Dec. 17, Monday--Ground Zero Plus 97
Yes, Virginia, There Is An Osama
bin Laden
And A Santa Claus Too!
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent Team
“Daddy? Is there really an Osama bin
“Why do you ask, Virginia?”
“Daddy…I know it’s Christmas and everything. And America is
trying to kill Mr. bin Laden for what he did to us…for killing all those
people in the Twin Towers…and in Washington…but…Daddy…?”
“Yes, Virginia…what is it…don’t be afraid to ask me anything…”
“Well, Daddy…Mr. bin Laden…in a way…is kind of like Santa
Claus…I mean…a mean and bad Santa…but he doesn’t seem real…like some kids
were saying…that Santa isn’t real…”
“What do you mean, Virginia, not real?”
“Well…all the time I hear people talking about hunting down
Mr. bin Laden. Like…he’s hiding in caves…and America is bombing the
caves…and sending in Marines to find him…and all our planes and bombs and
bullets and soldiers are chasing him…but they can’t find him…I
wonder…Daddy…I wonder…”
“Wonder what, Virginia?”
“Well, I wonder why America can’t find him…if he’s real…I
mean…I saw that video everyone talks about…when you were watching it on
the news…and…some kids at school said it wasn’t a real video…it was make
believe…and other kids said it was real…and two of them got in a fight
over it…”
“What do you think about it, Virginia?”
“Gee, Daddy…I’m confused…you see…I just can’t figure out why
all the power of America can’t find one man…I mean…I know about spies and
everything…and like Laura Croft…she can find anyone anywhere…in caves…in
strange towns…’cause she’s smart and quick…but…maybe…I’m not sure,
Daddy…but maybe the video isn’t real…’cause maybe Mr. bin Laden isn’t
real…like he’s disappeared…or maybe…he never was…sometimes I think I’m
dreaming…I mean…it doesn’t seem right he can escape our whole
country…so…maybe he isn’t real after all…and the tape…well, maybe it was
make believe to pretend he was real…kind of a big puzzle to fool us all…”
“But what about the World Trade Center, Virginia…and the
Pentagon…where Mr. bin Laden, as you say, sent his men to blow them up…and
hurt and kill lots of people…that was real…wasn’t it?”
“Yes, Daddy…I know that was real… I was so sad. Some of my
friends lost their Dads and Moms. And one girl lost her grandmother. And
another boy’s uncle was killed. It was terrible, Daddy. And I sometimes
have nightmares thinking about it. And, when a jet flies over…I get this
scary feeling…and I know President Bush says he’s going to kill Mr. bin
Laden…to get even…it’s just…just…
“What, Virginia?”
“Well, it just doesn’t seem real, Daddy. I mean, if this bad
man, Mr. bin Laden, can make three jet planes crash and kill so many
people in America…why can’t we find him? If he’s real. It seems like
Laura Croft could find him…and the Marines…they’re very tough…they could
find him…and our airplanes and bombs…it just seems like magic that he
disappeared…like…maybe he really never was…because how could he run away
from all of America…and the world…and hide…if he was real?”
“Well, Virginia, maybe he’s just smarter than we are…for the
moment…maybe he has such secret hideouts that we just can’t find them
“But, Daddy, we’re supposed to be the smartest country…someone
said that at school…that America is the smartest, biggest, toughest
nation…so, if we’re so smart, how come we can’t find him…unless….maybe…”
“Maybe what, Virginia?”
“Well, like people say, he’s like Santa…not real…”
“Do you believe Santa isn’t real, Virginia?”
“Well, sometimes…like…I wonder how he could make all those
toys and deliver them all in one night…especially when there’s all the
scare about amtrax…”
“An-thra-ax, Virginia.”
“Yes, Daddy…anthrax…well, wouldn’t Santa be afraid too…like
the post office…I heard they are afraid to open all the Santa Letters…and
a lot of kids won’t get Christmas presents because Santa won’t read what
they want…so…I wondered if maybe Santa wasn’t really real…because I saw
people reading his letters…they had rubber gloves on…and they didn’t look
like elves…”
“What about Santa, Virginia, why don’t you think he’s real…”
“Well, no one ever really sees him, Daddy…except Coca-Cola.
They have him drinking Coke all the time…but only they know where he’s
at…like Mr. bin Laden. Maybe Coke knows where he’s hiding…if he’s real…”
“You mean, Virginia, if you can’t find him, or see him, that
he’s not real…?”
