Article Overview:
The world despises America for many reasons--the greatest of all
reasons is our success as a superpower. Our politicians
claim we have destroyed the "goodwill" created by Nine Eleven through
unilateral actions in Iraq. But, are they right or are
they only another form of "Domestic Terrorism" seeking to weaken the
United States from within? Find out what Time
Magazine has to say, and why the world has always been jealous of
America--long before September 11, 2001. |
13, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 792
Why The World Despises America And
How Political Terrorism Within Feeds On Our Nation's Wealth
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Nov. 13, 2003--
Terrorism comes in degrees. It starts out in Little League
fashion, and, as it realizes it has the power to create Fear, force
Intimidation and drive its fans into Complacency, it chugs forward
until it steamrolls toward the Big Leagues. Right now,
it's evolved to Triple A play in Iraq. And the fans are
cheering--unfortunately, many of those fans are American politicians
siding with world opinion that America is wrong and shouldn't be the
Nation of Vigilance protecting the world from the Beast of Terror.
The Beast of
Terror thrives on body count |
Each day more and more Americans are dying at the
hands of Terrorism. For some, it is a sign we should get out of
Iraq. For others, it is the most important reason why we should
finish what we started.
Body count is what Terrorism thrives upon;
it reminds Americans and the world that we have little chance to win a
war of stability when the national field upon which it is playing is
laced with booby traps. Every time a fielder runs to catch
a ball he steps on a landmine. The pitcher on the opposing
team is throwing hand grenades instead of baseballs. And
the TerrorTeam is using rocket launchers rather than bats.
The ugly side of war--it's aftermath--isn't
glorious. Occupation and restructuring a society built on
political and religious tyranny and oppression to one of freedom and
liberty is not unlike trying to leap from the Model T to the Lincoln
And the world knows it.
Even the Red Cross is hightailing it
out of Baghdad.
And at home, political Terrorists are
attacking the President and his Administration. The Democrats
are blocking judicial appointments, using the filibuster to shout and
rage over appointments that will keep the system of government
flowing. By clogging up the appointments, Political Terrorists
hope to weaken the President, to shoot holes in his ability to lead
within his own country, further fueling the fires that enflame
Terrorists in Iraq to play harder ball, to kill more Americans and
drive the United States out of Iraq. A house divided is a
playground for Terrorism.
There's an expression that best sums
up what is happening abroad and domestically. It goes:
"Never hit a man when he's down: kick him, it's easier!"
The Democrats are in the process of
kicking President Bush as he's scrambling to keep his batting order in
tip-top shape. But, the fans in the stands are unruly.
Even his own are booing and cheering; their Voices melding and
blending with the Terrorists in Iraq as they try to clog and bog him
in a domestic quagmire geared to cut his legs off and render him an
"impotent coach."
The Senate filibuster and the
mounting deaths in Iraq are weakening the USA Team at home as well in
the battlefields far away.
One is made to
wonder what America's policies are all about |
It makes one wonder what America's
national and domestic policies are all about. If one looks
at the rhetoric of the Democrats, it's about fostering Terrorism.
The goal of the invectives issuing from their mouths is about
America's flaws in leadership in Iraq, and the waste of effort to
protect the world from Terrorism. The filibuster
effort by the Democrats is nothing more than a diversion, a fire set
in the kitchen to keep the head of household from focusing on the
Beast of Terror who threatens not only the United States, but the
world at large.
One of our nation's greatest critics,
the famous French publication, Le Monde, ran an
editorial on September 12, 2001 with the headline: "We Are All
Americans." It recanted that implication a few
months later with another publication, a small book, titled:
"All Americans? The World After September 11, 2001."
Charles Krauthammer's essay in
the November 17, 2003 Time Magazine sums it up. The
title of his lucid commentary is "To Hell with Sympathy."
His point is that immediately following the attack on the World Trade
Center on Nine Eleven, the world seemed to rally around the United
Krauthammer |
In his own way,
he slams the Democrats with a hard curve ball of his own.
He points out how Al Gore said: "The president has somehow
squandered the international outpouring of sympathy, goodwill and
solidarity that followed the attacks of September 11." He
cites John Kerry saying: "He has squandered the goodwill of the
world after September 11." Krauthammer doesn't buy the
vitriolic words spewing from Democratic candidates, and critics
seeking to oust the President and his team of anti-Terrorists who have
acted unilaterally despite every effort to seek support from other
Krauthammer's point is as clear
as a 98 mph fastball slicing the outside corner of home plate a Yankee
Stadium. He reminds every reader whose eyes touch
his words that the world doesn't like America, never has, and, as long
as we are the world power we are, never will.
He makes the point that until America
is on its knees, groveling, the world will continue to throw its rocks
and stand by in hopes we will eat ourselves to death from within an a
vainglorious attempt to appease all our critics.
