Article Overview:
Who is in charge of America? Is it the President or the Mayors
of America? Today, a handful of small-town mayors have
shaken the fabric of American politics. Fighting for
same-sex marriages, they have taken the spotlight of power away from
the Presidential Candidates, and proven once more that the real
political power to effect change rests with the people of 9,600
communities. |

Tuesday, March 9,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 909
Same-Sex Marriage Battle Shows Power Of Mayors
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Mar. 9, 2004 -- I have always contended
that the power to fight the Beast of Terror begins not in Washington,
but within the local neighborhood, the city from which the state and
nation is born.
A battle is
being waged by mayors of large cities (Mayor Gavin Newsom, San
Francisco)..... |
...and mayors
of small towns (Mayor Jason West, New Paltz, New York) |
Nothing validates this position more than the current battle being
waged by mayors of both small and large towns against both political,
cultural and legal norms regarding marriage.
Mayors, usually
given about as much notice as an ant crawling up the rump of an
elephant, have become the elephant over same-sex marriages.
In New York and San
Francisco, plus a variety of other states and communities, mayors have
stood defiant against monolithic forces shouting down the rights of
gay couples to legally wed.
mayors are shaking the foundations of our nation |
Despite one's view on the issue, the overriding truth is that a
small-town mayor can and has the power to shake the foundations of the
world's largest nation. The actions of the mayors in favor
of providing wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples has forced the
President of the United States to call for a U.S. Constitutional
amendment banning same-sex marriages.
At the other
end of the spectrum, it has forced civil rights leaders to look at the
discrimination against gays legally marrying to same discrimination as
denying blacks the right to vote.
And, it was
fomented not by any particular group of radical demonstrators, but
rather from the last toe of the foot of government--the mayor.
power to change the views of America from the bottom of government up,
suggests that if America wants to become a Nation of Vigilance, it
must first embrace the power of the mayors. If the mayors
get behind a movement to turn their cities and towns into Villages of
Vigilance, then there is a virtual guarantee that the Beast of Terror
will find it nearly impossible to infiltrate our homeland with any
real success.
The real power
comes from the tributaries that feed the trunk |
The question we need to understand is "Why do the mayors have the
ultimate power over the future of their community?"
If we think of "power" we conjure up Hoover Dam. Here, billions
of gallons of water are converted into electricity that drives
society's engines. But, we forget the real power comes not
from Hoover Dam, but from the tributaries--the rivers and
streams--that feed the dam.
The Founding
Fathers took a long time to draft the Constitution to "get it
right" |
in 1776 when America was being formed, it took ten years for the
Founding Fathers to draft the U.S. Constitution. They took
their time because they wanted to "get it right." One of
the conditions of "representative government" was that representation
should not exceed one for 30,000 population. The
first legislature had 106 members representing 3.5 million population,
a 1:33,000 ratio.
This "ear-to-the-rail" community
representation formula has been changed by politicians who felt too
many representatives would clog up the system. So,
in 1911 politicians capped the number of representatives at 435.
Today, the representative ratio is 1:670,000.
The odds of any
"representative" knowing what the heartbeat of the their community is
all about is slim to none.
That brings us to
the mayors.
The mayor or city
manager is structured at a ratio of 1:30,000. In
marketing and business, communities are based on this 30,000 formula.
Broken down, it represents about 10,000 households and a ratio of one
business for every 25 people.
Mayors have power.
They are,
ultimately, the Sentinel of Community Vigilance. When they
elect to stand up for their community, their Voices scream.
The same-sex
marriage is an example of the power of mayors... |
The same-sex marriage issue is one example.
Small-town, relatively
obscure mayors, have captured national and international headlines.
They have put a burr under the saddle of the White House, but, most
importantly, they remind us all that we the people, in the local
communities, control the power that feeds Hoover Dam.
 | remind
us that we the people control the power |
Despite one's view on the same sex marriage issue, the real message
coming out of the sparks flying between local and national government
is: "Who's in charge of the local community?"
The answer is:
The People.
No one is closer to
the people of a community that its mayor. He or she walks
with them, talks with them, eats with them, goes to church and plays
golf or tennis with them, and, in many cases, runs a business in the
local town or community.
America's 290
million people fall into about 9,600 community groups of 30,000
populations. Some are rural, some suburban, some
metro. In New York City, a population of 8 million, the
city is carved into five boroughs and countless villages within them.
Demand we
become a Nation of Vigilance |
The point is that we have a tremendous Voice from the grass roots up.
If we, the Citizens of Vigilance, were to raise our Voices and demand
that we become a Nation of Vigilance, that we wanted to take a
National Vow of Vigilance against the Beast of Terror, our Voices
would be heard in resounding resonance.
The leader of these
rallies should be the mayors. Today, they are
proving that they can stand up for the rights of those seeking
marriage who are being denied that right. In a way,
the issue of same-sex marriage is not of the equal degree of
protecting children from the wrath of the Beast of Terror unless one
believes that the rights of the children to be free to marry whomever
they wish, of the same or opposite sex, is an act of Terror against
For many,
this may be an impossible stretch to achieve, or others, it may be a
long-awaited equal right, one that all children should have as part of
their bundle of rights.
I am not
particularly concerned with the specific issues as much as the
fundamental issue: And that is the source of power in the local
community to make and effect change. That power rests in
each household and within the confines of the community.
The community
right is greater always than any other right, except the right of the
Children's Children's Children. And, the Voice of those
rights is the mayor, the administrator of the community, elected by
the people.
Ask your mayor
to vote your City a Community of Vigilance |
These 9,700 mayors of communities of 30,000 or more throughout
America are our Sentinels of Vigilance. We need to look to
them to be our true Voice of Vigilance.
Ask your mayor or community leader to vote your City or Community a
Community of Vigilance.
Remember the power of the mayor's Voice.
It is louder than any other in the nation because it is the sum of
your Voice, and the Voice of all your neighbors. Don't let it be
Mar 8--Self
Immolation--The Ultimate Terror
