Overview: Veterans
For Peace claim the U.S. military is recruiting young people at schools
by glorifying war. They tell the children war is evil and to not be
seduced by military recruiters that it is glorious. I question the
sanity of the VFP's mission. Who would glorify war and remain in their
right mind? Or, are the VFP members Beasts of Terror, trying to stop
future Sentinels of Vigilance from defending the Rights of Freedom?
Take a look and decide what you think? |
16, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 734
Defending The Sentinels of "War
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Sep 15, 2003--
There're a couple of guys in St. Louis who are eager to break the
Sword of Vigilance and smash the Shield of Vigilance.
Corcoran( left) and John Grant (right) are members of Veterans for
Peace a group that counterbalances the gung-ho message of military
recruiters |
These military veterans go to schools to
thwart military recruiters who, they claim, are trying to glorify war
and seduce young people into the art of "killing."
On the surface, many might think this is a noble effort.
Anti-military and anti-war advocates wave their flags and cheer on
this duo of Anti-War Vigilantes whose mission is to paint the face of
war as evil and to deface it as unpatriotic.
They are members of a group called Veterans For Peace (VFP),
founded by a WWII and Vietnam Vet in the mid-1980's. There are some
3,300 members throughout the nation.
Two of the VFP members were recently highlighted in an article
in the Christian Science Monitor titled: Telling kids to say 'no' to
John Grant and Frank Corcoran, the two VFP members spotlighted
in the
CS Monitor story, are both Vietnam
The question they pose isn't at issue.
War is ugly, wasteful, horrible. The greatest general will
avow to that. It doesn't take a brain scientist to argue that war's
brutality is an excruciation no human being should ever have to
experience, for it is the ultimate battlefield of Terrorism.
bombs, mines have no conscience |
Bullets, bombs, mines have no conscience.
They can tear into the flesh of an innocent child or civilian without
an ounce of compunction. The blood of war can drown a person's sense
of respect for human life, turning his or her soul into scarred
leather, unable to feel empathy or sense sadness for the price of such
feelings can mean death.
I believe the two VFP Soldiers of Anti-War Messages have
created a giant leap between joining the military and going to war.
Their point-of-view is that military recruiters are at schools
glorifying war and seducing the young, innocent to look at war as a
duty, and to consider the killing and destruction of other human
beings as a citizen's responsibility.
I guess I'm jaded.
I have never seen the military, at least the U.S. military, as
a tool to kill young people. I've not seen it as a group of
Hitler's Youth, conscripted to march into the front lines and die for
the fatherland.
The military, to me, is about learning how to be a Sentinel of
It has been and always will be, a place where a young man or
woman learns how to protect his or her nation from the Beast of Terror
who, as exampled on Nine Eleven, will sneak up when least expected and
rape, pillage and plunder the land as long as he can get away with it.
I don't see the military in any different light than I do
joining the police force, or becoming a fire fighter, or a paramedic.
Every society must have those who protect the Children's
Children's Children's rights from harm. A strong military is not
about killing and war, but avoiding killing and war.
Critics of Iraq tout that some 157 Americans have been killed
since the official end of the major combat during the elimination of
Saddam Hussein's regime. They forget to mention how many Iraqi
lives have been saved by America's liberation of the country. How
many citizens haven't been tortured, hanged, shot or shoveled into
dank, dungy prisons over the past 23 years when Saddam ruled with
tyranny and oppression?
Critics of war
don't like to look at the reasons why war happens |
Critics of war don't like to look at the
reasons why war happens. That might justify the willingness of a
person to give his or her life for others. It might impede the
highest possible order of human nature--the sacrifice of one's life
for the lives of others.
Enlisting in the military, like joining the fire or police
department, involves the risk of life and limb. Nearly 400
firefighters, police and EMS personnel who died in the World Trade
Center attack on Nine Eleven, over twice as many as have died in Iraq
since the end of major combat in March, assumed the "Right of
Sacrifice" when they took on the job.
They did not join to wage war. They joined to protect
That's the great gap in VFP position.
Duty is the
allure that attracts people to military service |
Accusing the American military of
glorifying war to recruit young people is similar to suggesting you
recruit firefighters and police by showing them pictures of mangled,
twisted bodies of their comrades in the aftermath of Nine Eleven.
It makes no sense.
Duty not blood-and-guts is the allure that attracts people
to military service, just as it does to someone who seeks to join the
police or fire department, or, in a more subtle way, drives someone to
become a school teacher.
