Article Overview:
As the storms of war approach, the world hides. The United
Nations hesitates. Nations scramble to find ways to avert a
confrontation with Iraq. Vigilance, once a keyword, has been
replaced with Complacency--reservation, hesitation. No one
wants to step up to the plate and admit other nations have the
right to impose their will on other nations unless there is an
immanent threat to them. Why does the world wait until the gun
has smoke, until it has fired it death and destruction before
acting? Could it be to protect tyranny and Terrorism. Is the
United Nations the United Nations of Complacency? Find out. |
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
September 21 - Ground Zero Plus 739
10, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 516
The United Nations Of Complacency
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Feb. 10--What
is going on? Why is the United Nations dragging its feet
over Iraq? Why are the leaders of the world reluctant to
issue a death warrant on Saddam Hussein, or, at the least,
indict him for "conspiracy to commit crimes against
humanity." Or, worse yet, why are other nations siding with
Iraq, and opposing a U.S. assault on Saddam Hussein's
leadership? Is it because of oil? Or is it because the
nations of the world don't want anyone to have the right to
accuse them of being a bad "national parent" and waltzing into
their nations in the future and telling them "how to run their
Globally, we are in a historic face-off
between Terrorism and Vigilance. Our current global Beasts
of Terror(subject to change tomorrow) take the form of Saddam
Hussein and Kim Jong Il (right).
They stand above the crowd, singled out as men who
would--given the right provocation--unleash weapons of mass
destruction with indiscriminate lust against all who might
oppose their selfish goals of tyranny. No one doubts that
Saddam Hussein would do anything to maintain his power. He's
already proven his ability to kill his own citizens with
deadly gas if they resist his will. And Kim Jon Il is a noted
playboy tyrant, who feasts while his people boil grass to eat
while he opens nuclear reactor plants to stew up some nuclear
As the Vice of Vigilance squeezes on the Head of
Middle East Terrorism (represented by Saddam Hussein), the
World of Complacency (commonly known as the United Nations)
argues that war and conflict is unnecessary until the Beast
breaks out of his cage. The U.N. says that until the Beast
begins to rape, pillage and plunder those outside his national
borders, the Beast enjoys certain sovereign rights to do what
he wants to do, when he wants to do it, without
Security Council of the United Nations of Complacency |
This "United Nations of Complacency,"
ducks behind the Shield of Sovereignty. Unfortunately, the
shield supports despots and tyrants as well as democratic
benevolent leaders.. Governments, epitomized by the U.N.
claim each national leader has to right to rule his people as
he sees fit, including subjecting them to starvation, tyranny,
economic depravation, and political and religious
prosecution. Well, there are some limits, but as far as the
United Nations is concerned, it hasn't declared war against
any of them, or pushed for a regime change to remove leaders
who abuse their people and insult civilization by depriving
their people of certain inalienable rights.
This is a sad state, of course, for the Children
and the Children's Children's Children.
Under such Rules of Sovereignty, the Children must
surrender to the will of their leaders.
They must conform or be punished if their leader's
rules deny them Liberty and Freedom of expression.
Most nations don't offer the individual unbridled
human rights of expression. To do so would threaten the
leaders grip on the people. It would allow dissent among them
and invite revolution against policies and principles they
might find detrimental to the leader's future.
Communism, for example, gives the state power over
the people. It assumes the people aren't capable of managing
their own affairs, much as children fall under the
guardianship of their parents until they reach a legal age.
Communism, however, offers no legal age, no graduation from
being a servant to the state.
rules by the sword and controls Iraq by force |
Despots and tyrants rule by the
sword. They impose Fear, Intimidation and Complacency as
tools of parenting their citizens, who, are truly not citizens
in the sense they have a Voice in the future of their state.
