CIA's Halloween
Terrorism Report--Terrorism is growing among the youth. 83%
of young people world wide live in developing countries. It is a
breeding ground for young Terrorists. Learn how Terrorism can be
stopped by teaching the youth Vigilance. Challenge yourself to
take the free Pledge of Vigilance and fight Terrorism's march into the
future. |
Thursday--October 31, 2002—Ground
Zero Plus 414
The CIA's Halloween
Terrorism Report
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
City, October 31 --
It's Halloween, 2002, just 414 days post Ground
Zero when, on September 11, 2001, America and the world was launched into
a War on Terrorism.
Things haven't gotten better.
In some ways, they've worsened.
The recently released declassified
portion of the CIA report to the Senate Intelligence Committee headed by
Bob Graham, is far from comforting. If anything, it suggests a
long battle with Terrorism, and an ever increasing threat to the security
of the developed world.
The primary source of this
threat is what is termed the "youth bulge." The CIA
report, released Monday (Oct. 28, 2002), stated:
"While we are striking major
blows against Al Qaeda – the preeminent global terrorist threat, the
underlying causes that drive terrorists will persist. Several
troublesome global trends – especially the growing demographic youth
bulge in developing nations whose economic systems and political
ideologies are under enormous stress – will fuel the rise of more
disaffected groups willing to use violence to address their
perceived grievances." |
"Tricks more than
Treats" |
According to the Population Resource Center, a Washington-based public
policy forum, in 2001, 30 percent of
the world’s population was between the ages of 15 and 24. Although the
proportion of this age group is expected to decline, the net of young
adults will grow from 914 million to 1.13 billion in 2025. Eighty-three
percent of people under age 25 live in the developing world.
Reading between the lines, the CIA
seems to be broadcasting that Terrorism remains the domain of the
youth--the disenfranchised youth who battle with the disparity of what
they "don't have" versus all those who "have." And, it seems
they are coming to "Trick or Treat" upon those who have bags of
offering more "Tricks" than "Treats."
The CIA's comment about the "the
underlying causes that drive terrorists will persist," has everything to
do with economic disparity.
Again, the Population Resource Center
targets the economic issue of the developing nations versus the developed
ones with hard-hitting facts:
 | Much of the developing world lags far behind North America and
Western Europe in terms of income, employment and poverty. The
wealthiest nations such as Luxembourg, Switzerland and the United
States had annual Gross National Products (GNP) of $44,340, $38,120
and $34,260 in 2000, compared with an average annual GNP of $420 for
low-income nations. Almost three-fourths of the 43 nations with
annual GNPs less than $420 were in Sub-Saharan Africa, while the
rest were in Central and South East Asia. |
 | The Middle East and North Africa have some of the highest rates
of unemployment in the world (14% for the region in the mid-1990s).
In order to sustain these levels, millions of jobs will have to be
created over the next few years. For example, Egypt (with a total
labor force of 19.9 million) must create 500,000 jobs per year (or
an increase of 2.5 percent per year) to sustain current unemployment
levels. In contrast, the American labor force expands by about one
percent per year. |
 | About half of the world lives on two dollars a day or less, and
1.2 billion people live on less than one dollar a day in 2001.
Almost two-thirds of the population in developing countries lives
without basic sanitation, one-fifth do not attend school through
grade five, and one-fourth are malnourished. |
There certainly are other issues besides money at play--social, political,
religious. But the clear dividing line is the cleavage between
the "haves" and the "have nots."
As a young boy I grew up envious of the "rich" or the "haves."
I was the product of a "caste system,"--the military, where the enlisted
and officers were separated by a brick status wall. In pure
feudal terms, the enlisted (my family) was the "have nots," and the gentry
(officers) were the "haves."
Knowing I had been
born "socially poor," irked me. I was embittered by the fact
that just around the block were the "officers," and that I couldn't
fraternize with their children because I "didn't belong."
In a minor but
still traumatic way, I was a "ghetto kid," deprived of the benefits of
"normal society" because of my lot in life. I grew angry
at the "lines in the sand." I retaliated and drove myself to
achieve in spite of my lack of "social or economic" status, but all along
the way I continually felt I "didn't belong" and that I was never
"accepted" in the inner circles into which I so vaingloriously
shoved myself.
The Gross National
Product figures of $34,260 for the United States versus $420 for the
low-income nations serves only to foster more anger and resentment in the
youth of a global world. The fact that 83 percent of those
under 25 years of age live in shattered worlds of poverty and hopelessness
seems to fuel the fires of Terrorism for the future. And since
the prospect of "rising above the salt" is despairing to them, then
retaliation against the "haves" is an easy alternative.
Instead of evolving with globalization, the youth band together as do
gangs in economically deprived neighborhoods and create their own "turf"
and their own "government," usually aimed at "taking from the rich."
