Article Overview:
It is 990 days today from Ground Zero, September 11, 2001.
Where were you then? Where are you today? Where will you
be tomorrow? Have you fallen into the state of
Complacency, feeling that the War On Terrorism has exhausted its fuel?
That it's all about politics now? That it's time for us to
retreat and leave our role as Sentinels of Vigilance to others?
Who will win and lose if we do become turtles? Find
out in this provocative examination of where you are today...and
tomorrow...on Terrorism. |

Saturday, May 29,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 990
Where Are You On The 990th Day of the War On Terrorism?
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--May 29, 2004 --Today is the 990th Day
of Vigilance.
It is 900 days plus one since the Terrorists attacked
America. I count September 11, 2001, as Ground Zero day.
I count from "0" for that horrific day, since it hallmarks the War On
Terrorism, a war that is not limited to Iraq, Afghanistan, North
Korea, or any country ruled by public tyranny and oppression.
What is your
focus on Ground Zero's 990th Day? |
Ground Zero Day includes an awareness of all shapes and
forms of Terrorism, Emotional, Physical, Corporate, Social, Religious,
Economic--and any all myriads and permutations one can extend to all
forms of human behavior.
It would be folly to limit our vision to what is
happening throughout the world today to groups of thugs who slit
people's throats on videos, or blow their heads off as they are
kneeling, or threaten to release "dirty bombs" in the center of
Terrorism is far deeper than the bottom of the well we
smell today, for the putrification of civility from one person to
another in the 21st Century points to the basic problem that humanity
hasn't advanced beyond the Cain and Able Era, when brother smashed
brother's head to achieve power.
This same urge to rule over others exists today as it
did millenniums ago. A father or mother, for example, who
tells his or her children they are not "worthy" or they wish "they had
never been born," are not unlike the Terrorists who slit throats or
blow people's heads off, only the pain and agony isn't visible.
The damage to the soul, the ripping and shredding of the child's inner
security, the bombing of the child's sense of self is scattered into a
thousand pieces, similar to what a Terrorist's bomb hurls when a
suicide bomber steps on a crowded bus and pulls the cord, sending the
victims and their bodies into a shrapnel oblivion.
So what have we learned in these 900 days?
Let's find out.
We've learned that Terrorism preys on our Fears,
our Intimidations and our Complacencies. Following
the Fears and Intimidations, we slip into the state of Complacency,
where today our nation is polarized about the War On Terrorism.
We are asked to vote in favor of or against the funding of the war,
and all the ugliness and horror that war brings.
A few of our
young warriors are becoming the beasts they capture |
We see our young warriors torturing the
beasts they captured, becoming the beast. We see the world
standing outside the Circle of Commitment, waiting for us to falter
and fail so they can rush in and pick up the pieces.
We see our finances being drained, better put to
work to help our children's schools or our crippled health system
bolster itself. We wonder if isolationism is a better way
than being the Global Sentinel of Vigilance, who, despite all good
intentions, only engages the wrath of the world.
We watch politicians hurl bombs at our
leadership, trying to wound and maim their credibility in an attempt
to gain power of the ruling party, so that they might rise to
leadership on the bleached bodies of victims they claim were caused by
negligence and incompetence.
But do we see the Complacency? This
powerful tool of Terrorism hangs over our heads, waiting to fall and
chop off America's neck, to discredit our nation as the major force
throughout the world willing to stand up to Terrorism in all its
nefarious forms.
This is the inventory we need to examine.
For who is the victim if we, the nation who has always stood against
Terrorism, gives up that role? Will our children be the
ultimate victims? Will Terrorism grow stronger as we, the
police of global conflict, weaken and retreat?
Have we remained a "safe" nation over countless
decades because we were strong and thunderous, and willing to fight
great wars against tyranny and oppression for others, never denying
our role regardless of the uproar or internal strife it created?
We must think about giving up our role as the
World's Sentinels of Vigilance in relation to our children's safety,
and their children's safety. What happens to us when we
become a nation who ducks the duty to help others in far-off lands?
What Terrorism is there among the citizens of a nation, especially the
children, who watch their country shun, shy and deny the role of being
Parents of Vigilance, refusing to participate in the elimination of
the world's bullies?
Are we teaching our children the duty to keep the
world safe belongs to everyone but them? Are we
putting into their marrow the cells of Complacency so that when they
walk down the street and see a stranger beating up on a child they
will turn their head and say: "that's not my business.
Better let someone else get involved?"
Don't we have
a duty to the Children's Children's Children? |
It is easy to judge harshly the actions of
America based on the selfish needs of today. But what about the
selfless needs of tomorrow, and the next day, and the next generation,
and that one? Do we have a duty to the children's
children's children's to teach them that Courage is more important
than Fear, that Conviction overrides Intimidation, and Right Actions
for future generations supercedes Complacency and the horror of
abdicating our legacy as Global Sentinels of Vigilance?
It is time to ask these questions before we
are all sucked deep into the vortex of Complacency.
The torture of Iraqi prisoners may be the only thing we see about he
War on Terrorism because the Beast of Terror is making us blind
ourselves to the few faults we perform in the struggle to right
democracy out of the dogpile of tyranny and oppression.
Let us be blind to our true responsibility.
Let us see ourselves as Sentinels of Vigilance,
not Beasts of Complacency. We can affirm that role by taking the
Pledge of Vigilance. We can take that Pledge today, on the
990th day of the War on Terrorism.
Or, we can duck and weave, and leave it up to
someone else, and, in the background, if we listen carefully, we can
hear the Beast chortle.
May 20--Why I
Couldn't Watch the 9/11 Inquisition
