Article Overview:
For eons humans have tried to resolve the gap between "war" and
"peace." Now, in the 21st Century, we have the missing
piece of the puzzle. But do we have what it takes to
put it into place and to fight for the rights of our children's
security? Find out. |

Monday, May 17,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 978
War Is The Absence Of Vigilance--Peace Is The Presence Of It!
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--May 17, 2004 -- History is
riddled with puzzles, and the greatest of them all is the piece that
fits between "war" and "peace."
simplified the dilemma between war and peace |
In 410 B.C. playwright Aristophanes
made the dilemma between war and peace simple. In his
play, Lysistrata, he mocked war's insanity by having the women refuse
to have sex with the men until they vowed to end their thirst for war.
Sex was his "missing" link between "war" and "peace."
Fast forward to the 19th Century and stop
at 1869. Here we find Russian author Leo Tolstoy
publishing 365 Chapters that comprise his "War And Peace" epic, a
modern version of the struggle for power between classes.
Tolstoy's book
proved to be an epic dealing with class struggles |
Now, in the 21st Century, we still struggle to
define war and peace, even as we load the breeches of our canons and
sharpen the edges of our bayonets.
It seems to me, after living through nearly
two generations of life, that the missing piece of the puzzle between
war and peace is "vigilance."
War is a meaningless word, just as peace
is. They are words that can be spun about by whomever is
in charge of the dictionary that particular moment.
Are we at war, for example, with Iraq?
Our critics say we are, be we deny that.
We are at "war" with "terrorism," we boast--that faceless, nameless,
nefarious shadow that flits in and out of nations such as Iraq, or
Afghanistan, or Pakistan, who is perhaps massing power in North Korea,
or Iran, thus allowing us to chase him with abandon, avoiding the
common Rules of Engagement and Geneva Convention protocols.
In other words, the euphamastication
of "war" turns the justification for fighting it into mush, creates
quagmires that suck and pull and make those who fight, or allege to
fight, "just wars," appear to be monsters, equal to the monsters they
seek to destroy.
We are not at
war with Iraq but with Terrorism Within |
The mess
created by the words "war" and "peace" is the lack of benchmarks for
the two words. War means ultimately anarchy of human
principles, for all war involves the destruction of human life, often
wantonly, commonly with abandon. Bombs and bullets cannot
distinguish between the combatant and non-combatant, no matter how
"smart" their technology. A child running between
two armed forces will be cut down in the crossfire, a sad tragedy
referred to as "collateral damage."
Peace offers an equal degree of confusion.
Some say that "Peace" is the time between "wars." It is
the "lull in the storm." In other words, "Peace,"
like "War," is nothing more than one of the peaks of a see-saw, as
fragile as the wings of a butterfly, and has a life span equal to the
madness of the next dictator or oppressor who seeks to expand his or
her ego to consume all those within the scope of his Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
America is facing that dilemma today
between "peace" and "war." Many want the U.S. to
withdraw as quickly as possible from Iraq, justifying our retreat with
many points of logic. "Why let Americans die?" "Why
fight an illegal war, one that the world does not sanction?"
"Let Iraq rule itself!"
Huddling in isolation, of course, is
not a solution to the problems of "war" or doesn't provide any
nation such as the United States or others with any security from its
wrath. Nine Eleven proved that. No matter how
"peaceful" a nation may attempt to be, there will always be those who
will or can attack that peace and threaten the security of the
children, the innocent. Terrorism is that example.
Terrorism is and always has been the
root of war, its tap root. Over the eons of human
existence countless googles of thoughts and words and opinions have
been cast on the subject, trying to reveal the shroud that disguises
the missing link, the puzzle piece, the keystone between "war" and
It can all be summed up today on a
simple bumper sticker: WAR IS THE ABSENCE OF VIGILANCE!
And, its counterpart: PEACE IS
Now, the question is: What is
On this website, amidst the nearly
two million (2,000,000) words written within it since Nine Eleven is a
smattering of the answer. The complete answer will
be unveiled by the actions of parents, grandparents, brothers,
sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, loved ones and citizens who
ultimately subscribe to the Pledge of Vigilance.
When human beings are committed
to fight Fear with Courage, to trump Intimidation with Conviction, and
to quash Complacency with Right Actions that benefit the Children's
Children's Children, then Vigilance will overpower Terrorism.
Huge barriers will be created
not out of castle concrete, but in the minds and the wills of humans
to confront the Beast of Terror who forms his strength in all of us
when we let our guards drop, and become "victims" to his cunning and
baffling power to make us cower and shrug and allow others to dictate
our self-worth, our children's self-worth, our society's self-worth,
our nation's self-worth, and our global community's self worth.
Vigilance is
the missing piece |
As long as
parents refuse to accept the duty of human evolution, and that is to
allow a child to build defenses against his or her Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency by not educating that child on how to battle his or
her own Beast of Terror, then our world will continue to be torn
between "war" and "peace." Our children will continue suffer the
pains of their own demons, many of them becoming their victims and
living their lives thinking they aren't "good enough," "loved enough,"
"worthy enough," "smart enough," "privileged enough" and then take up
arms to fight those who are "oppressing them."
Vigilance is the key.
It is the missing piece of the
You can add it to your puzzle.
You can bridge the gap today. Just take the Pledge of
Vigilance, or write your own. Vow to it. And start
the process of insuring your children's, and their Children's
Children's Children security.
May 16--Ripping The
Fabric Of The Flag Over Iraq
