Article Overview:
Can Terrorism be passed down to our children? Is it a
legacy that rears its ugly head in our offspring when we aren't
Vigilant? The Dead Brothers of the Beast attest to the
fact Terrorism rolls downhill, from father to sons. But is
the killing of Saddam's sons the end of the line for Iraqi Terrorism,
or merely a signal to us all to be Vigilant so we don't infect our
children with our own Terrorisms? |
Wednesday--July 23, 2003—Ground Zero Plus
Dead Sons of The Beast of Terror: A
Legacy To Beware!
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--July 23,
2003-- The Sons of the Beast of Terror are dead. They died
as Brothers of the Beast, in a hail of blood and bullets, violently,
as they lived.
Uday receiving
a medal from his Father Beast |
Qusay shaking
the hand of his Father Beast |
But does their death signal the end of a
legacy of Terrorism, or serve as a warning to all others that the
Beast can pass on to his or her siblings the venoms of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency?
Uday and Qusay Hussein were killed in a bloody battle
on Tuesday as they tried to evade U.S. troops hunting them down.
Reports suggest the man whose house they were using to hide in tipped
off American officials and resulted in the 101st Airborne crack troops
to surround the house and, in a fierce gun battle, kill the two heirs
to Saddam Hussein's regime of Terror.
But was the killing of the two brothers, Sons of
the Beast, an end to Terrorism in a country dominated by tyranny and
oppression for nearly a quarter century? Or, was it merely
a sign post that each of us needs to be Vigilant that we don't pass on
to our children the seeds of tyranny and oppression that can find
their way to foul fruits within the marrow of our offspring?
Most disturbed children can trace their
psychological Terrorisms back to the crib, to events that drove the
child into a deep, dank, dark shell within the soul that is the haven
of the Beast of Terror.
Similarly, most unhappy, unfulfilled
people, the "average" guy and gal walking down the street, trace their
"screwed up" lives back to the roots of parenthood, to events or lack
of them, in which the child was Terrorized by overt or covert actions
from his or her parents.
Society scoffs
at the idea an adult puts the yoke of discomfort on the shoulders
of their parents |
Society often scoffs at the idea an
adult wants to put the yoke of his her discomfort on the shoulders of
their parents, claiming that as an "adult" one should be able to shed
the past and stand on one's own two feet.
But ask anyone who is haunted by a
sense of unworthiness, or self-incrimination, or self-efficacy to
stand up to the mirror and not see a failure, a loser, a victim, a
person robbed of life's joys and happiness's that appear the privy of
others, and you will receive cold, empty stares of the wounded child
who has little knowledge and experience in processing the baggage from
the past. The best they know how to do is to stuff their pain
deep, and, when prodded by life's tensions, to unleash their anger,
hostility, resentments upon others, including their children.
Uday and Qusay Hussein ran with the Beast
of Terror's ball. They kicked it in other people's faces,
employing rape, murder, torture and assassination to express their
attitudes of life garnered from their father. In one of
many incidents, Uday beat to death his father's favorite servant for a
minor infraction. In others, the brothers oversaw the
killing of tens of thousands of Kurds.
Members of Iraq's Olympic team who did not
perform well were beaten and tortured. The Terror Brothers
ruled with a free hand, whose fingers spelled out Fear, Intimidation
and created Complacency among the 23 million citizens of their
Where was the Vigilance? Where were
the Sentinels of Vigilance?
Those of us who may want to gloat over the
death of the Sons of Terror, need check our glee at the door.
There is a far more ominous issue that comes from their death, and
that is the question: "Are we, in any possible way, passing on
the Rights of Terrorism to our children?"
Despite our best efforts, most all of
us do pass such rights on. The most common source of
identifying the presence of Terrorism between ourselves and our
children is the statement by our children: "My parents don't
understand me."
Our society laughs at this statement,
and shrouds it as common as warts on a frog--an expected response by
teenagers seeking to find distance between themselves and their
hovering parents who hail from "another generation," or are out of
"sync" with the "new" and "improved" way of life.
"generation gap" is a communication gap between Complacency and
Vigilance |
The cleavage between parents and children,
unfortunately called the "generation gap," is nothing more than a
chasm of communication, deepened by the Complacency of a parent to
bridge that gap with Vigilance. It is a symbol of the parent's
lack of communication to the child as a mentor, as a Sentinel of
"My parents don't understand me,"
translates simply to: "My parents don't really care about me."
This statement is as frightening to a
Sentinel of Vigilance as the actions of Uday or Qusay Hussein, both of
whom reflected the mentoring of their father who taught them how to
kill, maim and murder.
The great cop-out of parents that their
"children" are just going through a "stage" when they refuse to obey
or are rebellious against parental management means the parent from
the womb forward failed miserably to be a Sentinel of Vigilance.
Even Hallmark feeds this sick symptom of
Complacency. One of Hallmark's dominate television ads
today shows a mother looking at birthday cards for her daughter.
