Article Overview:
Terrorism comes in many shapes and sizes, including a CBS mini-series
attempting to portray President Ronald Reagan as a bigot, prejudiced
against gays, and doing his best to "make them suffer" by stalling AIDs support. But the American public views Ronald Reagan
slightly differently. They see him as a Sentinel of Vigilance
who took on the Beast of Terror and crushed the Castle of Communism.
What do you think? Is he a Sentinel of Vigilance or Beast of
Terror? Find out what I think. |
5, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 784
Terrorizing Ronald Reagan's Legacy
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Nov. 5, 2003-- I hired
Ronald Reagan when he was making his bid for President of the United
McKenzie, Editor of Vigilance Voice greeting Ronald Reagan |
I didn't know then that he would become the
target of Entertainment Terrorism, or that pre-emptive strikes against
a mini-series produced by CBS would shadow the current battle America
is facing in trying to contain Terrorism.
My relationship with Ronald Reagan began in the late 70's
when I was planning a national convention for more than 100,000 of our
brokers and salespeople. I was the senior vice president of
marketing for Century 21 International Real Estate. We
boasted over 7,500 franchises throughout North America at the time,
and enjoyed a sales force of one-tenth of a million people.
Adding their families to the population count--mothers, fathers,
uncles, aunts, children, the political impact of our real estate army
soared into the millions.
Political seekers were eager to use our
forums to espouse their views, and, to win both economic as well as
voting support for tough elections. The Presidential race
of 1980 was roosting on the horizon, so Ronald Reagan's staff was
eager to accept our invitation to speak. So was Gerald
We decided to split the speakers, a former
President and would-be President. Our conventions were so
large at the time we had to split them into two halves, bringing in
one half and then the other. Facilities in Las Vegas,
where we held the conventions, could only handle us if we divided our
Reagan was strikingly easy to talk with |
I remember meeting President Reagan when he
arrived to speak. He was a pleasant man, engaging, and
strikingly common. By that, I mean he was easy to talk
with. He had little airs about him, and unlike other
prominent people I had rubbed shoulders with, made you feel more
important than he. He was, as the expression goes,
"of the earth."
He spoke from a well of truth, or, at least what
sounded like the truth. It is always hard to use the word
"truth" when referring to politicians, for compromise is the key to
their success, and something said one day may shift the next.
Reagan, it appeared, seemed to speak from rocks
of belief. There was an air about him of credibility, a
sense in your guts you believed he believed what he was saying, and
that the words he spoke were not scripted to appease the sound bites.
Reagan, a legend for crumbling the Berlin Wall, shaking
hands with Prime Minister Gorbachev |
After his election, and his subsequent battles with
communism, he became a legend for crumbling the Berlin Wall, for
shaking the foundations of a enemy that had put the world on the brink
of nuclear war.
His presidency was akin a movie script.
An actor rising to lead the free world and then smashing as David did
Goliath the castle of communism and, to top it off, to start the long
and still unraveling process of reducing the nuclear war threat posed
by America's and Russia's High Noon standoff.
Of course, there were other issues he brought to
the table, such as "trickle down economics" which eventually trickled
down to the benefit of President Clinton and resulted in a long era of
prosperity that started years before.
The wealth of
the United States came from the "trickle down economics" of the
Reagan administration |
Many might argue this point, but if you
historically look up the word "trickle" and then the word "gush" there
are a number of words, and metaphorically time, that exist between
the two. I have always believed the "gush" enjoyed by the
"trickle" fell upon the Clinton legacy, and that the wealth of the
United States during that time came from the "trickle down economics"
of the Reagan administration, 1981-1980.
But, this story is not about trying to
justify the greatness of a President who stopped Nuclear Terrorism in
its tracks, and was the singular cause for the disrobing of the Soviet
Empire's Beast of Terror that suffocated so many countries under its
tyranny and oppression
In 1982 when Ronald
Reagan, in a speech to the
British House of Commons, called Russia an "evil empire," the die was cast for
the removal of Terrorism from the world. At the time, the
Soviet Empire enjoyed a population of nearly 300 million, including
Russia as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Today, the Russian population is 145 million as a
result of nations, once ruled by the Soviet Empire, seeking their
The CBS Network, scheduled to release the Reagan
mini-series this month, has decided to shovel the show over to its
sister network,
Showtime, a pay-for-view channel often called "television's Siberia."
The reason for the retreat by CBS of the
mini-series comes from accusations that it was produced to discredit
President Reagan's legacy, and, that it was historically inaccurate.
Reagan, once
more, was in the middle of the Terrorist battle |
One of the more prominent claims by conservatives
who lobbied against the airing of the show was it portrayed Ronald
Reagan as anti-Aids, and treated his character as a cartoonish
buffoon, reeking of bigotry and prejudice against certain groups.
Conservative media blasted the mini-series as
"left-wing propaganda" and launched a major campaign that put pressure
on advertisers to withdraw support of the show.
