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Patriotism is many things to many people--but to a child,
it is about love. It is the art of loving the soil,
the land, and the legacy of one's country's finest points.
How do you instill into a child patriotism when you,
as an adult, may have different views of what it means?
How do you protect a child from starting life with a
slant on patriotism that may harm his or her belief
system later on? In essence, how do you be a Parent
or Grandparent of Vigilance regarding patriotism, so
that a child feels safe and secure in the arms of his
or her country's history and its potential? Here's G-Ma
Lori's way of imparting patriotism to her grandchildren.
You Teach Your Child To Be Patriotic?
“A-A-A-merica, ‘merica, God shed HisnHer grace on
thee and crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea
to shining sea….”
“G---------MA! Can you make Sarah be quiet. She won’t
stop singing that song and it’s making me sick.” Matt
squinched his face up looking more like a wizened
old ninety-nine-year-old than a wholesome eight-year-old.
“G-Ma, I just l-o-o-o-o-ve the ‘merica song” sing-songed
Sarah, his six-year-old sister. She flitted around
the small toy-strewn apartment like a butterfly in
a flower-festooned garden; slowing to light onto the
couch then to a sturdy bench that served the dual
purpose of a toy chest.

“Arghhhhh!!! She doesn’t even sing it right! There’s
no ‘HER’ in the song. At least she could sing it right,
G-Ma.” Matt flounced onto the couch almost squishing
his two-year-old brother Angus who had been playing
hide and seek with me.
“Matt, Matt, calm down. Sarah is getting excited for
school to start and is just singing the words of some
of the school songs so she can be prepared for music
flitted about like a butterfly |
I scooted between Matt and Angus so Angus could
breathe better after his crunching by Matt.
Sarah chirps like a songbird. But, during the summer,
her interests have been more in swimming, biking,
and playing on the monkey bars at the local East Village
park. Yesterday’s shopping for school clothes trip
with her mom engaged her inner musical metronome.
Quick to defuse the Beast of Arguments between siblings,
I reasoned it was time for a diversion to avoid the
inevitable squabbling when three little ones attempt
to play in very close quarters.
Sarah came to the rescue. “Matt, let’s play school
and I’ll be the teacher. You can be Mr. Light, the
Principal. ‘Member you like to be him. Angus can be
one of the kids sent to the Principal for…..umm…..pinching…”
Sarah settled on pinching since Angus has been tormenting
us with his current bad habit of twisting people’s
flesh between his thumb and forefinger.
“Only if I get to be in charge, Sarah. No singing.
No Pledge of Allegiance and America songs…And no homework
assignments. Then I’ll play.”
did not want to play "Pledga- legions"
with Sarah |
Matt moved toward their school desk and chair into
the ‘teacher’s spot’ so designated as part of our
‘let’s-play-school’ living room set. Matt perennially
has to be bribed into playing. He bellows his protestations
vociferously whenever he thinks about school and especially
the drudgery of homework.
Sarah rang the school bell (an old brass bell that
has been in her Daddy Joe’s family for many years)
and attempted to lower her voice into the ‘in charge’
range. “ It’s time for the ‘Pledga-legions’. Everyone
--- all together.”
“Sarahhhhhhh….we don’t have to say that…..and…we’re
not singing America either.” Matt’s rolled his eyes
toward me. “G-Ma, Sarah promised. I am not playing.”
Matt jumped from his ‘principal chair’ and stomped
out of the room into the bedroom.
“Awww…… oh, G-Ma. Will you play with me?,” Sarah pleaded.
“We’ve got the classroom all set up and everything.
Even Angus is ready.”
Angus, all two-plus years of him, was plopped in the
middle of a ‘class’ of Sarah’s favorite dollies and
an array of stuffed animals. He looked like ET in
Drew Barrymore’s closet in the movie with the same
the array of stuffed animals, Angus looked like
ET |
“Angus, stand up it’s time to say the ‘Pledga-legions’
and sing. G-Ma, I hope Angus goes to Sister Lucy’s
school where Matt and I went. I miss it so.”
Sarah vainly attempted to pull Angus from the pile
of toys. His stuffed classmates toppled backwards
like soft dominoes with smiling faces and black button
eyes staring at the ceiling. I thought about Sister
Lucy at the Montessori preschool and how she embossed
upon all the children in her care a sense of patriotism
even as their diaper rashes were fading.
