Article Overview:
What is the "Jesus Hoax?" Was James really Jesus' brother?
Are artifacts from 1 AD the foundation of our belief systems, or is
the need for Vigilance the keystone? Find out what James
means when he says: "Just Do It!" |
Thursday--June 19, 2003—Ground Zero Plus
The Terror Of Truthful Lies--
"The Jesus Hoax"
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--June
19, 2003-- Dogma changes like light striking the facets
of the Hope Diamond.
It takes on the brilliance of its
supporters, or invites the angst of its critics.
believe James is the brother of Jesus
That's the essence of
what is called the "Jesus hoax." It
started in 2002 when a stone box, called an ossuary, was
said to hold the bones of Jesus' brother, James.
The shoebox-sized ossuary was purchased
in the 1970s by an anonymous Israeli collector.
Thinking it "ugly," he allegedly shoved it into
a nondescript location on his balcony until a French academic
examined it in 2002 and found an Aramaic inscription that
read, "James, son of Joseph." In fainter
letters scribed into the ocher-colored stone were the words,
"brother of Jesus."
Then, all Hell broke loose.
to the Catholic Church, Mary was a perpetual virgin
and had no children other than Jesus
Roman Catholic
and Orthodox Christians rose up in arms. According
to their theology, Jesus' mother, Mary, was a perpetual
virgin and had no other children.
Skeptics who have refuted
Mary's perpetual virginity--attacking her holiness and lofty
position in the Church doctrine--hailed the discovery as
proof that the Roman Catholic foundations were riddled with
The James Ossuary was shipped
to Toronto and hundreds of thousands came to see it, believing
it was real. Archeology often serves as history's
judge and jury, and the presence of the ossuary fed veracity
to claims of Mary's mortality rather than her spirituality.
Israeli authorities
who restrict the purchase and shipping of antiquities, moved
in to investigate the find. Similar to the CIA,
the antiquities squad is called the IAA, Israel Antiquities
Authority. The IAA found the dealer who shipped
the ossuary and promoted it as valid was Hershel Shanks,
publisher of Biblical Archeology Review, a man noted to
stretch publicity to his favor.
Before being shipped to Canada,
the James Ossuary was authenticated by the Geological Survey
of Israel. Upon its return to Israel,
IAA authorities seized it. They discovered the anonymous
collector was a high-tech businessman named Oded Golen.
Antiquity licenses are required to trade, sell or export
archaeological finds, and Mr. Golen had none.
Politically, antiquities
are used to support claims by Israel of ownership of the
land it occupies. The major conflict between
Israel and Palestine, as well as with other Mid East countries,
is the question of original authority of Israel to claim
its historic homeland. Antiquities help to either
support or deny such claims.
ossuary was genuine but the inscription was forged
The James Ossuary was only one of a number of artifacts
found in Mr. Golen's possession. He also had
a charred sandstone tablet, three inches thick and nearly
a foot long called the Yoash Inscription. It was covered
with four ancient scripts describing King Yoash's attempts
to renovate a temple, which would have predated Islam's
claim their temple was first.
argue no Jewish temple existed on the ground where an Islamic
shrine stands. If there were proof of Yoash's Temple,
it would punctuate Israel's claim of sovereignty.
The Yoash Inscriptions appeared to validate the Jewish claim.
investigation revealed both the James Ossuary and Yoash
Inscriptions were forgeries. While the box that
allegedly held James's bones was authentic--that is, it
dated back to the 1st Century, in line with James's death
in AD 62--the words scribed upon its surface were carved
after the fact.
Stones stored in caves develop a patina, a film created
by chemicals that seep out of a rock over centuries.
The IAA discovered that both inscriptions on the James Ossuary
and Yoash Inscriptions had been cut through the patina.
Further, they found chemicals only present in modern tap
water. Thus, the mystery of James relation to Jesus
remains an enigma, and, proof of a Jewish temple outdating
an Islamic one remains a question mark.
the legacy of James has not been lost in antiquity.
was a unifier. He brought together both Jews and new
converts under the umbrella of Christianity.
He was, in his way, one of the great Sentinels of Vigilance.
In the Bible's Book of James, the author calls out for action
rather than words. He says, "faith without
works is dead." His chapter is known
as the "do-it" chapter, for James promotes that
one must be a "doer," a person who takes "actions
of faith."
Dogma aside,
the James Ossuary, even though a fraud in a theological
sense, arrives at a time when his message deserves special
is about becoming a "doer" rather than an "observer."
big job these days is to drive societies into states of
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. The worst
of these three is Complacency--that inaction one takes to
accept things "as they are," to become trapped
in a "rut of despair," or to refute the ability
to change from one state into another.
in Iraq is an example of Complacency. The citizens
are moving backwards not forwards. Under Saddam
Hussein, the nation was in a constant state of violence,
centered at the top of the pyramid. The despots
could, on a whim, murder, rape, pillage and plunder whomever
they wanted.
The civil
violence in Iraq is Complacency to change. Instead
of embracing the freedom that exists, and working to build
their nation, the violence is an attempt to drive out those
who seek to help. If the U.S. were to leave,
there is a great chance the nation would soon fall under
similar despotic control, perhaps of a different size or
shape, but basically the same as existed before.
James sought
to unify the differences between people and offer them a
new alternative to life not only for themselves, but for
their children, and the Children's Children's Children.
In that sense, he was a true "brother" of Jesus.
If he were
walking the streets of the United States today, he would
be asking people why they were sitting back watching and
waiting for someone else to do what they should do.
He would urge them to take charge of their lives, and not
fall Complacent to finding differences between themselves
and others, but to find the similarities. He would
probably become the marketing director for Nike, and help
underscore their theme, "Just Do It!" But,
he would add, "Just Do It--For The Children's Children's
do it: Take the Pledge of Vigilance
Terrorism can only be fought with Courage, Conviction and
Right Actions for future generations. When it
is tackled with Triads of Vigilance, the Beast of Terror
falls hard.
in this climate, James would be waving the Pledge of Vigilance
in everyone's face, urging them to sign it, to commit to
its Principles of Vigilance, and to pass on to their children
and loved ones the ability to face off the Beast of Terror
in any confrontation.
the James Ossuary is counterfeit, the message James offered
us all is not.
Do It--For The Children's Children's Children."
You can
"Just Do It" now.
You can
take the Pledge of Vigilance today.
June 18--The Outer Limits Of Terrorism
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