Article Overview:
American men are getting stupid. They've stopped educating
themselves. They are de-evolving while women are
advancing. This makes the Beast of Terror happy. The
more stupid men are, the less skills they have to protect their
families. And that leads to the extinction of the
species. Find out what a man can do to keep our species growing. |
Monday--June 16, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 642
The De-evolution Of Man--Are Women
Taking Over The Brain?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, New
York--June 16, 2003-- Last night my wife and I watched a
fascinating portrayal of human evolution titled, "Walking
With Cavemen" on the Discovery Channel. Hosted
by Alec Baldwin, the millions of years of human evolution
was chronicled. The beginning of human developed
was benchmarked by the bones of a young precursor to modern
human beings, a 3.2 million-year-old by the name of Lucy.
bones prove she was 3 feet tall |
scientific name is Australopithecus afernsis, but
she is far more than a mere mouthful of syllables.
In fact, her shadow casts long over modern human beings,
for even today women are evolving, at least intellectually,
at a far faster rate than men. Projecting
current statistics, women will soon dominate the world of
"man" from an educational and productive basis.
- Australopithecus afernsis - (picture as characterized
by Discovery Channel) lived about 3.2 million years
ago, in what is now Hadar, Ethiopia
In a recent study by Northwestern University's
Center for Labor Market Studies, a gender gap was found
large enough to drive a M-1 Tank through. It
revealed that nearly 2 million more women are attending
college than men. The startling statistics
shows a growing trend for men to be falling behind the "productive
curve," creating a rash of underachieving males.
The study revealed
that in 1993 there were 123 women to every 100 men in college.
In 2000 that gap rose to 128 for every 100 men.
The highest difference
was among African Americans, with 166 women enrolling in
college for every 100 men in 2000, and 130 Hispanic and
126 white women enrolled for every 100 men.
Completion rates in
college is even more startling. Projecting the
number of people who will complete associate's and bachelor's
degrees over the next decade, the date indicates women will
receive 173 associate's degrees and 142 bachelor's degrees
to every 100 obtained by men.
This brings us back
to Lucy around 3.2 million years ago.
It suggests that men
are de-evolving intellectually, virtually throwing in the
towel as far as expanding their minds, enhancing their ability
to forage and support the family.
man has been the hunter-protector
the man's role in society has been the hunter-protector.
He roamed the wilds with a spear, searching for food, risking
his life to protect the village. If he
was killed in his pursuits, the women and children were
protected, and another man rose to take his place.
He was a true Sentinel
of Vigilance, standing guard with his life over the safety
and security of the Homeland. It took
great Courage, Conviction and a drive to do the Right Actions
to protect the Children's Children's Children to tackle
a mammoth, or to engage in hand-to-hand combat with a saber-toothed
But that was his job.
Men were, in the most fundamental terms, expendable.
Women were not. A number of men could die protecting
the village, the clan, the cave and life would go on.
But, if the women died, there would be no children to drive
the species up the evolutionary ladder because there would
be no children.
clan would die out if women and children were unprotected
meant men were forced by their role as a Sentinel of Vigilance
to have every nerve, every instinct sharpened not just to
survive, but to grow. If the women and children
were unprotected, or unable to acquire nourishment, the
clan would die out, as many did.
In a brilliant
production, the Discovery Channel mapped the progress of
human development, including showing how one of man's and
woman's ancestors wasted 1,000,000 years not advancing their
tool making, and finally dying out.
Channel mapped the progress of human development
Then came
Lucy, about 3 feet tall, a hominid with long chimp-like
arms discovered in 1974 in the badlands at Hadar, Ethiopia.
She was named after a song played every night by the anthropologist
Don Johanson, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
It took another
3 million years for modern man, Homo erectus, to
evolve. That was 150,000 years ago--not too
long considering the earth is over 5 billion years old.
Then, just 50,000 years the creative process began--mankind
and womankind began to think as we understand that intellectual
process today. We displayed cognition, the ability
to relate not just to survival but to the future.
We began to dream of a world's far better than the one we
were struggling in.
Some call this point
the "dawn of civilization." It could
be called the point where the Beast of Terror met the Sentinel
of Vigilance, for we began to envision worlds of peace and
prosperity rather than tyranny and oppression of daily life.
It has been about 6
million years since the start of what is termed "human
evolution." Lucy broke the mold between
the "beast" and the "human" form after
3 million years. After a wide range of attempts to
evolve, less than 2 million years ago Homo erectus
appeared. We began to walk upright. Then,
150,000 years ago the first Homo sapiens appeared.
We were on our way.