“Well, kind of, Daddy. Some kids were
fighting the other day over God. One said there wasn’t any God because
you couldn’t see Him. And, if there was a God, he wouldn’t have let the
Twin Towers crash and kill so many people. Or let letters kill people.
And the other boy, who was dark-skinned…some people say he’s one of the
evil ones kids…he got mad and said that God made those Terrorists fly
their planes into the Twin Towers…because they were on a mission from
God….and there was this big fight…and one of the girls whose Daddy was
killed picked up a rock and threw it at the boy with the dark skin…and
called him names…and the boy laughed…and told her that Mr. bin Laden was
magic…and God was protecting him from us. And made the girl really cry.”
“So how does that make you not believe in Santa, Virginia?”
“Well, Daddy, if America is good, like Santa…and Mr. bin Laden
is bad…then why can’t we find him? If the boy is right…and God is
protecting Mr. bin Laden…why would God protect a very, very bad man? And
why couldn’t America, who is good, find him? I just got so confused,
“I know, Virginia. It’s very confusing sometimes. Sometimes
I wonder if Mr. Laden is make believe. I too, wonder why we can’t find
him. But, Virginia, that’s what Terrorism is all about. It’s sneaky.
It’s very, very sneaky. It hides everywhere. Sometimes, it’s just
around the corner, and you don’t even see it.”
“Like those Terrorists in Israel, Daddy? Who just appear and
blow themselves up and hurt innocent people?”
“Yes, Virginia. That’s part of it. Terrorism is like a
shadow. Remember in Peter Pan, how he tried to catch his shadow?”
“That was funny!”
“Well, Terrorism is sometimes like trying to catch a shadow…sometimes
it has no face…at least one you can’t really see…and people
chase the shadow. And Mr. bin Laden is like a shadow…that’s
why he’s hard to catch…shadows can disappear so fast…but they
are real…even though they don’t seem to be real…it’s a trick…to
confuse us…Virginia…to make us think that Terrorism is something
we can’t capture.”
“You mean Mr. Laden is trying to trick us?”
“Yes, Virginia. He’s making it very very hard to
find him so we will get frustrated and confused, and start to
believe he’s made of magic…so people will wonder if maybe he’s
got more power than we have…it’s like good and evil…Virginia…
Sometimes bad things happen and everyone blames God because
how could He let such terrible things happen…like when your
hamster died…and you cried…because you didn’t understand why
God would let your friend die.”
“I remember, Daddy. I was very sad.”
“Evil, or bad, likes to make us sad. It likes to
make us think things that are real are not real. Evil
tries to confuse us. It likes to make us fight each
other like the two boys who were fighting at school.
It likes to make us sad, like the little girl who lost her father
in the Twin Towers. It likes us to think hurting
other people is just and right if God says it’s okay.
Mr. bin Laden believes it is okay to kill people who don’t agree
with him. He’s like a shadow, Virginia, who likes
to scare people. He likes to make little girls like
you afraid. And fear is real, Virginia. Remember
how afraid you were after the attacks on September 11th?
Remember how you cried and wondered if they were going to fly
a plane into our building, and kill us? Do you remember
“Yes, Daddy. I was so scared. So was everybody.”
“Terrorism, Virginia, is about making people afraid of their
own shadows. Like Mr. bin Laden is doing.
He’s trying to make us all afraid he’s bigger and tougher than
America by hiding from us. You know how bullies
work, Virginia?”
“Yes. They pick on kids smaller than them. And they
make them afraid.”
“Well, that’s what Mr. bin Laden believes. He believes
that if you can scare enough people, you’ll be bigger and stronger
than they are. And, after he bullies people, he
runs away and hides—just like bullies do. And he
doesn’t care who he hurts. He doesn’t care if the little
girl loses her father or mother…and, he doesn’t care if he kills
the little girl…because he’s mean…and thinks he’s right and
we’re wrong…so he says he’s doing all the mean things because
of God…he’s hiding behind God…trying to make himself right.”
“Then how come we can’t find him if he’s wrong and mean, Daddy?”
“It’s kind of like a test. Do we believe more in
right than wrong? If we believe we are right, we will
keep hunting him until we find him. We won’t
give up. But if we give up, then he wins.
It’s like when people don’t stand up to a bully, Virginia, the
bully gets bigger and bigger. But, when people fight back,
the bully gets smaller.”
“Like at school. When the kids called the boy with the
dark skin a traitor and a rag head…some of us got mad and made
a circle around him…and told the other kids to stop picking
on him. And they did.”
