What happens when
America's communities pass resolutions to tell the Federal Government
to back off? When cities such as Flagstaff, Arizona and
Amherst, Mass. pass resolutions refuting their city officials form
helping government law enforcement violate their citizens'
Constitutional Rights and civil liberties, is that a good or bad
thing? Can the people fight Terrorism better than
the government? Look and see what's happening to America's
Communities of Vigilance. |

23, 2002—Ground Zero Plus 467
Fighting Terrorism's Terrorism
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Dec. 23--Terrorism
breeds Terrorism. It is the fruit of the soil--bloody soil
for sure.
Just as Anger breeds Anger, Hate
breeds Hate and Violence breeds Violence. It follows that Terrorism's fangs sharpen
the fangs of the TerrorHunter. Sometimes, unless great caution
is applied, the TerrorHunter becomes the Terrorist, is swallowed by
that he pursures.
It is often easy to become what we abhor,
what we detest, what we rail against when we are consumed with its
destruction. History is full of the Vigilant becoming the
Terrorist it pursues, for to hunt down Evil, one must wear its
clothing, walk in its shoes, drink its blood.
The Far Left often cannot be
distinguished from the Far Right. When the Peaceful become
rabid adversaries of the Violent Hawks, the diaphanous veil between the
two ultimately transforms into a mirror--that which is black now
becomes white, and white turns black. Opposites become equals.
So it goes with Terrorism's
One versus One often equals still
only One--the TerrorHunter becomes the Terrorist, the Vigilante
becomes the Criminal, the Hunter becomes the Hunted. Not much
has changed save the names, the dates, the places. Hunting Evil
is a dangerous business. It can cost a person and a nation its
There are
those who think they
wield the Hand of God.... |
In religion, for example, the most pious of
the saintly are warned to not rise too high in the spiritual mist.
These "evil hunters" are warned the "Devil" can take on the cloth of "God," and the
saintly can be blinded into thinking they are the righteous Hand of
God, when in fact their fingers bleed just as easily as any human
beings for after all they are just human with all their foibles and defects.
Only God is God.
are really being demonized by the Beast of Terror! |
So when it comes to the United
States government cinching up its anti-Terrorism belt and passing
hastily constructed laws such as the Patriot Act of 2001 that expands
government powers at the expense of the Constitutional Rights of American
citizens, the thirst to spill Terrorism's blood creates a clear and
present danger that the Beast of Terror might just be disguising
Vigilance as the Hand of God when in fact it is only the Hand of
Terror called by another name.
America's cities are wary of this
danger. They are concerned the Hand of Government might be the
Hand of Terror, not the Hand of Vigilance. More than sixty
of America's cities are bracing their communities to
fight against an intrusion on the two-century old concept of American
democracy granted under the U.S. Constitution. Their enemy isn't
Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, but instead, the U.S. Government.
So far, more than 24 cities
across the United States have passed resolutions warning the
government to back off from violating their citizen's civil rights in the
federal government's
mad rush to ferret out Terrorism. The fear at the local
and community
government level is that their citizen's civil liberties and Constitutional rights are
being violated as the federal government bulldozes its way toward
winning the war on Terrorism. The Vigilant Government
Guardians at the local levels are worried more about the "enemy
within" than the "enemy without."
The strongest of these
resolutions comes from Amherst, Mass. Their resolution prohibits
city personnel from helping federal and state officials in activities
that could be considered in violation of civil rights or liberties.
Part of the resolution states:
"...to the extent legally possible, no town
employee shall officially assist or voluntarily cooperate with
investigations, interrogations or arrest procedures that may be
judged to violate civil rights or liberties." |
Some of the
more liberal bastions such as Boulder, CO; Santa Fe, NM; and Berkeley,
CA have passed the resolutions in accordance with their
legacy of wariness against federal government power mongering.
But less ideological cities such as Chicago, Tampa, Fairbanks,
Alaska and Grants Pass, OR. have followed the same Vigilant path.
Art Babbott,
Flagstaff City Councilman, sponsored Vigilant resolution |
Flagstaff, Arizona, an
unusually conservative town, recently passed a watered down version of
the Amherst Vigilance Doctrine. Art Babbott, the City
Council member who sponsored the resolution in Flagstaff that passed
last week after heated debate, said: "We've been singing the
same song in this country for more than 200 years. It's a very
good song, and I want to keep singing it. I'm very leery of
changing the lyrics."
I was glad to see that
communities around the nation--those 8,333 conclaves of 30,000
populations that tend to comprise the "neighborhoods of America," are
not standing in quiet Complacency under the Intimidation of Big
Government. Their resolutions, while having dull
teeth from a legal point of view, signal to any "Big Brotherism" that
local communities hold the Voice of Power in protecting their
communities protect their citizens |
I've always been an advocate of
Community Rights. Personally, I believe Federal Rights are
nothing more than the sum of Community Rights, and that such rights do
not flow down from the top, but rather up from the bottom.
If Constitutional government is a reality, then government is only a
servant of the communities, not the communities slaves of the
government. Unilateral decisions to impinge on the sanctuary of
Constitutional or civil rights of citizens at the grass roots level
cannot, and should be exercised without retaliation, or, at least
confirmation by the communities such as Flagstaff, Amherst, Grants
Pass and Boulder.
