The world's children
sit in a circle. In the middle is Saddam Hussein, playing a
flute and calling on a hooded cobra who slithers out of the basket,
fangs exposed, looking at each child hungrily. Behind
Saddam is Kim Jong Il of North Korea, also playing a flute. Out
of his basket rises a King Cobra, its hissing sound making the frozen
children sweat with fear as the snake hovers over their backs, looking
for which one it will strike. Watching are the 15 Security
Council Member Nations, arguing over when a smoking gun is smoking,
trying to diplomatically decide when a snake will strike, and when it
is "fair and just" to approve the snake's beheading. No
one sees the children shivering, or the Fear in their eyes. They
are too busy talking. |
10, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 485
Waiting For The Fangs Of Terrorism To Strike
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Jan. 10- We wait.
We watch. We wait.
The hooded cobra arches its great head and
sways before our children seated around the basket owned by the snake
charmer, its forked tongue dances out to taste the molecules of air
suspended in the silence, as if to smell our hesitation, our
reluctance, our Fear of acting without "ultimate justification."
cobra |
Our children do not move. Their
instincts tell them to remain frozen, not to flinch or flee the Fear
and Intimidation the cobra creates as its glazed eyes scan each nubile
face, selecting targets of opportunity, deciding which will be the
first to receive the venom massed in its swollen pouches of poison.
Behind our children sit fifteen members of
the United Nations Security Council arguing over 12,000 sheets of
paper Iraq supplied as an effort to stave off the U.S. military attack.
Hans Blix, chief inspector for biological and chemical arms at the
United Nations is telling the 15 Council nation members there is no
"smoking gun," no evidence of a "clear and present" danger that would
justify an assault on Iraq. There is omission and deceit,
of course, but the inspectors have not stumbled into a nuclear bomb
ticking away, or petrie dishes full of chemical or biological weapons
that would ignite Iraq into massive war of retaliation.
The children hear another hissing sound.
Their eyes slowly sneak toward it.
Behind them is another hooded cobra, much bigger than the one in front
of them. The snake charmer plays his flute and out of the
wicker rises a gargantuan reptile, its eyes far more intense than the
one in front of them, its fangs far more surgical and dripping with
x |
The North Korean
Horned Cobra |
It is a North Korean cobra and the
charmer is Kin Jong Il. Behind him his aides are ripping
into shreds and burning in protest the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
it signed in 1985. They are laughing and dancing to the music of
the flute, synchronizing their movements to that of the king cobra
that undulates and forms an "S" over the necks of the children who are
cautious not to forget the cobra in front of them, or its snake
charmer, Saddam Hussein who sardonically smiles at them as he plays and
occasionally reaches out and strokes the head of his cobra,
whispering: "It's okay, you can trust me, my snake has no
poison. Trust me. It has no poison.
Trust me."
The children, of course, do not trust
him. They can see the bulges in the cobra's venom pouches.
Their primal instincts to survive freeze them in Fear.
Today was an especially
troubling day for a TerrorHunter such as myself. I opened
the news to two devastating stories--one about the U.N. arms
inspectors finding nothing that would suggest a "smoking gun" in Iraq,
and to North Korea's defiant retreat from the nuclear nonproliferation
I thought of the United States
trying to be "diplomatic" with both snake charmers. I
thought about Winston Churchill's warnings about Adolf Hitler before
World War II when he saw the German leader as a great snake charmer,
lulling the world to believe he wouldn't strike against the innocent.
Churchill, fighting a wall of Complacency by other nations who didn't
want to act against the tyrant's rising power, said: "In
unanimity, we often find an absence of rigorous thinking."
Rigorous thinking!
I wonder if he really meant, Vigilant
Rigorous thinking implies unswerving
thoughts, a rigid clarity, a foresight into the future so that the
present cannot shake or drive off course the goal.
Unanimity, on the other hand, is the
sum of all Complacency. It takes into account the least of
all concerns as well as the most of all concerns, watering down any
rigidity, infecting clarity with so many other "considerations" that
cataracts form on the eyes of rigidity until the organ becomes blind to its
original purpose.
If we are truly Parents and Nations
of Vigilance then our rigid, rigorous thinking has but one focal
point--the safety and security of the children's children's children.
The future of their world is far more important than the compromises
we might make in ours to sate the will of those who wallow in the quagmire
of Indifference or Complacency, or those who shy away from the shadow
of Intimidation for fear an action might create a backlash that would
disrupt the current flow, or the Fear that angering the Beasts of
Terror might create retaliation and that Fear creates paralysis
through analysis.
are rising higher out of their baskets of selfishness |
Sometimes one thinks there are no
snake charmers. Russia turned its back and made no comment
on the Iraq issue, as though it didn't exist. China wants
little to do with the North Korean snake charmer for any conflict with
North Korea will send millions of refugees across China's borders,
glutting a country that has trouble juggling its own problems.
