Article Overview:
What is the greatest possible torture for Saddam Hussein?
What if it were to face the children of Iraq? What if it
were to be placed in a cage at the Zoo of Vigilance where he would be
labeled the Beast of Terror for all the children to see what becomes
of those who use Fear, Intimidation and Complacency to rule the lives
of others? Find out what the greatest torture for Saddam
can be. |
18, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 827
Torturing Saddam In The Zoo Of
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Dec. 18, 2003 --
Beasts of Terror like Saddam Hussein are everywhere. Some
stand out more than others, but all employ the same three fundamental
tactics--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
We have heaped
the sum of Terrorism upon Saddam's head |
We have heaped the sum of Terrorism upon
Saddam's head, but his crimes against humanity can be found in the
footprints of all who use the Triads of Terrorism--Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency--to rule others.
The parent who won't hug his or her child,
or shouts: "Shut up, I'm busy," is a shadow Saddam.
The torture to the child may not appear as outward welts, bruises,
scars he or she wears to school or around the neighborhood, but deep
inside the child, in the "spider hole of its own Terrorism," the
child's soul shrieks in silent pain. Tears of anguish fall
on parched soul soil, sucked up as quickly as they strike.
Currently, the world is watching the
torture of Saddam Hussein unfold. The goal is to get
Saddam to finger his accomplices, to rat out his sidekicks so we might
line them up in a neat row and hang or shoot them all, as though to
punctuate the "end of Terrorism."
But, is Saddam's torture and his eventual
death the solution to Terrorism or only a big festering boil, symbol
of its ripeness on this earth?
Currently the
world is watching the torture of Saddam |
What if the capture and torture of Saddam
Hussein is nothing more than a measure of knowledge that we all need
to consume that we can be, and maybe are, Terrorists of Saddam's ilk,
each of varying degrees of inhumanity, to our children and loved ones,
to our fellow citizens, to our fellow workers?
How many Saddam Hussein's have you worked
for? How many "bosses" have treated you or others like "scum of
the earth?"
How many people have abused you?
Taken advantage of your trust, your love, your faith in them, kicking
you like a mangy dog, laughing at you, lying to you?
Terrorism? How much of it
lives in daily life, issued by others directly or indirectly at you?
What about the managers of retirement funds
who steal away the life savings of investors? Who kill
dreams of being financially secure while feathering their own bed?
Are they Saddam Hussein Shadows?
What about husbands and wives?
What about the destruction of love, the bombing of mutual respect
between two people? Fifty percent of all marriages
in America end in divorce--a Terrorizing event for many that ends in
emotional bloodshed just as painful as a suicide bomb exploding in a
schoolyard or crowded department store.
Children of
Violence hide in a "spider hole" as Saddam did |
And what about the Saddam Hussein
parents--the mother or father or combination who treat the children
with such disrespect and violence of both physical and emotional
degree that the child grows into a ball of hatred of itself and
others. The child hides in a "spider hole" as Saddam did, frightened that the
maker of the footsteps above will uncover the hiding place and place
him or her into the torture chamber, beating the child with words and whipping
until he or she surrenders all his or her will, humanity over to the captor?
The Church has
taken our children down dark paths |
What about political Terrorism?
What about the trust placed in leaders to do what is right for us,
only to believe we have been victimized by false platforms when we
find out the promises were broken and that self-seeking replaced
public relations?
Then there is the Church.
We find that the people to whom we entrust the souls and sanctity of
our children have taken our children down dark paths, robbed them of
their innocence, raped and pillaged their purity under the guise of
Saddam Hussein is many of us, living
in many spider holes, in many different lands, wearing many different
It's easy to
point a finger at Saddam |
When we look at him, Saddam the
Butcher of Baghdad, it is easy to finger-point. It is easy
to heap upon his head all the Terror of all the Terrorists who have
ever Terrorized any of us. It is easy to spill his blood as
though it were the blood of our abusers.
One of my great Terrorists, my great
Saddam Hussein, was a high school teacher named Mr. Pitcher in Rapid
City, South Dakota. I was taking Trigonometry and he took
me aside after class and put his arm around me and said: "Cliff,
you are not smart enough to go to college. You shouldn't
be in this class. You're not going to be anybody special.
I think you should take auto mechanics, not advanced math.