I constantly remind myself the
original U.S. Constitution calls for one representative per 30,000
population. Back when the Constitution was framed, I believe our
Founding Fathers realized the danger of putting too much power in the
hands of too few people. But that formula was changed by
government and a cap put on the number of legislative representatives
on the grounds the higher number--which would exceed 8,000
today--would be too unwieldy to manage.
In 1911, to limit the number of
representatives, especially the immigrants, Congress capped the number
of members to 435. The ratio today of representation has leapt
to 1:540,000, a far cry from 1:30,000 originally established. If
today's formulas was applied back to 1788, our Congress would have had
only six representatives.
While I am not here to argue the
arbitrary whittling of power by federal government away from the
people to the state, I am more than aware of the danger of sweeping
legislation that flies in the face of the American citizen, and the
rights not only of the adults, but of the children's children's
The Patriot Act in many ways has the
earmarks of a Terrorism Act. Without checks and balances,
it can run amuck of the Constitutional privileges of all citizens,
present and future, and denude the Constitution's Vigilance Principles
to "guard against Big Government."
Reactions by the cities who are
passing such resolutions signal the Grass Roots Vigilance Community
Corps, a gathering of collective unity against attacks on our
fundamental freedoms that could be far more devastating than an attack
by a Terrorist Nation, or Terrorism group. When we
eat our own Children's Rights, it is a far worse crime that being
sloppy about our national defenses.
I maintain that the ability to fight
Terrorism does not rest with government as we see it today. It
is not the federal government's job to protect citizens from
Terrorism, but, I believe, the duty of the citizens to protect
themselves, their communities, their children, and their children's
children's children.
Terrorism is not now, has not been,
and never will be a "national problem." It is a community issue.
It is all about protecting our most innocent and vulnerable
assets--our children--from harm.
Terrorism doesn't seek to destroy
"hard targets" such as World Trade Centers, industrial complexes, the
White House, or our ability to make bombs and bullets.
Terrorism is about injecting Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency in the hearts and minds of the people.
It is all about being a bully. It is all about making people
cower, duck, run until they scream "Uncle."
Fighting Terrorism requires armament
far beyond federal government's power. The weapons that
battle Terrorism are Courage, Conviction and Right Actions, taken to
defend the children, and their children's children's children from
both Emotional and Physical harm.
I am a true believer in working
in concert with community, state and federal agencies in the pursuit
of ridding Terrorism and its threats from our nation and the world,
but, I firmly oppose unilateral tactics that suppose the rights of
such protection flow from the top down.
Terrorism can only be fought
with Vigilance, and Vigilance is the privy not of governments, but of
communities. Since Terrorism's targets are the average
man, woman and child--the families of America and the world--it makes
no sense to impose upon America laws and regulations that prohibit the
rights of the citizens.
targets the family. |
If the federal government were to
effect a single law that would secure the nation from Terrorism, it
would pass the 2002 Vigilance Act, a law requiring every one of the
100 million households and 10 million businesses in America to post a
Pledge of Vigilance in a visible location so that every family member
and every customer could see it daily. Further, it would demand
that each citizen once a day call into the Vigilance Hotline and
recite the Pledge of Vigilance to a recording machine that would
affirm the caller's Voice I.D.
It would require each community to form a
Vigilance Council, and require monthly meetings where mandatory
attendance of all heads of households and business owners was
required. At these meetings, members of the communities would
report on how they have installed new tools of Courage, Conviction and
taken Right Actions over the past thirty days to promote and instill
Vigilance in their homes and businesses.
Following the adults, the children of the
community would be called upon to speak out about their Fears,
Intimidations and Complacencies, and request of the Vigilance Council
actions to install Swords of Vigilance and Shields of Vigilance in
those areas of weakness to shore up the Courage, Conviction and Right
Actions necessary for them to feel safer and more secure, both
physically and emotionally.
Now, that would be an a true Patriot
Such an act would not give power to
government, or ask for new leadership at the top, or demand the
reshuffling of our intelligence agencies, or require billions of new
tax dollars to fund. No. Instead, such an act would energize the
grass roots. It would throw back the duty and responsibility of
self-government to the Parents of Vigilance, Grandparents of
Vigilance, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Nephews, Nieces and Loved Ones of
It would, in a nutshell, drive
Terrorism out of the community, the state and nation.
When a Terrorist can't Terrorize,
there's not much for him to do. He is forced to move on to
places where Fear, Intimidation and Complacency grows like weeds,
where people turn over their security to the government and sit in
armchairs waiting for government to protect them, or wail like hungry
children when someone points a finger at them: "That's not my
job. That's why I pay taxes! That's government's job!"
So I was happy to see the
groundswell of Community Vigilance rising on the horizon.
The dozen cities who have installed their VigilanceVoice are to be
lauded. The sixty who are in the process deserve accolades.
Now, there's only 8,261 to go. The good news is, America's
fighting Terrorism's Terrorism, on the homefront, where it should be
fought first and foremost.

Dec. 22--Beast Of Terror Teaches Children How To Kill
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