What has the attack on
Pearl Harbor 61 years ago and the impending attack on Iraq have to do
with Vigilance? How does Terrorism rack up as a "Day of
Infamy" equal to Dec. 7, 1941? Daily, do we suffer from
"Days of Infamy" when we neglect the sneak attacks of the Beast of
Terror? Find out what a "Day of Infamy" is, and how you can can
keep your Days of Vigilance shining brightly on the Beast of Terror's
shadow. |

7, 2002—Ground Zero Plus 451
Dawn Of Terrorism's Infamy
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Dec. 7 -- Today is
the dawn of Terrorism's Infamy. The page of history is being turned
slowly, right before our very eyes.. No one knows for absolute sure what
is written on the next page. We can only assume the ink is red, blood
Sixty-one years ago today a similar page in history’s book was
written in blood.
It was the
Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that killed 2,390 Americans.
Thousands of pounds of bombs fell on American naval ships and airfields.
They were the Beast of Terror's "eggs of destruction" dropped by 183
aircraft in the first wave, and in the second wave by 54 high level
bombers, 78 dive bombers and 36 fighters launched from six of Japan's
first-line aircraft carriers,
Shokaku and
Zuikaku. The Japanese Strike Force included over 420 planes that
slipped through Hawaii’s defenses from the Japanese carries 190 miles
north of Oahu. The Japanese cry, "Tora, Tora, Tora," signaled the
success of the mission to Admiral Yamamoto. The cry announced America had
just been delivered its "Day Of Infamy."
Six decades later, America is on the verge of another “Day of
Infamy.” As these words are written, we are massing troops around Iraq
and waiting for a signal—a “Tora! Tora! Tora!”—to justify our 21st Century
Pearl Harbor against Baghdad and Saddam Hussein.
Our mission--as was the one issued by the Japanese government in
1941--is to rid the world of “Terrorism.” Back then, Japan considered
America a Terrorist threat to its domination of Asia. To quash the
threat of America outflanking Japan, the Rising Sun warlords elected to
bomb America’s Pacific Fleet to obliteration. We are thinking in the
same vein regarding destroying Hussein's Republican Guard.
Sinking of the USS
Arizona |
Perhaps the
Emperor of Japan on Dec. 7, 1941 and President George Bush of Dec. 7,
2002, have more in common historically than Mr. Bush or the current
Japanese government would like to admit--both nations sought to dominate
the world with their power—Japan intentionally, and America by default as
the victor, responsible for occupying the defeated nation and rebuilding
it in the aftermath of war.
The difference between Baghdad and Pearl Harbor, however, is that
everyone knows it is going to happen. The question isn’t “if war will
occur,” it’s “when will it?”
In 1941 America was driven into war with the Japanese. In a
similar way, Nine Eleven has forced American leadership to stand up and
defy all Terrorists--real and imagined--that they are not safe and their
acts will not go unpunished.
Even though the Terrorist attack of
Nine Eleven was against civilian targets, it was nevertheless considered a
military attack. Not since the War of 1812 has any foreign national force
attacked America's homeland. Hawaii, at the time of the Pearl
Harbor attack, was a possession, not a state.
The Japanese sneak
attack radically changed the nature of war. It spawned "weapons of
mass destruction," weapons designed to kill with indiscriminate brutality.
America launched the first nuclear war as a final act to end the war.
Unfortunately, the ultimate victims were innocent men, women and children
who burned to death in the intense heat and blast, or, later by the
effects of nuclear radiation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, targets of the
atomic bomb.
Our new Pearl Harbor—Iraq—threatens to release
more horrible destruction than Nagasaki or Hiroshima. Weapons of mass
destruction, including biochemical agents, can rage throughout the world
once unleashed by intent or accident as warriors fight for their last
scrap of dignity. One or more warriors may decide to “take out
the world” as they make their journey to Paradise. World War III is
not a distant cousin to the Iraqi scenario. It may be the child born
from the assault.
Just the other evening at a seminar my wife and I attended at New
York City College, Walter Cronkite, the famed CBS anchorman spoke on
current issues. The 86-year-old newsman and veteran combat reporter of
six decades, warned that the impending attack on Iraq could lead to World
War III.
But I believe we're already in the throes of World War III.