At least you'll learn something you can use."
What right does a teacher
have to destroy the dreams of a child?
What right does a parent
have to not hug or love his or her child?
What right does a
employer have to berate another employee in front of others,
humiliating them on a personal basis?
What right does a husband
or wife have to fight and argue and call each other vile and corrupt
names in front of their children?
touches us in the way a spider's web is spun |
Terrorism has many
fingers attached to a thousand hands. It touches us all in
the way a spider's web is spun, from countless angles.
Terrorism, like the spider's web, is sticky. It tends to attach
itself to us, and we pass it on--sometimes totally unaware we are
mirrors of the Terrorist who Terrorized us, mere shadows of Saddam
We are
torturing Saddam Hussein today. The greatest of all
tortures for someone like Saddam is stripping him of power and
prestige. He is now a "street person," a beggar who waits
for the alms of his captors.
many of us have "wished" we could reverse the roles of our
tormentors--and made them into our prisoners to issue to them the same
forms of violence and tyranny they heaped upon us, or we imagined they
Today's news shows
Saddam's victims getting into his "face," tormenting the tormentor.
The King of Brutality is now the victim of his seeds of Terror.
But, there is one
torture far more brutal than the CIA or any of the adults who are
shoving their faces into Saddam's can offer.
They are the
children of Iraq.
A zoo cage is
appropriate for Saddam |
Perhaps the
greatest torture to Saddam is to have the children of all the people
Saddam Terrorized sit in a room with him and just stare at a living
Beast of Terror. Zoos are designed for children to see
"wild beasts" tamed by civilization.
Such a zoo is appropriate
for Saddam, for children need to realize that the Terrorists who issue
upon them emotional and physical agony throughout their lives are
nothing more than caged animals, as Saddam is today.
Children need to
understand that Fear, Intimidation and Complacency are states of mind
that can be changed. The brutality of an adult over a
child--emotional or physical--changes as the child grows larger,
older, wiser.
Eventually, the
child either avoids such Terrorist behavior as was delivered upon him
or her, or, becomes the mirror of it to his or her own children.
If we put Saddam in
a zoo, listing all the crimes he committed against humanity, and next
to him displayed the "perfect parent" we would see the difference
between a parent who used Fear, Intimidation and Complacency to rule,
and the other who used Courage, Conviction and Right Actions that
benefit the Children's Children's Children to help others evolve.
The difference would be
obvious to the children. They would know that the Beast of
Terror within them, or that inside those who Terrorize them, belongs
behind bars. They would know there is a way out of becoming
their abusers.
Torture of
anyone is the belief that nothing will change |
The torture of anyone is
the belief that nothing will change. Physical torture
assumes that the pain will never end. Emotional torture assumes
the feeling of emptiness, uselessness, sadness, loneliness,
unworthiness will never end.
Vigilance says that isn't
true. Courage can overpower Fear, Conviction can undermine
Intimidation, and Right Actions for the Children's Children's Children
can change the present in behalf of the future, destroying Complacency
and the sense that life is futile, a rut, an empty hole like the
spider hole Saddam ended up in.
Saddam Hussein may be
looked upon by many as a war criminal whose quick prosecution and
death will signal some end or halt in Terrorism.
But the real value of
Saddam Hussein is keeping him alive for the children to study.
If they can see the Beast of Terror and learn that he is impotent,
that his power of them is null and void, perhaps they will see that
the Beasts of Terror who they think rule their lives are nothing more
than Saddam Husseins.
However, if we erase
Saddam from sight and bury him in a hole in the ground, we miss the
real value he offers.
Saddam needs
to be in the Zoo of Vigilance in the cage of the Beast of Terror |
He needs to be displayed
in the Zoo of Vigilance, in the cage of the Beast of Terror. And
next to him needs to be another cage without bars for the Parent of
Vigilance. Let the children see both, compare both.
Let the children chose to use
the Beast of Terror as a reason to evolve above life's Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency. Killing Saddam will be an
act of Complacency, an act of removing a wart but not its cause.
If there is a great torture for
Saddam, it would be to make him sign the Pledge of Vigilance and try
and live by it. Should he be able to change from the
Beast of Terror into a Parent of Vigilance, he would remind the world
that the Beast in all of us can be beaten.