognizes that I cannot
afford to abdicate my responsibility for internal or external
security to any single body—but, instead, must assume guardianship
over my home, my family and friends. This is the
duty of Freedom—that I and all others who live under it, are
bound to protect its principles at the doorstep of our homes,
in the neighborhoods in which we live, and the communities through
which we interact.
Finally, I vow to Never Forget to Remember Nine Eleven
or the message it sent to me and the world—that Vigilance, and
only Vigilance can destroy Terrorism.

To Dec. 31 Diary--Sunrise On Terrorism