When a tree falls in a
silent forest, can it be heard? If not, did it really
fall? A rhetorical question? Perhaps?
And, perhaps not. Yesterday, two Terrorism Trees fell
crashing to the forest floor--one was Henry Kissinger and the other
Cardinal Law. But did they really fall or were they
toppled by the Sentinels of Vigilance? And why? You
decide. |

15, 2002—Ground Zero Plus 459
The Felling Of Terrorist Trees In A Forest Of Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Dec. 15-- One of
the great philosophical questions posed, often at college pubs while
suds are being consumed, is the question: "If a tree falls in a
forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
This perplexing question can drive
listeners mad with answers that range from the simplistic, "Of course,
stupid," to a mastication of philosophical questions about the
existence of mankind and womankind or reality as a whole.
"If sound represents reality and there is none recorded, does it make
reality contingent upon the receipt of it rather than its mere
presence, as defined by man?"
Dizzying, isn't it?
For some bizarre reason, the tree
felling image flashed through my mind as I stared at the headlines of
yesterday's papers. There, blazing on the front page, was the
toppling of what I term "two Trees of Terrorism." The
question was, did anyone really hear them fall? And, did
their felling represent a true "sound" of Vigilance dominating
Terrorism? Or, were the sounds of the trees falling
muffled by the Beast of Terror who likes to confuse us all and lull us
into a State of Complacency so he can attack when we least expect the
The case at hand was the resignations
of Henry Kissinger and Cardinal Bernard Law, both alleged Terrorists
of various degrees.
defects of character are visible |
former Secretary of State and one of the mainsprings of the Vietnam
War, threw in his towel and resigned his newly appointed post as head
of the committee to investigate the events of Nine Eleven.
Kissinger claimed he didn't
want to disclose his private clients--the ones who pay him heaps of
money for his advice on how to run their businesses and countries.
Some believe Kissinger's list includes counsel to those whom we might
consider Terrorists, or Terrorist allies, or Terrorist buddy-buddies.
To have the pot calling the kettle black, they claimed, would be a
Then there was Kissinger's
reputation, long buried in the ashes of the Vietnam war debacle.
The media stirred those ashes and found old coals still burning.
After three decades of trying to shovel his mistakes under the rug,
Kissinger's defects of character as a leader and a man of credible
conditions became visible as perhaps including the face of the Beast
of Terror--a selfish, self-centered opportunist who intellectualized
his role and abused his power at the expense of tens of thousands of
American lives and millions of Vietnamese ones.
Not being a fan of Mr. Kissinger, and
a personal witness to the horror and madness of what many called
"American Quagmire Policy War" in Vietnam, I revolted when he was
appointed to chair the Nine Eleven committee just as I might if Arnold
Benedict had been raised from the dead to head up Homeland Security.
When his tree fell, it made a loud crash upon my ears. There was
no doubt a tree had fallen.
Cardinal Law
meets with Pope John Paul II to tender his resignation |
On the same day, Cardinal Law,
America's leading Catholic prelate, was pictured in Rome where his
boss, the Pope, was pictured spiritually cutting off his head.
In a nutshell, Law was fired by his Holiness. Law had mismanaged
the Catholic scandal over child abuse by priests, including covering
up many assignments of known pedophiliac priests to other parishes
without notifying the parishioners. He too was felled by
his past. I heard his tree fall too.
I've been Terrorized by many "trees in the
Really, really, really Terrorized.
When I was working my way through college I
held a position on a survey crew in Green River, Oregon. I
worked for the U.S. Forestry Department as part of a crew that walked
deep into the mountains of Oregon to survey logging roads.
When a contractor bid on timber in a section of towering Douglas Firs
which grow upwards of 300 feet, the Forest Service is called to survey
a road to access the timber. Then the loggers build the
road to Forest Service specifications, and after the loggers leave,
the U.S. Forest Service maintains the road for public use.
This meant we trekked deep into the forest,
sometimes up to ten days at a time, tagging trees along creeks or
ravines where a logging road would be carved out of the pristine
forest. We were like explorers, going where few had gone.
We lived like trappers, off the land and made our camp up each night
as travelers in forests have for eons and eons, sleeping under the
towering Douglas Firs where no humans had been for many many moons.
