To The Children's Children's Children's..
York, NY, Friday, October 29, 2004--
America is on the verge of one of its most critical votes in history. On November 2, the next "maybe" President of the United States will be elected.
There are camps on both sides standing by ready to contest the national election on a variety of grounds. The primary goal is to make illigimate the victor and throw America's democratic process into a garbage disposal whir that will confuse not only those trying to sort it out, but the world watching the in-fighting.
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From left: Italian Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, German Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder and Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer in Rome on Friday
for the signing of the European Union's first constitution |
But this isn't the most important thing happening in the world today.
The most important "thing" happening is the formation of another "United States of America," that some believe is rising up to replace the current "United States of America," the one that is in such disarray.
Today, Friday, October 29, 2004, twenty five nations comprising the European Economic Union (EU), signed their Constitution, binding the different countries forever under one umbrella, one flag.
This event is similar to the one in 1787 when the United States Constitution was signed by the original thirteen states--each, at that time, as independent as European nations have been. But, for the greater good of all, they became "one out of many."
Today, the model for a United Democracy set into motion more than 200 years ago in Philadelphia, is being repeated in Italy where the signing of the European Constitution at the Campidoglio, a Michaelangelo-designed complex of buildings on Rome's Capitoline Hill, took place.
To confirm the Constitution, all 25 nations must ratify it. If one refuses it, the document must be redrafted.
The historic nature of the EU Constitution has it roots in 1957 when Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg signed the union's founding treaty.
In addition to the 25 current members of the EU, a number of other countries are seeking membership, including Turkey. By uniting, the EU becomes one of the most powerful single economic forces in the world, and with that, one of the most powerful politically.
At the same time, the unraveling of America's political system in the United States seems ironic at the least. The Presidential race has turned into a pit bull fight, with both sides ripping and shredding at the flag, each seeming to undermine the whole authority of a nation "united" and attempting to cleave, divide, polarize individuals, groups, families into warring camps.
Historically, Europe was a hotbed of disunion. One nation refused to accept another nation's money. Passports were needed to move across borders. Credentials earned in one nation were denied in another just a few miles away. Leaders thrashed one another. And, of course, wars raged as nations fought to dominate and rule.
Unity rather than disunity exists today, at least for the moment.
I look at the signing of the EU Constitution in the same light as I see the need for America to sign, as a nation, a Pledge of Vigilance.
There can be little doubt our Constitution is at risk today. The last Presidential election was decided by the courts not the people. And, it looks like this one will be also. But, in the meantime, the Constitution wobbles on its knees as "disunion" cripples its foundations.
This is the result of Terrorism. When America took on the role as World Terror Hunter it didn't arm itself properly. To do the important work of fighting Terrorism, a nation needs to be inoculated from Terrorism's viral nature.
It's like the flu. If one does not protect one's self, an infection can be fatal.
The inoculation to prevent Terrorism from seeping into the pores of the TerrorHunter is the Pledge of Vigilance, a stalwart, vociferous, public pledge to fight all the insidious and nefarious natures of Terrorisms--its Fear, Intimidation and Complacency with the antidotes, Courage, Conviction and most importantly, Right Actions that benefit the Children's Children's Children.
In 1776 America went to
war to liberate future generations |
Back in 1776 when the American Revolution declared its abdication from Terrorism in the form of despotic, monarchial rulership, the citizens of the new nation pledged to fight for the future freedom of their children. Left to their own devices, they would have been happy to farm their farms, make their candles, sell their wares.
Instead, they went to war to liberate future generations.
In 1787 when the U.S. Constitution was finally signed after many arguments and debates over how to insure its empowerment of individual rights over governments of oppression, there was a public confirmation of the importance of Pledging Vigilance for future generations.
If one studies the Constitution of the United States, one sees how the "Founding Fathers," surely inspired by the "Founding Mothers," drafted the document not with their own selves in mind, but with their children and their children's children's children in mind.
There is no way to create a document with such power as the Constitution of the United States without looking ahead five or more generations, and putting aside all the influences of the present to insure the freedom and protection of the future generations.
A Pledge of Vigilance is one that takes its power from the future of the children. A Constitution does exactly that.
Europe, today, signed its Pledge of Constitutional Vigilance. This is a huge historical moment, more important than the election in the United States on November 2, 2004.
Europe is Pledging Vigilance to the future of the Children.
In America, we are attacking the Constitution, tearing it apart. The notion of leadership in America is crumbling. The idea that a nation can trust its future to a leader has evaporated even before the voting occurs on November 2, 2004.
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During the 2004
presidential election, America's Constitution is being torn apart |
And the reason is simplistic. No candidate is speaking out for voters to vote for the Pledge of Vigilance. No candidate is seeking or imploring the people to vote for what is right for future generations. There is no effort by either candidate to implore awareness to the U.S. Constitution's true meaning--that it was designed as a Pledge of Vigilance against the Terrorism of government ruling the people.
This is sad for America.
But, there is hope.
Europe is proving that what America started in 1776 and ratified in 1788, can be revised and regenerated in the 21st Century. While America's Constitution is teetering on the brink of collapse, Europe's is rising out of the ashes.
This means that the U.S. Constitution can be reinforced, retro-fitted. But, that will only happen when each American takes his or her Pledge of Vigilance, and realizes that the U.S. Constitution is not a document for citizens to hand over the duty and responsibility of leadership to others, but, a warrant of individual responsibility and duty.
This warrant is not about what is good for us today, but what is good for future generations. Europe sees that today in its Constitution, for it is drafting what is important for Europe's future.
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Sign the Pledge of Vigilance
and help restore America |
In the United States, our Constitution is under attack about what is right for today, and it weakens every time a decision is made about the present that has little to do with the future generations. The result is the crumbling of our Vigilance.
All that was once in America can be restored.
It will require a new ratification process...the ratification of the Pledge of Vigilance.
You can start that process today.
Be the first in your neighborhood to sign it now.
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