Article Overview:
Part III of the Legacy of Holiday Vigilance finds the Sentinel
teaching the children the source of the Second Principle of Vigilance.
It involves turning the Beast of Terror's shadow into sunlight, and
reminding the children they never have to be "less than" anyone or
anything. If you haven't read Part I and II of the Legacy
of Holiday Vigilance, use this link to go to Part I--then follow those
links to Part II and Part III.
Go to Part I
Go to Part II
Go to Part III
Go to Part IV
Go to Part V of V. |
Monday--December 22, 2003—Ground Zero Plus
The Legend Of Christmas
Vigilance--Part III of V
The Second Secret Of Vigilance:
"How A Piece Of Rock Candy Brought Light To Darkness"
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Dec. 22, 2003 --
The Children of the Land of Prosperity inched forward toward the
Sentinel. It was the third evening they gathered in the Great
Hall to hear the Story of Vigilance and, for the youngest, to learn
first-hand how the Beast of Terror was banished from the Land.
The Sentinel
scanned the different faces of the children |
The Sentinel sipped from his hot chocolate and
scanned the faces of the children. They were of all different
colors, shapes and sizes, representing all cultures, ethnicities.
While not all may have adhered to the Principles of Christmas, all
embraced each other's cultures, respecting them as did their parents
and grandparents.
"Tonight, we will learn about the
Second Principle of Vigilance, children. The one that
shrank the shadow of the Beast of Terror into a tiny, baby,
eenie-weenie atomic dot."
The Sentinel pinched his thumb and
forefinger slowly together as he said the words, capturing the rapt
looks of the children as he squeezed the imaginary size of the Beast's
shadow down between his fingers.
"Is there a Timmy here," the Sentinel
asked, waving his hand over the rows of young ones sitting
cross-legged on the polished wooden floor, warmed by the heat of the
hearth flickering yellow flames up the Great Chimney of the Hall.
The Sentinel
called on Timmy whose hand was raised |
A hand shot up. "Come on up here,
The Little One weaved through his
friends, picking his way carefully around fingers and hands pressed to
the floor as the other children turned to see the boy. He
had shiny black hair and a big smile revealing a missing front tooth.
"Come, sit on my knee, Tim."
The Sentinel scooped up the lad and sat him
on his knee. He took a piece of candy out of his pocket
and held it up. Timmy cocked his head to see the rock candy
reflecting light cast from the fire.
"Inside this piece of candy is trapped what I
call Day Shine. Day Shine is the light, the brightness of
summer, the crystal clearness of a winter day when the sun sparks the
flakes of silver and gold atop snowdrifts and makes it look as though
the land was alive with a million jewels of light. I'm
going to give this to Timmy to eat. And, I'll ask you to
think about another riddle. What does it mean when Timmy has the
Day Shine in his tummy. A hint. You see the light now
inside the rock candy. It's dancing, alive. But, as soon
as Timmy eats it, it will be gone. Or, will it?
Where will it have gone? And what does that mean about the Beast
of Terror? Here, Timmy, enjoy."
The rock candy
prismed the light from the fire |
The little boy took the candy and held it
up to the light. Sure enough, the clear crystalline structure prismed the light from the fire. The candy's center seemed
to come to life as Timmy looked through it, twisting it to the left
and right so the images it produced changed.
"Now, Sentinel?"
"When you're ready, Timmy."
Timmy popped the candy in his mouth and
began to suckle and chew simultaneously. A line of spittle
leaked from the corner of his mouth and he wiped it away with his
sleeve to the giggles of the children. As Timmy ate, the
Mothers and Grandmother's of Vigilance passed around bowls of rock
candy for the audience, offering one to each of the children.
"Now, so we are all enjoying the same pleasure as
Timmy, look at your rock candy in the light and then eat yours."
The children followed Timmy's suit, studying their candy in the
flickering flame light before slipping it into their mouths.