The Time author reminds us
that our most apologetic President, Bill Clinton, went to his knees in
forgiveness of great American sins to no avail. He says
this of President Clinton: "Bill Clinton was the most
accommodating, sensitive, multilateralist President one can imagine,
and yet we know that al-Qaeda began the planning for Sept. 11
precisely during his presidency. Clinton made humility his
vocation, apologizing variously for African slavery, for internment of
Japanese Americans, for not saving Rwanda. He even decided
that Britain should return the Elgin Marbles to Greece. A
lot of good that did. Bin Laden issued his Declaration of War on
America in 1996--at the height of the Clinton Administration's
hyperapologetic, good citizen internationalism.
The world
doesn't like America because it the "big guy" |
Krauthammer's message is the world doesn't like
America because it is a superpower. It is the "big guy" and the
only superpower left on earth following the collapse of the Soviet
Empire. The world doesn't like us. It never has.
So, the cries of the Democratic
wolves that President Bush has "squandered" our world support is
nothing more than a prejudiced umpire calling a clear-cut strike on a
3-2 count a ball.
It comes down to jealously.
The world doesn't like what we have, because we have it all.
If you live next to the rich guy in the big house who has all the food
and clothes and technical amenities of life, and, all the
opportunities and freedoms one can imagine, and you have less than
that person, wouldn't you be jealous too?
Of course, there's this other issue
that Krauthammer makes. It's about our willingness to die
for everyone even when they kick us and spit on us for protecting
them. Here's how Krauthammer puts it in his essay:
"We cannot win for losing. We are widely
reviled as enemies of Islam, yet in the 1990's we engaged three times
in combat--in the Persian Gulf and in the Balkans--to rescue Kuwait,
Bosnia and Kosovo, Muslim peoples all. And, in the last two
cases, there was nothing in it for the U.S.: it was
humanitarianism and good international citizenship of the highest
International citizenship
of the "highest order." What does that mean?
For me, it means we are
TerrorHunters. It means we are Parents and Citizens of
Vigilance, willing to die for the rights of the future generations,
for people not only in our own country, but in any country.
Yet this message is
buried in ugly debates of our foreign policy and ignored by our own
media and politicians. The world doesn't like it when one
parent tells another parent "if you don't protect your children we
That gripes a world
used to being ruled by selfish interests, by leaders who like to
isolate themselves from the duty and responsibility to
"humanitarianism." America faces those challenges with its
blood, the blood of its young. But the world doesn't see
us the way we see ourselves.
We are
Sentinels of Vigilance. We have always been the world's
policeman, the benevolent dictator of human rights. We
will preemptively attack those who threaten the world, while others
sit on their hands and wait for the Beast of Terror to gobble up their
own children.
Krauthammer says in
his concluding two paragraphs: "The search for logic in
anti-Americanism is fruitless. It is in the air the world
breathes. Its roots are envy and self-loathing--by peoples who,
yearning for modernity but having failed at it, find their own
satisfaction in despising modernity's great exemplar.
On Sept. 11 they
gave it a rest for a day. Big deal."
"Modernity" is more than just a
word. It is a the sum of the meaning of Vigilance, for it means
we, as a nation, have always looked ahead to the future not only of
our children, but to the future of the world's children.
Terrorism is about threatening
the future of the world's children. Whether Terrorism
takes the form of physical attacks by guerrillas in Iraq, or it takes
shape in the abuse of children here in the Untied States, we jealousy
guard the right of the child to live outside the shadow of the Beast
of Terror.
Sexual abuse of children has
recently become one of America's great efforts to resolve. A sex
abuser today has his picture plastered in any neighborhood he tries to
infiltrate. Not many nations follow this path.
The rights of all are
championed to extremes sometimes. Minorities become
majorities in most conflicts, and the underdog is given the benefit of
the doubt, for America's golden rule has always been, "do for the weak
what the strong have already done."
When we freed the rights of
women in Iraq, we sent a shock through the Middle East.
But, our politicians--the
alleged Voices of the people--speak not of America's greatness in the
world despite its critics, instead they flog our success and feed the
Beast of Terror's appetite for division and derision within our own
castle walls.
It bothers
me greatly that a child who sees us fighting for the freedom of
children in another land, hears alleged leaders of this nation crying
that we are wrong, that our Chief Executive Officer is violating the
rules of leadership by stumbling and bumbling, by spending money
abroad that should be used at home.
What a child in America sees is his
parents and family in a bitter fight over who is the best parent.
The child sees people fighting over power and the victim of all that
wasted effort is the child who needs to see unity and purpose rather
than Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
If only the parents who fight for
power knew the Beast of Terror was sitting outside their door licking
his lips, eyeing the child, eager to eat him or her when the parents
got into the next fight--if only then, they might stop and look to the
They might see what Charles Krauthammer
sees--that what someone thinks of us isn't as important as what we
think of ourselves.
If we think we are Sentinels of Vigilance,
we will act that way. But, if we think we are the opinion of
others, we will become the Beast of Terror's next meal.
