Article Overview:
A "Force For Good" or an "Evil Empire," that is the question posed
before British citizens as President Bush makes the first state visit
to England. |
18, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 797
America's "Force Of Good" Makes
First State Visit To Queen Of England
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Nov. 18, 2003--
President George Bush will be the first American President in the
history of the nation to make an official "state visit" to England
that includes staying with the Queen of England.
President Bush
will be the first American President to make an official "State
visit" to England |
The closest "state
visit" in American history was in 1918 when President Woodrow Wilson
stayed at Buckingham Palace during a Christmas visit to then King
George V, however, that visit was not considered a "state visit," full
of pomp and ceremony honoring the visitor in regal fashion.
But, there is more at stake than pomp and
ceremony with President Bush and his wife sleeping in Buckingham
Palace. There is a great risk the visit will be marred by the
footprints of the Beast of Terror who will line the streets in the
thousands protesting the relations between Great Britain and the
United States over the war in Iraq.
More than 14,000 police, triple the normal amount, will
be on hand to keep protestors angry over President Bush's visit from
turning the event into a radical left-wing spectacle.
Ironically, the British people have endorsed the visit
in a tacit manner.
According to a public opinion poll published this week
in the Guardian newspaper, 62 percent of Brits agreed that America was
"generally speaking, a force for good." On the opposite
end of the spectrum, 15 percent thought the USA was "an evil empire."
Conducted by pollster ICM, the survey noted that
43 percent of those asked said Bush should visit Britain versus 36
percent opposing his presence.
There has been
an upward swing
favoring Britain's roll
in Iraq since September's poll.............
(picture from last summer) |
Prime Minister Tony
Blair, under constant attack for supporting the United States, fared
well in the ICM poll of 1,000 respondents over support of the war in
Iraq. Forty-seven percent supported his decision to go to
war in this weekend's poll, up from 38 percent from a similar query
taken in September. Opposition to the war lost favor.
It sank 12 points to 41 percent.
The swing of 21 percent is worthy of note--9
percent up in favor of Britain's role in Iraq and 12 percent down,
against the U.K's involvement.. In September, 53 percent
of those polled were against British involvement in Iraq, dwarfing a
mere 38 percent who were in favor of it. Now, the majority
opinion favors British Vigilance in Iraq--47 percent pro vs. 41
percent con.
What happened to the 53 con vs. 38 pro position
within British citizens?
Why would a vast majority against involvement in
Iraq make such a shift in such a short time?
protestor clinging to the fence of Buckingham Palace last
night |
One answer is the
growing arrogance of the Beast of Terror, and the growing threat that
that Terrorism is a growing not diminishing threat to the children of
the world.
As more and more Americans and British
troops die in Iraq trying to bring democracy and freedom to the 24
million citizens of that land, the footsteps of the Beast of Terror
thunder clearer and louder in the ears of those who sit on the
sidelines. The threat of the encroachment of Terrorism widens
rather than shrinks.
The shift in public opinion in
Britain in such a short time might be directly related to history.
To turn our backs on Iraq is a virtual guarantee that tyranny and
oppression will flood back into Iraq's vulnerable veins.
It suggests that Terrorism will regain its strangle hold, perhaps with
more strength than ever before. Running from Iraq at this
moment in time is not unlike the scenario of all the citizens of
Britain hiding in their cellars when Nazi Germany threatened to invade
the small island during World War II. Instead of running,
the citizens of England stood boldly on the borders, thrust out their
chests and dared the Beast of Nazi Terrorism to force them to
In a stretch of history, the Iraqi issue is
not unlike the one England faced six decades ago. The more
people run and duck and weave to escape the wrath of the Beast of
Terror, the stronger the Beast becomes for he feeds on Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
Four-hundred Americans have been killed in
Iraq and some 52 British since the start of the war in March.
One might think that an escalation of deaths in the post-war
reconstruction of Iraq would add fuel to the fires of protestors, and
drive those against the war into larger numbers rather than shrink
The recent surge of deaths in Iraq has done
the opposite to the British people, at least in terms of the most
recent ICM poll regarding the pros and cons of British involvement in
Iraq. The shift from 53 percent against and 38 percent in favor
to 47 percent in favor vs. 41 percent against is a dramatic mirror of
responsibility .
The British
aren't buying the logic that Saddam will regain power and punish
those who align with the allies |
Saddam Hussein is
allegedly paying Terrorists to kill as many allies as possible in
constant guerrilla attacks. All of them are designed to weaken
and cripple public opinion, to send shock waves through Iraqi citizens
that Saddam will regain power and anyone who aligns with the allies
will be punished when he regains power.
But the British aren't buying that logic.
At least, the poll suggest they aren't.
If they were, the numbers of protestors
against the war would be growing not shrinking. But the
opposite is happening.
The more deaths that mount up on allies
ledger, the more support seems to swell on the British side of the
pond. It is as though the public opinion in Britain was
sending a message to Saddam and other Terrorists that the more they
try to drive us into states of Complacency, the more we will thrust
out our chests and fight.
It appears the
citizens of Britain are becoming more Citizens of Vigilance |
In other
words, the citizens of Britain are becoming more Citizens of
Vigilance, Parents of Vigilance, than victims of Complacency.
The British may be realizing that turning away from the Beast of
Terror today will only invite his visits tomorrow.
Then, there is one more factoid to
throw into this pot. The ICM poll also underscored that 62
percent agreed that America was "generally speaking, a force for
Despite all the criticism of the
radical left, and the ease one might take in wanting to turn away from
conflict in far-off lands that appears to fly in the face of global
diplomacy (i.e. unilateral attacks), the British realize America is
not fighting in Iraq for personal, national glory or bounty.
America, despite its critics, does
what is right even if the world thinks it is wrong. And, it
doesn't take spoils of war for its efforts.
The "forces of
good Voices" will be Vigilant |
The "force of good" endorsement means a lot to every American.
When our men and women suffer and die in combat, we often wonder why
we are putting our young people in harm's way. Then the
quote: "force of good" rings across the sea.
President Bush may meet a lot of
hollow Voices ranting and raving along the public paths he takes from
the left who attacks anything that moves in righteous paths.
But, if he has the vision that has brought him this far, he'll hear
the Voices of the Sentinels of British Vigilance.
They will be shouting: "Don't
Listen To The Forces Of Protest--We Are With You--We Are Your Forces
Of Good Voices..." And, the sound of the symphony
will be 62 percent greater than the grumbles and roars of the Beast of
Terror's foot soldiers.
