Article Overview:
Japan has agreed to go to war again, for the first time since WWII.
This time, it is against the Beast of Terror. Find out about
this historic decision and its fallout. |
Sunday--July 27, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 683
Pacifist Japan Launches War Against
Beast of Terror In Iraq
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--July 27,
2003-- Post-war Japan's Constitution forbids a military force that can
be used to wage war. Its military is restrained by the
Constitution from engaging in any force to settle international
It has not engaged its military in any combat
since the war's end. Not, that is, until now.
This week Japan's legislature passed a bill
authorizing up to 1,000 Japanese soldiers to engage the Beast of
Terror in Iraq.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi last September vowed to President
Bush "We Japanese will stand by the United States to fight
terrorism." |
It was a hard-fought
battle for Japan's Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, but his
prevailing party won in a 136 to 102 vote authorizing the troop
deployment sometime in November.
Currently, the U.S. is the primary Sentinel of
Vigilance in Iraq. Ninety-two percent of all troops in
Iraq are Americans. There is a total of 161,000 military
in the country formerly ruled by Saddam Hussein and his now dead sons,
148,000 are U.S. troops and 13,000 allied.
The Japanese public, however, is not in
favor of the deployment of troops who can play a combat role in a
country constantly plagued by guerrilla warfare.
In a pole conducted by the nation's liberal
newspaper, Asahi Shimbun, 55% of those polled opposed sending troops
and 33% supported the bill authorizing troops to be sent.
Japan's military will serve non-combat
roles according to its Constitutional provision of non-aggression such
as helping with the aid and reconstruction of the Iraqi people.
However, opponents of sending Japanese
troops filibustered unsuccessfully that Iraq has no "non-combat" zones
because it is in a guerrilla war state. At any place at any time
combat can occur, so there are no clear lines where Japanese troops
can stand on the "non-combat" side.
For nearly sixty years, two generations,
the taste of blood has been cleansed from the Japanese diet.
Once one of the most bloodthirsty of nations, WWII put the country
into military neutral by emasculating its legal right to engage in
Some say a single drop of blood on the lips
of a warrior can turn into a ocean of it in an eye blink.
bushido-warrior of a nation |
A single drop
of blood might ignite ... |
Now, that drop of
blood is poised above the open mouths of Japan's military. And
many within the peaceful, prosperous nation with an economy second
only to the United States, are fearful that dangling drop of blood
will ignite the bushido -- the code of behavior the warriors
adhere to --of a nation that tried to bury its aggressive past and
resurrect its pacifistic present.
I wonder if that is possible.
Japan is looking down the barrel of
the Beast of Terror with each breath Kim Jong Il takes in North Korea.
The tyrant of North Korea has already vowed to attack Japan should the
U.S. try to invade his country. He targets not only Japan, but
also implies he will lay waste to Southeast Asia.
Should Japan fight the Beast of
Pacifism can sometimes turn to
Complacency. Japan is now in a vice. As North Korea
rattles its sabers, more and more Japanese are worrying that without a
military block, the nation is vulnerable. This is especially
true since the United States has half of its forces committed to the
Middle East.
Then, there is the moral question.
Should Japan arm itself? Should it become a Sentinel of
Vigilance with a sword?
The question shakes the roots of
pacifism, for its ripple effect Jell-Os its way across all national
borders and jiggles up into the living rooms of every citizen,
especially those in the United States.
Should a parent of children in the
United States arm himself or herself against the Beast of Terror?
Or, should that parent or grandparent rely on the government, or some
third-party enforcement unit to protect them from Terrorism's Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency?
Every home in America and the
world, I believe, that does not have a Pledge of Vigilance posted on
its refrigerator, and subscribes to the Principles of Vigilance, is as
vulnerable to Terrorism as Japan is with its ban on military combat
The Beast of
Terror seeks out soft targets |
The Beast of Terror seeks the line of least
resistance. Terrorists call them "soft targets." A
"soft target" is one that is not protected. It's like
wolves looking for prey and spotting a deer with a limp.
Terrorists go after the weak, the vulnerable.
No one is more vulnerable to
Terrorism than the Complacent. The Complacent are those who
"expect" others to protect them and their loved ones, and abandon the
idea that self-protection is the first priority.
A parent who is not aware of
his or her child's Fears, or can't list down those things that
Intimidate their child, or, are not aware of their child's
Complacencies, leave the child bobbing without a life preserver on a
rough and turgid sea of Terror.
Don't plant
seeds of terror in your child's garden - share your Fears with him
or her |
But, if a parent is Vigilant, and takes the time to share with his or
her child his or her own Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies, and
is willing to build a bridge of trust over which the child feels safe
in exposing his or her Triads of Terrorism--Fears, Intimidations of
Complacencies--then there is more than hope the Beast of Terror will
tuck his tail and run for targets "softer" than the Vigilant parent
Vigilance is about
sharing with a child how Courage overcomes Fear, how Conviction
cripples Intimidation, and most importantly, how Right Actions for the
Children's Children's Children reduces to rubble the fortress of
Complacency in which the Beast of Terror takes refuge.
A Parent of Vigilance is
aware of training his or her child to walk upon the Bridge of
Vigilance, hand-in-hand with the Parent or Loved One of Vigilance.
Parents of Vigilance are not shy about talking about the Beast of
Terror, or in reminding the child that they too become subject to the
Beast's breath on their neck, and how they work to overcome the
Beast's yoke.
Japan is but a
symbol of what all Parents of Vigilance need to be thinking about.
For two generations, Japan has relied on a third party, primarily the
United States, to serve as its Parent of Vigilance.
Japan is
realizing it needs to take charge of its destiny and to counter
the nuclear weapons of India, Pakistan, China and North Korea |
Now, the
nation is realizing it needs to take charge of its destiny.
While sending 1,000 troops to Iraq may seem a grain of sand on a huge
beach, it is giant step toward self-defense. It breaks
over a half-century of Complacency within a nation whose wounds of war
bleed upon the pages of history, illustrating the horror of Weapons of
Mass Destruction.
But, it can no longer sit
on the sidelines.
Already, Japan has
rumblings of the need for nuclear weapons to counter those held by
India and Pakistan, and now, North Korea. And then, of course,
there is China.
Japan has no
choice but to fight Terror |
But the most powerful weapon of all, is not nuclear or biological.
It is personal. It is generational. It is the Pledge
of Vigilance, the key to becoming a Sentinel of Vigilance.
Japan's vulnerability
lies within its households, which are half those of the United States.
The 100 million households in the U.S. and the 50 million in Japan can
combine as one powerful source when they become Homes of Vigilance,
ruled by Sentinels of Vigilance.
While many may argue
whether Japan should or should not engage in combat against Terrorism,
I vote that it has no choice. Ultimately, every
citizen in the world will face the choice of being armed or unarmed to
ward off the Beast of Terror's attacks on their children.
I have faith they will choose
the Shield of Vigilance over the Cowardice of Complacency.
26--Bashing A Child's Head With A Bat--Unintended Terrorism
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