Sarah and Matt attended a Montessori pre-school |
Both Sarah and Matt had attended Sister Lucy’s Catholic
Montessori pre-school. Montessori is richly vested
in the philosophy of helping children and their caregivers
all over the world create beautiful educational environments
fostering creativity, independence of thought and
action, a positive self-image, joy and a spirit of
service to others and the environment.
Lucy enhanced the Montessori philosophy with
her religious emphasis and strong patriotic
punctuation |
Sister Lucy enhanced that philosophy with her religious
emphasis and a strong punctuation on patriotism.
I grew up in Catholic schools and believe childrens’
introduction to and knowledge of patriotism--especially
in times when political factions tear at the fabric
of our nation’s good and bad--gives a child a foundation
he or she can use later on in life when the value
of one’s country and its legacy is put to the test.
At Sister Lucy’s Montessori school, the President
of the United States’ picture is displayed in a place
of honor in each classroom. Every school day starts
with the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of America.
The American Flag takes up half of one of the walls.
Sarah took this patriotic pre-school training to heart,
possibly because she is the more musical of the two.
Her older brother doesn’t have an ear for music. Matt
is a rebel by nature, regardless of the subject. He
will refuse to eat if he isn’t in the mood, argue
about going to Coney Island to ride rides, and generally
refute about anything that might be good for him if
he isn’t “into it.”
Honoring the flag or his country isn’t high on his
list of things to do. Yugio cards were, now transformers
are, and watching Cartoon Network always trumps everything,
including his favorite book, Calvin and Hobbes.
quickly sketched a picture of the American flag
His self-exile into the bedroom was not uncommon.
He had his Calvin and Hobbs book—what more could an
eight-year-old want?
Sarah, on the other hand, was in Patriotic Heaven
as we began our “school play.” She quickly sketched
a picture of the American flag (art is another of
her many talents inherited from her lovely mother)
and scotch-taped it up on the wall. She directed 26-month-pold
Angus to stand in front of it with us.
“Now Angus, say what I say after I say it. “I pledge
‘llegiance to the flag………………..”
heart sang as I listened to my two love-bugs,
one reciting and one attempting, the Pledge
of Allegiance |
My heart sang as I listened to my two love-bugs, one
reciting and the other attempting to recite, our country’s
vow of loyalty. Angus’ enunciation needed a lot of
help and Sarah was doing her best to assist him. When
they finished, Sarah started to sing ‘America’ and
again urged Angus to chirp the words after she completed
a line or two.
“Arghhhh…….Sarah…….G-Ma…….I can’t concentrate with
all your noise. Why can’t you begin ‘real’ school.
Enough with the yucky gravy.”
Matt yelled out his protest from the kids’ bedroom.
(Matt’s latest witticism was incorporating the word
‘gravy’ meaning a benefit or an excess of what is
required or needed).
“We’re off to ‘reading, writing and arithmetic’ Matt.
Are you sure you don’t want to join us?”
I poked my head into the bedroom and chuckled at Matt’s
gangly body splayed out on the bottom bunk with his
head in one of his many Calvin and Hobbes cartoon
books. Matt’s favorite ‘sports’ is reading and he
is famous for his quick wit as well as reading at
the playground.
was only playing if we read from his Calvin
and Hobbes book |
“I’m only going to join you if we read from my' Homicidal
Psycho Jungle Cat' book during story time.” His brilliant
blue eyes flashed me one of his superior Matt looks
as he lowered his Calvin and Hobbes paperback book
and surprised me with a “please, G-Ma, lets read my
book and not one of Sarah’s…..please?”
“I think that can be arranged, Matt. Roll on out and
join us. I’ll prepare Miss Sarah.” I thought for a
moment how to lure Matt into play. “Angus enjoys looking
at the cartoons and since we so far have followed
Sarah’s lead, its your turn to be in charge, Matt.
I’ll just tell her you are Calvin, the bratty kid
who wants everything his own way and she’ll understand.”
Matt can laugh at himself most of the time and this
was one of them. He spun off the top bunk and dropped
softly onto the floor, his lean body compact tiger
and the sound of his feet landing as soft as a jungle
cat descending from a limb.
“Sarah, we have a new plan for our school day. Matt
will read to us from one of his books. I think that
will work out fine.”
I always phrase my wishes to the kids “I think that
will work out fine.” It covers a lot of ground and
they know that’s what is probably going to happen.
I know how easy to “tell” and “dictate” to children.
