Article Overview:
Sweden has the opportunity to create a Nobel Prize of Vigilance to
honor the death of its foreign minister, Anna Lindh, butchered by a
Terrorist's knife in a Stockholm department store.
Can Sweden take the lesson of Anna Lindh's death to the people of the
world, and create a Nobel Vigilant Prize that rewards those who fight
the Beast of Terror? Find out if you agree Vigilance is
the key to Peace. |
12, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 730
The Nobel Prize Of Vigilance--A
Legacy From The Terrorist Who Killed Sweden's Anna Lindh
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Sep 12, 2003-- The
Terrorist slipped quietly into the crowd at the NK department store in
Stockholm. In his pocket was a razor-sharp knife.
A few feet away was his unsuspecting victim, shopping with other
Swedish people, Anna Lindh, a 46-year-old mother of two sons, was
unaware the Terrorist's blade would carve into her vital organs in
just a few moments, slicing and carving the life out of her.
Anna Lindh,
Swedish Foreign Minister and a leading pro-euro campaigner was
slain in Stockholm |
The attack would be more than just a random
act of violence by a deranged madman. It would be a
political assassination, a minor version of the Terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center. Anna Lindh was Sweden's foreign
minister, an outspoken advocate of many issues, including extolling
the virtues of joining the European union.
In a brazen attack not unlike the
Terrorists who flew fuel-laden planes into U.S. icons of power, the
lone Terrorist repeatedly stabbed Anna Lindh in the department store,
then rushed out, dropping the knife. He still remains at
large. Reports say he looked like a citizen of the
country. Speculation is he was a political
Terrorist, violently opposed to joining the European union.
This week the citizens vote on the issue.
At 5:29 a.m., on September 11, 2003,
just a few short hours before the anniversary of the first Terrorist
plane attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, Anna Lindh
died of internal bleeding from wounds to her stomach and liver at
Stockholm's Karolinska Hospital.
The shock of her death still rings
throughout Sweden.
Prior to the attack, Swedish
politicians have prided themselves that they don't need personal
security. Their progressive country, home of the
Nobel Prize, has stood as a symbol of safety and security, especially
expressed by its ability for top politicians such as the foreign
minister to mix with the people doing the mundane tasks of life like
shopping at a department store.
Personal security protection is only
afforded King Carl Gustav and Prime Minister Goran Persson.
Anna Lindh was on track to replace Persson as Prime Minister.
Those plans were cut short by the assassin.
"Too often, the international community has failed to prevent
violent conflicts. Complex challenges in recent years have led to
a closer co-operation between the EU and regional and
international organisations. This has made efforts to prevent
violent conflicts more effective" Lindh August 2002 |
Minister Lindh speaking at the Regional EU Conference on Conflict
Resolution August 2002 |
Minister Lindh was quick
to express her views. She called President Bush a "Lone Ranger"
for going it alone in Iraq without U.N. support, but was in favor of
the battle against global Terrorism.
She called for Israel to
withdraw from the West Bank, chided the Italian foreign minister for
comparing a German lawmaker to a Nazi concentration camp kapo, and
spoke against the U.S. refusing to take part in the International
Criminal Court.
This wasn't the first recent
political assassination in Sweden. In February, 1986, Prime
Minister Olof Palme was walking home with his wife after seeing a
movie. A gunman shot him to death and escaped.
In parallel, the
two assassins are similar to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.
Both heads of Terror remain at large. Osama is considered
the chief architect of Nine Eleven, and Saddam, although not directly
linked to the attacks, is considered to be involved by many
Americans and the Administration.
The assassins
of Lindh and Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986 are similar
to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein |
In Sweden, as
in the United States, September 11 represents a sad tribute to the
loss of a nation's innocence.
America was
considered a "safe haven" in relation to other parts of the world
where continuous threats to the safety of people loomed large.
Sweden held a similar image to a world ducking and weaving bullets and
bombs hurled here and there by a wide range of political and Terror
Both myths
have been smashed.
America, land
of the free and brave, now enlists special anti-Terrorism forces such
as New York's Hercules team--an elite, heavily armed anti-Terrorism
strike force of the NYPD.
Prior to Nine
Eleven, the NYPD allocated only about a dozen of its 39,000 officers
to work full time on Terrorism. Since the attacks, that
number has grown to more than 900.