School teachers receive little glory and little pay for
their service in defense of the Beast of Ignorance. They fight daily
a battle against children's Fear, Intimidation and the nagging power
of Complacency, often fostered by their parents' lack of interest in
their education, or lack of support of the children's emotional well
Duty drives a school teacher to spend countless, frustrating
hours with her Sword and Shield of Vigilance held high, hoping to
drive the Beast of Educational Terror away from the children so their
minds might be given life.
Military recruiters speak about Country, Flag, Honor,
Duty. They reinforce the responsibility of Citizenship, which, I
believe, includes volunteering to defend one's country.
America is unique in the world because it historically has
traveled to foreign lands and willingly, sometimes unilaterally,
offered its citizens lives to secure the freedom of those enslaved by
Terrorists of many shapes and sizes.
History's pages unfold the truth of the U.S. military.
Nowhere in those pages can one find that America conquers nations,
enslaves them, rules them as most all other empires have done over the
millennia of human bloodshed in search of a world at peace.
If America were the blood-thirsty, kill-for-glory nation the
VFP would like the school children to believe, the recruiters would be
offering the potential soldiers booty from each and every land they
fought in. In past days, conquering armies gave soldiers land, gold
and other tribute as their reward.
That might make sense today if one were to glorify war as
the reason to join the military. War would mean booty, and booty
would mean riches, and risking one's life for booty or tribute might
make sense.
To tell
someone not to joining the military because war is hell is like
showing new firefighting recruits videos of firefighters in pain
and anguish as they battle fires |
But, despite the best efforts of the VFP, I
can hardly imagine their Voices ring with any veracity to reach those
upon whom they preach. To tell a person not to join the military
because war is hell, or ugly, or wrong, or evil is about as mature as
an ant climbing up an elephant's ass in hopes of stinging him so the
elephant will move away from the ant pile.
It's like the firefighters recruiting new members by showing
them the videos of firefighters screaming in pain and anguish as the
World Trade Center collapsed on them, or the police department showing
films of cops being shot and lying in pools of blood on dirty, lonely
Hello, Veterans For Peace?
Have you read War and Peace?
If there is anyone who abhors war, it's me. I've seen its
horror, participated in its horror, and written about its horror. I
wake up at night with the images of war's horror glued to the back of
my eyeballs--faces of innocent people bloating in the hot sun, eyes of
dying souls piercing into mine--and attest to anyone that war has no
But, defending the Right of Freedom and offering one's life
to protect the future rights of others--that is glorious.
I personally
watched freedom's sees sprout in the first democratic election in
Vietnam |
I witnessed the first democratic election
in Vietnam when thousands of villagers came out of the jungles despite
V.C. threats to kill them if they did, to cast their free vote for the
first time in their lives. I watched freedom's seeds sprout that
The night before two guys next to me were blown to pieces. I
held them in my arms. Their blood is still part of my skin, has
sucked down into the pores of my body and become as much of me as the
air I breathe. I know they died for others. I know they gave their
lives that day so that some day the people of Vietnam might return to
a free and democratic ballot box, and cast another vote without being
threatened with death if they did.
Their deaths were glorious, not because of war, but because
of what they fought for, and were willing to die for. They died for
others' right to freedom.
I doubt if the Veterans For Peace extol the virtues of
military service as performing the function of a Sentinel of
Vigilance, one who protects the future by willingly offering his or
her life today.
Instead, I'm sure they present the military as a Beast of
Terror, cold and ruthlessly looking for young bodies to feed to the
demons of war, to suck their blood and chew on their appendages for
It saddens me
that combat veterans see with the Eye of the Beast |
I find it sad that combat veterans like
these two gentlemen noted in the CS Monitor see with only one eye, the
Eye of the Beast, and seek to get the youth to blind the Eye of
Vigilance, the eye that sees the glory of one's duty to protect his or
her nation and other nations from the Beast of Terror.
I cannot salute their efforts to cheat the youth of their
right to serve their country, and the nations of the world.
America does not recruit youth today to fight evil wars.
Today, more than ever, I believe, America recruits Sentinels
of Vigilance...young people willing to face the Beast of Terror with
pride and dignity, and, if necessary, give their lives so Courage,
Conviction and Right Actions for the Children's Children's Children
will survive long afterwards.
War is surely hell, but Vigilance isn't.
Vigilance is the key to avoiding war, and those youth who
realize that and offer their lives in defense of others are true
Sentinels of Vigilance.
That's why I seek to recruit everyone as a Sentinel of
Without them, the Beast of Terror will turn the world into
a playground of war, and all the evil will issue from the Beast's
But, our Sentinels of Vigilance are smarter than the
Beast. And, hopefully, they will remain that way.