It’s the short version of parenting. “You get out
here right now and play, or else!”
But, I try to be a Grandparent of Vigilance. I try
to not use my power as an adult to “tell” or “brow
beat,” but instead to cajole and excite a child into
doing good things. It’s frustrating at times, but
in the long run, the children will learn to respect
their own children hopefully, and realize they don’t
have to stick a gun of authority to people’s heads
to cause them to do what needs to be done.
“Fine, G-Ma,” Matt said. “First I want to know about
what you did in school when you were a little girl
my age. Did you sing ‘merica and songs like that.”
We all plopped on the couch. I sat with Matt and Sarah
on either side of me and sturdy Angus, with his summer-tanned
body crowned with sun-bleached light-gold hair, was
surprisingly content to cozy on my lap. I began my
“patriotic qualification.”
grew up in a very patriotic family and town
and marched in parades to honor our country |
“I grew up in a very patriotic family and town in
Montana. Patriotism is love of America and to show
their love my little town held parades on Veteran’s
Day, the Fourth of July, and Memorial Day. Everyone
participated in the parades—grandmas, grandpas, mommies,
daddies, children, even babies.”
“Wow, G-Ma were you in the parade?” Matt and Sarah
simultaneously questioned.
“ Well, let’s see…..I was in the parades starting
when I was six – your age, Sarah. I was in the Brownie
Scouts. Your school offers that program as well as
the Cub Scout program for the boys. The Scouts marched,
those who served in the military – that is, the soldiers
and sailors and some groups who belonged to some other
clubs, also marched. The school bands from cities
around our town joined in. Then we ended the parade
in the town park.”
“Did G-Pa march? He was a marine.” Matt’s sea-blue
eyes glittered with question marks.
“He grew up in a small town much like I did. I’m sure
he marched in parades since his family was proud to
be Americans like mine was. But we didn’t know each
other then.” I continued with my “when I was a little
girl” story.
Grampa's name was on the Monument" Matt
announced |
“There were two war memorials in the city’s park
honoring the war dead and those who served in the
military from the town and surrounding countryside.
My Dad’s, your Great-Grampa’s name, is on the World
War II monument. We all recited the Pledge of Allegiance
and sang the Star Spangled Banner.”
“G-Ma, I remember reading Great Grampa’s name on the
monument. I had to show it to Sarah, since she can’t
read.” Matt tossed out such zingers to get his sister’s
goat whenever possible.
“I can too read, can’t I G-Ma?” Sarah’s brown eyes
“You’re learning, my little bird. You’re doing a fine
job.” I patted her arm and soothed her girly feathers
and continued.
“Before all the city ballgames, at school and before
any public get-together everyone would recite the
Pledge and sing The Star Spangled Banner or America
with enthusiasm. Everyone participated. That’s how
it was.”
participated in honoring the flag when I was
a little girl |
“I know what enthusiasm means, G-Ma.” Matt began…..
“’inthusiasm means with energy, G-Ma.” Sarah finished
to Matt’s dismay.
“G-Ma, I wish she wouldn’t do that. I hate when she
finishes off what I need to say. She does it all the
time. Arghhhh!!!!! I don’t get credit for anything.”
Matt threw himself off the couch onto the tiled floor.
“Hey, hey, both of you. I know you each know the answers
to my questions. Matt, everyone knows you are so smart.
Sarah is trying in her way to compete with your smarts
and so she talks out when she should let you finish
your statements. It’s her way of letting us know she
knows answers like you do.” I tried to soothe his
rasty cockscombs sticking up at the crown of his head
like reminders he was wired to another world—the world
of argument.
“Well, I don’t want her to do it with me…and what
I say.” Matt’s feathers were beginning to ruffle down.
feathers were as ruffled as Calvin's hair
“Sorry, Matt.” Sarah shot her sly look at me that
might have been captured by Bill Watterson the cartoonist
for Calvin and Hobbes. For the moment, there was peace.
reminded me of the program held at her school
last year for the Presidents' birthdays |
“We had a song program last year for the Presidents’
birthdays, G-Ma. All the classes sang American songs.
We had to practice for months.” Matt pointed his finger
in his mouth to show what he thought of the practices.
“I loved it, G-Ma. I love music class and singing.
We got to wear red, white and blue that day. Not our
school uniforms. It was almost a ‘dress down’ day.”
Sarah squeezed my hand to capture my attention.
