31, 2002—Ground
Zero Plus 353
The Sword Of Damocles:
Terrorizing Taxation of the Future
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
City, August 31--There's an old adage that Europe is using to
Terrorize the United States in the aftermath of September 11.
It goes: "Never hit a man when he's down, kick him it's easier."
Former President Richard Nixon knew that
line well. After being defeated for reelection, he turned to the
press and said bitterly: "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around
any more."
President Nixon wasn't accurate. When
he did get elected again, the press kicked him around harder than anything
he could imagine, exposing him through the Watergate scandal and
ultimately promoting his resignation.
But that was a situation where the United
States attacked its own. In the aftermath of Nine Eleven, a
new current of Terrorism is washing upon our sacred, once-secure soil.
It's coming from the Atlantic. The source is Europe, the mass
of nations we once saved from Hitlarian oppression, the ones we pumped
billions of dollars into with the Marshall Plan to rebuild their society,
to reindustrialize their engines of productivity so they might stand tall
and proud once again.
Over the years, Europe has formed a similar
pact with one another as the various states did when we formed the Union
of the United States in 1776. It is called the European
Economic Union, noted by a blue flag with gold stars forming a circle for
each member nation.
When the Cold War ended with the
destruction of the Berlin Wall and fall of communism, Europe breathed a
deep sigh. The Sword of Damocles was removed--no longer did
the Soviet Union serve as a major peril to the safety or security of
Europe, and, no longer was the Sheriff of the World, the United State,
needed to protect Europe from communist threat.
But as Cain did to Able, so has Europe picked up
a giant club and swung it at the skull of its "big brother," the United
States. It now threatens to bash our brains out over "who is
in charge" of the world.
Europe has hung the Sword of Damocles over the
head of the United States, specifically following the events of Nine
In mythology, Damocles was a courtier of
Dionysius the Elder. Dionysius was a leader who used to go to the
quarry in Sicily where his people worked and listen to what they had to
say in secret. He would put his ear to a tunnel and catch
conversations of dissent against the kingdom, and then issue punishment to
those dissenters. He was kind of like the CEO in a big corporation
who hides in the bathroom stands on a toilet and listens to what his
executives and employees say about him, then issues out punishment to any
who dissent from his opinion.
When someone is said to have the Ear of
Dionysius, it simply means: "beware what you say in the toilet or
Cave near the
Quarry of Paradise in Sicily known as Dionysius Ear
Damocles was a gadfly in Dionysius court,
an obsequious character who laid praise at Dionysius feet.
Some might call him a "corporate kiss ass."
He lavished Dionysius with praise about the
grandeur and happiness of rulers, a fawning of sorts that might gag others
less inclined to lick the boots of their CEO, but Damocles was just that
sort of "suck up" that makes for any community of groupies who gather
around their powerful leader in hopes of being issued a pat on the head,
or receive a Peter Principle promotion.
Dionysius had a perverted sense of humor.
Why not? He snuck to a secret tunnel shaped much like an ear to spy
on his people's comments, so why not take a court suck up and teach him a
He called for a great banquet in honor of his
"suck up" Damocles. He put him at the head of the table
with all his court around. Damocles puffed out his chest, enjoying
his Andy Warhol "15-minutes-of-fame," until he noticed all those around
him looking up over his head.
There it was--a giant, razor sharp sword hanging
by a single horsehair. It was positioned just so that if the
delicate strand of hair were to break, the sword would fall down and chop
off Damocles' head.
The mythical lesson being taught by Dionysius was
that "insecurity might threaten those who appeared to be the most
fortunate." Or, put another way, the Sword of Damocles was a
constant threat, a warning of a potential disaster if those under it
didn't bow and kow-tow to demands.
Europe has created a number of Swords of Damocles
lately. They seem to follow on the heels of Nine Eleven, as
though the attack on our security symbolized our Achilles Heel, ushered in
an era of the declivity of our power as the "greatest nation on earth."
It started with the Europe-based International
Criminal Court (ICC), founded a few years ago on the need to prosecute war
criminals. But it has taken on more power.
The European Nations now want control over the sovereignty of nations
regarding prosecution of criminals. The United States has balked at
turning over its Constitutional protection of American citizens to the
court, and sought immunity for its military forces who are engaged in both
peace keeping and Terrorism war battles.
The heart of the United States' argument about
not joining in on the ICC's right to prosecute American citizens is the
danger the court may become prejudiced against the U.S. and become unfair
in administering "justice." It feels also that by surrendering the
rights of the U.S. Constitution to the court, citizens of America could be
prosecuted without the protection of due process as we know it.
Further, the ICC's powers include indicting political leaders such as the
President of the United States for "war crimes," should it refuse to
accept U.S. military strategy as "civilized behavior."
The Sword of Damocles hangs over our heads in
this issue, creating rancor between the U.S. and Europeans who are puffing
their chests and serving notice on the United States that its power has
been limited. Above its head hangs a sword held by a
horsehair--a European not American horsehair.
Then there is the issue with Iraq.
The United States has been seeking to "suck up" to Europe to get its
endorsement on an attack against Saddam Hussein. The
methodology is not unlike that of Damocles. No matter
how hard we lick Europe's boots, the more they seem to kick us.
Even Britain, our foremost ally in battles against the threats in the
Middle East, has turned its head. If one looks close at the
Sword of Damocles, one can see the horsehair slowly unraveling.
