14, 2002—Ground
Zero Plus 336
Voyagers of Vigilance Search
Billion Miles
In Deep Space For Peace
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
City, August 14--Twenty-five years ago around this time, a couple of
vital things happened. One was the death of rock king, Elvis
Presley. The other factoid, unfortunately, fell into the
cracks of history. It was the launching of two identical
spacecraft, designed to explore deep outside our solar system.
Traveling at more than 38,000 miles an
hour, Voyager 1 is nearing the heliosphere, a place where scientists say
our solar system ends and intergalactic space begins. Voyager 1 is
currently 7.9 billion miles from Earth, just 1.4 billion miles from its
The heliosphere is likened to a
border between our solar system and the rest of space. It is
estimated to be 9.3 million miles from earth, about 100 times the distance
from Earth to the sun. In layman terms, the heliosphere is the place where
the magnetic field of the sun stops, and the galactic unknown yawns.
Fortunately, Voyager 1 is not alone.
Following it is the other Sentinel of Deep Space, Voyager 2, traveling at
35,000 miles per hour. It stands a distance of 6.3 billion miles
from its mother planet.
The one-ton Voyager 1 is scheduled to
break through the heliosphere in three to four years, around 2006.
If it survives the expected turbulence at the border where scientists
believe a bubble of pressure exists caused by the electronic charge of
planets in our solar system, it will search forever through the universe.
Voyager 2 will join it a few years later.
But no one knows what will happen at the
border. Some scientists suggest the turbulence will refuse it
entrance into intergalactic space, denying it a chance to bring to other
worlds the presence of life on Earth. Time will tell.
The Voyagers weren't the first to probe
deep space. A smaller craft, Pioneer 10, made the first close-up
observations of Jupiter in 1973 and Pioneer 11 flew by both Jupiter and
Saturn. However, Dr. Bradford A. Smith, leader of the Voyager
photographic interpretation team, credits the Voyagers with sending back
the most powerful pictures of planets and moons yet received by
Besides transmitting pastel bands
circling Jupiter's atmosphere, colored like Easter egg decorations,
Voyagers' cameras also revealed the bold storm swirls in the style
of painter Van Gogh. They also showed the moon, Io,
alive with most active volcanoes in the solar system.
Flying by Neptune, Voyagers' photos depicted
it to be a pale blue, glowing with auroras and crackling from radio noise
of charged particles trapped by magnetic fields. Winds of 400 mph
raged over its surface, and icy volcanoes burst through the frozen surface
of its moon, Triton, surprising scientists.
Other spacecraft have added to the scientific data base
of our solar system. They donned the names of some of history's most
famous scientists and explorers, Magellan, Cassini and Galileo.
But of them all, Voyager 1 and 2 are the lead Sentinels of Space
Vigilance, en route to the extremes of the solar system and beyond with a
Hand of Hope
that may return us tools to better manage the Terrorisms
currently threatening our planet..
It is said that people turn on one another when
there is no common cause, no common threat to divert their primal
tendencies to gain personal power over others. In almost
every science fiction tale, when "aliens" invade, the differences between
people melt, bonding them as one despite all their barriers which once
might have poisoned them and turned them into bitter enemies.
Voyager represents the hope of Unification from
In its simplest form, alien unification can be
symbolized by a husband and wife having marital problems and go to a third
party--a mediator, an outside neutral force--to try and resolve disputes,
differences. Legal systems are also mediators between
Terrorism and Vigilance, establishing laws that set the border between
civilized and uncivilized behavior, and mete out penalties for their
Nations also hold summits to delimit Terrorism.
They form United Nations, make treaties and pacts--all designed to create
parity between the big and small, the weak and strong, so that no one can
have the right to lord over the rights of others. Most of these
alliances, however, are defensive rather than offensive.
Voyager, it seems to me, has a special
mission--to find some alien mediator who can bring to Earth tools to
enhance our unity from an offensive basis, for we need little lessons in
defensive disunity. One only has to look at the bones of treaties
and alliances broken to realize pieces of paper can be ripped, burned or
altered to fit anyone's viewpoint.
Perhaps in deep space,
aliens who have matured to a high state of Vigilance will recognize our
need to do the same, and bring us answers when they encounter Voyager.
Of course, there's a dark side to that
coin. No one knows if such a "mediator" might not be a
Terrorist, some intergalactic Hitler or Osama bin Laden, who sees our
primitive culture as a ripe harvest, and enslaves us with "advanced
However, I would think in the greater
evolution of thought, that beings with the ability to cogitate, to reason,
have found more reasons for peace than war, more tools to manage their
primal instincts than to let them run rampant. Such beings would
realize the galaxy would be at stake, not just a mere planet or two.
And, logically, as Star Trek's Mr. Spock would advocate, the bigger the
threat to all, the greater the need for Vigilance to protect it.
In some ways, we are moving at a snail's pace
toward a Universal World.
Europe's new International Criminal Court (ICC),
designed to punish war crimes by offending nations, is an "after-the-fact"
tribunal. It punishes crimes already committed. But it is a
step forward in nations gathering resources to fight against Terrorism on
a collective dais. It proves we have a need for global unity,
and with that unity, laws that transcend any nation's sovereignty.
But, new, it is riddled with ills. Some consider it a
violation of the rights of individuality.
