Article Overview:
What do warriors pray to before battle? Do they pray to kill,
or pray for the future of the children of the land? Find out
what warriors pray to and why. And read the Prayer To The
Warriors Of Vigilance, then offer your own. |
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
September 24 - Ground Zero Plus 742
19, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 553
Warriors Of Vigilance Pray To Before Battle
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Mar. 18-- I used to pray before
battle. I prayed for a swift victory, for those who were
about to die, and for the courage to face death. And I prayed
to the Children's Children's Children, that they would be
safer when the battle was over.
prayed before battle |
Prior to an engagement with the enemy, our
battalion commander, Colonel Leon Utter of the 2nd Battalion,
7th Marines in Chu-Lai, Vietnam, would gather us in a
make-shift bamboo church built in the middle of the camp. He
held the service a few hours before we launched our attack on
the enemy. During his talk, he would clutch the American
flag that stood near the altar and thrust it forward in the
ball of his fist. He reminded us that the red stripes in the
flag represented the blood of all those before us who had died
for freedom. And that if we died, our blood would flow in the
mass in Vietnam |
Colonel Utter didn't ask us to kill the enemy. He
asked us to believe in our cause. He reminded us we were
fighting for the children of Vietnam, for their freedom.
He also talked about the bravery of the enemy, and
how they would fight hard for their beliefs, and that those
who fell on the enemy side would be honored for their courage
and duty as we would be. It was gladiatorial. We were
raising our swords in tribute to one another. We saluted
them, an ancient tradition of respect between warriors that
goes back to Medieval Times when two opposing knight met in
the battlefields. They would charge up on their stallions,
stop, and lift their visors so they could look each other in
the eye before battle. The salute progressed to its modern
stature of raising one's hand to the forehead.
soldier's blood flows in the red stripes of America's flag
of freedom |
In the end, American warriors were driven from Vietnam, not
because of the warriors' inability to fight for freedom, but
because of the politics of a war badly managed.
Vietnam never was a war based on a strategy of
victory. We were continuously held back from using our
offensive powers by a mish-mash of political deceptions and
confusions at the top of the leadership ladder.
Iraq is different.
There is a single, clear goal for the
warriors--remove Saddam Hussein from power. Unseat the
tyrant. Dethrone the Butcher of Baghdad. Free the people.
The target is not the warriors, but the man for whom
they fight.
This war is similar to the ancient days of battle
when the king or commander of the opposing troops fell, the
enemy capitulated. The warriors were not fighting for their
country or its future, but for their leader. As the leader
crumbled in the ash of war, so did his warriors' spirit to die
for him.
Iraq is a precarious country. Its axis of power rests
upon one man's shoulders, not upon the broad base of is
people. Tyrants sit upon the head of the pin, and when the
pin is bent or knocked down, the reasons to spill one's blood
for him evaporate.
Is the
Beast of Baghdad praying before the battle? |
Hopefully, this will be the case when Saddam is
either killed or surrenders. When he falls, hopefully his
troops will feel the mortality of his wounds and lay down
their weapons. The shallowness of tyrannical leadership will
exhibit itself, as it did in the Gulf War when thousands of
Iraqi soldiers surrendered.
America and its allies, however, are fighting for a
much broader cause, one not dependent on a single person or
entity. In the Big Picture, American and British warriors
are fighting for the right of the children and their
Children's Children's Children to live free of tyranny and
Critics of American idealism like to shoot holes in
such thinking. They claim America hides its selfish interests
for oil and world power behind the flag of freedom. It is
easy for them to chide America as a bellicose imperialistic
giant because it shrouds their own Complacency to act against
tyranny. They prefer Complacency to action. It is easier to
throw rocks than to risk one's life so that others have the
right to throw them.
These critics forget America has no guarantee that
the new leadership replacing Saddam will embrace western
concepts of democracy. America is gambling that the Iraqi
people in the 21st Century have the right to live free of
despotic rule and to establish a government of, for and by the
people. Whether they elect to do so will be their destiny,
but offering them the right to acquire self-government is the
gift America, England and Australian troops offers all nations
of the world.
Billboard of Never-Never Land of Communist utopia in
Vietnam |
Few can argue that the alliance's role in the
world has been to spread democracy. In Vietnam, the nation
is still ruled by communism. There are no free elections, no
dissent against the leadership that is public and legal.
