Article Overview:
What do you tell a child about Vigilance on Halloween?
Tonight is the night we become the Beast of Terror and unmask his
power by becoming what he is--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
But, it is also a time to reinforce the power of Vigilance--and to use
this evening as a time to teach a child how to face Fear with Courage,
Intimidation with Conviction, and Complacency with Right Action. |
31, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 779
Unmasking The Beast Of Halloween
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Oct. 31, 2003--One
night of the year, Terrorism's Fear, Intimidation and Complacency is
given a public outing by parents and children. It's called
On Halloween
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency is given a public outing by
parents and children |
For 364 days of the year in the United States and
other nations who celebrate the event, Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency often skulk in the shadows of people's lives, leaping out
unexpectedly to scare and frighten the population--to induce
bone-rattling offense against the security of lives, and, often, to
maim and bloody people so they cower at the thought of shadows in the
night, or shy from faces carved into masks of horror.
But on this night--Halloween--the children and
parents of nearly 300,000 million who reside in America, and all those
other millions who adhere to Halloween around the globe, shed their
reservations about the Beast of Terror and don his skin.
Fearless, society becomes the Beast of Terror.
....the Beast
of Terror |
becomes Fearless and... |
Normally quiet, reserved people put on horror
masks and shift gears in their usually dormant personalities to
release within them the Beast of Terror--rushing about to find
"victims" to scare, hoping they will startle and frighten others by
the bizarre and sometimes blood-soaked facade of costumes that range
from Walt Disney to Freddy Kruger's scared, gnarled face with fiery
eyes glowing with the coals of Hell itself.
It is a time when the Beast of Terror is
neutralized by those whom the Beast tries to make slaves of his will.
Halloween is a time when we get to know the
Beast better. We look it in the face. We unmask its
humanity. We realize that Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency is nothing more than veneer, a thin and empty covering
over our psyche that can either be stripped quickly or allowed to seep
into the cracks of our souls and haunt us the remaining 364 days of
the year.
Tonight is a great opportunity for Parents of
Vigilance to unmask the Beast of Terror. It is a time when a
Parent, Grandparent or Loved One of Vigilance can have a conversation
with a child such as the following:
Dialog Between Parent
of Vigilance (POV) and Child Of Vigilance (COV)
About the True Meaning Of Halloween.
POV--"Tonight, you get a
chance to really scare everyone."
COV--"Yes. I will scare everybody. Boo!
POV--"You know that being scared and scaring is about pretending
you are scared."
COV--"I can pretend really good. Boo! Boo!
Are you scared?"
POV--"Oh, yes. But, I want you remember that when you
are scared of something, it's just how you look at things.
If you see scary things in life like you see them on Halloween,
you'll never really be scared for long."
COV--"What does that mean?"
POV--"It mean, like when you're sleeping in bed and you think
there's a monster in the closet it's your imagination playing
tricks on you. If you want to unmask the monster, all
you have to do is turn on the light. And pooof, the monster
is gone. Or, call for Mommy or Daddy and we'll turn the
light on. See, the goblins of the mind try to make
you think you are afraid. When you turn on the light, when
you unmask your imagination, you see things clearly. You
aren't scared any more."
COV--"Like, if someone really scares me and I cry...and then they
take off their mask...and I laugh...because they really aren't a
POV--" that. But sometimes in life we think the
monsters rule. We think all the world is after us.
And we try and hide from it. Or we shut ourselves in our
rooms and lock the door. The monsters of life like to
make us quiver and shake like Jell-O. They like to
make us hide from ourselves--and sometimes, they like to make us
COV--"So, if I think of monsters as people with masks...I can
unmask them in my that what you mean? Take the
mask off them by turning on the light in my brain..."
POV--"That's it...if you feel afraid of anything...take a deep
breath and tell yourself to turn on your mind's
light...switch...all of a sudden you see just a person behind the
mask...there is no real monster...maybe they are trying to be a
monster...but they are just a person trying to bully you.
You know how bullies are...they like to make you afraid...well,
they are just people. They are like the scariest of all
costumes...but when you take off their masks...they are just
COV--"Sometimes I'm afraid of some people. They look mean.
You mean they are wearing masks?"
POV--"Kind of. Some people are mean and want to hurt
other people. But that's because they believe they are
monsters. They really aren't. They only become
monsters when we believe they are. We have to stand up
to bullies. We have to unmask them. If we don't, then
the bullies rule. Vigilance is about unmasking
bullies. Tonight, the scariest person you see in a costume
is only pretending. Lots of mean and scary
people are pretending to be the Beast of Terror. They like
to make you feel Fear, or make you feel small and helpless.
They like you to feel like you can't do anything but run and hide
from them."
COV--"So, tonight, I should not be afraid of being afraid?"
POV--"That's right. Tonight, underneath your costume, you
can be Sentinel of Vigilance. You can unmask all the
scary, frightening people you see in your mind. You can turn
the Light of Vigilance on all the boogeymen and boogeywomen you
COV--"And, you'll be there with me in case we see a real scary
person who isn't pretending, right?"
POV--"I'll be there. I'll be right next to you...whispering
in your ear--"Courage...Conviction...Right Actions...."
COV--"That means--Don't Be Afraid--?"
POV--"That's right--I'll remind you that the Beast of Terror wears
a mask...and all you have to do is unmask the Beast in your
mind...and never forget that no one can really scare you for long
unless you let them..."
COV--"Wait...there's one thing I want to take with me tonight.
I want to put it in my pocket to help me when I get scared..."
POV--"What's that?"
COV--"The Pledge of Vigilance you read every morning...just in
case I get too scared...I'll squeeze it for strength..."
POV--"Let's go have a fun time...and unmask the Beast of
COV--"Yeah...let's go and scare him...." |
