March 7, 2002—Ground
Zero Plus 177
Rules Of Vigilant Engagement
--The First Rule--
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Mar. 7--Every war has it
rules. Some are good rules, some are bad.
Nevertheless, they exist as does gravity, or the fact that the
sun rises and sets.
To battle Terrorism
of the Physical or Emotional kind, we must prepare our thinking.
We must know the Rules of Engagement or we will be blindsided
by Terrorism's sneak attacks, crippled by its booby traps, maimed
and scared by its suicide bombers.
I will endeavor to spell out the Rules Of Vigilant Engagement,
one at at time, to help you and your family and loved ones prepare
for the constant attacks we all face today and tomorrow--and,
most importantly, from the past.
As I
have proposed many times, Terrorism of the Self is one of the
far more crucial issues we, as Citizens of Vigilance, must face
daily. Terrorism of the Self is when thoughts or
feelings from within us turn our souls into Jell-o, drive us
into inner caves of Fear, Intimidation or Complacency that we
aren't "good enough," "smart enough," "pretty
or handsome enough," "rich enough," "worthy
enough," and a host of other demons from within that rise
up and choke our right to stand tall in the mirror, to look
at ourselves with pride and dignity.
of us who awaken with pain in our hearts and soul, or the dread
of living another day in the rut we are in, or are trapped in
a way of life that appears more like a prison than the joys
of Freedom, know what Emotional Terrorism is about.
And, if we sit in our muck and mire it will swallow us, beat
us, torture us until there is little left but shreds of Hope
that life is truly worth living.
These feelings,
attitudes, outlooks have their roots sunk deep. They usually
stem from our childhood, from the lack of close alliances with
an adult mentor who could have guided us through our Fears,
Intimidations and Complacencies when we were so young and impressionable,
when our outlooks toward life were being formed.
To change these habits,
these Terroristic outlooks that shape the way we view the world,
we need to arm ourselves with certain rules, standards, checkpoints,
alerts and sentries to ward
the Terrorisms within which have burrowed in the deep,
dank caves of our souls, in the bowels of our being, hiding
out like bin Laden--rising up when least expected to steal away
moments of joy, to turn beauty into ugliness, to make us shrink
back into the shadows for fear the sunlight will turn on us.
In this light, the
First Rule Of Engagement Against Terrorism is perhaps on the
surface simplistic, but yet it is deep and rich in its pervasive
power. If you cleave it to your chest and heart,
if you assimilate it, then you will be well on your way to building
a fortress of both Emotional and Physical defenses and offenses
to thwart Terrorism of all types.
Rule One is:
This rule simply
tells us that whatever we think might happen, may not.
Conversely, whatever we think won't happen may well happen.
It is a tricky rule
because it drives away the most common cause of Terrorism--Complacency.
Complacency can be
likened to one's Expectations. Expectations are
the lazy man's or woman's excuse for living life.
Expectations take no energy, no effort. They are
one's dreams run amok, with no defense against them being dashed,
broken, murdered by the forces of reality.
There are good Expectations
and bad Expectations.
A good Expectations
is that everything will be "perfect," or that everything
"should be perfect." What's bad about this is
that there is no "perfect" world. To set one's
self up for a world of perfection is to walk a tightrope a hundred
stories up in a hurricane. It's when one ignores
the reality of life in making a decision or looking ahead, blinding
one's self to certain truths so only the roses can be seen.
And then, when the sheen of the situation wears thin and the
diapers stink and the baby cries, and the bills pile up, and
the fat cells accumulate, one looks in the mirror and the dreams
of gilded rose petals are now dead and only the thorns with
their prickly points remain.
Bad Expectations are those
in which there is no Hope. When one looks at a situation,
one sees no rainbow at the end, no pot of gold.
Circumstances have beaten down the ability for one to see any
good, and experience has driven one away from even "trying."
"Aw, that won't work." "No, I can't do
that." "No, that's not me."
"I'm not that kind of person."
Expectations can be our
worst enemy when they do not come to fruition, or when they
appear unscaleable mountains that stop us from even trying to
climb them.
They turn into no action.
They create Complacency where the difference between a rut and
grave becomes the depth, and the idea of life's adventure is
only expressed on a television program where we vicariously
accept the thrill of life through others, and never via our
own actions.
We become dull people.
Resigned people. Walking dead people.
We become ripe for Terrorism.
Battling Complacency
is not easy.
To put it in its proper
place, we must learn to say to ourselves: "Today, I expect
the unexpected."
All that means is you are
placing yourself in sate of "Reality Readiness."
Your mind, your soul, your being is not living a life dependent
on expectations--either of the good or bad kind.
It means you are not stuck
in them also.
Expect the Unexpected.
Expect your expectations to be changed, altered, perhaps even
dashed--but don't stop expecting things to happen. If
you are expecting the worst of things to happen, driven to that
feeling because things haven't gone well for you in life, then
Expect The Unexpected--which, in this case, is that they might
go well this time. But if they don't again, this
doesn't mean you give up. You keep plugging. You
Expect the Unexpected--you work toward
rainbow, the pot of gold even if the storms batter you.
The Idealist who has the vision
of the world filled with bright colors and no pain, needs to
Expect the Unexpected. Things happen.
Life changes. Evolution occurs. September
1lth's exist. One who Expects the Unexpected changes
rose colored glasses to those with 20/20 vision--admitting that
things can go wrong, that perfection may not be so perfect.
In defending one's life from
Terrorism, Expecting the Unexpected is the foundation.
From it, we will build upon this Rule with other Rules of Engagement.
The second of which is, "Ready For Anything, Counting on
Nothing." We'll talk more about this rule in
another article.
Semper Vigilantes.

Go To Mar.
6 "Praying for Seeds of Vigilance"