When does a slip of
the tongue cut one's throat? The best answer comes from Trent
Lott, who made an inappropriate comment that is destined to topple his
career as a senior politician. But what about all the
other politicians who "slipped" and are now hiding behind Trent Lott's
body? What about both sides? Is it right to
sacrifice one in hopes it will cleanse all of racism, bigotry and
prejudice? You be the the judge. |

18, 2002—Ground Zero Plus 462
Feed Terrorism, Starve
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Dec. 18--"It all
comes down to the one I chose to feed."
I listened to my friend describing his day.
He was having a Vigilant Day--one of those in which all the storm
clouds hanging overhead had silver linings. Nothing could knock
him off the center. He was nailed to the Core of Vigilance.
"I didn't feed my Beast of Terror," he
exclaimed, happily. "I starved it today."
Feeding the
Beast of Terror |
James, my buddy, has been struggling
with his Beast of Terror. He and I became friends a few
months ago when I started talking to him about how to manage the Beast
of Terror. He's about my age and the scars on his back from the
Beast's Fangs razor his back like herringbone marks made by a skier
marching up the side of a mountain. James, like many of
us, carries around a ton of demons in his Emotional backpack.
"I just didn't feed him. I kept
my eye on the horizon. I kept thinking about the present, and
how great everything was instead of how many problems I had."
I thought about the simplicity of James
revelation. Each day when we awaken we stand before the
mirror and chose of two options--Feed The Beast of Terror or Feed The
Sentinels of Vigilance.
Our minds have no gray.
Ultimately, they're black or white.
Seeing only in
black and white |
Either our thoughts push us forward into
the sunlight of life's joys and happiness's, its great adventures and
rewards, or, we become victims caught in the jaws of steel traps that
sink their bloody teeth into our shame, guilt, depression, futility
and turn us into victims about to get "beat up again" by the pressure
of the day.
You can tell which people are trapped by
the way they walk and hold their heads.
The trapped walk with their heads down,
eyes furtive, shoulders slumped. If you look carefully,
you can see the ball and chain locked to their legs, and hear it
clanging as they drag it behind them. They don't smile.
Their eyes are either blank or like those of a doe caught in the headlights
of the oncoming car.
Often they talk very loudly, masking their
own fears by trying to make too much noise and trying to capture false
attention to their presence. When they do, they glance all about to
see who's looking, They force their obtrusions on the ears of
others as a diversion to not reveal their inner Fear, Intimidations or Complacencies.
Then there are the quiet ones--the
Vigilant ones--who walk with their heads up, shoulders back, looking
at others and nodding or smiling, reaching out with their countenance
as though their whole being was a handshake and greeting, welcoming
humanity to walk alongside them.
comments were heard but others with like thoughts hide on the
Swing of Complacency |
One of the most Terror Stricken
beings in America today is Senator Trent Lott. He's swinging in
the wind, legs dangling as he is hoisted up the political gallows
kicking and screaming, and below are his "friends" watching him rise
up slowly, the hangman's knot of indiscretion tightening around his
neck. Lott is walking around with shoulders hunched, eyes
flicking here and there, looking for the Beast of Terror that is
haunting him, stalking him, breathing is fire on his neck, singing his
credentials as a political leader, as a man of credible stature.
The other day he went on BET, Black
Entertainment Television, in a desperate plea to atone for his verbal
sins when he made an inflammatory comment that the nation would have
been better off had Strom Thurmond been elected on a segregationist
ticket back in 1948. There was no humor in his
comment. The Beast of Terror regurgitated the words after
Lott, Senate Majority Leader, fed them to the audience.
The vomit now sticks to Lott's face, and no one is offering him a
Brawny Towel to wipe it off.
Lott, a Conservative, played the
"race card" in a birthday talk about Strom Thurmond's long service to
America. He forgot he was subject to the microscopes of
political assassination. He forgot that alienating himself from
America's black population would bury him and remind the national
leaders there is no room for prejudice or the hint of it in the
political arena.
His buddies ran from him as though he had
Even President Bush distanced himself,
refusing to mollify his statement as a "slip of the tongue."
Some claim his comment is only an example
of what others say and think, but don't get called on.
Others say that any leader who suggests a division between black and
white by a leader is a crime far more vicious than lying or cheating
or stealing.
Mark Fuhrman knows what it's like to be
caught in the vice of saying things against another race.
