Article Overview:
Are you a Caesar of Vigilance? Do you have a vision beyond
the present? Can you protect the future of the Children's
Children's Children...find out! |
Monday--June 30, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 656
Become A Caesar Of Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--June 30,
2003-- There is nothing more fascinating than to watch the history of
the Roman Empire. It smacks of both Vigilance and Terrorism.
It is the Mother and Father of both for modern civilization.
TNT Television is
hosting a two-part series on Julius Caesar's rise to power.
The screen is power-packed with some of the great actors of modern
times, most notably Richard Harris who died last October but lives in the digital dots
that fill the screen with his image.
Chris Noth as Pompey the Great, left, and
Jeremy Sisto as Julius Caesar in TNT's "Caesar" |
Sex & The City star, Chris
Noth looms large on the screen as Roman General Pompey, the paver of
Caesar's path to power. Christopher Walken struts about in
robes as the stenoric Voice of the Roman Senate, Cato, delivering
almost wooden lines for such a superb actor, issuing "walk-on" lines
to jab our conscience as the Greek choir so deftly employed by
playwrights to sing the message just in case rowdy audience members
may have missed the zingers flying out of the actor's mouths.
The grandfather of all actors in his field,
Richard Harris, opens the two-part mini-series with a display of
Terrorism as cold and ruthless as any that Saddam Hussein might have
issued in his double decade of tyranny and oppression. As
Sulla, commander-in-chief of the Roman Army, Harris spills the blood
of any Roman he considers a threat to his power and whimsically
shatters Roman Law by defying it with arbitrary disrespect. He
scoffs at the Senate who believes they are acting in the "people's"
benefit by accusing them of being pompous elitists whose feet never
touch the ground, "asses never sat on a horse" and whose hands are
never soiled by any work.
Caesar is played by Jeremy Sisto, who
plays Billy, the charming one minute and hostile the next
brother of Brenda with whom he is in a "toxic relationship" on the HBO
series "Six Feet Under". A victim of
epilepsy, Caesar falls into spasmodic convulsions, a suggestion that
all power-hungry leaders are overloaded by their own sense of almighty
power, more than the body can handle.
Was Bush's
landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln a symbolic fit of power and
overload? |
Some claim President Bush's arrival
by military jet aboard an aircraft carrier after the end of Gulf War
II was a symbolic fit of power and overload, where warrior and
statesman short-circuit one another.
The story of Caesar is about the
clash between the Titans of Vigilance versus the Titans of Terrorism.
And, it's not really about all
the victorious battles Caesar fought, or how he expanded the domain of
Rome or sought to bring justice where Sulla left the footprints of
Terrorism's Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
To give Caesar credit--to come
here to "praise him not bury him"--one has to carefully absorb his
initial orations to the Senate when, in his early innocence, he spewed
out of his heart a cry for a vision far beyond the present state of
Rome and one that forced "out of the box thinking."
Caesar, sharing his love of
Rome, called for the Senate to see the "Big Picture." He
chided the members for wallowing in the issues of "ants" while the
"elephants" were roaming the streets.
He spoke not of just saving one or
two souls today, but of all of them tomorrow.
He screamed for Vigilant Vision.
Sulla, the
Terrorist, demands that Pompey cut out Caesar's heart and bring it
to him |
the Terrorist, the Beast of Rome, the Butcher of Roman Integrity, was
an antithesis of Julius Caesar's goal of being a just leader who tried
to empower the people while keeping the balance between the state and
populace always clearly defined by Roman guards with double-edged
swords who would not hesitate to cut you in half were you to cross the
Caesar was struggling to be a
Sentinel of Vigilance. He was trying to right the wrongs of a
state that became so wrapped up in the nickels and dimes that it could
not see the dinars.
That's the part I liked most
about the show.
Superb acting and great
productions qualities aside, the chorus that sang to be in the first
part of the double-whammy series, was the message of looking ahead to
the future, of being so inspired by the duty to the future that one
did not get caught in the quicksand of the present.