The most recent weakening of the horsehair is
economic club Europe is wielding against America. As we have
frozen the assets of Terrorist groups, the European Economic Community is
now taking shots at stripping our wealth, and crippling our economic
The World Trade Organization, an international
arbiter in global trade disputes, ruled yesterday that the European Union
can impose $4 billion in penalties on the United States because an
American tax break that promotes exports is "illegal."
Gary Hufbauer, an international trade analyst at
the Institute for International Economics, says: "This gives the
European Union a $4 billion club against us. It can keep the
club in the closet, but it will be a presence that surrounds all the
negotiations at the World Trade Organization."
Politically and diplomatically, it is a "shot
across our bow," said Hufbauer. Bitter disputes exist on trade
issues ranging from steel tariffs to farm subsidies. As we
have issued sanctions against Terrorists, we are now being Terrorized by
our own tactics. The Sword of Damocles, once hung over
Europe's head, now threatens us.
The World Trade Organization, once hailed as a
tool to reduce trade barriers between nations, is now being viewed as a
political fist seeking to globalize the world, with Europe at its
epicenter. The Court of World Power has changed, some say,
from America to Europe.
Others believe the new power being
exercised is directly linked to the events of Nine Eleven which shattered
America's image as the Humpty Dumpty who "couldn't fall," but has fallen,
and is now "just another member of the world community."
Europe, free of the Sword of Damocles from the Soviet Union, no longer
needs America's protection. As a result, it has donned a new
crown of power--money--through taxation.
I find it interesting that America is
in the midst of a great struggle to right itself after the storms of Nine
Eleven. That adage: "Never hit a man when he's down, kick
him," seems to fit too well today when we look at our weakening military,
political, and diplomatic efforts to "take on the world" as the "Sheriff
of Justice."
Power always shifts through time.
Great nations weaken. Other nations grow strong.
Our current battle with Iraq is to
limit its potential as a nuclear power. The Dionysian's
who have a listening ear to Saddam Hussein see his goal as gathering the
power to rule the Middle East and to hang a Sword of Damocles over anyone
who threatens his power to rule through Fear, Intimidation and
Europeans obviously don't see the threat as
we do. They have chosen Complacency on the issue. They
are like the workers in the frozen strawberry canning factory who inspect
the food before it is sealed in the can. Along the
conveyer belt comes a can of frozen strawberries heading for the final
sealing machine which will lock the top on it.
The inspectors look
at the can and see a giant, yucky, slimy slug oozing on the top of the
strawberries. The first safety inspector turns her head, for she
doesn't want to touch the creature. The next, seeing the lead
inspector feign her Vigilance, covers her mouth and coughs, letting the
slug sucking on the strawberries pass her. So it goes down the line,
each inspector looking at the unctuous creature and each denying its
existence for one reason or another until, "whomp," "whamp," the sound of
the sealing unit capping the container rings. No one
wants to think of a consumer opening the can and seeing the slug mashed
atop the strawberries. Instead, they go about the rest of
their work, picking off a lingering leaf her, or a stem there, but
ignoring the vision of the slug.
It would be easy for all Americans to
scan over the news of the recent European trade ruling and the $4 billion
tax on the United States if we all agree to the idea of Complacency.
Who cares, anyway? And, what can we do? We're just "average
citizens?" We have no real "power?" That's up to the
"politicians," and the "diplomats." We pay them to take care
of that "stuff," don't we?
Not really. We actually
pay our politicians to listen to us. An elected representative
is nothing more than a Dionysian Ear. It is deaf until we
shout into it. Like the safety inspectors on the assembly
line, the elected official will duck and weave until someone comes along
and says: "Hey, look, there's a slug on the strawberries!
Somebody get that off. Some kid might eat it and get sick.
What's the matter with you!"
Noise. Noise makes the
Dionysian Ear listen. And dissent is the key.
Dissent in this case is "not standing for Complacency."
The issue is something that affects
us all. If we fold and agree to pay high taxes, the pain comes
back to our children. The prices of everything go up to compensate
for the additional tax. Consumers end up paying the tax.
Don't forget the Boston Tea Party.
Over time, if we don't fight for our
economic rights, Europe can rule the tax base. If we lose our
power to negotiate, if we forget the elements of Vigilance are Courage,
Conviction and Right Action, we surrender to the World Trade Organization.
We let the club grow in their hands, we become Terrorized by the decisions
of the few against us. Our children suffer. They pay more for
We leave them with the Sword of Damocles
hanging over their heads.
So what can the "average, impotent citizen"
In my book, it's quite simple. Write
a letter to your Congressperson. Include a copy of the Pledge
of Vigilance. Include a copy of this story. Tell your
Congressperson you want answers on the Sword of Damocles. What
policy, or set of policies, will insure the children and their children's
children's of the fairest tax. Urge your Congressperson not to
capitulate. To stand on firm ground. To fight to remove the
Sword of Damocles from our heads, our children's heads.
As the anniversary of Nine Eleven
approaches, we must not forget what the Sentinels of Vigilance died
for--they died for our security--our children's children's children's
security. We must never forget that such security
includes: physical, emotional and economic security. We must
not fall victim to Terrorization of their future, or further weaken the
foundations of our sovereignty in the face of globalization.
We need to teach our children
that the philosophy of "Never hit a man when he's down,
kick him, it's easier," isn't the Vigilant Way. The
Vigilant Way is to help the man to his feet and ask him what
is Terrorizing him, and how can we work together to find a way
not be enemies, not for ourselves, but for our children and
their children's children.
It is our job to
remove the Sword of Damocles from our children's heads.
If we don't, we'll
be responsible when it falls.

To Aug 28--Flushing America's Resources Down The Toilet
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