Article Overview:
Iraq is forming a Constitution and the Beast of Terror is watching.
He or she's hoping it won't be a Constitution that favors the Children's
Children's Children, for if it does, he or she might find his or her heart has
turned soft. |
12, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 699
Creating An Anti-Terrorism
Constitution In Iraq
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Aug. 12, 2003--
Creating a democratic constitution in Iraq may be like performing
heart surgery on the Beast of Terror--the chambers may be so clogged
with Terrorism it may be impossible to unclog the crusty,
Terror-calcified arteries
The heart of
Iraq may have vessels clogged with Terrorism restricting any
help to function better |
A 25-man constitutional team has been appointed
to draft the Iraqi Constitution. This isn't the first time Iraq
has put pen to paper to strike legitimacy into the anvil of political
democracy for a nation of 23 million people about the size of the
state of California.
The first was formed in 1924 when the nation was carved
out of the sand by the British Empire, then again in 1958 and 1964.
The last time insured Saddam Hussein's despotic rule.
Ibrahim Jafari
president of the Iraqi Governing Council in Baghdad for the
meeting |
Optimism rules this time,
however. "We have no experience in this, governing a
democracy," said Naseer K. Chadirji, a member of the Governing
Council. At 70, Mr. Chadirji said, he had voted in an election only
once, in 1954. "It's a little like raising a child," he said.
"But we can do it."
Chadirji's comment, reported in the New York
Times today, hits the mark as far as I'm concerned.
A true Constitution for Iraq should be designed
not for the adults, but for the Children, and not just the current
Children, but the Children's Children's Children, and their Children's
Children's Children.
A couple of hundred years ago, America struck
such a bargain with its progeny. It drafted a
document--which took a decade to complete--that offered future
generations rights the world had never known before.
The instrument was flexible, and today it is
being bent and shaped to fit the needs of an evolving society, yet its
fundamentals remain solid. Equal rights, freedom of speech,
freedom of the press, and, as California's recall election
illustrates, the right to remove a leader who isn't ruling in
accordance with the wishes of the people, replaces the more violent
solutions of the coup de etat or assassination.
I was taken by the words of Chadirji--"It's
a little like raising as child."
Nothing is more important in shaping a
nation's future than in doing it for the future generations.
Decisions about the rights of the people
must be focused not on those 23 million who now occupy the land of
Iraq, but on the countless millions who will inherit the land, those
who are yet unborn.
In the 1700's,
the American people were given opportunities to examine
drafts of the Constitution and comment on them |
During the American Constitutional
Convention period, drafts of the Constitution were nailed to trees and
posted in villages for the people to examine and comment upon.
Then, their Voices were ingrained into the final drafts so the
document became the reflection not of just a group of men, but of
mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, grandparents, cousins, nephews,
I am a firm believer that there
should be a Constitution of Vigilance, a document that serves to
battle the Triad of Terrorism--the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
that conspires to create the venom of the Beast of Terror.
Woven into the document should be the
forces of Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for future
generations. The American Constitution is a superb model
for such a Document of Vigilance. It contains the power to
provide every individual equal rights under the law, and even though
the struggle for this equality has been a legacy of conflict over the
past two centuries, it proves itself daily as groups of people from
different economic, social, political, ethnic, sexual and religious
factions continue to rise above the forces trying to suppress them.
The other great tribute to
future generations in our Constitution is the right to free speech.
People with diverse opinions can express them and protest what they
consider to be injustices without fear of being shot or having their
heads lopped off.

effort to recall Governor Gray Davis is a tribute to our
democratic rights to change wrongs through the people's Voices |
Even when government tries to
strangle the rights of the citizens, the citizens revolt not with guns
and knives and bombs, but with their right to vote. Again,
California's current effort to recall Governor Gray Davis and replace
him with another is an ultimate tribute to the democratic right to
change wrongs the right way--through the people's Voices rather than
with suicide bombers, torture or armed revolution.
But democracy is not new.
Democracy is
not new |
Thousands of years ago the Greeks set
into motion the template of democracy. They understood the
importance of a "citizen's right" to have leaders who represented not
just their views, but the views of their family and their children.
The average citizen is not concerned
with political intrigues and how to manipulate laws to their favor.
The average citizen is concerned with a system that will benefit their
family, offer their children the greatest roadways to success, that
will open lids suppressing the rights of their offspring to achieve.
Hopefully, the Iraqi
Constitutional Convention will not draft a document that denies the
rights of the Children's Children's Children. If they do
the job properly, it will take a long time. Every draft
should be posted in each village and town. Citizens need to
become part of the process, making their comments, proposing
suggestions, arguing and, if necessary, protesting.
The American
Constitution met the criterion of benefiting all the Children's
Children's Children. |
Currently the 25-member team
putting the Constitution together is comprised of all men.
That is a huge error in judgment unless whatever is drafted is given
to the public in toto for inspection, comment and critique.
I would opt for a combination
of Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents and Loved Ones of Vigilance being on
the Constitutional Committee. Every decision regarding the
Constitution should be put up against a test: "Does this Article
benefit all the Children's Children's Children? If so, why?"
The American Constitution
providentially met this criterion. Its framers, taking a
decade to draft and redraft the document before its ratification,
ended up with an instrument that provides rigidity for rights, but
flexibility to express them universally among all.
It would be a shame if the
Iraqi Constitution was rushed to completion in an attempt to dot "i's"
and cross "t's."
I hope the Iraqi Constitutional
Convention, before each session, takes the Pledge of Vigilance.
If they do, then their pens will seek the benefits for the future,
rather than trying to quell the thirst of the present.
One can be sure the Beast of Terror
will be watching closely. He or she will be hoping the
Constitution will not cut deep into the heart. For if it
produces the true freedoms and equality for the Children and their
Children's Children's, the Beast will not favor the new heart he is
being given.
He could turn soft, and that would
not be good for a Beast of Terror.
Sample & Link To Iraqi Draft
Chapter I
The Republic of Iraq
Article 1
The Republic of Iraq Form
- The Republic of Iraq is a parliamentary, sovereign and
democratic republic. All entities of the Republic of Iraq must
yield to these principles.
- This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic of
Iraq; it is directly binding on all Republic of Iraq authority.
The general rules of public international law constitute an
integral, inviolable part of the national law.
Article 2
The Republic of Iraq Citizens and Language
- Citizens of the Republic of Iraq are all humans who are
children of a citizen of the Republic of Iraq, who are born in
the Territory of the Republic of Iraq, or who are naturalized.
- The official language in the Republic of Iraq is the Arabic
Language. The Kurdish language or any other language shall be
the official language besides the Arabic language in a region
where ever decided by the people of the region.
Article 3
The Republic of Iraq Symbols, Motto & Capital
- The Republic of Iraq has the National Colors, Flag, Seal,
and the National Anthem.
- The Republic of Iraq Motto is "Liberty, Equality, Justice
and Solidarity."
- The capital of the Republic of Iraq is Baghdad.
Chapter II
The Republic of Iraq Objectives
Article 4
General Constitutional Objectives
- The Republic of Iraq promotes justice and universal
protection of human rights as individual rights. The Republic of
Iraq encourages fraternity among its citizens by establishing
solidarity, general welfare, and national unity.
- The Republic of Iraq acknowledges the right of the People to
national autonomy and self-determination, and the right of
minorities to group autonomy.
The Republic of Iraq promotes:
(a) public health care;
To Complete Iraqi Constitution Draft)
Aug 11--Rewriting The Seven Deadly
Sins of Terrorism
- 2004,, All rights reserved -
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