Reagan, once more, was in the middle of the
Terrorist battle. On one side stood an army of rock throwers
seeking to bash his image, and, on the other, another army bashing the
Anyone caught in the middle ground of Complacency
was forced to take sides. There was no ducking or weaving.
The issue of the Reagan Legacy is more today
about the Right vs. the Left.
The Right is screaming "debauchery" and the
Left is screaming "defacto censorship." Both have
their rights to scream, but the louder Voice seems to have won.
James Brolin,
playing Reagan, on the set of "The Reagan Years" |
At this moment, CBS is moving the show from
prime time to Showtime. Fox News is lobbying as this is
written to have CBS shelve the show, to pull it from Showtime.
Whether the mini-series will see the light
of day or not is still up for question, but what is not subject to
debate is the resolve the American public has for its Sentinels of
Few can challenge the massive impact that
Ronald Reagan created in America and the world. He called
the Soviet Empire's bluff. He positioned himself as the
Sentinel of Vigilance, not unlike Franklin Delano Roosevelt did when
he elected to support England in the battle against Nazi Germany, or
George Washington when he led his rag-tag army across the frozen
Delaware to prove America's resolve against the British Empire.
Millions of people owe their freedom and
their national sovereignty to Ronald Reagan, and, countless millions
of Americans owe their safety from Russia's nuclear threat to what he
There are also millions of people, left and
right, who owe their fortunes during the Clinton Era to the
trickle-down economics that filled their purses with gold.
Reagan was our modern-day Sentinel of Vigilance |
But all that will eventually be
washed ashore when the final history books are written on President
In his own way, our fortieth
President, Ronald Reagan, was our modern-day Sentinel of Vigilance.
Besmirching his image as a leader--especially while he is alive and
dying of Alzheimer's disease, a slow, degeneration of the mind that
renders its victim senile, virtually mindless--can be construed an act
of Terrorism against what he really stood for.
While we live in a world where free
thought and free press is cherished, we also live in a world of
responsibility and duty to our children, and to their Children's
Children's Children.
Today, President George Bush is
following the legacy of Ronald Reagan. He is tackling
Terrorism in a much more difficult forum. His job is
like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall, for as soon as one Terrorist
fire is put out another pops up, and another.
While Reagan attacked the
Elephant of Terrorism (the Soviet Empire), President Bush is chasing
the Ants of Terrorism (the guerrillas, the underbrush of Terrorism who
slip in and out of Vigilance's grasp.)
As a Parent of Vigilance,
I look back through history for those who stood up to the biggest
threat our children face. In Reagan's time, that threat
was tens of thousands of nuclear missiles aimed at the heart of
America, capable of reducing millions of people into ash.
I find it hard to imagine
airing a film that denigrates that role and the character of the man
responsible or in keeping with our duty to our children to present to
them images and historically sound data of those who protected them
from harm.
Ronald Reagan dedicated his job as
the Commander-in-Chief of the United States to the role of Sentinel of
Global Vigilance. He rose above all the flaws he had a person to
stand as a statesman for the security of the children.
Unfortunately, the mini-series CBS has booted over to Showtime had
little to do with his role as a Parent and Grandparent of Vigilance,
and, instead, focused on painting him as a Beast of Aids Terror, a
bigoted and prejudiced persona wishing ill on the sick and helpless.
This, I don't believe, is censorship.
The decision by CBS is one more of Vigilance than compromise.
Each of us has the right at any time in our thinking and actions to
shift away from personal agendas to selfless ones.
I would like to think CBS, after
hearing the roar of dissent, elected to see their mini-series not as
an art form, but as a slap in face, a piece of propaganda isolating
rather than balancing the character of a man who changed the history
of the world.
Now, we face the same scenario with
President Bush. He is beating the Ants of Terrorism with a
hammer. Daily, his critics do their best to smear his
efforts, to turn him into a mini-series of ineptitude, of
irresponsible acts.
Present George
W. Bush has not given up...... |
exterminating the Ants of Terrorism |
So far, President Bush has not given up on
exterminating the Ants of Terrorism. He continues to
hammer at them. He knows they will come out of their hiding
places if and when we withdraw. He knows they will return to
haunt us and our children if we waver, if we fold our tents.
Hopefully, the support given by the
American public to rid the airways of a mini-series designed to shrink
a Sentinel of Vigilance and transform him into a Beast of Terror will
send a signal to all those eager to attack President Bush's efforts
that America is smarter than those who try to demean great leadership.
Great men have
great enemies that can be brought down in size |
Maybe those who are attacking President Bush will
step back and think about it, and perhaps see him as a Sentinel of
Vigilance protecting their children and grandchildren, and not as a
buffoon stumbling about with his chest puffed trying to bully the
Great men have great enemies.
Fortunately, for Ronald Reagan, and hopefully for
George Bush, those great enemies will be brought down to size after
the mini-series confrontation. The size? About that
of a Terrorist Ant, I think.