I remember well the February performance they spoke
of. It was called “Patriot’s Day” and it was wonderful.
I was both amazed and grateful my grandchildren attended
a school promoting traditional values in the middle
of the layback, anything and everything goes, ecumenical
East Village in New York City.
“Angus!!! No!!! G-Ma, help.” Matt struggled with Angus
who had taken Matt’s precious Calvin and Hobbes book.
sibling battle was imminent |
A sibling battle was on the horizon. Angus was vying
for his share of attention. The wrestling match between
Matt and Angus abruptly ended the class on patriotism
over Calvin and Hobbes. Angus began ripping some of
the comic strips out of Matt’s book. School was definitely
out for today.
My little patriotic bird Sarah demonstrated devotion
to her city and country for many months after September
11, 2001. She witnessed the collapse of the first
tower, and daily when I took her to and picked her
up from her pre-school, we walked by a hair salon
that lit candles as a tribute to those who perished.
Sarah, with solemn delight, acknowledged the lit candles
and one day when they weren't aglow said to me: "G-Ma,
oh no! The candles aren't lit! The candles aren't
lit! What will happen to the souls of the mommies
and daddies who died? Will their souls go out, too?"
helped admire and care for the 'shrine to Joyce' |
I gathered my little love in my arms and hugged her
close. "Their souls will never go out, little
one. We will always remember them."
I was relieved when the store proprietor took note
and quickly lit the candles in their cherub candle
holders. "Oh, G-Ma, look! I want the candles
to stay lighted...even if souls never die." Sarah
jumped down from the steps of the salon and skipped
down the street looking like a sweet flower covered
Another instance of her innate sense of duty and
compassion was the care she demonstrated in helping
to care for the little 'shrine to Joyce' across the
street from G-Pa's and my apartment on Seventh Street.
Joyce Carpento, whom I never met, was a victim in
the World Trade Center. She lived in the neighborhood
and someone in her building put out candles and flowers
and ultimately a bronze plaque in her memory. Sarah
commented on the flowers, picked off dead ones, placed
a few new ones in the vases. She even would talk to
Joyce. On Halloween she was ecstatic. "G-Ma,
look Joyce has a pumpkin. Oh that's so cool. I'll
bet she really loves it."
These are exemplifications of patriotism...and from
a then four-year-old.
I believe Patriotism is not a difficult concept. It
simply means love and loyal support of one’s country.
That same evening I decided to go to my old standby and found
several official yet similar definitions for Patriotism:
Love of and devotion to one's country.
n : love of country and willingness to sacrifice for
it [syn: nationalism]
\Pa"tri*ot*ism\, n. [Cf. F. patriotisme.] Love
of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country;
the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion,
which inspires one to serve one's country. --Berkley.
I realized my favorite definition falls into the third
characterization. I am a devoted and passionate patriot.
I also realize there are those good Americans who
do not fall into the same circumscription. There are
many ways to demonstrate patriotism.
believe we need to pass on patriotism to future
generations |
But, to be a patriot, I believe one needs to thoroughly
understand the foundations upon which this country
was built, its traditions and for what it stands.
It aggravates me so many Americans fail to understand
the benefits of being an American. I am convinced
it is the duty of an American to teach patriotism
to their children and grandchildren as an act of National
Vigilance. I also believe we must pass on patriotism
to future generations so it will be preserved in all
its glory—and that includes the right to protest as
well as to support.
Today I can’t help but comment on what I consider
to be the waning of Patriotism.
am saddened when I see the flag denegrated both
in and out of 'protests' |
I see the flag continually being denigrated. The
flag-waving and upsurge of national pride wore off
several months after Nine Eleven. While at a Yankee
ball game not long ago, I saw one of the parents of
a young family remain seated during the playing of
the National Anthem and presentation of the flag.
He wasn’t attending to the needs of his children.
He was protesting America with his deliberate slight.
It appeared to me he was ignoring the symbol of our
freedom and setting a sad example for his children.
If Terrorism is the breeding of Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency into a society, then the absence of
patriotism must leave the door open for children to
feel disenfranchised from the legacy of their land.
for the American flag is demonstrated at ball
games |
Parents in nations such as America are born with
rights that far outdistance those of most of the world,
yet often such parents will decry America as ugly,
horrible, a breeding ground for oppression and tyranny.
