Article Overview: Terri
Schiavo has been "brain dead" for thirteen years. Her
husband pulled her "feeding tube" on Oct. 15. Then the Florida
Legislature passed a special law refuting the legal right he had to
let his wife "die in dignity." Who's right? Who has the
right to kill another? And what about the 1.3 million
children we allow to be "killed" each year? Do we have a
right as Parents of Vigilance to kill anyone? Find
out. |
Thursday--October 23,
2003—Ground Zero Plus 771
Who Has The Right To Kill A Child Or
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Oct. 23, 2003-- When
does a person have the right to die? Can society step in
and stop the death of someone, who, according to medical experts, is
already dead? Or, should we all respect the right of life
no matter what the world of science dictates?
Terri Schiavo
appearing to respond to her mother |
Terri Schiavo is the center of this moral
and legal debate. The 39-year-old woman's feeding tube was
disconnected on Oct. 15 on orders from her husband. Thirteen
years ago her oxygen was cut off to her brain from a heart attack.
Doctors claim she is "brain dead" but her parents, in opposition to
her husband, refuse to accept she is "legally dead."
A resident of Florida, where the law allows the
spouse not the parents to decide the right to die in the absence of
written instructions, Ms. Schiavo's husband ordered the feeding tube
removed so his wife could "die in dignity."
On October 21, 2003, the Florida Legislature and
House rushed through a special
bill HB 35E - stopping the "dignified death," stirring a hornet's nest debate
over whether the state has the right to interfere over the "dignified
death" of another. The law allows Florida's Governor, Jeb
Bush, to issue an Executive Order allowing nutrition and hydration to
be returned to the disabled Florida woman.
Since 1990, Mrs. Schiavo has been dependent on
feeding tubes to stay alive. Her father, Bob
Schindler, insists she is alert and active, "a live human being."
Doctors attending her argue that her brain is
filled with fluids, virtually ending her ability to exist in anything
other than a vegetative state.
The battle for the right to live or die is being
fought on three fronts: The courts, the legislature and the
moral desires of family members.
State House
Speaker Johnnie Byrd (R), a Senate candidate, spearheaded the
fight to keep Schiavo
alive |
Florida courts allow the spouse to make the life
and death decision by the spouse when there are no written
instructions. The radical decision by the Florida
legislature to rush through a specific law to change the decision
allowing Mrs. Schiavo to die throws a wrench into the question as to
whom has the right to adjudicate life or death in critical medical
It stirs other issues such as abortion,
forcing society to look at the morality of death and to decide the
"right to die" issue that brings into conflict the rights of the
individual versus the rights of society.
Abortion laws favor the rights of the
individual to decide whether a fetus can come to fruition or not.
Social rights take a back seat to the issue. The right of
society to enjoy another member in its ranks who may become a great
asset to humanity is dwarfed by the seemingly selfish right of the individual to
terminate that life before it i.e. he or she has a right to defend itself.
Abortion issues have huge differences
from the issue of Mrs. Schiavo in some areas. But, the two
cases are the same when it comes to the right to "kill" another human
Terrorism is about killing.
It kills our Courage, our Confidence,
our ability to take Right Action.
It turns winners into losers.
It converts stand-up people into mushrooms, hooding themselves from
the world's issues, hiding in the damp darkness of Complacency's
deepest shadows.
Then, we must face a moral dilemma.
Terri Schiavo looms up on our
television screens, magazines and newspapers. We see her eyes
open. We watch them blink.
Batteries of doctors line up on
either side, one group underscoring the scientific evidence she is
"brain dead" and will not ever recover.
The other group holds out the slim,
fragile chance she might recover.
Schiavo in the Florida courtroom (foreground) seeks his wife's
death with "dignity" |
On Ms.
Schiavo's one side, stands her husband with a feeding
tube in his hand, pulling it out of her body so she can die with
"dignity" after thirteen years in a coma.
Her parents stand on her other side
refusing to believe the sliver of hope that she might recover is worth
the agony of watching her day after day sit or lie in a helpless state
of vegetation.
Then there are the courts issuing
edicts she can die, and the Florida Legislature passing emergency laws
protecting her right to live even in the face of medical death.
And we--we the people sit in
We want to turn our heads in denial
or shout our opinion about Terri's right to life or death.
But, we hedge.
If we scream too loudly in favor of
her right to die, we must ask ourselves how loudly we scream about the
unborn child's right to live--for the moment society barks its opinion
about life and death, it must collectively shed its individuality and
assume the Parent of Vigilance role.
Would a Parent of Vigilance
arbitrarily deny the right of a child to live?
Would society, as a body of parents,
vote to kill a fetus growing in a woman's womb before the child had a
right to live life? To contribute to society? To
make a person smile when its cherub cheeks glistened in the soft
sunlight and its tiny fingers grasped the hand of an old person, whose
flesh was weathered by time and body scarred and worn by countless
Society has a
duty to protect and should vote for the life of Terri Schiavo and
the lives of unborn children |
Society has a duty to protect
children, despite the whims and wishes of the individual.
Terri Schiavo's husband may be
acting in accordance with the best of intentions by pulling the
feeding tube from his wife. But, no matter what, he is not the
Parent of Vigilance.
The Parent of Vigilance is
we--the people.
We should all vote not just
about the life or death of Terri Schiavo, but about the life or death
of the unborn children who are terminated at the rate of more than a
million a year in the United States.
From 1973-2002, according to
the Alan Guttmacher Institute, more than 44 million abortions have
been performed. This year alone, an estimated 1.3 million
fetuses will be terminated. That's 433 times as many
Terrorist deaths to unborn children as people killed in September 11,
2001 Terrorist attack.
Our national Homeland
Security systems to keep Terrorism from infiltrating our borders has
one goal--to improve the safety and security of the average U.S.
citizen. Ultimately, it is to protect the children
from the Beast of Terror.
Homeland Security.
Does it begin with stopping Terri Schiavo's death?
.jpg) |
Schindler, Parent of Vigilance and father of Terri, receiving
comfort |
Or, does it start with
looking at America's most vicious Terrorist--the right to terminate an
unborn child?
The vow of the Parents of
Vigilance is to act in behalf of the Children's Children's Children.
That means a Parent of Vigilance must think through three generations.
If I elect to kill a
fetus before it is born, before it can produce children and
grandchildren, and great grandchildren, I have taken the feeding tube
out of the belly of future generations. I have aborted the
While it is easy for us to look
at Terri Schiavo and feel either pity for her plight, or anger
regarding the battle over her life or death, we must look at Terri
Schiavo as a Parent of Vigilance.
Her presence in our minds, on
the news, and in moral discussion groups is, to me, a presence of a
Sentinel of Vigilance.
The millions
of children aborted in the U.S. have no "right to die" and no
"right to live" |
Alive in body and perhaps
spirit, she is our Mirror of Vigilance.
She demands us to look not at
her, but at future generations of the unborn--those who, unlike her,
have no rights to live or die to be put into question.
The millions of children
who will be aborted in the U.S. have no "right to die" and no "right
to live."
We allowed the Terrorists
of Individuality to steal those rights from us, and, through our Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency as a society, we continue to let the
Beast of Terror kill our children before they can be seen, heard, or
evolve into the magnificence of life.
your feelings toward Terri Schiavo, I believe she is acting as a
Sentinel of Vigilance. She is asking you to look at her feeding
tube and ask yourself--"Would you pull the feeding tube from a fetus?"
If you wouldn't, then
perhaps you should stand up for the unborn.
I believe Terri Schiavo
And the Beast of Terror
doesn't like it.
Show your support for Terri
Schiavo. Take the Pledge of Vigilance today.
