For The Day--Thursday, September 27
Ground Zero Plus 16
God, Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit--
I awoke with thoughts of myself again this morning.
They were thoughts driven by my compulsion to want to make
a difference in the confusion of Terrorism.
I yearned to have o rise above my own indifference to the
world and life...and cling to something fragile...some belief
that my Voice heard above the cacophony of words and sounds
and pictures cluttering people’s minds about the tragedy
of September 11, 2001 when America and the world tasted
the fangs of the Beast of Terror in a fierce, cruel way.
ask you to help me remember America is only one of many
tragic sites of Terrorism in the world. Help me be cautious not to believe that the
Unified States is the only or most important place
on the face of the earth where Terror destroys innocence,
or bloodies the soul of a nation, a region, a town, a family,
a citizen, a helpless child.
Help guide my thoughts to the
reality almost every country
faces some upheaval of terror. Not long ago thousands of black bodies floated down rivers in Africa
as Terrorists raped, pillaged and plundered the innocent. Why didn’t I leap up out of my complacent chair
then and create an armband with Semper Vigilantes for them?
not long afterwards the white-skinned people of Bosnia
were brutalized, and then the Kurds were driven like sheep
to “safe zones” where they wouldn’t be killed, tortured.
Where was my alarm for the innocent then?
terrorist in Palestine and Jerusalem attack one another
over both land and principle. Not too long ago the
Irish and Protestants were bombing and killing one another
in Dublin. Where
was my indignation then?
Guatemala and El Salvador peasants are run off their land,
plastic bags slipped over their heads, beaten with rubber
hoses, killed and buried in unmarked graves.
I didn’t raise a single finger then, did I?
China baby girls are killed to reduce the population. I haven’t said a word of protest about the terror
of killing new-born life--the world’s most precious asset.
Why now? Why think I have the right to protest Terrorism
today when I ignored it before?
know the answer. “Better
late than never.”
Help me not forget my former complacency. Let
it stand as a reminder to me of my own ignorance, my own
Let my Voice, my words, my thoughts not focus just on the
300 million Americans who need to wear the Semper Vigilantes
symbol of "vigilance," but also the other 4.7
billion people, the other 97% of the world who suffer Terrorism
daily, in one form or another.
realize it was easy to turn a cheek when someone else was
under attack. I know when the neighbors scream it is easy
to question whether “you should get involved.”
But when the terror attacks your front room, threatens
your wife, your children, your grandchildren, you have no
choice but to act.
the great message of human compassion resulting from the
Terror of September 11 is a wake-up call to all Americans
like myself to pay closer heed to the Terror of the less
privileged, the less advanced nations whose pains and problems
barely make our news.
less privileged victims are no different than we.
The terror they feel and the pain they suffer matches
our own, brings us to the same baseline, reduces the distinction
between “more civilized and less civilized,” between “modern
society versus third-world.”
am starting to feel the kinship between all those who suffer
what America has suffered.
Before the holocaust of September 11, the victims
of those countries weren’t my brothers and sisters, my parents,
my grandparents, my children, my grandchildren.
I am beginning to realize they are.
I am thinking about them as my lofty goals of helping
“Americans fight Terrorism,” are forced to understand that
“Terrorism” is not an American problem. It is a world problem. Semper Vigilantes
belongs to the world, not just America.
now, when I read a magazine or newspaper instead of skipping
over some story about the pain and anguish of a third-world
citizenry suffering from the Terror of war, or Terror of
despotism, or the Terror of hunger, I will stop and ask
myself: "Would I skip over the article if it
was about the starving down the street, about the ravages
of families a few blocks away?"
ask you to keep me grounded in purpose, to help me not single
out one nation or one people in my writings at the expense
of so many others. Hopefully, Americans will find that no longer are they isolated
from concern or commitment to their brothers and sisters
of Terrorism. Perhaps they will feel the kinship I
am starting to feel.
your humble light shined on my thoughts and let them glow
in my words, so I don’t forget that Semper Vigilantes belongs
to the world, not just America.
Spartan of the Sword and Pen
To: "Seeking Vigilance With Purpose"