What I believe is needed to balance
the ICC is a Universal Vigilance Court, one that can detect Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency at its onset, and sets into long-range motion
the development of Courage, Conviction and Right Actions to thwart the
evolution of Terrorism, which produces Fear, Intimidation and
The rub is that people are not responsible for
what they haven't yet done. One cannot be convicted of "evil
intent" until one acts in violation of the law. The
recent movie, "Minority Report," dealt with the dangers of
interceding on others based on "thoughts," convicting them of crimes they
had yet to commit.
However, I don't believe we, as Citizens of
Vigilance, must sit around and wait for a kidnapper to steal a young girl,
rape and murder her, before we act. Neither do I embrace the
idea that we should abdicate our Rights of Vigilance to a government,
hoping they will solve the problems that face our community, state,
nation, our world. Governments are not motivated by statesmanship,
but rather by politics and power. The next vote, the next
measure of positive public opinion, drives their decisions which can
change in winds. Citizens of Vigilance, on the other hand, are
fueled by a much larger primary purpose. It comes in the form of a
question: "What is in the best interest of our children, and their
children's children's children?"
The Universal Vigilance Court would deal with
that question first. It would take the offensive position of
putting policies into place to limit Terrorism, not just to punish it.
The Heliosphere |
Hoping to find aliens in the galaxy who can read
minds and intercede to stop Terrorism is, indeed, science fiction.
But finding civilizations far beyond the heliosphere that have evolved
into Citizens of Vigilance, teaching Vigilance, monitoring Vigilance,
setting up Rules of Vigilance to root out the primal Terrorisms that drive
people to acts of Emotional or Physical Terrorism, is within my vision.
Just as I see 3,000 Spirits of Vigilance swirling
around the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a lonely field in
Pennsylvania, so do I see a group of "aliens" far out in space who have
mastered the battle between their selfishness and selflessness.
Such worlds put the children before themselves.
These "beings" do not just myopically limit their vision to their own
children, but to all the children, and their children's children's
children who may be current or future victims of Terrorism.
This creates the most unselfish decisions, and provides the most pure
This isn't to suggest that Paradise Lost is found
in deep space. The seeds of Terrorism will never be
eliminated from any creature who has choice over his or her actions, who
has the ability to think. Thoughts are matter. They are mere
energy sparking across synapses. They can be mangled and
short-circuited, creating monsters who act against the Vigilant Order, who
attempt to Terrorize the Terrorizable, the non-Vigilant..
But the mass of beings populating the
galaxy beyond our solar system must have learned over time how to minimize
such Terrorism, especially the Emotional Terrorism of Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency. These heliospheric forces create such pressure on
thinking beings that they must be neutralized. Advanced beings
must have revolted against the oppression of Terrorism, and risen above it
to the benefit of the universe. Preserving the whole of the
galaxy from Terrorism must have become more important than preserving its
Here on earth, and most likely anywhere in the
galaxy, the most insidious type of Terrorism is either the lack of
self worth or the elevation of self worth above that of others. The
fangs of self worthlessness sink deep into the soul of a child when he or
she looks in a mirror and sees an image of an "unloved being," or one that
thinks it is "too fat," "too thin," "too poor," the wrong "color," "not
smart enough," or any of the demeaning thoughts that suffocate the
character of a human being before it has time to flourish.
Such fangs are just as vicious
when the child sees someone better than all others, more privileged than
all, richer, better looking, happier--at the expense of those who are not.
Such Terrorism extremes are fertilized by
parents who openly state their bigotry or prejudice against other groups,
polarizing their child's thoughts to the "differences" between people
rather than their "similarities," or, by parents who physically or
emotional abuse children by acts of violence or, worse yet, acts of
neglect, complacently starving children's thirsty needs to loved
Statements like "Why can't you be like
_____," stunt a child's individuality, and foul his or her unique nature.
Statements such as: "Why are you always causing me problems,"
signals to a child he or she is a nuisance, a weed, rather than a
precious seedling, searching for the sunlight of love to grow straight,
not crooked.
Vigilance is a galactic chore.
It doesn't belong to any nation, or any world, or any particular set of
beings from billions of miles away or across the street. It is the
duty of all Citizens of Vigilance, bound by Nature's Constitution of
Vigilance to insure the child and its children and their children have the
same rights of individuality, the same rights of Emotional Security, and,
hopefully, the same rights of Physical Security as all others in the
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are about to burst
through our solar system, about to be flung into intergalactic space on an
endless journey. Or, upon meeting the turbulence of the heliosphere,
to be ravaged by the Terrorism of differences between our solar system and
space itself.
I hope that the Voyagers slip through the
turbulence and find their way to some world where the beings on it have
learned how to balance more Vigilance than Terrorism. I hope these
beings will travel back on the path of Voyager to our planet, and bring us
not merely a cure for cancer or heart disease, but a cure for Terrorism.
Even if such an event doesn't happen, I
have the faith that within every living being on planet Earth is a driving
force of Vigilance that supercedes that of Terrorism.
Eventually, I believe, our world will not have to form International
Criminal Courts, but will focus its attention on the Court of Vigilant
Justice--responsible for teaching others Courage to overcome Fear,
Conviction to stymie Intimidation, and Right Actions to replace the
Complacency that turns human beings into bystanders instead of Sentinels
of Vigilance.
I know the Spirits of Vigilance from Nine Eleven
would want this to happen. I hear them rooting for the
Voyagers of Vigilance.
Go Aug. 13--Women
Of Vigilance
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