To become a Sentinel of
Vigilance, one must look deep and long into the future and see with
clarity that if the people of this country, and other nations, do not
rise up to defend themselves, no government or sets of governments
will ever be able to snuff the life out of Terrorism.
Sulla, in a crude way, ordered
Pompey to do just that. In the final scene of Sulla's
life, he is bathing and ordering the execution of a Roman citizen whom
he arbitrarily accused of stealing. Pompey comes to the
poor citizen's rescue, vouching for him.
As Sulla, Richard Harris
becomes angry that his orders are being questioned, and demands that
Pompey rather than one of Sulla's guard, strangle the man.
The strangulation battle has little to do with the guilt of the
accused, and everything to do with the exercise of unchecked,
unmanaged power. The heavens intervene, and Sulla dies of a
heart attack before the insubordination of Pompey can turn into blood.
Governments cannot strangle
Terrorism. Even the U.S. cannot find Osama bin Laden or
Saddam Hussein to grab them around the neck and strangle them.
Terrorism is not about the physical
as much as the emotional.
Legions march to conquer Gaul |
Apollonius, the Greek mentor of
Caesar's daughter, Julia, reminds the child that slavery is a "state
of mind," and that a man, regardless of chains and manacles, can be
free inside, just as those who walk with the illusion of freedom can
be slaves to passions and defects of power that hobble their humanity.
The mentor, in classic
Greek-theater fashion, is the chorus, reminding us all that the Beast
of Terror lives within us, and that "freedom from it" is about
Vigilance, about seeing beyond the horizon to the benefit of future
Caesar isn't far behind the
mentor in his passions. He rises to power on the advice of
"never making a promise to the people you can't keep," and he
struggles to maintain that creed. Unfortunately, the first
President Bush, one among many politicians, is often noted as losing
his second term because of his famous claim to "watch my lips, I will
not raise taxes," and then, when the heat was on, raised taxes.
Visionaries of Vigilance are the Spartans at the Battle of
Thermopylae |
Visionaries of Vigilance are Spartans. They fight for the
rights of the Children's Children's Children, and in that battle, they
overturn the tyrants, the despots, the Beasts of Terror who litter
their path.
Perhaps Caesar started
out that way and ended up in a state of compromise, so common to one
who rises to power and finds the intoxication of it shrinks one's
vision from "what can be" to "how do I keep my throne."
Ideal politicians usually
rise on the passion of their beliefs, unseating the Complacent
politicians who think power has some continuity to it. Bill
Clinton rose up from nowhere to joust George Bush from a second term
for no other reason than Complacency. Had Bush stuck to his
promises, he would not have felt the Ides of November stab him in the
We, who fight for each
citizen to become a Sentinel of Vigilance, and to defend the rights of
the Children's Children's Children against the Beast of Terror's
wrath, offer mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, loved ones, grandparents
that chance to have a Caesar Vision.
We offer the ability to
look beyond the morass of issues one faces on a daily basis in life,
and to look beyond the horizon to what the future will be like for
children whose parents do not daily help them replace Fear with
Courage, or concern themselves with the infiltration of Intimidation
at the expense of Conviction, or, who become fat-cat Roman Senators
with their children and think the school or church, the Supreme Court
or the government will teach them how to take the Right Actions for
future generations rather than wallow in the quagmire of Complacency
where Americans sit around waiting for the world to change, or, worse,
for someone else to change it.
Caesar has many layers of
Stand up to
the message of Julius Caesar: We cannot count on
governments or institutions to protect our children |
Long ago, Rome launched the idea of democracy--that people cannot
count on governments or institutions to protect their children.
Self-government was the
seed of Rome. Today, it seems the populations of the world
have become more Romanesque than free. They still wait for the
Julius Caesar or Pompey to strike down the Terrorist Sulla.
What they end up with is
just another leader trying to hook his rope in the ring on all the
followers' noses.
It is time to stand up to
the message of Julius Caesar. It is time to look beyond the
present and into the future. What can you do today to protect
your children from the Beast of Terror? You can take the Pledge
of Vigilance.
You can be a Caesar of
June 29-- Blessing The Children Of
Vigilance With DreamCatchers
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