The recent protesters of the Republican Convention
held endless “hate signs” aloft, broadcasting the
ugliness of America to children as though the soil
on which we all stand was infected with some malignant
virus bent on destroying any one or any thing that
didn’t fit our mold. The “hate America” message leaves
a child abandoned from a sense of national pride and
national appreciation.
"hate" messages such as those at the
demonstrations during the Republican National
Convention leave America abandoned from national
pride ..... |
Children need to feel a sense of belonging, in their
family, their classrooms and their country. They thrive
in an environment of respect, compassion and stability.
If we teach our kids love, honor, compassion and respect
for their country as well as for their fellow man,
they will not only be graced by a sense of patriotism,
they will become better citizens. One of our greatest
challenges as parents and caregivers is to raise our
children to be healthy, honorable adults. I believe
a sense of patriotism is a good reinforcement of honor
and ethics.
Babies learn kindness from our gentle touch and self-esteem
by our praise and respect. Parents, grandparents cannot
be complacent about their responsibilities to teach
children to respect and be kind to others, to keep
their community clean and hopefully to trust their
country will defend and protect them as best as it
can. My husband and I tried to instill a sense of
patriotism in the hearts of our daughters, to honor
the flag and stand up for what’s right and good about
their country.
But what about the more difficult aspect of patriotism?
What about the right of dissent?
What about the roles, rights and responsibilities
each of us holds as members of a democracy?
set a poor example for the children |
My husband and I didn’t teach blind faith. One of
our daughters chose a conservative path and the other
a liberal one. The greatness of the Bill of Rights
and Constitution should be preached. The founders
of this country had ideals that were built on questioning
authority not following blind faith. It is our right
to question the government and to rebel if they become
too powerful. After all, where would this nation be
without dissent? Would there ever have been a Civil
Rights Movement or a Women's Rights Movement if noone
dared speak out and defend their rights and responsibilities
as participants in this great democracy?
When I was growing up America’s citizens pledged
their allegiance publicly. Men and boys removed their
hats during the national anthem. Eyes were fixed on
the flag and when the flag passed, we stood up. I
miss it.
miss the outpouring demonstrations of patriotism
from my childhood |
I often have a difficult time when I see especially
the youth of today making anti-war and other “unpatriotic”
remarks. But I have to remind myself I am witnessing
democracy and patriotism in practice. And while American
troops are fighting to “liberate” others thousands
of miles away, some here are trampling over the free
speech rights of those here on our soil.
My husband’s and my goal was to raise our daughters
to stand up and speak out for what is right, even
when others don’t join in. A child who knows it is
possible to defend his own ideals and opinions while
also respecting the rights of others to do the same.
This is a goal that can be accomplished when we send
our kids the message that patriotism means not to
stifle our rights to disagree. If our country wishes
to rear a generation of bold and independent thinkers
rather than silent followers, we must work to cultivate
these qualities in our children at home and at school.
feel satisfied my grandkids are moving in the
right direction |
I feel satisfied my grandkids are moving in the
right direction and have a good part of the information
necessary for them to be as patriotic as they feel
it’s right for them for the moment and in the future.
Right now, Sarah is on a roll and I love the path
she’s chosen. I thought Matt wasn’t getting the right
information, but I decided to try to pin him down
between Yugioh cards and his transformer robots and
converse with him on the subject of his love of country.
I asked him what he thought. Here is his answer.
“G-Ma, I love my country. I just don’t have to sing
songs about it or talk about it all the time. My mom
and dad let me make choices all the time. I can choose
to be bad or good, nice or mean. That’s what mom tells
me. But I have to live with my decisions and that’s
the hard part. My Dad says that’s a ‘small taste of
democracy at home’.”
informed me there is 'democracy' in his home
Matt is very conscious of his rights and just a
few days ago complained to his mother she was "violating
his child rights" by making him go to school.
My daughter assured him she would go to jail if she
didn't make him go since children in America have
the "right to education" and there is a
law to that effect!
think Sarah and Matt are on track |
I think Sarah and Matt are on track. They may not
be as Vigilant a patriot as I am, but they know respect
for their country from their schools, their community.
As their G-Ma, I can only continue to help them practice
what’s right and good about their country and teach
by my example that every person counts, no matter
where they live or who they are.
need our children to know they are the future
parents and government of our country |
We need our children to know they are a very large
and integral part of our country. They are the future
parents and government that will use Right Actions
to uphold the morals and ethics with Courage and Conviction.
I believe this love and honor for our country and
our flag will transfer to mankind and the world.
