Article Overview:
The Terminator is on his way to change the face of politics in
California. Can Arnold Schwarzenegger stand as tall in politics
as he does on the big screen? Will he become the nation's
leading Sentinel of Vigilance, driving Terrorism to the caves where it
belongs? Find out. |
8, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 695
Terminator Tackles Beast of
Political Terror--Is The World Next On His Agenda?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Aug. 8,
2003-- The Terminator has thrown his shield and sword into the
ring, vowing to fight the Beast of Political Terror in the state of
California. Perhaps the world is next on his list.
California, with a population exceeding 30 million, is larger
than most nations. It is bigger than Iraq, and chases
Great Britain in size.
It is an economic powerhouse, producing more wealth
than the vast majority of nations on earth, but, it is in trouble.
The current leadership is being recalled by popular vote, and a new
slate of candidates is lining up to replace Governor Gray Davis as the
CEO of America's most populous state.
Schwarzenegger announced he was running for Governor
of California on the Jay Leno show |
One of the most well-known
contenders for the "King of California" is Arnold
Schwarzenegger, the muscular, granite-Voiced actor with
an accent who hunts down Terrorism in films and always wins.
If elected, the moderate Republican has vowed to "kick
political butt" and get California back in the red.
There is little doubt that Schwarzenegger
(we'll call him Arnold) is a celluloid Terror Hunter.
On film, he has tackled a wide variety of Beasts of Terror,
from the evil lord in Conan, to the corporate beasts on
Mars in Total Recall. In Kindergarten Cop he protected
a teacher and her class from the "bad guys," and,
for the most part, serves as the official global "Terminator"
of evil forces that threaten the future of society.
Whether he's playing
the "nice guy" action hero or the "bad guy"
Terminator, he's a force to be reckoned with from both a
political as well as a public point of view.
He's got something few politicians
crave--existing fame and fortunes. His purpose
for running for office is not driven by a thirst for power
or fame, for by entering the political ring, he puts his
current status as a superstar in jeopardy.
Politics is a step down, not up, for a guy like Arnold.
Why then would a man
of his stature in films, enjoying a virtual flawless image
with the public, wade into a quagmire of political waste
such as is the situation in California where deficits bleed
the state like bullet holes riddling a body in a futile
attack on Arnold in one of his action-hero movies?
The odds are against
Arnold, for the job he has is a clean-up-the-mess task,
not one lined with roses or garlands of lilies.
What if he just has
had enough?
What if he is simply
tired of watching politics waste the people's money and
disappoint the voters with false promises and mismanagement?
There is certainly
no box-office glitz attached to the job, for the bookies
will be hard-pressed to give any favorable odds to Arnold
righting the sinking California ship and riding off into
the sunset to the cheers of millions who are used to the
action hero always winning in the end.
says "hasta la vista baby" to California Governor Gray Davis |
California could Terminate the
Terminator--at least, prove to the world that as a mortal Arnold is
vulnerable, with defects, and not Mr. Magic as he is on the big
But, there's another side to
the coin.
What if Arnold is not a
Terminator, but instead a Terror-Hunter?
What if he is a true Sentinel
of Vigilance, willing to butt his Courage against his Fear, his
Conviction against his Intimidation, and to take Right Actions for
future generations rather than fall Complacent to political
It is very possible that
Arnold will be as tough off-screen as he is on-screen when it comes to
ferreting out the waste and ineptitude of politics currently
strangling California, and, for that matter, choking the entire
political system in America whether it be Republican or Democrat.
Schwarzenegger's path was paved by Ronald Reagan who helped end
Communism and the Cold War |
The path
has been paved for his leadership. Ronald Regan was Governor of
California before becoming CEO of America as one of its most respected
leaders by a world threatened by nuclear Terrorism. His
administration helped crumble the Berlin Wall and called an end to
Communism and the Cold War.
Like Arnold, Regan was an
actor, but certainly didn't have the superstardom. He
proved the ability to force Terrorism against the wall, not unlike the
roles he played as the strong American seeking to defeat the "evil
forces" that littered his B-Grade movies.
Then there is Jessie Ventura,
the Governor of Minnesota. Despite critics who shot arrows at
his past as a wrestler, Ventura has proven himself an able combatant
in the political ring.
But Arnold may well stand
in a class of his own.
America is hungry for
Vigilant Leadership. Its citizens have backed the attacks
on Terrorism despite their party affiliation. It would be easy
for citizens of America to run to the political sidelines and chide
President Bush for his actions against Saddam Hussein, but there is a
deep understanding, perhaps intuition, that someone has to make a
stand against Terrorism and stop mealy-mouthing the issue.
This is where Arnold has
his great potential.
If there ever was the
image of a Terror-Hunter, it is Arnold. A naturalized
citizen, Arnold hails from Europe. He came to America to "make
his fortune," and well he did, many times over. He lives the
American dream, coming to America as an Austrian immigrant,
earning an MBA, marrying into a prestigious family and becoming a
movie star.
His wife, Maria Shriver,
is connected to one of the most powerful political families in the
world, the Kennedy's, and Arnold has survived in a world of both high
finance and political undercurrents even though his main forte has
been acting.
One needs only look at
his square jaw and the determination in his eyes to realize that
whomever stands in Arnold's way to getting the job done of repairing
the leaks in California's dikes best stand aside, for there is no
question the Terminator will come at them with a full body block.
At the time, Arnold was the
youngest reigning Mr. Universe and will be a formidable adversary for the
Beast of Terror |
They say the most
dangerous person on earth is one with nothing to lose and everything
to gain, and that formula certainly applies to Arnold. He
is a muscle man, and has them not only in his body but also in his
mind. Tackling him will be a problem for the Beast of Political
But so will the Beast of Terror
himself find Arnold a formidable foe. As a European-American
(from Thal, Austria), Arnold will bring a strong Voice to healing the
wounds between the U.S. and Europe. Even though he can never
become President because he wasn't born in America, his Voice can ring
loudly across the seas on the issue of Terrorism, and his power as the
leader of a leading state in America carries with it a clout the world
will be forced to listen to.
There is little doubt in
my mind that Arnold is not taking the job of running for Governor of
California just to stop the fiscal bleeding and bring the state on a
course of prosperity.
I believe he will
use the platform to issue a supportive warning to Terrorism of all
shapes and sizes, that transcends politics.
Arnold is an average guy
to the world. He is not a politician, but instead a man of
both moral and Vigilant conviction. He will stand as a
Symbol of Vigilance, a great Sentinel of Vigilance, issuing out both
challenges and consequences to those who try to attack the sanctuary
of the children.
I am voting
for Arnold as a symbol of Vigilance |
He will be
strong in support of the youth of America and the world, clenching his
fist against child abuse as strongly as he does a wasted expenditure.
He will rail against those who would try to fatten their pockets with
pork at the expense of the underprivileged, for he came up from the
streets, working rather than sucking at the teat of power.
His image will shine.
People will see Arnold as a Soldier of Vigilance, fighting not just
for the present or glory, but for the true value of the Children's
Children's Children's right to be free from Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency that poverty and lack of parenting inflicts upon the
I am voting for
Arnold as a symbol of Vigilance. He will be a great asset to
America and the world as Governor. I just hope and pray the
citizens of California also see him as I do and cast a vote for him
and Vigilance.
7--When The Beast Of Terror Stalks Our Children
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