Article Overview:
There's a 5,280-pound Terrorist bomb sitting in the lobby of the
Alabama State Supreme Court. It was put there by its Chief
Justice, and now the federal courts and associate justices in Alabama
are seeking to remove it. Does the elimination of "God" from
American law weaken or strengthen the future of the Children's
Children's Children? |
22, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 709
A 5,280-Pound Terrorist Bomb In
Alabama's Supreme Court
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Aug. 22, 2003--
weighs 5,280 pounds. In the dark of night, it was secretly hauled
into the Alabama State Supreme Court lobby on July 31, 2001 by an
insurgent team. The presence of the granite slab was a time bomb.
That morning the fuse was lighted and burned toward a major explosion
that culminated yesterday when the bomb, known as “Roy’s Rock,” was
hidden from public view.
This morning
the fuse was lit on the time bomb known as Roy's Rock a
5,280 pound piece of granite hosting the Ten Commandments |
Roy’s Rock is 5,280 pounds of explosive emotions. To some, it is
equal to a Terrorist bomb placed in the heart of one of America’s most
controversial state’s Supreme Court lobby.
To others, it is a “Shield of Religious Vigilance,” a fortress
of religious and political anachronisms that beacons to those who do
not want the present or future to evolve and trample the past.
The 5,280 chunk of granite was placed in the lobby of the
Alabama State Supreme Court by its Chief Justice, Roy Moore.
The "Shield of
Religious Vigilance" in the lobby of the Alabama State Supreme
Court |
Justice Moore violated common sense and ultimately federal law by
placing the chunk of granite hosting the chiseled words of the Ten
Commandments in the lobby of the building that stands as a symbol of
protection between church and state and state and the people.
To those who viewed the Ten Commandments as a Terrorizing
religious symbol, bringing the church into the lobby of the state, the
battlelines were drawn.
Civil rights armies marched on the chunk of granite as though
it were the walls of Jericho. In response, Christian fundamentalists
who cling to the idea that all truths lie in the Bible and its
teachings, those attempting to remove or challenge Roy’s Rock’s Rights
were blasphemers and hedonists, seeking to strip the state and nation
of its moral fiber.
The battle was fought by the Chief Justice. Justice Moore
challenged a federal judge’s ruling that the presence of the Ten
Commandments violated the separation of church and state protocol by
appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay.
The Supreme Court refused to acknowledge the issue, their way
of thumbing their noses at issues unworthy of their attention.
The Sentinels of Vigilance came to the state’s rescue.
Facing a $5,000-a-day fine if Roy’s Rock wasn’t removed, the
eight associate Supreme Court judges met and voted to remove the rock
from the lobby. According to Alabama state law, a majority of the
justices can override the Chief Justice on administrative matters.
Alabama Chief
Justice, Roy Moore faced a $5,000-a-day fine unless the rock is
removed |
Since Chief Justice Moore acted unilaterally when he installed the Ten
Commandments, the associates were not recanting a decision by the
court. They were simply removing the right of the Chief Justice to
violate federal law, and, to remove the symbol that has weakened the
credibility of the Supreme Court in the eyes of those who want an
impartial judgment on all issues.
But removing the rock isn’t quite as easy as one might think.
Weighing well over two-tons, the rock can’t be put just
anywhere. It’s too heavy to go into an elevator, and, if placed in
the wrong spot, could break through the floor and crash upon those
Chief Justice Moore noted when he installed the Ten
Commandments he previously studied the structural designs of the
building and placed its 5280-pound weight on a spot in the lobby that
was heavily reinforced. Moving it may be as much of a challenge as
the battle to keep it.
In a way, the difficulty with Roy’s Rock is not unlike the
problems we all face when we let old ideas and old ways of thinking
strangle our ability to change and evolve. Terrorism is like
cement. It will harden around our feet and immobilize us.
But there are some ingredients necessary to a viable,
healthy, moral society of evolving citizens.
Justice Moore’s point is that America was founded on
God-given principles. He is quick to quote Thomas Jefferson’s
comments that all human rights come directly from God, and no one has
the right to violate that law, especially humans.
Thomas Paine, the great revolutionary writer who sparked the
nation’s backbone to fight for the freedom of the Children’s
Children’s Children, wrote in his famed book, The Rights of Man, that
all rights came from the Supreme Authority, God. Paine, an anarchist
by trade, gave little credit to government to make any laws over human
beings, and instead, pled for each person to be self-governed, and to
stand tall, knowing that the rights of the individual came from the
highest authority—the Supreme Being.
It might be easy to sweep Justice Moore’s arguments for his
Ten Commandments over in the corner as the last gasps of a “Southern
red-neck” trying to promote Right-Wing Christianity.
But Moore’s point runs deeper than some radical throwback to
the Civil War.
is etched onto
our money |
"In God We
Trust"............... |
His argument is that when we remove “God” from our courts and
government, we end up with no “Higher Authority.” The words: “In
God We Trust” are etched into our money. Such references to God
exist in our Pledge of Allegiance. Each U.S. President is sworn in
with one hand on the Bible.