Democracy is evolving in Russia |
But in Russia, there are new freedoms. Tyranny
fell apart in 1989 with the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
Democracy is evolving and the rights of the people are growing
In Japan democracy has taken firm root. The nation,
once impoverished by war and by leaders who sought to dominate
the world, has unleashed the energies of the people to rule
their lives. Japan has blossomed into an economic giant. It
feeds the world with innovations. And it proves the power of
a people to rise out of the ashes of war and claim the rights
of prosperity rather than wallow in the dredges of despotic
has blossomed into an economic giant |
Then there is the difference between the cultures of North
and South Korea. One represents the fruits of freedom and the
other the poverty of tyranny. On one side of the 38th
parallel the nation beams with growth, its people free to
think and move and act as they so desire. Their bellies are
full, their dreams endless. But north of the 38th, the vast
majority of the citizens starve for freedom. Many boil grass
to eat. Their tyrant leader, Kim Jong Il, applies 50 percent
of the nation's revenues to defense to maintain his iron grip
over the people.
Kim Il
Jong, a tyrant like Saddam Hussein, develops weapons of
mass destruction to maintain his iron grip over the
people of North Korea |
Like Saddam Hussein, he seeks the development of
weapons of mass destruction intended solely to secure his
position as leader and claims they are to protect the rights
of his people. That right, however, isn't to starve, but to
be free to achieve their destiny as individuals.
All these examples of freedom over tyranny are the core
of an American warrior's prayers. Many scoff at the idea
that a warrior prays for the freedom of the people he or she
fights, but despite his or her doubts, that is exactly the
theme of such prayers. If one is about to die, the reason
for one's death must be greater than one's life. To pray for
one's own personal safety is a false and selfish prayer. No
strength comes from it.
Warriors bolster their fighting souls when they pray
for what is right for the future of those they are willing to
die for--the children of a land.
"God, give me strength to fight for what is right.
Let me fight for the rights of the children of the land, that
they may be free to live in peace and prosperity, that they
may have the same rights I have. And if I die, let my death
stand for their security, and my Vigilant commitment to it.
For only when the children are safe, will the world be at
It saddens me to think that critics of war in Iraq
are so narrow minded to think 200,000 Americans are there to
"kill for oil." If they were, they would abandon their rifles
and seek asylum in neutral countries.

American, British & Australian warriors are fighting for
the rights of the Children's Children's Children |
But American, British and Australian warriors
know they are fighting for the children's right to be free of
tyranny. They are there to rid the land of the Beast of
Terror, the one that infects its people with Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
In the World Trade Center attack, for example, nearly
half the people killed were from lands outside America.
Despotism breeds Terrorism, and today Terrorism is a highly
exportable commodity to a world that sits back and does
nothing to crush it. The American and British warriors know
their lives will be risked to end Terrorism from spreading.
Praying for.... |
Defeating Saddam Hussein will send a broadband signal to
the other Terrorists of the world that they will be met with
similar force if they attempt to threaten or maim the
innocent, as they did on Nine Eleven, and will again unless
....the Warriors of Vigilance |
So I offer this prayer for the Warriors of Vigilance,
in hopes they will know they are waging a war not against a
country or a people, but against the Beast of Terror.
Prayer To The Warriors Of Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
Oh, Warriors of Vigilance, stand proud in the dim light of
Fight for the rights of the Children's Children's Children.
Fight for victory of Vigilance over Terrorism.
Fight for the belief that if you die, your blood will flow
forever in our memory.
You, the Warriors of Vigilance, fight the Beast of Terror with
You stand for Courage while he or she roars for Fear.
You charge with Conviction against his or her shadow of
You draw the Sword of Right Actions in behalf of the
Children's Children's Children while--the Beast of
Terror--attempts to trap you in the quagmire of Complacency.
Draw the Sword of Vigilance and hold up the Shield of
Vigilance against the Terror.
Remove from the children's path tyranny's shadow.
Let the Sunlight of Freedom and the right to rule oneself
blind the Beast.
Drive your Sword into the heart of Fear so Courage rules where
Intimidation once choked Hope.
Fear not the critics of Vigilance. They speak with fouled
They do not understand your willingness to die for Freedom,
for they abuse their own.
They protest against your choice to die for others you do not
They falsely claim you offer your life for oil.
They do not know you give your blood for the children's right
to not shed theirs.
For they are not willing to offer their lives, only their
criticism of yours.
Instead, hear the Songs the Sentinels of Vigilance sing to
Listen to the Spartans of Thermopylae who held Vigilant
against hoards.
Listen to the Voices of all who have died for Liberty, for
they cheer you forward.
Seek only to rid the land of the Beast of Terror.
For when he lies on the battlefield with his belly bloated,
Vigilance will have won.
And Complacency will have lost.
by Cliff
Editor, Vigilance Voice,
& USMC Combat Correspondent
Vietnam 1965-1966
