Article Overview:
Can Terrorism be buried? As the bodies of Uday and Qusay
Hussein were lowered into the ground 11 days after their death, their
friends chanted: "Death to America!" Does Terrorism
die? Or does it recycle in darker, more vile forms? |
3, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 690
Burying The Bodies Of Terrorism
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Aug. 3,
2003-- "Death
to America!" That was the chant offered by five score of friends and
relatives of Uday and Qusay Hussein who formed a coven around the two
Terrorists’ gravesite in their father’s hometown this week.
Uday and Qusay
are buried with honors in the Awja cemetery. Will Terrorism
lay alongside them in their graves? |
Buried 11 days after their brutal death in a standoff with
American Special Forces, the two brothers were hailed as martyrs and
heroes, and their blood was anointed to the soil by allies of Saddam's
tyrannical 23-year rule over Iraq on the premise that Saddam Hussein's
legacy would rise again.
The question posed by the burial of Saddam's progeny: Can
Terrorism be buried? Does it ever die?
The world would like to think that by killing those responsible
for delivering death and destruction, the endpoint of violence would
be reached. Once the bodies of brutality and Terror were buried, we
could move ahead in peace, not looking over our shoulder or cocking
our ears to hear the footsteps of the resurrected Beast stalking us
from the netherworld.
You can pull the
Terrorism weed out by its roots and still it returns |
Terrorism is a weed in the garden of plenty. You pull it out by the
roots and it still returns, as though it is invincible to all the
forms and natures of weed killers, resistant to all the sinewy fingers
yanking and pulling to rid the weeds of their stranglehold over the
roots of human hope and potential prosperity.
The shouts: "Death to America!" are not new
epithets reminding us that the Garden of Evil has long tentacles, and
seeks to choke all efforts to re-sod the soil of tyranny and
Only a half-century ago many thought that when Hitler died his death
would heal the sores of evil. But even as the shovelfuls of earth
splattered on this dictator's face, Stalin's brutality, perhaps
far worse in some ways, but nevertheless as ugly and horrific,
continued to rise up
into the clouds to darken the future of humanity. Stalin's
barbarity trumped Hitler's.
The Beast will
rise again out of the handfuls of dirt thrown on Uday and Qusay's
graves |
Adding to the looming presence of a new Beast of Terror, there
were the fragments of a myth that Hitler lived, that he didn't commit
suicide, that he wasn't killed, that he escaped to South America.
Whether alive or dead, his legacy of hate and Terror still lives among
those who subscribe to the ultimate abuse of power over others.
Hitler symbolizes the Beast of Terror's invincibility to death, just
as Saddam Hussein is currently reminding the world through his
"escape" from death, and the recent moot burial of his sons prove.
It is evidence once more that Terrorism cannot
die, that no matter what we want to believe in our folklore, we must
never give up the Sword and Shield of Vigilance, we must never retire
ourselves as Sentinels of Vigilance or think for a blink that our
children or their children's children's are safe from the shadow of
the Beast.
As a Sentinel of Vigilance, I have some experience at watching
the burial of Terrorism and learning that no matter how deep the bones
are cast into bowels of the earth, they worm their way to the surface
with new skin, new faces and yet the same old agenda--Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
In Vietnam I
knew I could be attacked at any time just as our troops in Iraq
are today |
In Vietnam I witnessed a number of "Terrorist" funerals. The wives,
parents and grandparents led the processions, wailing and sending
eerie messages that chilled my bones, as though hexing me and all
foreigners who ravaged their land, turned their husbands, sons,
daughters, grandchildren into mulch for the rice paddies.
In guerrilla wars, the enemy is pervasive and elemental.
You can be attacked by anyone at any time, as is the case in Iraq at
the moment. It turns everyone into a possible "enemy"
until he or she is dead. Then, as with all corpses, they
become reminders of man's inhumanity to man.
Sadly, war and violence is indiscriminate about who it kills.
The enemy and innocent become mixed into one bloody heap, faces of
death and destruction wreaked become difficult to justify as the "cost
of war" when the tears and pain of loss crease a child’s face over the
loss of a loved one, or a relative’s eyes burrow into you with a
deadness far more lethal than a poisoned tipped arrow.
Critics of
Vigilance shout "Death to America" as the eyes of the Beast
glisten in glee |
Standing near Uday and Qusay’s graves were American soldiers.
They represented the peacekeepers to some, and the Terrorists to
others. News reports note they slipped out of sight after the Voices
yelled: “Death to America!”