But it wasn't without danger.
While there were bears and mountain
lions aplenty, and other creatures and vermin that would make any
child's heart race with anticipation--including Henry Potter--our
greatest of all enemies was a rotting tree--what is termed a deadfall.
Terror Trees |
Giant trees can stand
while they are dead.
Either a victim of some disease or
having been struck by lightening, a massive 300 foot Douglas Fir can
stand amidst a field of lush green trees with no life on its branches,
kind of like a giant dead body snuggled into the midst of a the
living--an arboreal vampire, if you will.
When setting up camp for the
night, you scour the terrain for signs of a standing dead tree--one of
those giant Trees of Terror that time and circumstance has turned into
a time bomb, a booby trap, an executioner's ax waiting to lop off
You try to set your camp far
enough away from one of the Terror Trees in case it falls.
No one knows when a dead
tree will fall. But everyone who has ever worked or lived
in the forest knows they all will. While the tree may look
strong on the outside even if it is naked of life, a prudent forester
knows that inside the tree's core is rot. The substance of the
tree has been chewed away by time, and the massive weight of the
branches above and bearing pressure will one day cause it to come
crashing down. You just hope it won't fall upon your head while
you sleep.
Dead trees
have the potential to terrorize anything in their paths |
While an average Douglas
Fir may stand around 200 feet with a circumference of four to six
feet, giant ones can rise up to 325 feet and bulge as thick around as
ten to fifteen feet. Many are hundreds of years old and
the strength of the wood has been likened to "pillars of concrete."
When they fall, it is like the Twin Towers smashing down, taking
everything around them with them, and, pulverizing anything they smash
(Incidentally, Oregon and
Washington are the No. 1 and No. 4 growers of Christmas trees,
respectively, and about 45 percent of those trees are Douglas firs,
according to the Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association. The
states' Christmas tree crop in 2001 had a combined value of more than
$208 million, according to the association's Web site.
Scottish botanist David Douglas
identified the tree in the 19th Century. It was named after
him.. He was sent by the Royal Horticultural Society to study the tree
and its massive uses to build a civilized world.)
At night you slept with
one ear open. You weren't listening for bears or hungry
mountain lions, but instead for the creak and crack of a deadfall.
When one fell, the entire forest shuddered. It sounded like a
nuclear explosion for there would be a long series of giant groans and
explosions, as though the tree were announcing to the world its final
swan song.
When I was at Ground Zero
on September 11, 2001 and witnessed the crash of the Twin Towers, I
was reminded of the sound of a gigantic crashing Douglas Fir in the
night. You could hear it coming. It crashed down as
though a great boulder was tossed from the Heavens by an angry god,
smashing everything around it as millions of pounds of old, decaying
wood that had stood for hundreds of years made its way downward toward
the forest floor.
Sometimes you just
covered your head and hoped it wouldn't fall on you, or, one of the
trees it smashed en route wouldn't domino upon your head.
In the dark, there was no place to run. You sat it out,
your heart beating, your toes curled, until the earth stopped shaking
and the forest became silent again as the giant tree now became mulch
for the forest.
The World
Trade Center Forest of Terror |
Kissinger's and Law's felling was not unlike the deadfalls in the
forest. I heard them crashing down. They
represented the disease of the past, standing icons of a world that
once bowed to power and let the decay of its roots go unattended.
That was during the
Age of Complacency when we allowed our forests of leaders to rule at
the expense of our children.
Today, the Teeth of
Vigilance are sinking deeper into the Belly of Terrorism.
We are becoming less tolerant of allowing past "crimes against the
children" to go unpunished, unforgotten. The people, the
Citizens of Vigilance, are rallying. That's good. It
means Complacency is on the run--one of Terrorism's most seductive
Kissinger was part
of a team of political Terrorists who ruled America at the expense of
many lives. There is no doubt in my mind that he put his
ego ahead of principle, and that he was more inclined to save his
"face" than the future of the children's children's children as he
manipulated policy to gormandize his reputation and power.
received the Nobel Prize in 1973 and vigilantes protested |
The decay of his past flaws finally ripped out his roots.