Despots control the state by force, offering one agenda--that
of the leader as he perceives the future. If he wants to
starve the people while he amasses power to maintain his
rulership, so be it. The world of government--expressed by
the United Nations--nods or turns its head. It has no teeth
to tell another how to run his or her country. And most who
are members of the United Nations, do not offer their people
unbridled liberty or freedom. They rule with some variation
of tyranny and terrorism, often disguising themselves as
"democracies in the making."
North Korea, for example, carries the official name,
the Demo cratic People's Republic of North Korea (DPRNK), but,
in truth, is far far far away from offering the people of the
nation--the mothers, grandmothers, fathers, uncles, aunts,
cousins, nephews and nieces--the right to vote and rule the
nation through individual Voices combined as one
representative government.
Given a choice of feeding their children or building
nuclear weapons, it is unlikely the citizen of the DPRNK would
opt for turning fuel rods into plutonium.
This brings us to the United Nations of Complacency,
ruled by mostly men who hold firm grips on the leadership of
their countries through systems one would say have miles to go
to approach the purity of democracy. China, one of the
strongest of all Voices in the U.N., is one example. It
gained membership by promising to become more humanitarian.
The world is still waiting for their actions to approach their
In most nations, Political, Religious, Racial, Ethnic
and Cultural difference serve as walls dividing Children from
the Rights of Innocence--the rights of democracy.
child's Rights of Innocence are lost to his country's
Religious differences |
Nations expect a child to grow up
believing in one viewpoint, not to think for himself or
herself, or to have the right to believe whatever he or she
chooses, but to make the state, the nation and its goals, more
important than their own. What the state or nation doesn't
teach the child, however, is that often the state or nation's
goals change with each regime. Citizens in Afghanistan can
be bowing to a tyrant one minute and then dancing in the
streets with boom boxes the next. Children brought up in
nations of "sovereignty" are taught that their duty and
obligation is to fight to the death to protect their nation's
rights, or, their religious rights. They are not told to
fight and die for their Children's Children's Children's
rights, and that those rights are not subject to dogma or
dictate by any human being, but are inborn rights granted to
each and every human being equally on all four corners of the
Tyrannical leaders wave their nation's flag in front of
the people's faces. They don't hoist up a newly born child
and shout: "We fight for this child's Children's Children's
Children to be free to do what he or she wishes to do or
believe. We fight for the innocence of all to be preserved!"
child is deprived of his Rights of Innocence |
The United Nations endorses the right
of nations to continue to apply whatever rules and
restrictions it elects upon its people, even if those rules
include a female can't go to school, or that a leader of a
nation has the right to unilaterally declare war on anyone he
or she chooses without conferring with his or her citizens and
getting their approval. Despots and tyrants own the guns and
the butter.
To preserve and protect the rights of Leaders of
Tyranny who promote one way of thinking, the United Nations
stands in defense of them. It is not composed of Leaders of
Democracy, Freedom and Liberty. It is, instead, a collection
of Leaders of Tyranny, primarily men who oppose the right of
another nation to impose its will on another nation's right to
treat its Children as it sees fit.
It is an Old Man's Club that has one goal--to let any
nation do what it wants so long as it doesn't wholly endanger
other nations.
By charter, the United Nations is alleged to be a Peace
Keeping body.
In other words, it will do anything to avoid war,
including putting up with the worst of atrocities until the
final moment when such atrocities are so vile and corrupt it
is forced to act.
If the leader of a nation makes decisions that impose
poverty, starvation or threatens the security of the Children
within that nation, the United Nations will not declare war
upon it or demand it change its policies to protect the future
generations with anything more than a hand slap or some
sanctions. Only if the "bad nation" attacks another will the
U.N. rise out of its seat and thump its shoe on the table.
Like Pontius Pilate, the U.N. washes of its hands of
such things as regime change. It considers such a policy a
despicable intrusion on the rights of all National Leaders.
Only when the blood of the children flow in rivers does it
act. Only when the tyrants of humanity attack another nation
does the United Nations rise up in protest to stop the Beast
of Terror. Only when the world hears the children's screams
does it awaken to the role of Vigilance.
