
28, 2002—Ground
Zero Plus 381
The Fetus & Vigilant Health
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
City, September 28--If there are Sentinels of Vigilance, and, if their
prime concern is to protect the children's children's children from
present and future harm, then their first duty is to insure a
healthy birth so the child has the best chance of surviving life's
limitless challenges.
This morning I was looking for a
"Vigilant Story." There are many always that can be told, but I look
for one with the most horizon--the one that has the most impact on the
future of the children and their children's children.
The one that leapt
out at me this morning was the recent ruling by the federal government to
authorize health care under the Children's Health Insurance Program to
fetuses--that is, to the unborn.
Such a decision flies in the
face of abortion rights advocates who consider the ruling a political ploy
to "legitimatize" the status of the unborn to that of a "person."
In 1973 when the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade recognized a woman's
right to an abortion, the U.S. Supreme Court said the word "person" used
in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution "does not include the unborn."
The decision stripped fetuses of "individual rights."
In a colder, harsher view, it
authorized a mother to kill her baby without criminal liability.
Homicide is defined as the killing of a human being, and since a fetus has
no legal standing as a "person" based on Roe v. Wade, sucking out the
fetus is considered like blowing one's nose to the law.
there is a Moral Constitution which some consider of much higher authority
than the U.S. Constitution, or any decision of Supreme Court judges who
sit in tribunal over it, deciding what it means. That Moral
Constitution claims that "life" is "life" at conception, and despite any
man-made interpretations otherwise, the denial of "Life Rights" is a
direct assault on the future of humanity. Some go so far
as to consider abortion as the cannibalization of the human species.
The Bush Administration has
swerved around the issue of a woman's right to have an abortion to protect
the unborn in another way. To offer pre-natal care to
unborn children otherwise not eligible for it, the Administration defines
a "child" as "an individual under the age of 19, including the period from
conception to birth."
Under the new rule, states can
use federal money to provide prenatal care to low-income pregnant women,
even those who are illegal immigrants and would otherwise be ineligible.
The U.S. Constitution allows
citizenship to any person born in America, and even if the child's mother
is an illegal alien, the child will be considered fully vested with all
the rights of a U.S. citizen.
Gloria Feldt |
Gloria Feldt,
president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said:
"This regulation is ridiculous. It elevates the status of the fetus
above that of the woman. It does not provide prenatal care to the
woman in whose body the fetus resides. It makes the fetus eligible
for prenatal care, but treats the woman as a mere vessel, an incubator."
I thought long and hard
about that comment by Ms. Feldt.
"It elevates the
status of the fetus above that of the woman."
I pondered what was so
wrong with that.
If life is the most
precious asset humans can enjoy, why wouldn't we elevate a child's life
above ours? Why would we bother to put children ahead of
ourselves if we were equal? Why wouldn't a mother under attack
leave her children to be consumed by the beast instead of throwing herself
in harm's way in hopes her child would escape?
If we give equal status
to mothers and children, we give up the hope for the future.
We stop elevating "life" as the gift we give to the future, and normalize
it, make it as common as another pair of shoes, or a new dress, or new
car--a commodity that can be used and disposed of at will.
bothers me about the clamoring over the decision to offer health care
rights to the unborn is that any woman can have an abortion if she wants,
but not all women can enjoy prenatal care. The right to
kill and the right to "nurture" are not equal, until now, that is.
Under the new
ruling, a mother who elects to have her child, and isn't able to afford
the cost of insuring the child's health, will have that ability.
Tommy G. Thompson,
secretary of health and human services, says "What better way to allow
kids to have the best start in life, a healthy start?"
Cost of the program
is estimated to be $330 million over five years, and that 30,000 fetuses
would have coverage as a result. In contrast, over one million
abortions are conducted in the United States each year.
I thought about the
Sentinels of Vigilance--those who died on Nine Eleven--the thousands who
hover over the World Trade Center and Pentagon and a lonely field in
Pennsylvania, their eyes searching the horizon for signs of Terrorism,
like lighthouses casting beacons to protect the children and their
children's children from harm.
I wondered if they
would consider the new ruling good or bad. Would they think a
woman owed her unborn child the best of possible care? Would
they think that in a burning building a mother should save herself first
rather than her children, as Ms. Feldt infers by denouncing the elevation
of the fetus above the mother?
I thought of the
immigrant workers who died anonymously in the World Trade Center on
September 11, 2001. I wondered how many of them were
"illegal?" I wondered how many had pregnant wives or
significant others? I wondered if they would look upon this
decision to provide pre-natal care to the unborn as a political ploy to
usurp the right of abortion, or a moral responsibility by a nation of
Vigilant Parents to protect the health of future citizens?
My grandson was conceived on
Nine Eleven. He is a healthy, vibrant baby boy, full of life
and eager to explore the world as any child who is born with the best of
care. I wondered if he had been deprived prenatal
care, might he have entered this world deficient, perhaps crippled by lack
of certain nutrients? Would his citizenship have become a
handicap to society had he not been attended to with the most modern and
advanced medical support the world can offer?
I thought of those
mothers who, when faced with the choice of a difficult childbirth, chose
the risk of their death to secure the life of their child. I
thought of Nature's creatures who will fight to the death to protect their
young, willingly giving their lives to protect their young.
And then I thought of Ms. Feldt's statement--the insanity of proposing
that a fetus should not have rights that supercede its mother's.
I thought of my wife, and her willingness to fight to the death for her
children. I remember one occasion when a robber was trying to steal
our van. I was away on a trip. My wife had taken our two
young daughters to the movie. The robber startled my wife, and
a great fight ensued, with my wife kicking and fighting like a banshee,
protecting not the van, but our two children from potential harm.
I thought of the
revulsion of Susan, the mother who drove her children into a pond, locking
them in the car and drowning them, and how her act of selfishness made our
country gag.
"It elevates the
status of the fetus above that of the woman."
I thought a
great deal about the Vigilance of a woman who would believe she had more
rights than her unborn child. I wondered if she understood
that Vigilance was about looking ahead at the future, and protecting it?
I wondered if she understood that Vigilance was about selflessness rather
than selfishness?
Then I thought about Terrorism.
I thought about those who would deny an unborn child the right
of a healthy birth, and would stand on some flimsy political
pinpoint, shouting out that a fetus did not have the same rights
as a mother, and certainly not any more rights than a mother.
I thought about how many people fall into that thinking, and
how they elect to elevate their own self over that of an unborn
child by promoting "a woman's right to kill a child."
But then I
had to remember that in Roe v. Wade, the word "person"
didn't extend to the fetus. I had to remember the
greatest Terror on earth is when we kill our own, or, when we
believe we have more rights than our children, or our future
Shame on me!

To Sep 27--"Anti-Semitic Vigilance"
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