Terrorism often turns to guilt, remorse and sorrow in the
aftermath of blood for both those who are the victims as well as those
who are the perpetrators. In death, Terrorists turn to human beings
when their bodies become cold shells of discolored bloodless flesh.
Once life evaporates, they become innocent in their death, harmless.
Those who wail over their bodies forget about the whippings, the
rapes, the executions, the tortures issued by their tongues or hands,
or the grips of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency their fingers held
around the mourner's throats.
They do not see the bodies of former
Beasts, but of human beings cut short in life, perhaps before
Many blind to
Terrorism do not see the Legacy of Terror survives the death of
the Terrorist |
What many blind to Terrorism's viral nature
do not see is that the Legacy of Terror survives the death of the
It escapes the body of the dying and leaps into a living host,
somewhere. Its contagious nature allows it to slip through
the metal detectors and duck radar to breed and stew until ripened in
the minds and hearts of those Terror Breeders who become pregnant with
the idea of tyrannical power, fueled by the desire to use Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency as tools to force others to kneel before
In Iraq, the burial of Saddam Hussein’s sons is a symbol that the
legacy of Terrorism is alive even among the dead. Adding to that
formula is the Damocles Sword hanging over the heads of the liberators
of tyranny while Saddam himself, the architect of Iraq's tyranny,
still lives.
The Damocles
Sword hangs over the heads of liberators while Saddam still lives |
Tyranny's fans cheer on Saddam's escape,
hoping that he will return to lead them back into the caves where
children feared the death of their parents, where fathers shuddered
that their daughters would be raped, and grandparents watched their
children tossed in prisons for the slightest infraction.
Still, many cling to the idea that life
was better under tyranny than it is under Vigilant reconstruction.
They think only as far as the tip of their noses, ignoring the future
prosperity of the Children's Children's Children. They are
manacled to old habits, old beliefs, old prejudices.
Terrorism feeds on the
gravity of change. Far from Iraq, in the more civilized
nations of the world, the same forces of gravity that make those
around a gravesite cheer the death of tyrants as martyrs and jeer the
liberators as vile and corrupt cancers, make many turn their heads to
the forces of Vigilance and consider them acts of tyranny.
America's willingness to
take on Terrorism and depose those who threaten the world with
violence is not cheered by all as paving the road to a better life for
the future of all. Entire nations have cast stones at
America, calling it an empire maker, accusing it of being driven by a
bloodthirsty desire to conquer the world.
Within its own borders, many
rise up to post signs making American leadership the tyrant,
positioning its acts of Vigilance as bestial acts seeking blood for
oil, or contests to sweep away the weak so its muscles can strangle
poor, indigent nations into empirical slavery.
I was saddened
to hear the cry of the Beast at the funeral for Saddam's sons |
These critics stand at
the graves of Vigilance and shout: "Death to America!"
Many use the wall of Free Speech to hide behind as they call out into
the darkness, hoping their Voices will fire the Beast in at least one
other listener to turn against the defenders of freedom whose historic
purpose is not to rule the world, but to offer to future generations
the same rights and privileges its own children enjoy.
So, I was somewhat saddened to
hear the cry of the Beast at the funeral for Saddam's sons.
What saddened me most was the parent of a child in America who
embraces such words as "Death to America," and in the presence of his
or her children turn to someone and says: "See, they know.
They know how wrong America is for fighting a war in Iraq. They
know how corrupt American policy is. How hypocritical."
I feel sad a child has to
hear his or her parents take up the club of the Beast and berate a
nation struggling to rid Terrorism from the path of the children of
the world. I feel sad that the parent who embraces the
resentment and hostility against America's efforts to remove tyranny
doesn't give his or her child the story from both sides of the
coin--the story of the Beast of Terror versus the Sentinel of
Beast cannot be buried
- only contained ! |
I would like to believe
that each parent has studied the Beast of Terror within himself or
herself, and also the Sentinel of Vigilance within, and has seen that
unless careful, the Beast will rise above the Sentinel and lash out
with a forked tongue to make good appear evil, to twist the right into
the wrong until the speaker is blinded by the truth and turns it into
the great lie.
That's why I know the Beast
cannot be buried.
He can only be contained.
And the best weapons to keep
him in check are the Pledge of Vigilance and the Principles of
Perhaps it is time to unearth those
Principles. One can start by downloading the Pledge
of Vigilance below, and practice applying them to one's self, and to
one's children and loved ones. Then, perhaps, the Beast
will know he truly has little chance of escape.
2--Mel Gibson--Christ Killer Filmmaker Terrorist?
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