Monday-- March 18, 2002—Ground
Zero Plus 188
Terrorism & Child Molestation
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City,
Mar. 18--Cardinal Egan, head of the Roman Catholic Church
in New York City, represents a Sentinel of Vigilance for millions of
Catholics. But his Shield of Vigilance--Courage, Conviction
and Action--is full of holes, battle scars from the resistance to sweep
clean the issue of child molestation within his flock.
Recently, New York Newsday revealed
the cardinal had allowed several priests facing multiple
accusations of sexual abuse to continue working for years.
Prior to being appointed the shepherd of
the New York flock of Catholics, Egan was head of the Bridgeport Diocese
in Connecticut. . His predecessor, Bishop Walter Curtis, testified
the diocese deliberately shuffled pedophile priests among perishes to give
them a "fresh star," and admitted destroying records of complaints against
some priests.
Information from secret documents recently revealed, the diocese settled
complaints against six priests for $12 to $15 million. In
fairness, Egan inherited the scandal in the Bridgeport Diocese when he was
appointed Bishop there from 1998 to 2000. However , he fought each
allegation until the settlement last March, which ended all of the
Egan's plight to suffocate the issue of
child molestation by priests is symbolic of a state of Terroristic
Complacency--that process of trying to "sweep a vital issue of children's
security" under the rug, or at least, mask it in hopes it will go away.
He has forgotten what Winston Churchill once
said: "Appeasement is feeding an alligator in hopes it will eat you
Child molestation is not limited to the Catholic
Church. Recently, a well-known Rabbi was arrested for child
molestation from one of the wealthiest synagogues in New York.
More at issue, is the mother or father or uncle or aunt, or cousin or
grandparent who abuses a child sexually.
In 79% of reported cases, according to the
Survivors of Incest Statistical Studies, children are afraid, reluctant,
hesitating about reporting their abuse for fear of violating the "trust"
the child predator exercises with the child by telling him or her to keep
the abuse a "secret."
Over the
years I have met and interviewed many who have been abused sexually
by a relative, a mother, a father or grandparent.
Each has suffered the Terror of their "dark secret"
on a daily basis, and unless they receive some treatment, find
their lives disheveled by emotional pains that twist their outlook
on life.
One man I interviewed on the
radio a few years ago was molested nightly by his grandfather
from age six to fourteen. Another was a lovely woman whose
father molested her six of the seven days of the week from age
six until her early teens.
It seems to me and to many others
that any act in defense of child molestation, especially the
payment of civil lawsuits, is an indictment against those who
offer compensation for Terrorism--a sort of paying for the "sins"
and offers no resolution.
If Terrorism is composed of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency, and if Vigilance is made of Courage,
Conviction and Action, then the lack of the courage to admit
the flaw in the Church, the lack of Conviction to spell out
a plan of action, and, the lack of terminating those who are
proven to be "highly suspect" or "pedophiles,"
represents a horrible message to society at large. That
message is "We Condone Terrorism."
As a Catholic, and a father and grandfather,
and a Sentinel of Vigilance, I find it loathsome that one of
the Catholic Church's most powerful Voice in America remains
mute on this issue.
The World Trade Center attack was a
mere drop in the bucket compared to the Terrorism affecting
children by child molesters, whether they be priests dressed
in the cloth of faith, or parents and relatives of a child who
puts unrequited faith in them as their "Sentinels of Vigilance."
While we march heroes of Nine
Eleven about saluting them for their Courage, Conviction and
Action, we turn our heads to those Terrorists who commit far
worse crimes afflicting the psyche of young men and women, children
of innocence, who are molested by those duty-bound to protect
I urge Cardinal Egan to take a Vigilant
stand against molestation. Perhaps his leadership
in this area can move the rock away from the dark cave in which
molester's feel safe.
Protecting the lambs of the flock of humanity
from the wolves seems far more important than to try and protect
the reputation of the Terrorists.

Go To Mar. 17--Terrorism Attack--Call
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