France, thirsty for Middle East oil, dances with the Devil to avoid
alliances that might make it an "unfavored" nation in the eyes of
whomever sets the pricing or flow of oil from Iraq. South Korea
wants to extend its sunshine policy, it's "kiss-and-make-up" alignment
with its northern half in hopes the two differences can meld into one.
Turkey doesn't want U.S. troops on its soil launching ground attacks
against Iraq because its new Muslim leadership is wary of the West and
has a penchant for keeping the cleavage driven firmly between East and
Germany, a major supplier of arms to
various countries, doesn't want to stop its merchandising of high
grade industrial components to nations seeking to fortress themselves
against Western oppression.
As the many faces of selfish nations
serve their private needs of complicity to the present, the snakes
rise higher and higher out of their baskets.
The children sweat.
They cannot stop the liquid
from leaking out of their pores, or trickling down the sides of their
multi-shades of skin covering their cheeks. Each from
different countries, they do not yet know they are different, that one
will grow to hate the other, or be taught the other child is an
"enemy," or be instructed the child next to him or her is an
"oppressor," who seeks to dominate the other and rule as tyrants do
the will of the children of the land.
children's circle of Love and Vigilance |
No, these
children ringed around the snake charmers to the front, and the one to
the back, have no axes yet to grind. They have yet to be taught
bigotry, prejudice, hatred, animosity or revenge. They have yet
to be told that the greatest
glory they can offer their people and nation is to strap on a bomb and
walk into a crowded bus, or that their religion is the only one, and
all others represent infidels who must be wiped off the face of the
earth to protect them.
They have yet to be told by their people
that they have a duty and responsibility to protect their way of life
even if it means starvation and deprivation, even if it means they
cannot attend school or earn unlimited amounts of money based on their
drive and ambition. They have yet to be told their lots in life,
so they do not know they should root for the cobra to strike the child
next to them from America, or the one from Britain instead of the one
from Iraq or Saudi Arabia.
"Smoking guns" |
Each child fears the snake will kill any
one of them, and in that death, they will all die a little.
The children do not know about smoking
guns, or why the adults watching them allow the snake charmers to play
their flutes while the children sit and wait for the snakes to strike.
When the children's eyes plead to the
adults for help, the children do not understand why the adults turn
their heads and bury their faces in arguments with one another over
when the danger will become so dangerous that they should act.
The children do not understand why
America is waving a flag and yelling at the others yet not doing
anything but yelling for America's Voice angers the snakes, and makes
the vipers sway more wildly.
America's Voice
often angers the Serpent Beast |
Churchill was right. "In
unanimity, we often find an absence of rigorous thinking."
What will it take for us to cut off
the heads of the vipers before they strike the children?
How many children must be bitten before the danger turns from smoke to
As a TerrorHunter and a
Sentinel of Vigilance, I ask for Parents and Grandparents and Citizens
and Loved Ones of Vigilance to pose the question--"what is rigorous
thinking?" Is it waiting until everyone agrees
before acting to protect the children's children's children?
Or, is it acting to protect the children's children's children
and then seeking agreement that those actions were right?
Do adults have to justify
what is right to do what is right?
Or, is such a process a
sign of ultimate immaturity, a signal that Complacency rather than
Right Action has hobbled the World Community into a state of unanimity
over nothing.
Keep our
children free from the venom of Terror |
If each of the Security
Council Nations were subscribers to the Pledge of Vigilance, and if
the rigorous thinking they imposed to make decisions was the security
of the children's children's children, would they argue over details
of whether North Korea or Iraq posed a clear and present danger to the
future of our children?
If our children become the core
of our decisions, Complacency has little room to infect rigorous
decision making. Unanimity becomes clear as we wipe away the
cobwebs of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency that blind us to do what
is right for the children.
I see the children being Terrorized
by the snake charmers.
Vigilance will
destroy the Serpent of Terror |
I see the alleged Guardians of the Children, the Security
Council Nations, sitting by watching the Terror happen.
I wonder which
is the worse of the two, those who Terrorize the children's
children's children, or those who allow it.
To side with
the children's children's children, take the Pledge of
Vigilance today. Be a rigorous thinker as
well as a Vigilant doer.

Jan. 9 -- Dolphin Terrorism--Lobster Vigilance
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