Article Overview:
We didn't cut off our baby's arms and legs to make him/her fit in our
baby carriage even when the Beast of Terror urged us to do it.
Find out why. |
Sunday--November 9, 2003—Ground Zero Plus
Why We Didn't Cut Off The Child of
Vigilance's Arms and Legs
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Nov. 6, 2003--
TerrorTechnical difficulties are simply those things in modern life
that fold, spindle and mutilate when you least expect them.
I won't bore you with the details of the past four days
of "no publishing," but will suffice it to say that during the last 96
hours my wife and I have been daily going mad and madder trying to
resolve technical problems hampering the publishing of the
The Beast of Terror lifted his ugly head numerous times
and spat his venom at us. At times, I crumpled as a prize
fighter might to right jab slamming into an unprotected gut.
"Nobody reads this Hell with
I hissed and
cursed at my lack of techno intellect |
Through clenched, frustrated, angry teeth I hissed and
cursed at my lack of techno intellect, feeling like a four-thumbed
mechanic asked to repair the space shuttle.
Our beautiful VigilanceVoice had grown from a
child to an adult. Its huge data base of 16,000 files--the
accumulation of more than 788 days of publishing (or attempting to),
and its massive picture files due to my wife's diligent and precious
help in finding and strategically placing in the stories, had turned
our website into a "monster of management."
It grew so large that its big frame couldn't fit
in the small space it was housed upon (called a server.)
We expanded the home of the VigilanceVoice so it could stand tall
without being crunched. It was like putting a full-grown adult
in a baby carriage, and the carriage wheels were buckling, screws and
nuts were popping, and the structural integrity was wobbling, refusing
to move as we both shove and pushed. We called Earthlink tech
reps trying to figure how to get the site to publish.
Finally, after countless calls and the
slow, painful process of learning how "we should have" done things, we
realized how to nurture the VigilanceVoice back into shape.
Bottom line, we realized our "baby" was an
"adult." It was so big and strong it needed far more than the
Gerber's we were feeding it. Now, it needed "steak and
So, we finally got it up.
We even thought of cutting off its legs to make it fit. That is,
to take out a thousands of files and cut the site in half or more.
It would be like cutting of a child's arms and legs to make it fit
into an old shirt because you didn't want to buy new larger sizes.
While we discussed that option, it was
precariously close to "child abuse" in both our minds.
But, now we understand. Parents have
to grow with children. The Child of Vigilance grows into a Youth
of Vigilance, and into a Teen of Vigilance, a Young Adult of
Vigilance, an Adult of Vigilance, and then, through all those rungs in
the evolution of a being, into a Parent of Vigilance.
We weren't ready for Stage II. We got
caught off guard. But now that the Technocrity of
Vigilance is understood, we are adapting. We are allowing
"space" for our Child of Vigilance to grow into an Adult of Vigilance.
We are
allowing "space" for our Child of Vigilance to grow |
At what stage we are in is yet to be
determined since this is a pioneering effort. No history
of what we are doing exists, so we are making our mistakes in
Parenting as all of us do as we go along.
But, we didn't throw out the baby with the
bathwater. Fortunately, all the words of the
VigilanceVoice from Day One are still in tact within the site.
And, we have learned a great deal.
In retrospect, I believe it is good to go
through "growing pains" with Vigilance. As authors
and editors, we learned we don't have all the answers. But we
did learn others have many. By taking the time to "save" the
"child" we learned we could pick up the phone and seek answers.
Our goal remained clear despite the Beast of
Terror's wrath--to keep the VigilanceVoice as one body--to not
dismember it, to not hack it apart.
One day people
will find the powerful message of Vigilance |
I believe in my heart that one day people will
find the information we have valuable. They will want to
read and reread many of the stories, and realize that there is a
powerful message woven throughout. That means they have to
have access to the end as well as the beginning. They can
travel all the way back to September 11, 2001 when the Vigilance Voice
was first launched and read the messages from then to now.
Our child lives, with all his and her
We have grown in the process.
Our child is happy, not just because
he or she is whole, but because we realize the Child of Vigilance is
growing, and we, with it, walking hand-in-hand to face the Beast of
Terror where ever he or she lurks.