“That’s right, Virginia. People can only take so
much evil and bad. Then they have to stand up for what
they believe. When you and the others made a circle around
the boy, you showed the others you weren’t afraid.
And they stopped. Well, Terrorism will fight and fight
to make us afraid. Only when we stand up and fight back
can we stop Terrorism. It’s like when you were learning
to swim. Remember how scared you were of jumping in the
water? You were afraid you would drown. But,
finally, you jumped in. And then you started to swim.
Now, you just jump in and don’t think about it.
You would still be afraid if you hadn’t jumped in.
You overcame your fear. And fear, Virginia, is very
real. It makes people doubt, hate, run, hide from
the truth.”
“What about Santa, Daddy? I’m not afraid of Santa.
Does that mean he’s not real?”
“Well, Virginia, the opposite of fear is courage.
Fear makes us believe something awful or terrible is going to
happen. Like when you were afraid to jump in the pool.
You were afraid you might drown, right?”
“Yes. I thought I was going to sink and nobody would save
“Courage, Virginia, is about belief. You can’t see
belief. You can’t touch it. You can’t smell it.
But it exists more powerfully than fear. Fear,
you can taste and smell and feel. It makes your hands
sweat. It gives you goose bumps. It makes you cry
sometimes. It makes you feel alone. It makes
your teeth chatter. But Courage, now courage is
truly invisible, Virginia. Courage is what made
the firemen run up the stairs of the Twin Towers to save people
even though they knew the building was going to fall and maybe
kill them. Courage is the police and emergency workers
who stood helping 25,000 people escape the World Trade Center
while the building was falling. They didn’t care about
their own lives, Virginia, as much as they did saving other
people. Courage is invisible. It’s something
inside all of us that makes real the unreal. Like Santa
Claus, Virginia.”
“Santa Claus? I don’t understand, Daddy?”
“Well, Virginia, Santa Claus is the opposite of fear.
He makes you feel good, and happy, and loved. He’s
like the sun on a cold day, or a warm blanket when you are chilly.
You know that good, warm feeling you get at Christmas?”
“Yes, it’s my favorite time of the year.”
“Well, we can’t see Santa, but we can feel the goodness, the
joy, and the happiness he brings. Remember how proud
and good and happy you felt when you jumped into the pool and
swam? Remember how you jumped up and yelled and screamed
how great you felt you could do it? That was Courage,
Virginia. Courage to believe you could overcome
your fear. It brought happiness to you, didn’t it?”
“Yes, Daddy. I was so afraid that day. And so happy
when I found I could swim.”
“You learned to believe, Virginia. Belief is the
result of Courage. Fear is the result of Intimidation.
Mr. bin Laden wants to intimidate the world—to make the world
afraid of him and his plans and plots to destroy innocent people
in the name of God. If he had Courage, Virginia,
he would stand up and walk out into the open and tell the world
that he is responsible for crating fear in people, and willing
to take any punishment for it. But he doesn’t have
Courage, Virginia. Terrorism doesn’t operate out
of Courage. Bin Laden's afraid to face the consequences
of his actions. The firemen and police who
died saving others—they had Courage, Virginia. They were
willing to jump into the deep end of the pool and overcome their
fear. And many lost their lives because they believed
the lives of the innocent were more important than their own.
If Mr. bin Laden believed what he did was more important than
who he is, he would surrender himself and take the consequences.
But he’s a coward, not a hero, Virginia. He hides behind
the shadow of Terrorism, and the skirts of God, claiming he’s
a hero, but is afraid to pay the consequences. That
makes him a very bad, mean man, Virginia.”
“And Santa isn’t afraid to deliver presents, or open his mail,
“That’s right, Virginia. But what’s important is to believe
in Santa’s goodness. Even if you can’t see him,
or feel him, or smell him. Just look at people’s
faces, Virginia. When they think of Santa, they
think of joy and happiness. They think of life.
They think of good things. Believing in Santa takes Courage,
Virginia, the same kind you had when you jumped in the pool.
If you stop believing in Santa, Virginia, all that is left are
the bin Laden’s of the world to believe in. Believing
in Santa is belief that good overpowers bad, that Courage is
more important than Fear, that right overpowers wrong.”
“Then, Daddy, do you think Santa could find Mr. bin Laden?”
Cliff McKenzie,
Editor, VigilanceVoice News
To December 15 "We Can't Kill Terrorism, But We Can Destroy
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