I also believe the Pledge of Vigilance is as patriotic
as any national pledge of allegiance. Instead of pledging
for a flag or nation, the Pledge of Vigilance is inclusive.
In incorporates all children in all nations.
If you want to be a “Super Patriot,” besides pledging
to your nation’s past, present and future, try taking
the Pledge of Vigilance and make a Vow of Vigilance
to protect the children of the world from the threats
of Terrorism.
No flag has more importance today than the Flag of
Vigilance, but you be the judge. And, when you’re
passing judgment, look at your children before you
chose not to salute your flag or any other that represents
the ultimate freedom of all children to live without
the threat of Terrorism.
Below are additional tools obtained from
to help you Parents, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts and
other caregivers ward off Complacency, Fear and Intimidation,
increase your love of country, and pass it on to your
loved ones.
From the “Parenting
For Tolerance” site, Dana Williams listed
suggestions to contribute to parents and teachers:
1. Help develop
critical thinking skills. Ask kids "Why?"
and "What if?" Encourage them to weigh
all sides of an issue before forming an opinion,
and to defend their views with facts rather
than emotions. Provide them with tools and resources
to gather information on their own.
2. Foster respect
for different viewpoints and opinions. Encourage
children to listen to what others have to say
even when they don't agree. Help them understand
different viewpoints by promoting awareness
of diversity and by teaching about other cultures
and belief systems. Discourage them from relying
on stereotypes and from judging others based
on their opinions.
3. Encourage public
service and civic participation. Find out children's
interests and involve them in related community
service or volunteer opportunities, especially
those that will expose them to the political
process. Take them along when you vote and discuss
the process. Visit a local county commission
or city council meeting together, then point
out and discuss the ways differing viewpoints
are addressed.
ideas to help your kids appreciate the past
and honor those who have fought to preserve
our way of life.
1. Talk about the
historical significance of the holiday
you are celebrating. On the fourth of July,
discuss some of the reasons for the American
Revolution. Why did the founding fathers want
to break off from England? Did they know that
the "declaration" was actually the
beginning of the war, not the end? What do we
remember on Memorial Day? Veteran's Day was
originally designed to honor those who served
in which war?
2. Revisit your family
tree. Who in your family served in the
armed forces? Did anyone serve during wartime?
Did anyone pay the ultimate price of their life?
Encourage your children to talk to family veterans.
Have them ask questions about the time in which
they served. What do they want your children
to know about this country?
3. Discuss what it means
to be free. Did they know that there
are places where children can't choose what
they want to do when they grow up? Are they
aware that some people can't live where they
want to, or worship God as they choose?
4. Vote. No other
lesson will have a greater impact than seeing
democracy in action. We can teach this lesson
best by taking full advantage of our rights
and responsibilities. We need to register to
vote, study the issues and then cast our ballots.
Take your kids with you when you vote. Don't
choose the presidential election, but rather
a small local one and pick a slow time after
school. Then your kids can see the set-up, talk
to the election personnel while you cast your
5. Buy a flag and fly
it. Teach a reverence for the flag and
what it stands for. Learn together how to care
for your flag, when to take it down, and what
to do when it is time to replace it. Talk about
the symbolism of the flag: the stars represent
the 50 states and the stripes represent the
first thirteen states. Originally the stars
appeared in a circle to represent that no one
state was superior to another. Remind your children
that people fought and died for our right to
fly that flag and that many veterans feel that
clothing and other items with the Stars and
Stripes are inappropriate.
6. Enjoy patriotic music
together. Buy a
tape or CD of John Phillips Sousa and make it
part of your patriotic holiday celebrations.
Learn the words to the Star Spangled Banner.
Talk about Francis Scott Key and what events
inspired him to write the song.
7. Attend parades
commemorating patriotic holidays. Or why not
have your own parade in your neighborhood? Encourage
all the kids to join in. Make bike, big wheel,
or wagon "floats" and take a trip
or two around the block. Play pots and pans
instruments and carry the flag high.
8. Sprinkle lessons of
American history into your child's life.
Watch specials on PBS, the History Channel or
the Discovery Channel that talk about people
and events that have formed this country and
democracy. Read biographies of famous people
throughout history. Since much of "history"
focuses on men, talk about women's efforts as
Bless America" |
To Sophia 29: "No Drugs, G-Ma" Be A Parent
Of No-Drug Vigilance!