Article Overview: Ducking
and weaving around the gauntlet of Terrorism seems to be the order of
the day for many people around the world. In Spain, the Popular
party was voted out of office after the Madrid bombing, in part by the
people who blamed the Terrorist attack on Spain's support of the War
On Terrorism. But, can we duck, weave and hide from
Terrorism's wrath? Is it the best message to broadcast to
our children? |

Monday, March 15,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 915
How To Duck & Weave & Hide From Terrorism
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Mar. 15, 2004
-- How do you tell your grandkids it's okay to hide from the Beast of
Socialist Party celebrating its win |
Three out of four
of Spain's eligible 35 million voters turned out the other day to vote
for "ducking" and "hiding" from the Beast of Terror.
The voters blamed Spain's Popular Party for
aligning itself with the United States in the War on Terrorism, and
considered the recent Terrorist attack on a Madrid subway that killed
more than 200 and wounded thousands a direct result of Spain's
affiliation with the U.S. in Iraq. Spain has more than 1,300
troops fighting in Iraq.
The following quote from a
New York Times story on the election
that upset the Popular Party and put a Socialist in the leadership
role, sums up the feelings of the citizens in Spain:
A 26-year-old window frame maker, who
identified himself only as David, said he had changed his vote
from Popular Party to Socialist because of the bombings and the
war in Iraq. "Maybe the Socialists will get our troops out of
Iraq, and Al Qaeda will forget about Spain, so we will be less
frightened," he said. "A bit of us died in the train." |
Churchill understood the Beast of Terror |
bottom line of the angst in Spain is that if the country had not been
involved in the battle against Terrorism, the Terrorist would not have
attacked them. The frightening part of the quote
above is: "...and Al Qaeda will forget about Spain, so we will
be less frightened."
The quote brings up the big question: Can we, Citizens of the
World, not be activist against the Beast of Terror?
Can we duck and weave and hope the Beast will avoid us if we don't
stand up to him?
Winston Churchill said: "Appeasement is feeding an alligator in
hopes it will eat you last." Can we, or the citizens of
Spain, or those of Europe, appease Terrorism so they avoid attacks?
Or, will the Beast of Terror turn on them on a whim, just for the
"fun" or "horror" of it?
The issue in Spain
is the same issue here in America and around the world--Who will stand
up to Terrorism? Who is willing to take the risk of putting
Terrorism on the run?
The other
candidate is waving the flag of Vigilance |
One candidate
is suggesting we should retreat from the Global War on Terrorism |
America is in a political battle
over the War on Terrorism. One candidate is attacking the
moral basis of the war on Iraq, and, suggesting we should "retreat"
from the Global War On Terrorism and focus on domestic issues.
The other candidate, the incumbent, is waving the flag of Vigilance,
telling the world we should never stand down until the enemy is
is shuddering. The Terrorism that they assumed would pass
over their homes is casting its shadow on them. The
Germans are worried. French military forces are bristling.
Russia has its hands full with its own battle with internal
Terrorists, but keeps a low profile.
I wonder
about the children. What do we tell the children?
"Who is
keeping the Beast of Terror locked in the closet?" |
When the children ask: "Who is watching out for us when we
sleep? Who is keeping the Beast of Terror locked in the closet?"
What do we answer?
The easy answer is: "It's not my job."
In Avila, home
of Saint Teresa of Avila, the community voted for the Popular
party |
The people in
Spain voted out the Popular, conservative party--the people who stood
against Terrorism with their lives, and voted for the Socialists who
vowed to pull the troops out unless the United Nations put in a
unified force. (Ironically, in Avila, the home of one of the
most famous of all saints, Ste. Teresa of Avila, the communityvoted
conservatively, for the Popular party, as though the memory of St.
Teresa reminded them to stand up for what is right no matter what the
the power of Terrorism include Intimidation?
I think
so. The Triad of Terrorism as I see them are Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency. The three are most evident by Spain's
recent vote. People are afraid of more Terror
attacks. They are Intimidated by the deaths of their innocent,
and the threat to others in their country. And, they prefer to
"duck" and "hide" and hope Terrorism will ignore them because they are
Complacent, or try to be.
But how long
can one hope the bully will not attack?
And, what
role modeling does that offer to the children? Let's turn
our heads? Let's not get involved.
Use the Pledge
to help you be a Role Model for Vigilance |
At the least, I believe the Pledge of Vigilance is a strong role
modeling tool that every parent, grandparent and loved one of children
can use to defend them against the Bully of Terrorism.
But, if one is worried that the
Beast of Terror will look on every refrigerator for a Pledge of
Vigilance and attack that house and family, then no one will sign it,
vow to it, or practice its Principles.
They will just wait
for the Beast to come and eat them--right after the Beast has eaten
their children and grandchildren.
Don't wait.
Don't duck.
Don't weave.
Take the Pledge
Mar 14--The
Crosshairs Of Terrorism Include Europe