It was launched at 8:45 a.m., September
11, 2001 when the first Terrorist plane hit the World Trade Center. I can
still hear the plane's engines screaming overhead as it dove toward its
This was, in my history book, America's first "Day of Infamy"
for the 21st Century.
It may not be its last.
In reality, President Bush
declared war on Terrorism that day. He vowed to hunt down the Terrorists
and all their buddies and pals. He refuted the right for Terrorists
to be shielded by national borders or boundaries, and vowed to break
through all doors to rout out the Beast of Terror and all his Children of
Terror. No one argued with him that day, just as they wouldn't argue with
a father who had just witnessed the horrible and senseless murder of his
children before his very eyes..
September 11 was more than a Pearl Harbor for America.
Pearl Harbor was a military target, struck by military forces by an
established nation.
Nine Eleven, however, was a sneak attack
upon the mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, brothers
and sisters of American society. The attack laid open the
wound that the new enemy of the 21st Century knew no borders, and sought
the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children as a tool to create
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency into all societies.
It slapped Americans' faces with the
reality their children were not safe from the Beast of Terror, and that
the "demons of Terror War" could be anyone in a faceless, nameless haze of
humanity. It was the day America realized that even Superman
or Wonder Woman couldn't keep them safe. It was the day every
citizen in America became conscripted in the War on Terrorism.
21st Century Pearl Harbor started by hunting for Osama bin
Laden. When we exhausted ourselves trying to find him, we shifted our
sights onto Saddam Hussein--leader of a nation-state whom we knew was a
Terror-bound leader, a despotic leader willing to gas tens of thousands of
his own people, and who was bent on developing weapons of mass destruction
in the sands and basements of a nation he autocratically ruled for two
Osama's threat waned as Saddam's loomed, defiantly ejecting weapons
inspectors and rushing to build arsenals that would threaten any nation
from attacking him. The Days of Infamy had been growing
long before Nine Eleven.
But September 11 made the 100 million American householders aware
that the Beast of Terror would eat their children, and their children's
children. The events of the second Tuesday in September, 2001,
revealed the fangs of the Beast, and its voracious appetite to consume the
innocent, the weak, the helpless who only wanted to live daily lives and
raise their families. The "infamy" of the attack was to destroy the
innocence of a society, and to send shock waves to other societies that if
America was vulnerable to such atrocities, so were they.
Days of Infamy remind us that no matter how bright the sun is
shining or how beautiful the birds chirp, that dark clouds block out the
security of the future and, in a flash, can wash the world in a bath of
crimson blood. Days of Infamy force citizens to be prepared to kill
or be killed, for they are killing to protect their children from those
who, without a blink, would stack the bodies of the future generations
like cords of wood just to make a political or religious point.
Suicide bombers
AKA mini-Pearl Harbors |
Suicide bombers are nothing more
than mini-Pearl Harbors. Instead of being launched from aircraft
carries, they board a bus of innocent women and children and yank at a
detonator under some delusion that they are glorifying their cause and
retaliating against an oppressor. And they are rewarded by
Terror-Mongers like Saddam Hussein who sends the families of such bombers
$25,000, blood money for killing the innocent. Terrorism puts
a bounty on Terror. It pays for its perpetuation.
The Infamy of Terrorism is ever present. It is like a live
hand grenade thrown into the living room of a family at dinner time. The
head of the household is forced into one of two decisions-- just sit and
look at it until its shards of metal rip into the family member, or
leap upon it and protect the children from the blast. In the final
analysis, Days of Infamy force a mother, father, grandparent or loved one
to be prepared to die for the safety of their children, their loved ones.
Infamy removes everyone's hiding places from the Beast of Terror's wrath,
and strips naked the duty and responsibility of all to become Sentinels of
Infamy's definition is "an evil or criminal act that is publicly
known." Infamy, ultimately, is a crime against the children, and the
children's children's children. It's evil nature is to maim and
murder the innocent. But Infamy wears many disguises. It isn't
all about Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden.
A child who fears going home to abusive parents who will either
physically or emotionally assault him or her, lives in a state of Infamy
365 days of the year. Every day is Pearl Harbor day to such a child.
And his or her parents or guardians are the Saddam Hussein's and Osama bin
Laden's we prefer to focus upon because they are not close to home, they
are not visible in our own bathroom mirror.