The Los Angeles detective in the O.J. Simpson case denied every using
the "N" word, and was impeached when it was proven he had.
He lost his job and credibility over it.
I have been watching the nation dig Lott's
grave over these past few weeks, and wonder why society doesn't attack
a person who tells a child in public, "I hate you, don't bother me."
Which crime of the tongue is worse--a racial slur or telling a child
that he or she is nothing, a nobody.
Parent too busy for
children |
How about the parent who tells a child eager to
share his or her day with the parent and is rebuked by the comment,
"Don't bother me, I'm busy!"
Is a Lott comment worse than slapping a
child's face with Indifference and Complacency.
And what about all the political leaders
who have ever used the "N" word in their comments--should they be
investigated and treated the same as Lott? How about all the
blacks who refer to the whites as "Honkies," or say to their children,
"Never trust whitey!," should they be marched out onto the same narrow
plank that Lott finds himself teetering upon?
The "N" word
abuse covers up bigger issues |
I find the flap over Lott a pimple on
an elephant's rear. It's a diversion that suggests once we
lop off Lott's head, our society will be cleansed of bigots and
prejudice. I fear there will be a groundswell of righteous
indignations that suggests the strains and stresses of racial conflict
represent a purification, but the purification will be only on the
White side.
What about all the inflammatory
statements shot daily at the Whites by the Blacks that are considered
to be "politically correct?" Don't they also feed the
Beast of Terror? Don't they fatten the guilt, shame, the Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency that bulges the Beast of Terror's belly?
Is ignoring the vitriolic nature of accusing White America of
oppressing Black America a "victimless crime," while the opposite
requires a political death sentence?
This issue isn't exacerbated by
Lott's demise.
It is only buried.
Vigilance demands that we, as a
society, look at our choice of words in relation to the children and
the children's children. It means that there is no sanctuary for
either White or Black to disparage the other, and that attacking an
individual rather than the root--the Beast of Terror--is nothing more
than a diversion.
interviewed on Black Entertainment TV |
Prejudice and bigotry will continue
to prosper when we accuse each other of the crime, rather than seek
out its motivation. The motivation of prejudice is to
divide and conquer, to make one side better than the other, to cast
dispersions on the soil of a democracy comprising a wide variety of
It isn't so much what Lott said that
we should be attacking with our Swords and Shields of Vigilance.
Our concern should be not to bury prejudice and bigotry, but to expose
them as sources of fuel for the Beast of Terror. If there
is someone who can teach the children of the world why it is not
worthy to express one's feelings to others, and why harboring them can
ruin the good intentions of one's actions and deeds, it's Trent Lott.
But instead of using Senator Lott as a
teacher, as an example of one who has fed the Beast of Terror and
suffered from its poisons, we are going to bury him. We are
going to dig a grave and swallow him up, and stomp on his grave as
though he were an Osama bin Laden or a Saddam Hussein, a Terrorist of
the Tongue.
Terrorist of
the Tongue |
When he resigns, which he will under
great pressure, and the sound of his neck snapping is heard as the
political hangman's noose finally tightens around his neck, and his
feet dangle wildly in the air, and his bowels relax and the bile in
his body runs down his pant legs as he swings in the wind of righteous
indignation, we will lose a leader, a teacher of how prejudice and
bigotry can ruin one's life.
Instead of hanging him, we
should appoint him as our Sentinel of Political Bigotry and Prejudice.
We should ask him to be in charge of our Homeland Security and remind
both blacks and whites that racial comments that inflame the division
between people hurt not help the bonding of our society.
Instead of apologizing to the world, he should be used to teach the
world how he had changed, for if a child is to believe that the crime
of prejudice and bigotry--something so common in a multicultural
society--is met with a death sentence instead of rehabilitation, then
why would anyone want to shift his or her views?
Threatening others with a death sentences only buries bigotry and
prejudice, it doesn't bring it to light, to the sunlight where it can
be cured.
I think the Sentinels of
Vigilance would rather Trent Lott be given a pardon than to have him
But I think no one is listening
to their Voices.
They would rather "white wash"
the situation with his blood. And when he is hanged, if you listen
closely, you can hear the Beast of Terror laughing. It
will be a happy laugh for the Beast, and a sad day for all who believe
that human beings can change.

Dec. 17--Murder, Terrorism and Rape Flees Big Apple
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