Those who remember him as a self-serving, egotistical leader buttering
his side of the bread at the expense of the hungry, didn't forget that
his apple didn't fall far from the limbs of his rotting tree.
I'm sure he had no expectations that his past would vomit into his
face, or that the crimes he committed three decades ago as a leader
would haunt him as turbulently as they did when he was shockingly
named as head of the Nine Eleven investigation.
In my book, the
Sentinels of Vigilance helped hack down his tree. They
knew that a guy like Kissinger would hide whatever trash he might find
under as many political and self-serving rocks as he could to end up
with what he wanted, not what was necessarily good for the future of
the children. His past credentials proved his unworthiness
to be such a Vigilance Keeper before he was appointed. He
was a living deadfall.
Cardinal Law falls into
the same category. "Thank heaven," said David
Clohessy, director of the national group Survivors Network of Those
Abused by Priests. "I hope there will be thousands of Boston Catholics
and hundreds of Boston survivors who will feel better as a result."
The 71-year-old Cardinal
was ordained a priest on May 21, 1961. He was appointed Bishop
of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo, Oct. 22, 1973 and appointed
Archbishop of Boston, March 23, 1984. In May, 1985, he was named
Bernard Law answering questions on his cover-up of Terror |
Then, last
year, news of cover ups of child sexual abuse by priests rocked the
Catholic community. At the center of the storm stood Cardinal
Law's Douglas Fir--once the tallest and strongest of all--now, under
attack for hiding and tacitly promoting child abuse by not taking
affirmative action against known priests who endangered the Catholic
children's forest. The other day priests in his charge took to
the streets to protest for his resignation along with the public.
His tree fell loudly, as
noisily as that of Henry Kissinger.
In both cases, the
Parents of Vigilance stood strong. They rose from the forest
floor, tired of being doormats to political and religious abuse by men
of power who try to use that power in ways that injure rather than
secure the future.
Both men had no business
in leadership roles where the Children of Vigilance were at risk.
Both carried fungus in their roots, the kind that can infect all the
saplings around them if they are exposed to it for too long. It
was the people who pushed their trees over.
Tree roots are
nurtured by the Sentinels of Vigilance |
I was glad
they both fell.
I was glad the world
heard them fall.
As a Terror Hunter, it
makes me feel confident to know that the Citizens of Vigilance will
rise up to cut away the deadfalls of Terrorism that threaten the
Dead trees like Henry
Kissinger's or Cardinal Law's represent a clear and present danger
that Complacency might overpower Right Action if it isn't addressed.
By putting in leaders, or keeping old ones, who are known "Terrorists
of the Children" we further the corruption of Vigilance and feed the
idea we "owe allegiance" to those who abused us. This is the
philosophy of people who deny the sound of a falling tree in a forest,
who diminish their role as Sentinels of Vigilance and abdicate them to
others whom they think are "vested with power" greater than their own.
There is no power of leadership greater than that of a parent or loved
one, and no reason for standing up to abuse more meaningful than to
protect the children and their children's children's children.
Henry Kissinger was as
much a child abuser by default as Cardinal Law. He allowed the
death and destruction of thousands at the expense of Vigilance.
He could have been a Voice of Vigilance but instead chose to be a
consort to the Beast of Terror.
History will record the
sounds of his tree falling, as it will that of Cardinal Law.
And even if there weren't
anyone in the forest when they fell, I know the Sentinels of Vigilance
would have heard them falling.
The Sentinels are happy
The Forest of
Vigilance |
The Forest
of Vigilance is minus two threats to the children's children's
children. Now, there are many more to go, and all will be
heard falling. The Sentinels of Vigilance will assure us of that
if we subscribe to the Vigilance Formula-- Courage over Fear, plus
Conviction over Intimidation, plus Right Actions over Complacency
equal Vigilance.
If one has his or
her Pledge of Vigilance signed and on the refrigerator, it will be a
reminder to hear all the trees fall in the forest. If the
Pledge isn't there, it could mean one is deaf to Vigilance.
Listen for the trees to fall. Take the Pledge today.

Douglas Firs are Sentinels of Vigilance |
Dec. 14--No
Room At The Inn Of Vigilance For The Beast Of Terror
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