Since Nine
Eleven the NYPD has allocated more than 900 of its 39,000 officers
to work full time fighting Terrorism |
addition to Hercules heavily armed teams with automatic weapons,
another elite group called the Archangels was created to stave off
millennium Terror threats. Combining fire department and
police experts, another group called Hammer Teams is available to deal
with hazardous materials such as bombs and chemicals.
faces similar changes in its social security structure.
that the Beast of Terror has waltzed into the limelight, the nation of
Sweden faces a major shift in its attitude toward security.
The birthplace of the Nobel Peace Prize may be forced to become the
home of the Sentinels of Vigilance, the promoters of the Pledge of
though I understand the goal of Peace as a philosophy, I shy from it.
I have a great personal fear that people who assume Peace as a goal
also assume that when it is achieved they can drop their guard, relax,
sigh relief, break down the walls that keep the Beast of Terror at bay
and release their children to play under the false clouds of safety.
means to me the absence of War, and some eradication or nullification
of the threats of War.
implies to me a nirvana, a lofty surrealistic state where the
molecules of human frailty have been extracted from human chemistry
and the fundamental defects of human nature--pride, anger, greed,
lust, envy, gluttony and sloth--have evaporated.
I am a
fundamentalist regarding human nature. I believe that elements
of nature, the positive charge versus the negative charge that creates
tension and produces gravity and holds all matter together, cannot be
altered. That is, the negative forces, commonly
called "evil intent" or, in legal terms, "mens rea," will never be
excluded from humans.
Peace is
illusionary at best |
as a word, suggest the absence of all negative forces. It
is illusionary at best. At its worst, it drives us down false
paths, toward unattainable goals, and, as in the case of Anna Lindh,
shocks us into dismay when the Beast of Terror--human negativity
personified in violence against others--rises out of our primordial
ooze and lashes out to maim, kill, torture and violate our sense of
respect for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Sweden is caught in the turmoil of Terrorism's reality. It
must look into the mirror and wonder how it will deal with arming
itself to defend against the potential crimes of human nature.
solution I see is to create another prize--the Nobel Vigilance Prize.
Humankind can bash its head against the brick wall for eternity trying
to reach a state of Peace and fail in every attempt, ultimately
discouraging all Peace Advocates from ever realistically believing the
ultimate is possible.
Conversely, humanity can strive not for the unattainable, but for that
which is within its grasp--Vigilance!
Vigilance is not about expunging evil, or eviscerating the flaws in
human nature, but instead protecting its children from the dangers of
letting down their guard against the defects that can turn a human
being into a Beast of Terror.
Physics reminds us we cannot remove something without first replacing
it with something else. Peace only exists in the
absence of War, and cannot exist without the threat of War.
They are poles of one another, mated, the mother and father of each
other, inviolable in their nature. They cannot be cleaved, for
to remove one is to destroy the other's existence.
Mechanically, they are a seesaw. When one goes up, the
other goes down. But what goes up must come down, so while Peace
may exist for a blink or two, it cannot defy gravity. It will be
replaced with War, and the seesaw continues ad infinitum.
Peace and War act as a seesaw |
But the balance between the two extremes is possible. The
seesaw can be leveled so that One Percent more weight is on the
"teeter" not the "totter" side of the equation.
equation can be reduced to one word: "Vigilance!"
Vigilance is a simple equation of thought. It requires us
to manage One Percent more Courage than Fear, One Percent more
Conviction than Intimidation, and One Percent more Right Actions in
behalf of the Children's Children's Children than Complacency in the
fell victim to the Triad of Terrorism. It felt secure on
the seesaw between Peace and War. But the most powerful element
of the Triad of Terrorism, Complacency, tipped the balance.
It drove a madman's blade into the vital organs of an outstanding
woman, mother, and political symbol. It ripped and
eviscerated the Womb of Vigilance in a crowded department store, and
caused the death of a Sentinel of Vigilance on September 11, 2003.
lesson should not go unnoticed or unanswered by those who stand for a
world charged with making our universe safe for future generations.
legacy is not about Peace but truly about Vigilance.
In the early
days of the 21st Century, Sweden has the opportunity to review its
Nobel Peace Prize nomenclature and consider either adding another
award, or altering the name of the current one.
The Nobel
Vigilance Prize tells the world not that we are now moving toward a
state of stasis, a state of purity, a state of Complacency, but rather
toward a state of reckoning, a state of guardedness, a state of
preparation against forces that eternally have and eternally will,
threaten the security of future generations.
