Article Overview:
How many children do we leave behind educationally when we expect the
government to shape their minds? When we as parents turn over
our child to a school system, are we delivering it to the Beast of
Terror? Find out if your child has been left behind. |
23, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 649
"No Child Left Behind"--The
Government's or Parent's Role?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--June
23, 2003-- On January 8, 2002, President Bush signed into
law the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It's
goal is to strengthen the grip the federal government exercises
over public education to reduce the gap between minorities
and disadvantaged students and their peers.
"No Child Left Behind Act of 2001"
But, is
it the job of the federal government to educate children,
or the responsibility of each parent and community?
Can a central regulatory source demand educational Vigilance
from the top down, forcing parents to insure their children's
educational evolution, or will the final say in the education
of a child rest with the support, coaching and stimulation
of a parent or loved one to turn the straw of knowledge
into the gold of wisdom?
There are more than 90,000
public schools in America, approximately one for every 3,333
people in this country. According to the U.S.
Census Bureau's October 1999 School Enrollment In The United
States, 8 million children are enrolled in nursery school
and kindergarten, 33 million in elementary school and 16
million in high school.
Fifteen percent of the kindergarten
to elementary school students attend private schools--learning
institutions outside the federal hand of educational authority--and
another ten percent of high school students attend private
education facilities.
The No Child Left Behind
program reforms the Elementary & Secondary Education
Act (ESEA) founded in 1965. Essentially, it
sharpens the government's teeth to demand certain policies
and procedures since public schools receive a hefty part
of their operating budget from the government.
The government has
put money where its mouth is, increasing Title 1 funding
by 26.4 percent to help pave the way to education reform
with gold.
But all that
glitters isn't gold.
The program, geared primarily for urban educational systems
where students are densely concentrated, breaks down when
you reach the small rural communities in outlaying areas
in Montana and Alaska.
This morning,
the New York Times reports a story of a teacher in a small
Montana town who may be forced to leave his teaching position.
Under the No Child Left Behind guidelines, teachers are
required to have majors in the fields they teach.
Small schools that have minimum students often have teachers
presenting a variety of classes from math to history.
Earning meager salaries, the challenge of going back to
school to degree themselves in specific areas is onerous.
"No Child Left Behind Act" reforms the "Elementary
and Secondary Education Act" (ESEA) founded in
The Times also noted that the No Child Left Behind requirements
include shifting a student to better school, at the school
district's expense. In Alaska, the article points
out, this can mean transferring a student up to 130 miles.
But the
crux of the education dilemma in America doesn't rest, in
my opinion, with the amount of funds, or the government's
heavy hand swatting schools with dictates.
Many states
and communities look upon federal enforcement as a violation
of state's rights, and a form of governmental Terrorism.
It concerns
me that government is taking on a stronger role in trying
to "cure" the ills of education, when, in the
final sense, the true force behind a child's education is
not society but the parents, guardians and loved ones of
a child.
along the line we, Americans, and other developed nations,
have become Complacent in our duty to exercise Vigilance
over a child's education.
Under the
"public education" concept, we have turned over
our children's mental, emotional and often spiritual development
to "others." We expect the "educators"
to mold our children's minds, to inspire them, to spark
their imaginations while we go about the job of paying the
rent, cooking the food, buying the clothes, and keeping
the bills paid.
is "Educational Complacency," a rich, fertile
growing field for Terrorism.
more we remove ourselves from a child's education, the more
we open the door for the Beast of Terror to wriggle himself
or herself into the child's mind and twist thoughts to "his
or her" way.
ago I learned that I was in school "not to learn, but
to learn to think." I passed that wisdom
on to my children.
I stood by each day to review what they had learned at school,
not just from the books, but from life itself.
And while I may not know everything, I was able to question
the knowledge, to remind my children about their responsibility
to seek the Truth and to find Knowledge despite all the
roadblocks that popped up.
Today, I believe, the No Child Left Behind Act is doing
what it opposes.
Children will never be educated by public or private schools.
Ultimately, parents who look to government or a school to
shape a child's mind, to spark his or her imagination, to
build foundations for a child's future identity, will be
sorely failed by such expectations. It's like throwing
a child to the wolves and hoping that the child won't be
are sponges
Children are sponges. They will absorb everything
around them.
They will absorb the Fear, the Intimidation and the Complacency,
as well as the Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for
future generations.
If the child believes a parent isn't interested in his or
her education, that will create an emptiness in the child.
It creates a hole in the child's soul.
Imagine coming home from school where the teacher taught
things that weren't clear, or were in conflict with your
parent's beliefs, and, that during the day you called names,
and you went into the bathroom and cried.
Your parents are busy, your mother and father spend little
time with you on your schoolwork, and expect you to do well,
but do not engage you in teaching you what you've been taught.
They ask you:" How was your day," not, "What
did you learn today that will help you live life better?"
What do you do when you come home? Do you tell your
parents to stop what they're doing, to turn off the television,
put down the martini, don't go to the party and spend time
with you reviewing your homework, discussing how it will
impact your life?
Or, do you just shrug and say, "Everything went okay,"
and go to your room to do your homework so you can go out
and play, or meet your friends at the mall?
Child Left Behind" is the parents' duty
No Child Left Behind is not the government's job.
is the parents' duty.
achieve this, one must become a Parent of Educational Vigilance.
When a child enters the world of knowledge, he or she has
but one ultimate authority, one teacher over all others--the
parent. No one can supplant the role of parent as
teacher, unless the parent gives up that right and turns
his or her child over to the Beast of Terror.
education has suffered as we turn more and more control
over the quality of teaching to government control, because
government is not a person. It cannot put arms around
a child and preen the child's soul, or root the child to
overcome that feeling of confusion and dismay.
Government cannot go to school plays, or after-school games.
Government can't sit with a child and help him or her with
homework, or, if there is a problem at school, go to the
office to fix it.
can't make a child want to dream about the impossible and
No Child
Left Behind is ironic. The mere name suggests
the more government takes over the duty of teaching children
by directing policy, the less education will result.
needs a new program--"No Child Left Behind By His or
Her Parent's Complacency About Education."
the Pledge of Vigilance today
Only when this program is installed will the shift in education
But, to
start it off, each parent needs to become a Parent of Educational
Vigilance and learn that Right Action for the benefit of
the Children's Children's Children is the only way to drive
the Beast of Complacency back where the Beast belongs, away
from our children.
Take the
Pledge of Vigilance today, it is your diploma to higher
Vigilance Education.