The scene cuts to her daughter arrogantly coming down the stairs and
telling her mother she is going out to be with her "friends" for her
birthday. Then she spies the Hallmark card and opens it.
She reads it and then smiles at her mother lovingly and says something
like: "No, Mom, I'm going to stay here and tell you all about
what's going on in my life..." The teenager pauses and then
says: "Right after I clean up my room."
In the background sits the father, reading
the paper, dodging the scene.
Suddenly, the scene cuts back from the
fantasy to the mother looking at the Hallmark cards. The mother
beams, as though the fantasy were true, and buys the card.
Don't be a
Complacent Generation Terrorist |
The message is: "Hallmark cards can
bridge the Gap of Terror you created by Complacency toward your
daughter, and make your daughter want to share with you her inner
feelings, right after she cleans her room. All you have to do is
buy the card. Nothing more!"
I looked upon the ad as sad commentary.
The worst of the Triads of Terrorism--Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency--is Complacency. It is the idea that we don't have
to do anything to protect our children from the Beast of Terror except
provide them with a good home, nice clothes, good schools and
We have little duty to their soul under these
conditions. We forget the child's soul, his or her essence
as a being, depends on our ability to teach the child that we are
there as their Sentinel of Vigilance, to guard and protect them from
the Beast of Terror.
This requires that we undergo Sentinel of
Vigilance training. It means we must face our Fears with
Courage, challenge our Intimidations with Convictions, and banish our
Complacencies with Right Actions that benefit the Children's
Children's Children before we can hope to help our children overcome
their own.
Parents should
share their Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies with their
children |
It means as Parents of Vigilance, or Loved One of
Vigilance, we take it upon ourselves to recognize the Beast of Terror
lives within us all, and left unchecked, will try to take command of
our emotions, our outlooks on life, and our belief systems.
Uday and Qusay Hussein are but extreme examples
of Terrorism unchecked, of fostering the Beast of Terror within a
child so that it grows up believing the Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency are the orders of the day, not the enemies of the state.
My step-father beat my mother. I lived in
constant fear of his brutality against her, and vowed to not be like him. But, my own anger within as a child abandoned ruled
my life. I lived in constant Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
of my own Beast, praying it would not rear its head and consume me.
I fought long battles with my Beast, trying
single-handedly to wrestle it so it wouldn't hurt me. But it was
always there, hissing in my ear: "Failure," "Loser," "Unworthy,"
"Unloved," "Worthless."
The Beast was
hissing in my ear "Worthless.........." |
I decided to become a Father of Vigilance, and to
teach my children how to stand up to their Beast of Terror, to use the
Power of Vigilance to overcome their Fears with Courage, to battle
their Intimidations with Convictions, and to seek to serve the
Children's Children's Children with Right Actions rather than become
victims of Complacency where they followed the crowd or turned over
their rights of dissent to others.
The deaths of Uday and Qusay Hussein make me sad.
I am sad because I realize many people will think they represent
Terrorism, when the truth is that it was the Parents of Terrorism who
passed those vile and corrupt twists of human nature down to their
children, and didn't take the responsibility to stop them from passing
from Toddler Beasts to Teen-Age Beasts to Adult Beasts.
The parent who is too busy to spend time with his
or her children, or, who tells a child to "shut up," or, who goes to
Hallmark to buy a birthday card in hopes that the card might heal the
wounds of Complacency in some magical moment of revelation, is just as
dangerous as Saddam Hussein.
The degree of Terrorism may be different.
The parent who is not schooled in Vigilance may chalk up a child's
rejection of them as a "stage" in development, but in truth, the child
is learning how to distance himself or herself from his or her own
Unhappy adults were unhappy children.
Parents who feel a wall between themselves and their
children are teaching their children to build walls between themselves
and their children--all from Complacency, from the lack of Vigilance.
Unfortunately, Vigilance takes effort.
Parents earn
their children's trust with Vigilance |
It means a parent must share with a child his or her
own Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies, and show the child that
dealing with them is an effort, but one worthy of the challenges.
It means a parent and child must learn to share their "inner selves"
with one another, with the parent being the first to offer his or her
inner feelings so the child feels safe in exposing his or hers.
Just talking about the bogeymen of life is often an
easy start. What are we all afraid of? How about
being liked? Being loved? Being accepted?
Children are smart creatures.
They know you can't buy their trust or love with a
Hallmark card.
You earn it with Vigilance.
So, as we look at the deaths of Uday and Qusay, we need
to step back and study the mirror of our own lives and ask ourselves:
"Am I, in part, Saddam Hussein? Am I fostering Vigilance or
Terrorism in my children?"
Regardless of your answer, if you haven't yet, take the
Pledge of Vigilance below and print it. Sign it. Hang it
on your refrigerator or put it in your wallet to refer to often And try and live by the Principles of
If you do that, your Children's Children's Children
will thank you.
22--To Thine Children's Children's Children Be True
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