United Nations is waiting until its members hear the
children's screams |
Otherwise, it sleeps.
It buries its heads to the tyrants and despots to whom
it has granted sovereign rights to rule nations as it leaders
"see fit." It imposes no global standards on what the Rights
of the Children's Children's Children's Children are, or
sharpens its teeth to insure that tyrants and despots do not
starve, murder, abort, or abuse the rights of their Children
to live in freedom and enjoy the fruits of equal Liberty that
other more advanced nations enjoy.
The reason the United Nations hides behind the Right of
Sovereignty is because it is composed of the henchmen of all
nations. Its members are the tyrants and despots who rule
their countries as they see fit, under selfish guidelines they
believe are more important than the Universal Rights of
Children to live free to become whatever their imaginations
So it is no wonder that America is being attacked by
Complacency within the United Nations over the issue of going
to war in Iraq.
The United States is forcing the United
Nations to be a Keeper of the Beast of Terror, not a Peace
A Peace Keeper doesn't like confrontation. A Peace
Keeper thrives on Complacency.
Peace Keepers will do anything to avoid confrontation,
including allowing a neighbor to abuse his or her Children for
a Peace Keeper believes that entering another's house and
pulling a parent away from beating a child is a violation of
that parent's right of sovereignty. After all, a home is a
man's castle, the U.N. says, and a nation is nothing more than
a combination of many castles.
The only time the U.N. will act is when the parent in
one house crosses the street and starts beating up on another
child in another house, and then, it acts reluctantly.
The U.N. would rather stand in front of the abusers
house and use a megaphone and talk to the abuser inside the
house, asking that abuser to stop beating on his children.
The U.N. likes it when the abuser comes out of the house with
blood on his hands and sits on the stoop and says, "O.K. I'll
stop. But in my own time. Under my own schedule. Is that
Okay with you?"
Peace Keepers will do anything to avoid confrontation |
"Sure," the United States says. "That's
fine with us. But would you sign this piece of paper
promising to stop."
"I will. Of course I will. But, I have to get back.
The kids need me."
Now, if the abuser is a really big bully who has a lot
of weapons in his house, maybe the U.N. will ask him if it's
okay for the U.N. to send in some inspectors to check the
house out."
"Sure, you can come in. You can look around. Just give
me some time to clean up the mess I've made."
So the abuser goes in and wipes up the blood and buries
his whips and chains in nooks and crannies around the house.
"Oh," says the U.N., "Is it okay for me to talk to your
children too, just to make sure they're Okay?"
"Absolutely," says the abuser, "But, since I'm the father
and have rights over my children, I have to be present when
you talk to them. I wouldn't allow such conversations unless
I, the guardian, were present."
"Of course," says the U.N., "After all, you are the
father. We wouldn't want to insult you by talking outside your
presence. I'm sure your child will be honest and forthcoming
with us in your presence."
"Yes," says the abuser, "My Children are very polite.
I'll remind them to tell you the whole truth and nothing but
the truth. And, I'll be there with them to insure they do."
So the United Nations comes in and takes a look
around. It finds some things out of order--an old bloody
whip here, a pair of brass knuckles there. Yes, the children
have a few bruises on their faces, but they say they got them
falling down the stairs. In the backyard is a number of
graves of the abusers previous children he said died because
they didn't mind him. It was back when, the abuser said,
the children were being punished because they revolted against
the abuser, but he vows he has changed his ways. And, he
says, a father has a right to punish recalcitrant Children.
Yes, he admits, he went too far back then, but he says he's
learned his lessons. The U.N. inspectors agree with him.
They are not here to wage war. After all, they are Peace
Keepers. After all, the tyrant has the right to be a
tyrant. It is his castle."
"You know," the Peace Keepers say, "There is this
country called America that wants to punish you if you
continue to threaten them. They claim you are manufacturing
weapons here that you might use to attack their house across
the street. Are you creating weapons that can be used to
abuse other children?"