Since money can't be
the goal, social, political and religious idealism can be the reward.
Sometimes the greatest wealth youth can stuff in their pockets isn't the
gold and baubles from physical victory, but rather the knowledge they have
brought the "Imperialistic Wolves" to their knees, that they have struck a
blow to the belly of the "Capitalistic Beast," or they have destroyed the
"infidel" who seeks only to oppress them more with their Westernization,
stealing from them the one thing they treasure--their passion to believe
they are more right than wrong in their beliefs.
James Dean's starring role in
Rebel Without A Cause (1955) symbolized America's youthful
Terrorist Bulge. In the 50's, U.S. children revolted against
their parents, society, and institutions. They struck out on
their own to prove that anyone "over thirty" couldn't be trusted, moving
into the Sixties with the Hippie Movement and ultimately into the Yuppies
and eventually into 401k's and Microsoft stock. Had they
not had the opportunity to assimilate into society and enjoy its economic
fruits, they too might have become the stalwart Terrorists the CIA is most
concerned about.
The problem of the
world's "youth bulge" doesn't appear to do anything but grow worse in the
future. Again, the Population Resource Center provides some
population facts that indicate the developing nation's "youth ranks" will
continue to grow.
 | According to medium projections of the United Nations, the
world’s population (currently 6.1 billion) will be 9.3 billion
in 2050. Between 2000 and 2050, less developed countries will
account for almost 99 percent of world population growth, with a
population increase of 61 percent. Sub-Saharan Africa will grow by
143 percent, and Near Eastern countries will grow by 132 percent. In
contrast, the European continent will lose 86 million people, a
number slightly larger than the population of Germany. |
 | The United States is the only industrialized country expected to
rank among the top ten nations in population in 2050. Seventeen
countries will have populations of 100 million or more by
mid-century; India and China will have 1.6 and 1.5 billion people,
respectively. |
The Terrorism of being "stuck" in ones "rut" with no way out, creates
nourishment for the Beast of Terror to sharpen his fangs, and to find some
veins to sink them into. Developed nations are the easiest
targets, just as the rich are the first protest point for the poor to
attack and claim their oppression and misfortune is the result of
another's freedom and fortune.
That's why the
Youth of Vigilance Corps is so essential. Children in
developed nations who grow up with the Pledge of Vigilance, and subscribe
to the Principles of Vigilance, will be better armed to defend themselves
from the assaults that will grow as the population explodes over the nest
five decades.
It is also a key to
spreading the word of "Vigilance" rather than one of retaliation, hatred,
polarization. There are limitless, untapped ways to
bring the Principles of Vigilance to the youth of the world.
If the developed world's children, its "youth bulge" were to gather
resources to circumvent their peers from picking up clubs and stones and
throwing them at glass houses, we can start reducing the future Terror
that lurks just around the corner.
Such a movement
starts with Parents of Vigilance. No one has the right to
impose his or her will on another, but one can set an example that stands
above the Beast of Terror, and signals to the world's youth that there are
other alternatives than Terrorism to resolve the disparity between one
station and another.
This decision
requires a parent to look ahead to the future not only of his or her children,
but to all children. Since the core of the Pledge of Vigilance is to
take the Right Actions in behalf of the children's children's children, it
moves the Duty of Vigilance beyond one's own family, and into a greater
world, one of all children.
When we begin to
think in children's generations, we see the need for our own to be
protected as well as others from the horrors of Terrorism. And
that Terrorism we talk about is not just about bombs and bullets and biochemicals, but about Fear, Intimidation and Complacency--the emotional
as well as the physical.
Beast of Terror |
Emotional Terrorism
stunts anyone's evolution, whether they are in a developed or undeveloped
nation. That Beast of Terror can and should be fought first.
When our children learn how to manage more Courage than Fear, more
Conviction than Intimidation, and take more Right Actions than falling
victim to Complacency--we will have moved our world and the others who
comprise it closer to a State of Vigilance and farther from a State of
The simple
but complex solution to Terrorism is to not be Terrorized by it. But
that takes an incredible constitution of belief, one not easily earned.
But when it is, the Terrorists who bargain in Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency will go bankrupt. When one has no market for his
or her wares, trading stops. When a society no long accepts
cowering and stands up both physically and emotionally to Terrorism's
threats, the power of Terrorism drains.
It all
begins, however at home.
The Gift of
Vigilance |
On Halloween, 2002, one of the great "treats" one
can give children is the gift of Vigilance. So when
you're handing out the candy tonight, add a comment: "And
here's some special Courage, and some very nice Conviction,
and some wonderful Right Actions for you to go along with the

30--Sweet Strings Of Vigilance
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