More importantly, the Ten
Commandments span a wide berth of Judeo-Christian religion.
They include both the Old and New Testaments. To
some, they represent more "moral laws" than "religious laws."
They are not "Christian" in nature, because the Jewish religion also
adheres to the principles of the Old Testament.
But there are those of
other religions who think in terms that God Equals Christianity.
And, there are those who are atheists and agnostics who either refute
or question the existence of God.
And then, there are those
who would simply like to strip away any responsibility between human
beings and any other force or source than themselves. These
"secular humanists" believe a person has all the power to rule himself
or herself and seeks no other authority, supreme, civil or criminal,
to manage behavior.
While it would be easy
for me to join the choir against Chief Justice Moore, I have to go
along with his point--to whom do we as human beings look upon as the
Final Authority when it comes to Justice and Moral Law?
When I was sitting in the
rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and saw the
swirling halo of papers forming a ring in the sky, I believed I
witnessed the rising of the Spirits of Vigilance to keep watch over
the Children's Children's Children.
I heard them calling upon us all to
become Parents, Grandparents, Loved Ones and Citizens of Vigilance.
To me, they were asking us to serve a
higher order than ourselves. To turn selfishness into
selflessness, to convert egotism into humility, and sweep injustice
away with fairness and honor for all the Children's Children's
Like many atheists and agnostics, I have trouble
seeing a particular God in charge of everything, whether he be the one
the people in the Middle East pray to, or the one the religious
zealots honor, or the one that the most primitive people in the far
reaches of the farthest jungle honor.
I cannot deny the mystery of life, or explain how
all the pieces of both human and natural engineering work.
But I do accept an ultimate design exists, and that it was shaped and
formed by powers far greater than we humans can ever imagine.
If this is "God," then I accept there is One.
I have made
the Children's Children's Children God |
Still, I have trouble "seeing" God, or accepting His/Her/Its rule over
me or anyone.
But, I do see this Supreme Authority, this Higher
Power, in the shape and form of children.
In the Pledge of Vigilance, I ask those who see the
future as an opportunity to evolve, to pledge to fight the Beast of
Terror with Vigilance. That is, to turn Fear into Courage,
Intimidation into Conviction, and to boot out of the way Complacency
by taking Right Actions that benefit all, not some, of the Children's
Children's Children.
In this sense, I've made the Children's
Children's Children God.
They are the deity I honor.
It is their innocence I must defend, their rights
I must protect if I am truly a Sentinel of Vigilance. That
means I must do all in my power to be fair and just to all the
children, regardless of race, color, creed, religious or sexual
It means I must see the Child in all of us.
Justice then is being fair to this Higher
Authority. It means I must have a benchmark far greater
than myself or other adults to judge the Right Actions of another.
Crimes are committed when they violate moral law
as well as civil law. And while civil law may
change, moral law never does.
Moral law is
about protecting the Children's Children's Children |
Moral law is about protecting the Children's Children's Children.
It is comprised of laws that protect and defend
the rights of the future generations today.
I don't see that the removal of the Ten
Commandments helps us become Sentinels of Vigilance. Since
the monument is in the lobby and not the courtrooms, it appears to me
more of reminder of moral duty than the sledgehammer imposing it upon
I also doubt that any prudent person would deny
the need for a Higher Authority to guide the travels of human nature
on its journey. Human beings have done much damage to this
world, from blowing up each other to raping the environment.
Now, with Weapons of Mass Destruction hanging
over our heads, there is a chance the world's population could quickly
be reduced by some insane act of a Terrorist.
It seems any Higher Authority might be necessary
these days to check our base, feral Beast of Terror natures.
Removing 5,280 pounds of moral benchmarks might
be a victory for those secular humanists who falsely think man and
woman can rule themselves, but for Sentinels of Vigilance, the swift
smashing of the granite seems more a feather in the Beast of Terror's
war bonnet than a victory for Vigilance.
I also think that Roy's Rock is more than a
message about a piece of granite in a government building in Alabama.
What happens to our government when we strip it
of any reference to Higher Authority, or Supreme Management?
Ask Moses how
strong granite is |
would like to think government has a duty to something other than
other politicians.
If we do strip God from the walls and halls
of government, then we should replace that name with something equal
in power.
"One Nation, Under the Children's
Children's Children..."
"In The Children's Children's Children We
"I Swear, Upon The Children's Children's
Children, to uphold the Constitution of the United States..."
"I pray to the Children's Children's
Chief Justice Roy Moore may be more a Sentinel of
Vigilance than a religious Southern red-neck as he is accused to be.
I hope Roy's Rock survives the cracks.
Granite is pretty strong. Just
ask Moses!
21--Fox News: Where Is "Fair & Balanced"
In The Terrorism of Vigilance
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