The "prize" Sweden
offers should be that we, all of us, from each and every land--all 6.1
billion of us currently, and the billions more who will follow--become
Citizens, Parents, Grandparents and Loved Ones of Vigilance,
subscribing to the Principles of Vigilance that demand we recognize
the Beast of Terror and learn to neutralize, to balance the Beast's
efforts to twist and maim our thoughts so we act against the laws of
human decency and perform acts of Terrorism whether they be physical
or emotional.
The Nobel
Vigilance Prize tells the world we are moving toward
security for our Children's Children's Children |
The Terrorists who
attacked the U.S. and the Terrorist who drove the sharp blade of a
knife into Anna Lindh's flesh are symbols of the Triad of Terrorism.
They suckled on the Beast
of Terror's teats, drinking the foul milk of Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency while ignoring Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for
the Children's Children's Children.
Had these Terrorists
subscribed to the Principles of Vigilance they would have stopped
before acting out their missions of violence against other human
beings. They would have been forced to question the intent
of their actions in reference to the impact it would have upon all the
children of the world, not just their own, but upon the children of
Anna Lindh and the thousands of children surviving the victims of the
World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and those of Flight 93 that crashed
in Pennsylvania.
The great minds of the world,
the scientists, authors, educators, politicians, world leaders, who
seek Peace for a troubled world will achieve that goal only when they
deal with the true reality of gravity, only when they recognize that
Peace is a fragile balance between Terrorism and Vigilance, a balance
that requires us to source out the roots of Terrorism.
Those roots begin with
how a child views life. And if a child is taught the
Principles of Vigilance, and charged with the duty to battle his or
her Beast of Terror with Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for
future generations, we cut deep into the quick of Terrorism's tap
But, this will only
happen when someone stands up to Terrorism not in the physical
battlefields where bombs and bullets represent the crescendo of
Terrorism's wrath, and where the Beast of Terror roams about lapping
up the blood of his or her victims, but in the emotional arena--in the homes
of Parents of Vigilance who teach their children how to fight Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
Acts of Terror are the
end result of human Complacency. They represent the
neglect we as human beings have fostered by not hitting the nail on
the head. The head of the nail begins with a vow by a
parent to teach a child to battle the Beast of Terror with the Sword
and Shield of Vigilance.
But parents of children
will never subscribe to such a role until someone, or some respected
entity, charges them with that responsibility.
Sweden is poised to do
just that.
Currently, it holds in
its hands a symbol that the world stares at with hope. That
symbol is the Nobel Peace Prize. But, that prize is not
designed for the average person. It is limited to the most lofty
of all.
The real
candidates for the Nobel Vigilance Prize should be the average
citizens of the world |
The real candidates for
the Nobel Vigilance Prize should be the average citizens of the
world---those who illustrate and define through the upbringing of
their children all the qualities of Parents of Vigilance that will
help insure our world can evolve above its Beast's Nature.
Awards for Citizens of
Vigilance, Grandparents of Vigilance, Loved Ones of Vigilance can be
included to support and reinforce the depth that Vigilance must seek
within the fabric of society to be most effective.
Anna Lindh's
assassin did not have Parents of Vigilance. Had he been a
Child of Vigilance, he would have learned to balance his
TerrorThoughts. He would have stopped before he thrust the
knife into the body of a Mother of Vigilance and realized that he was
acting at the detriment of future generations.
I ask all the
citizens of Sweden to take the death of Anna Lindh as an opportunity
to reconsider the issuing of the Nobel Peace Prize and to ask whether
the nation should continue it solely, or add another, the Nobel
Vigilance Prize, to be issued to those person or persons who serve as
the best example of Vigilance in a variety of categories.
If we are going to
install bodyguards, shouldn't we install them in the minds of our
children before they grow into Terrorists? Isn't the best
bodyguard against Terrorism the Principles of Vigilance?
All the guns and all the guards
in the world cannot stop a madman or madwoman from an act of Terror.
caretakers imparting the Principles of Vigilance teach children to
defend against the Triad of Terrorism |
What can stop them is a Parent,
Grandparent, Loved One or Citizen of Vigilance who imparts to the
child the Principles of Vigilance, who teaches a child to defend
himself or herself from the Triad of Terrorism.
When children are trained to
fight Fear with Courage, Intimidation with Conviction and Complacency
with Right Actions for the Children's Children's Children, our world
will not be bouncing up and down on the seesaw of War and Peace.
We will, instead, be walking on much safer paths, keeping our eyes,
ears and actions such that the Beast of Terror will have nothing to
feed upon.
Support the Nobel
Vigilance Prize.
It will be Sweden's and
the world's greatest gift.