Infamy just doesn't hide in many homes. It can lurk around the
workplace. A worker intimidated by his or her boss and is forced to
kowtow to him or her out of Fear, Intimidation or utter Complacency
because he or she "needs the money," lives in the infamy of constant Pearl
Harbor attacks upon their value as a human being. Such people become
slaves to the Beast of Terror..
A parent who falls Complacent to his or her rights as a Sentinel of
Vigilance and allows government to pell-mell itself over his or her
children's rights without protest is ultimately conspiring with the enemy,
an ally of the Beast of Terrorism through complicit or implicit
Complacency. A drunk driver negotiating a three-thousand pound bomb
of steel and metal down the streets, unaware he or she is about to mow
down an innocent child or family, is just as big a Terrorist as Hussein or
bin Laden.
Daily, we life in "Moments of Infamy." When we walk by someone who
is speaking foul language that burns itself into the ears of our children
and say nothing, we accept the evil and corrupt violation of our child's
innocence. We tacitly become Beasts of Terror through our
When parents seek
divorce as a resolution to difference, and that decision rips a child's
home into two halves, we create infamy for the child. We destroy the
child's sense of security just as the Japanese did its bombers blew our
battleships to bits on December 7, 1941.
The 2,700 daily abortions we "legally" perform in America are acts
of infamy. When we kill over a million of our children a year under the
Terroristic name of "free choice" and "individual rights," we treat life
as randomly and with the same insignificance that a suicide bomber does
climbing aboard a bus, or a sniper shooting randomly at targets around
Washington D.C. Our selfish neglect of the value of human life
transmits its iciness to our children. We don't stop to think of the
infamy we create in the minds of our society's children who watch adults
kill their own children, and who in the privacy of their small, innocent
minds, wonder if they will be next.
Infamy doesn't take a Pearl Harbor or a September 11 to earn the
lips of a President puffing out his chest and boasting he will hunt
"Terrorism Down." We have enough "Days of Infamy" in our
society to keep us busy hunting and battling our own Beasts of Terror
without looking outside our borders. Yet we find it easier to
castigate and enflame and become righteously warlike against those who are
flagrant in their acts, while accepting without alarm our own soiled
Infamy is not without, it is within.
There are three major infamies--Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency. All three seek to destroy the core of human evolution.
All three are spread by the virus of Terrorism. All three live within
all human beings and either must be contained or they run rampant and rule
our lives.
Of the three, the worst of all is Complacency. Complacency
blinds one to his duty and responsibility to be a Parent of Vigilance, a
Citizen of Vigilant. It allows the individual to assume that Vigilance
is the privy of a policeman, or a government leader, or a military
person. Most people don't see, or want to see, Vigilance as their sworn
human duty. They don't want to shoulder the responsibility that they
must be constantly aware of the presence of the Beast of Terror within
themselves and others, and be willing to throw themselves on Terror's hand
grenade when it threatens the safety and security of the children, and
their children's children's children..
To assume a Vigilant role, one must muster more Courage than Fear,
practice more Conviction than Intimidation, and take more Right Actions in
the face of do-nothing Complacency. It is easier to ask the government
to do this. It is easier to righteously declare how bad someone else
is rather than to inventory our own lives, and hunt our own Beasts of
Terror to their death before we seek to destroy those outside our grasp.
Days of Infamy can only be counterbalanced by Days of Vigilance.
There is hope.
There is always hope. But it does not exist without fuel, without
action, without duty.
When Americans and other citizens of
the world band together as a Family of Vigilance, we can stop the Pearl
Harbor and the September 11 attacks with the Shield of Vigilance.
Once we admit to the presence of the Beast Within as well as Without, we
can also barricade our homes from Terrorism's Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency and stop it from slithering under our family's front door.
Facing the Beast of Terror with Courage, Conviction and Right Actions, we
can chase it from our children's bedroom closets, and from their minds
that wonder if they are loved and respected. And, when we look in
the mirror at ourselves, we can capture the Beast of Terror who sees a
"loser," a "failure," a "bad person," a "sad person," and call upon the
Sentinels of Vigilance to thrust forward their Shield of Vigilance, and,
if necessary, sink the Sword of Vigilance in the belly of the beast.
We can do all this only if we are
willing to take the first step--the one toward becoming Citizens of
Vigilance. This step is simple. It requires we download the
Pledge of Vigilance, read it, and sign it.
We can put the Beast of Terror in his place, or, we can just sit
back and wait for the next Pearl Harbor.