It took thousands
of years before the Industrial Revolution launched in the
19th Century when suddenly mechanization sped the ability
of humans to produce "things." The
ultimate in creativity was put to work. Factories
began to mass produce clothing, food, and countless "creature
comforts" until today, one can go to the "store"
and buy just about anything imaginable, from ancient stone
clubs on e-bay, to fine foods, to how to make a nuclear
weapon on the Internet.
We can move from one nation
to another by car, train, plane in hours. Information
is rocketed in seconds from the far corners of the earth.
We can watch an entire war unfold in our living rooms as
we eat McDonald's hamburgers and then a few months later
read about a Fat Tax being considered to impose a penalty
on our right to eat what we want.
Our children
today grow up in a relatively safe world. When the
Beast of Terror attacks one of them, we hear or see it on
radio and television and rally around the child and prosecute
the violator as a society.
When wars are launched we
watch the violence and choose to either support or protest
it, enjoying a freedom of speech and movement unequalled
in history. We also can watch parts of
the world that suffer from the tyranny and oppression where
evolution has been stunted by politics or lack of leadership,
and we stuff envelopes with money to "adopt" a
starving child we see on a television screen in a far-off
We also see the Beast of
He hasn't evolved much.
He's just as basic and fundamental
as he was back 3.2 million years ago when he picked up a
club and smashed the skull of Lucy.
Beast of Terror hasn't evolved
hides in the shadows of human evolution, fangs sharpened
over time, primal thirsts to kill and maim and Terrorize
unchanged by all the evolutionary achievements of all humans
who came before. The Beast of Terror has only expanded
his ability to kill, has multiplied it many with technology,
but his goal is the same as it was in the beginning--to
rule others with Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
His club today is biochemical
or nuclear, but its purpose is the same--to smash the Vigilance
out of Lucy. To drive the clan into Caves of Complacency.
has stopped climbing the evolutionary ladder while
more and more women are being educated
educational gap is one more example of the Beast of Terror's
efforts to de-evolve the human being.
The once-Sentinels
of Vigilance--the men--are now dumbing themselves down.
A protector must be
sharp, ready, alert if he is to protect the family from
the stalking, nefarious nature of the Beast.
The more dull his brain, the less sharp his instincts, the
more gravity dragging him to live on the couch next to a
bowl of potatoes, the less likely he is to have the Courage,
Conviction and take the Right Actions to protect the Children's
Children's Children.
While the current reduction
of men going to college is a mere drop in the evolutionary
bucket, it demands a red alert.
Men who give up their
role as Sentinels of Vigilance begin that process by becoming
"dumb." The lack of thirst to evolve means
that men, for whatever reason, have become Complacent.
When a man doesn't want to be smarter, it means only that
he has tossed in the intellectual towel. He's stopped
shadow boxing with himself. He's given up on his own
self-image. He's stopped climbing the evolutionary
2 million more women than and men are attending college
There is no doubt
that women deserve equality with men on all levels except
one. A woman is not supposed to die for a man.
She is the womb of the future. Her life becomes
the security of the future. However, a man is supposed
to die for a woman, and for the future of the Children,
and all the Children's Children's Children.
A man is expendable.
A woman is not.
If all the women in the world
were gone, there would be no future for our species.
But, if all the men were
dead, and enough women were pregnant, the world could go
on. Our species could survive.
This brutal but fundamental
difference requires--no, demands--that men can't afford
to de-evolve. If they do, they leave the world vulnerable
to the Beast of Terror.
Back 3.2 million years ago,
the men let up on their Vigilance. They let the Beast
of Terror smash in Lucy's head.
men will swing the door wide open to the Beast
If men continue
to dumb themselves down, they will swing the door open to
the Beast.
But, if men are smart, they
will take the Pledge of Vigilance. They will become
the Sentinels of Vigilance they are supposed to be, and
dedicate their lives not to living in Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency, but struggle up the evolutionary ladder
by sharpening their Courage, Conviction and reinforcing
their Right Actions in behalf of the future generations.
To achieve this means they must
be smart, as smart as the women. Right now,
the men of the world are dumbing-down. They are becoming
the Osama bin Laden's, Saddam Hussein's, Kim Jon Il's, or
the Great Complacents, the men who sit on the couch and
watch the Beast eat their children.
This needs to stop.
It can by all men taking the Pledge
of Vigilance. When that happens, the dumbing-down
will stop, because the Courage, Conviction and Right Actions
necessary to be a Sentinel of Vigilance will take over.
And those Vigilant Skills require smarts.
June 15--Fathers Of Vigilance Unite!
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