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan says he has
"universal confidence in the UN inspectors" |
"Certainly not!" The abuser lights a
cigar. "I am a leader of great stature. I've been in charge
of my children for twenty-three years. My Children are happy
and content. Sure, we have our family problems. Why, don't
you? Would you like someone challenging your authority as a
father? I should think not. Why, if we allow these Americans
the right to impose their will on me, God knows whose house
they'll stick their big fat capitalistic Christian noses into
next. Doesn't that gripe your butt thinking some righteous
nation just a couple of hundred years old has the temerity to
think it's in charge of how you run your nation or how I run
mine? What arrogance! Why, just think. America is trying
to impose global standards on the world. It's trying to
shove down our throats, and your throats, its concept of how
the world should be run. Is that a violation of ancient law
or what? For eons the world has operated on my right to rule
as I see fit. As you see fit. As Kim Jong Il sees fit.
So, Mister Inspector, look around. Maybe you'll find a few
things, but I assure you, I'm just doing what any father would
do to protect my Children. I'm keeping them safe from the
likes of America. Those Western bullies! Why, they would
have us all think we are bad and they are good. Where do they
get off trying to tell me or you or anyone how to run a
nation? How to be the father of future generations? They
are the real Terrorists, Mister U.N. Don't forget it."
So when the U.N. inspectors go back to present their
findings, they decide they want much more time to inspect.
They are gentlemen of Complacency. They do not want to rock
the boat. They do not want to change the status quo of
Complacency as the United States has done.
In fact, they resent the idea that the United States
has decided not to wait until the "smoking gun" has fired.
They don't like the idea that Vigilance--the offensive
protection of the future--is more important than
Complacency. Complacency--waiting for Terrorism to
strike--is much safer. It doesn't force judgment over
others. It doesn't open the door for all other nations to be
The United Nations is a farce.
It has no power to stop violence or war or
oppression because it is hell-bent on protecting sovereignty.
It will go the ends of the earth to protect the right of each
nation from being accused and attacked by another nation for
what it does behind closed doors.
It is just like the neighbors who listen through
the wall to the screaming of the children next door and do not
pick up the phone and dial 911. They fear by doing so
someone might call 911 on them when they beat their kids, and
the fear of their own privacy being invaded overpowers the
duty to protect the innocent.
That's why the world must change.
The United Nations today is gasping its last
United Nations is no longer "the big show" - it is
powerless |
Its reluctance to act against Iraq
is a sad example of its leadership.
It is proof its leadership is despotic, tyrannical
in nature.
Why would a group of fathers allow other fathers to
abuse their children unless whey wanted to reserve that right
to abuse their own children with impunity?
The United Nations is such a group.
It sits and talks to one another about the "rights
of nations," and, if one were to interpret such discussions,
one would translate the discussions simply to: "Let's not
rock the boat on sovereignty. Let's not let America open the
door to imposing another nation's will on a tyrant. Let's let
the tyrant be, because, in the final analysis, most of us are
tyrants. We like to tell our people how to think, how to act,
and we like to punish them if they don't do what we want. If
we give up that right, we'll all lose our power."
No. The United Nations is dead.
United Nations of Vigilance, represented by Parents of
each country, will replace the United Nations |
It will, however, be replaced.
It will become the Untied Nations of Vigilance.
Its membership will change eventually to elected Parents of
Vigilance, a husband and wife from each nation will become its
representation. These Parents of Vigilance will be the ones
who vote on whether a nation is abusing its children or not,
and, if it is, they will act swiftly to protect those
Men won't rule the United Nations of Vigilance.
Women won't either.
The Children's Children's Children will rule.
In the future, a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein or
Kim Jong Il will not reach power. The children won't allow
them to because they will grow up under the Principles of
Vigilance. Their parents will have been Parents of Vigilance,
and their grandparents will have been Grandparents of
They will have generations who subscribe to and
believe in the Pledge of Vigilance.
Complacency will have no room in the future.
Children's Children's Children will grow up under the
Principles of Vigilance |