Don't wait for the next Pearl Harbor. Take
the Pledge of Vigilance today. (Click
for FREE printable version of Pledge)
Time Line Pearl Harbor
61 Years ago--killed in attack--2,390
0342 Minesweeper CONDOR sights periscope off Honolulu
Harbor ...notifies patrol destroyer WARD to investigate. 0458
Minesweeper CROSSBILL and CONDOR enter Pearl Harbor... defective
submarine net remains open.
0600 - 200 miles south of Oahu carrier ENTERPRISE launches
18 aircraft to scout ahead...then to land at Ford Island, Pearl
Harbor...ETA 0800.
0610 - 220 miles north of Oahu Admiral Nagumo orders
launching of 1st wave of 183 aircraft off three carriers...2 are lost
during takeoff.
0630 Destroyer WARD again notified of submarine sighting
this time by supply ship ANTARES off Pearl Harbor entrance...Navy
patrol plane (PBY) dispatched to the scene.
0645 WARD opens fire on target hitting conning tower...as
she closes in drops depth charges..air attack by PBY follows.
0653 WARD'S commander Captain Outerbridge sends message to
Commandant 14th Naval District: "We have attacked, fired upon and
dropped depth charges upon submarine operating in defensive sea area".
0700 Commander Fuchida flying towards Oahu directs his
pilots to home in on local radio station. 0702 Private's Lockhard and
Elliott of Opana Radar Station pick up what appears to be a flight of
unidentified aircraft bearing in 132 miles north of Oahu...discussion
0706 Private Elliott phones switchboard operator Joseph
McDonald at Information Center, Ft. Shafter, telling of a large
formation of aircraft approaching the Island.
0715 Capt. Outerbridge's attack message, delayed in
decoding is delivered to duty officer, 14th Naval District, and to
Admiral Kimmel's duty officer...Japanese launch 2nd wave of 168
assault aircraft...
0720 Joseph McDonald finding Lt. Tyler in Information
Center, calls Opana and patches Lt. Tyler thru to Private Lockard who
describes the large flight picked up on radar and is told, "Well don't
worry about it." ( see Pvt.Joseph McDonald's account under the
Survivor Rememberances "An Army Private is one of the 1st to
know of the coming attack)"
0733 Important message from Gen Marshall from Washington to
Short received via RCA in Honolulu...cablegram has no indication of
priority...messenger Tadao Fuchikami proceeds on normal route...
0735 Reconnaissance plane from cruiser CHIKUMA reports main
fleet in Pearl Harbor...
0739 Opana Station loses aircraft on radar 20 miles off
coast of Oahu due to "dead zone" caused by surrounding hills...
0740 1st wave sights North Shore of Oahu...deployment for
attack begins...
0749 Commander Fuchida orders attack...all pilots to begin
assault on military bases on Oahu...
0753 Fuchida radios code to entire Japanese Navy "TORA TORA
TORA" indicating success...maximum strategic surprise...Pearl Harbor
caught unaware...
0755 Island wide attack begins...Japanese dive bombers to
strike airfields Kaneohe, Ford Island, Hickam, Bellows, Wheeler, Ewa...Aerial
torpedo planes begin their run on ships in Pearl Harbor...
Along Battleship Row, battlewagons feel the sting of the newly
perfected torpedoes specifically designed for the shallow waters of
Pearl Harbor At 1010 dock violent explosions rock light cruiser HELENA
on her starboard side crippling both her and minelayer OGLALA moored
beside her.. On the other side of Battleship row, Ford Island, target
ship UTAH also feels the sting of the torpedoes...and like the
battleship OKLAHOMA begins to capsize... Light cruiser RALEIGH moored
ahead of the UTAH takes measures to prevent capsizing... Commander
Logan Ramsey of Ford Island Command Center sends out message for all
radiomen on duty to send out in plain English "AIR RAID PEARL HARBOR
THIS IS NO DRILL"...2nd dispatch orders all patrol planes to seek out
enemy... Simultaneously the call for General Quarters echos throughout
Pearl Harbor...each ship and their personnel in turn swing into action
against the attacking Japanese...one quarter of all guns respond to
the enemy...
0800 B-17's from the mainland reach Oahu after 14 hour
flight...Aircraft from carrier ENTERPRISE arrive Ford Island...both
caught between enemy and friendly fire...
