Article Overview:   What happens on Halloween?    Find out in this picture survey


Saturday--November 1, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 780
A Picture Tour of Halloween In New York City
Cliff McKenzie
   Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News

GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Nov. 1, 2003--Halloween is a exciting and scary time for young and old.   It brings out both good and bad images, the super heroes and the super villains within us all.
     Here are some pictures of Halloween in New York City's East Village, taken by the VigilanceVoice.  
     They remind us all we wear masks of Terror or Vigilance, and can switch them depending on our outlook.    If you keep the Mask of Vigilance on all year, you don't have to worry about the Beast of Terror sneaking up on you.

Oct. 31--Halloween 2003--Wearing Terrorism's Mask

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