Article Overview:
Be a Grandfather of Vigilance. Be a Rescue Hero! Unite!
Today is Grandfather's of Vigilance Day. It's a day to remind
ourselves to pass on the wisdoms of the ages to our Children's
Children, so they can pass it on to their Children's Children.
That means your wisdom will last for more than 100 years. Find
out why Grandfathers should Unite today! |
15, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 671
Grandfathers of Vigilance:
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--July 15,
2003-- Today is a very special day. It is Grandfathers of
Vigilance Day. At least, it is for me.
It's my grandson's seventh birthday today.
In two more weeks, it will be my granddaughter's fifth
And just last month, it was my other grandson's first
Seven, five and one years old. Three beautiful parts of
the gene pool floating along the stream of humanity, evolving from
children into men and women who, one day, will face the choice of
becoming Sentinels of Vigilance or Servants of Terrorism.
I strive to
pass on the gift of Vigilance to my grandchildren |
Unfortunately, there will not be a choice for my
grandchildren, as there was no choice for all the grandchildren who
came before them over the millennia of human development.
Each of us as human beings faces the choice in
life to either stand up and be counted or to slip into life's
mainstream, hiding in the middle of the herd and hoping that someone
else will take on the duty and responsibility to keep us safe from the
threats of the Beast of Terror.
Vigilance, the effort of having at least one
percent more Courage than Fear, of mustering at least one percent more
Conviction than Intimidation, and, most importantly, to take Right
Actions in behalf of the Children's Children's Children rather than
fall victim to the seduction of Complacency--no action--is the gift I
hope to pass on to my grandchildren.
are Wells of Wisdom for children |
are, supposedly, the Wells of Wisdom for children.
They have, if they have lived life well,
battered their heads against many brick walls and learned by the
brutal impact of life's battering ram realities the expense of
mistakes. The great teachers in life are those who
have many battle scars and have survived and prospered as a result at
all levels--emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally.
They have developed calluses,
hard-earned tough-skin about issues in their life that loom like great
Beasts of Terror trying to turn the magic and beauty of life into a
grim nightmare of failure, despair and futility.
I can't say it is easy to be
Grandparent of Vigilance, but it is rewarding and coruscating to the
soul. It makes all the errors and mistakes one makes
traveling life's vermiculating paths worthy of the journey.
It all comes to light when your grandchildren ask you questions about
life, expecting you to answer them as though you were their guide,
their Sentinel of Vigilance shining light through the darkness they
Yesterday, on the eve of our
grandson's birthday, I had the honor of helping my wife baby sit the
kids at one of the local parks in the East Village.
My grandson is a Rescue Hero aficionado. For a number of
years he has played endlessly with them--Billy Blazes, Jake Justice,
Wendy Waters, Roger Houston, Bill Barker, Gil Gripper, Rocky Canyon,
Hal E. Copter and one of my favorite's, Aiden Assist.
The Fischer Price toys
designed to spark the imagination of a child to help rather than
destroy, compete with GI Joe toys, and other action toys that involve
As a former Marine and
combat veteran, I'm elated my grandkids play with and enjoy toys that
involve the reconstruction of human life rather than its
Rescue Heroes
toys each fit inside this remote-controlled vehicle, which help
bring the rescue "missions" to life |
Yesterday, Matt, the soon-to-be birthday boy, was swinging on the
monkey bars as I held taut a piece of thin rope, representing a
lifeline attached from the monkey bars to part of the jungle gym
structure. As Matt swung overhand, he reached out
with one hand to take my house keys that were precariously poised on
the rope, representing a group of people trapped in our imaginary
volcano eruption. Matt was pretending to be Bill
Barker, there to save the people. I was Hal E. Copter, backing
him up.
Then Matt switched over
to Aiden Assist. He pretended to be the Rescue Hero who is
confined to a wheelchair. The motorized chair is equipped with
all sorts of life-saving tools that Aiden can deploy even if he
suffers from a handicap--unable to walk. He is just as big
a hero on the Rescue Hero team as any of his team mates.
Our granddaughter,
Sarah, was in the thick of things. She was Wendy Waters, using
the monkey bars to swing over and catch the rope with her legs to save
the people. "We leave no one behind," they chimed, echoing
the slogan of the Rescue Heroes.
Being a
Grandfather of Vigilance has its sparkling moments.
Yesterday was one of them. There were the two oldest
grandkids, filling their minds not with how to blow up things, but how
to save people, work as a team, and "leave no one behind."
In a world of Terrorism,
with constant threats to both the physical and emotional security of a
child, the idea that children were as attracted to the principle of
helping others as some are to learning how to shoot toy guns and blow
up the "enemy" with toy tanks, was inspirational at the least.
But, as a Grandfather of
Vigilance, I raise the toys and their purpose to the highest possible
level of human evolution.
As a
Grandfather of Vigilance, I applaud Rescue Heroes toys |
I'm convinced that the world of the future will depend on a diverse
team of average people who do uncommon things in behalf of the
Children's Children's Children.
These are the Children of
Vigilance, and their greatest teachers will be the Grandfathers and
Grandmothers of Vigilance, who use their battle scars in life to pave
the path of life for their offspring's offspring.
This does not exclude those
Loved One's of Vigilance, aunts, uncles and friends who realize that
children can grow up in the shadow of Fear, Intimidation and wallow in
the quagmire of Complacency where they feel unable, unworthy,
unprepared to fight for what is right for themselves and others.
All humans have defects.
We all face life's sometimes
odious forces--especially those from within where the Beast of Terror
tries to tell us we're not as smart, as good looking, as rich, as
lucky, as gifted as we could be. We rush out into the
world only to be slammed down by our emotions, those demons of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency that try to stifle and muffle our will,
that chew holes in our Courage, our Conviction and the idea we are
capable of being a Rescue Hero, impacting the future of the world in a
positive manner.
Grandparents know that
isn't true.|
They see in the children
the hope of the future, and can provide to a child a shoulder to lean
on, knowledge, experience and motivation to reach beyond the gravity
of what appears to be reality and not give up when it seems the world
is crushing around them.
Grandparents of Vigilance
are Rescue Heroes when they take their roles in perspective.
What greater message can a grandparent deliver to a child than the
duty and responsibility to be of service to others, even at the
expense of one's own selfishness.
The Rescue Heroes work on the principle of teamwork, one hand helping
the other.
Grandparents can
deliver that message best by sharing with children the idea that we
are not alone in this world. We can face the Beast of
Terror's efforts to make us fearful, or to intimidate us, or force us
to become the wallpaper of life, believing we are victims, losers,
Two suggestions I
offer all Grandparents of Vigilance.
One, buy your
grandchildren some Rescue Hero toys. Two, play with them
yourself first. Imagine yourself a child again, and see how they
save people. Watch the Rescue Hero videos that come with the
toys, or buy them separately. Learn the lingo. Lock
onto the principles that are taught.
Then play Rescue Heroes with
your grandkids.
Secondly, take the Pledge
of Vigilance.
Live by the Principles of
Vigilance for your grandchildren, even if you are having trouble
believing in them yourself. The gift of knowledge is
that while we might have abused it, or ignored it, we don't want
others who could benefit from it to be denied its magic.
From my
Grandson |
When I play with my grandkids, I am constantly wishing I had a
grandparent who had played with me, and taught me the things I had to
learn the hard way.
And, at the end of the day,
when you're tired and exhausted, your soul will be light. You'll
know you served the day as a Sentinel of Vigilance.
You'll know you didn't "leave
your grandchildren behind."
July 14--The Terror Of Southern Comfort
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