0802 Machine guns on battleship NEVADA open fire on torpedo
planes approaching her port beam...two planes hit...however one
missile tears huge hole in ship's port bow...
0805 Repair ship VESTAL moored outboard of battleship
ARIZONA opens fire...Admiral Kimmel arrives CINCPAC
headquarters..Battleship CALIFORNIA receives second torpedo "portside
at frame 110"... prompt action directed by Ensign Edgar M. Fain
prevents ship from capsizing...High level bombers begin their run "on
both bows" of battleship row...
0808 KGMB radio interrupts music calling for: "All Army,
Navy, and Marine personnel to report to duty"... High level bombers
unleash armour piercing, delayed action bombs from altitude of 10,000
feet scoring hits on battleships...
0810 Forward magazines on battleship ARIZONA suddenly
ignite resulting in a tremendous explosion and huge fireball sinking
the battleship within nine minutes...concussion of explosion blows men
off repair ship VESTAL...
0812 General Short advises entire Pacific Fleet and
Washington, "Hostilities with Japan commenced with air raid on Pearl
0815 KGMB interrupts music with 2nd call ordering all
military personnel to report for duty...
0817 USS HELM first of several destroyers to clear Pearl
Harbor spots a midget submarine struggling to enter harbor...shots
fired misses target...sub frees itself from reef and submerges...
0825 Using a Browning Automatic Rifle Lt. Stephen Saltzman
and Sgt. Lowell Klatt shot down enemy plane making strafing run on
Schofield Barracks...
0826 Honolulu Fire Department responds to call for
assistance from Hickam Field...3 firemen killed...6 wounded...
0830 3rd call out for military via local radio stations...
0835 Tanker NEOSHO half loaded with high octane aviation
fuel moves clear of Battleship Row and oil tanks on Ford Island...
Damage reported in city...Police warn civilians to leave streets and
return to their homes...
0839 Seaplane tender CURTISS sights midget sub in harbor
and commences to fire..Destroyer MONAGHAN heads for intruder at
ramming speed...
0840 Submarine surfaces after sustaining damage...MONAGHAN
hits sub and drops depth charges as she passes...1st explanation over
local radio stations. "A sporadic air attack...rising sun sighted on
wing tips"...
0850 Lt. Commander Shimazaki orders deployment of 2nd wave
over military bases on Oahu...
0854 Attack run begins...54 high-level bombers hit Naval
air stations, 78 dive bombers hit ships in Pearl, 36 fighters circle
over harbor to maintain air control...
0900 Crew of the Dutch liner JAGERSFONTEIN opens up with
her guns, the first Allies to join the fight...Radios throughout the
island crack out urgent messages "Get off roads and stay off.. Don't
block traffic...Stay at home...This is the real McCoy"...
0930 Tremendous explosions rocks destroyer SHAW sending
debris everywhere... bomb falls near Governor's home...
1000 First wave arrives back on carriers, 190 miles north
of Oahu...
1005 Governor Poindexter calls local papers announcing
state of emergency for entire territory of Hawaii
1030 Mayor's Major Disaster Council meets at city
hall...Reports from local hospitals pour in listing civilian
1100 Commander Fuchida circles over Pearl Harbor...assesses
damage then returns to carrier task force...All schools on Oahu
ordered to close...
1115 State of emergency announced over radio by Governor
1142 As per orders by Army local stations go off the
air...General short confers with Governor regarding martial law...
1146 First report of many false sightings of enemy troops
landing on Oahu...
1210 American planes fly north in search for enemy with
negative results...
1230 Honolulu police raid Japanese embassy...find them
burning documents...Blackout to begin at night ordered by Army...
1240 Governor confers with President Roosevelt regarding
martial law...both agree it necessary that the military take over the
civilian government...
1300 Commander Fuchida lands on board carrier AKAGI...discussion
follows with Admiral Nagumo and staff concerning feasibility of
launching 3rd wave...
1330 Signal flags on carrier AKAGI orders Japanese task
force to withdraw... Territorial director of civil defense orders
blackout every night until further notice...
1458 Tadao Fuchikami delivers message from
Washington...message decoded and given to General Short regarding
ultimatum from Japan to be given at 1300 Washington time..."Just what
significance the hour set may have we do not know, but be on the alert
1625 Governor signs Proclamation...martial law put into
effect.. |

Beast of Terror Swallows Walter Cronkite
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