Article Overview: The
Widows of Vigilance represent the wives of those died in the Terrorist
attack of September 11, 2001. They are responsible for
pressuring Congress to investigate the attack, and to find and hold
responsible any and all at fault. But, are they doing more
harm than good? Is the search for mistakes in the past
really a healing process for the present, or another act of Terrorism? |

Thursday, April 1,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 932
Widows Of Vigilance:
Are They Creating Terrorism Or Healing It?
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--April 1, 2004 -- The Widows of
September 11, 2001, are being credited with forcing the President of
the United States and his staff to kneel before the public's request
to answer the question: "Why Did Our Loved One's Die On Nine
In today's New
York Times, reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg details a legacy
of how a handful of dedicated wives dogged Senators and Congressmen to
answer the question: "Why did our husbands die."
It is the story of how a few people can change the
outlook of a nation, of how elephants can be brought to their knees by
Several of the
Widows of Nine Eleven who have dogged the Sept. 11 inquiry |
Pressing for the hearings, the women used
everything from baked cookies to slipping into elevators with Senators
on Capital Hill to pressure them to not sweep the issue of "Who Is
Responsible" under the rug.
Today, the President has agreed to talk to the
commission investigating the question "why," and offered his staff to
be grilled. The pressure forcing this confrontation
between the Executive and Legislature sides of government comes from
the Mothers of Vigilance, the Widows of Vigilance.
One of the wives put it simply: "We just
want to know why our husbands didn't come back from work that day."
I am amazed sometimes at the power of a
single quest to uncover and discover truths.
Sadly, the answers being sought at the
White House Level, and any blame or fault issued from opinion or fact
as a result of such investigations, will be worthless and useless.
People seeking to find fault in others miss the point.
These Mothers of Vigilance needn't look to
Washington to seek vengeance or place blame, they need to look in the
Did the
Mothers of Vigilance stop keeping a Vigilant Eye? |
Where were the Mothers of
Vigilance prior to Nine Eleven? Had they turned over the
protection of their home and children and their husbands to the winds?
Did they stop keeping a Vigilant Eye on the safety of the Children's
Children's Children?
The true investigation into the
problem of Terrorism needs to begin in the 100 million households of
each American's home. It begins with a search for a Pledge of
Vigilance, a vow to fight Terrorism at every corner, a vow to protect
the Children's Children's Children from the deep, dark shadows of
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
Vigilance is about looking
ahead to the protection of the Children's Children's Children, not
backward into the shadows of the past where only blame and history
collects dust.
There is little spoken
about in these committee hearings about the children, or what needs to
be undertaken to better protect them. The reason for
the absence of such discussion is that the duty for such a charge
falls upon the shoulders of the Parents of Vigilance, not the
government. And, the blame for a society weak in Vigilance does
not teeter on the precarious balance of government, but within the
knot of the family. If the family's knot is weak, frayed by
Complacency or Abdication of Vigilance, the government has little role
or responsibility to defend the family from Terror.
Families protect
themselves first. If they are Vigilant Families, they do not
wait for government to respond to the demands of safety and security
for their children and their Children's Children's Children.
Why didn't the women who
stirred the pot to find out answers after the attack rally the same
forces to dig up the graves of the dead prior to Nine Eleven?
Why didn't they use the grass-roots power of Mothers of Vigilance to
demand government to question its protection before the fact, not
after it?
Once blood is
spilled, everyone seeks to smear it on someone else |
Once blood is spilled,
everyone seeks to smear it on someone else rather than on their own
hands. But what about before the fact?
If a Mother of Vigilance
is truly concerned about answering the question "Why?" the Terrorists
slipped through the gates that fateful day of September 11, 2001, she
needs to look in the mirror and ask: "What was I doing that day
to fight the Beast of Terror?"
On the surface, the
Widows of Nine Eleven represent to many housecleaners.
They want the alleged "truth" to be boiled to the surface, and,
whomever appears to be most at fault to be boiled in the Truth's
They are demanding that
the tip of the iceberg, the top of the triangle, be held responsible
for the base of the triangle, for the iceberg's true mass that lies 98
percent uncovered, hidden from view.
They forget they are that
base. We all are. I am no more or less at fault than
they. As a Father of Vigilance, a Grandfather of Vigilance, a
Husband of Vigilance, a Citizen of Vigilance, a Brother of Vigilance,
an Uncle of Vigilance, a Loved One of Vigilance, I have as much fault
as the Widows of Nine Eleven for not shouting out the need for
Vigilance prior to Nine Eleven.
But, I cannot
afford to ask government to account for its faults, without first
demanding the fault of the people be brought to the surface and
exposed for what it is. What we need is a public
investigation into why we are not all signing the Pledge of Vigilance,
and why we, the people, still haven't assumed the duty and
responsibility of battling Terrorism in our own homes.
The planes
slamming into the Twin Towers were symbols of what we need to do
right |
The smashing of the
planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the one that crashed in
Pennsylvania, were symbols not of what we did wrong, but what we need
to do right. We, the people, need to defend our
nation with our Vows of Vigilance, one by one, linked together, to
drive away the Beast of Terror.
This is the real legacy
we need to leave our children.
And what the Widows of
Nine Eleven have done to spark the investigation of the past, needs to
be done to investigate the present, and to ignite the desire to become
a Nation of Vigilance, ruled not by government but by Parents and
Citizens of Vigilance who seek only one goal: the protection of
the Children's Children's Children.
Mar. 31--Celebrating
Life After Death