"Does anyone know the answer to the riddle:
What was the second thing that made the people of the Land of
Poverty so afraid of the Beast. Remember, last
night, we learned the first of the Triads of Terrorism was Fear, and
that Courage countered it. We learned that Cee Our Unity Repels
A Great Enemy was an acronym for Courage. It meant that
what we might not be able to do on our own, we could do when we all
came together to help each other. Tonight, the
question is, What is the second of the Triad of Terrorism?"
The sound of sucking, crunching rock
candy filled the room as the children pondered the riddle.
Each year the Sentinel made up new and different mind puzzles to keep
the children's attention. He was pleased there were
scrunched eyebrows chewing on the question as though it were candy.
A young girl
raised her hand to recite the second secret of the Triad of
Terrorism |
"I know! I know the
answer. I mean," the young girl said, "I think I know it.
But I need to ask you some questions, Sentinel. Is that okay?"
"Of course. All answers
lie in the question. Shoot!"
"First, is the answer in
The Sentinel smiled.
"Does his name have something
to do with the answer?"
"Right again!" The
Sentinel nodded, urging her on.
"Does the answer have five
syllables, five different parts to its sound?"
"Ahhhh, you are very very right
so far. Would you like to try and solve the riddle?"
"Yes! Yes!" The girl bounced up and
down, reminding the Sentinel of a Jack-In-The Box toy he once carved
for a little boy who liked to have things pop out of nowhere.
"Please, tell us what you
think it means."
The little girl twirled a
strand of her hair around her index finger, and stood on one leg, the
other crossing it to keep her balance. She listed her head
to the left and pulled at the corner of her lip, her eyes sparkling as
she arranged the answer before speaking.
"Okay...okay...this is what I
think. Timmy took the candy IN his mouth." She
exaggerated the word IN loudly so everyone knew she was making it part
of her answer. And, he ate the Day Shine.
Like, he swallowed the sunlight. He ate the light. I
am going to guess that the answer is IN TIMMY DAY SHINE!"
"Are you sure that is
what you want to guess?" questioned the Sentinel.
The girl's
weight shifted from one foot to the other similar to the Morgan
horses that pulled the village sleigh |
The girls shifted her weight from one foot to
the other, not unlike the great Morgan horse that pulled the village
sleigh and toured the children on moonlighted nights through the trees
and fields as they sang songs and pointed at the stars dripping down
Heaven's canvass.
"Yes...I'm sure!"
"You sound like you have
Conviction in your answer. Are you telling us your Conviction to
the riddle is In Timmy Day Shine?"
"You're teasing me, Sentinel.
You know I am!"
"Ah, so you are full of
Conviction that In Timmy Day Shine is the answer...and, you are
absolutely right!"
Many of the children wore
curious looks, switching their eyes from the girl to the Sentinel,
then back again.
"Yes, the answer is the Beast ate the people's
daylight. His great shadow suffocated the sunlight of their
spirit. It turned the bright of day into the dark of night in
people's hearts. Remember when you looked at your rock candy,
children? You saw the light dance inside it. Then,
when you ate it, the light was gone. It went inside you.
Well, the Beast of Terror ate all the children's light, all the
mother's and father's light, all the grandmother's and grandfather's
light. Timmy ate the light too. In Timmy Day
Shine--means, INTIMIDATION!"
"The Beast of
Terror suffocated all the "sunshine of the spirit"" |
"Yes!" The little
girl bounced and cheered. "INTIMIDATION!"
One of the youngest
children cautiously poked up his hand. The Sentinel nodded
to him. "What does...In-tim-ee-day-shine mean, Sentinel."
"Well, first, let's let
Timmy stand up. Now, I'll stand up next to him." The
Sentinel rose from the Great Chair, towering over Timmy who was
chewing on the last fragments of his rock candy.
"See how much bigger I am than Timmy. Look up, Timmy!"
The little boy craned his neck
to look the Sentinel in the face. "Now, if I was a mean
person and wanted to scare Timmy and make him cry, do you think I
"Yes," said a boy in the front row, licking his
sticky fingers. "You are way big and Timmy is way small."
The Sentinel raised his arms
like a raven in flight and twisted up his face in a mock growl.
"Because I'm big and scary, do you think Timmy would feel helpless,
powerless against me and run and hide if I told him I was going to eat
him, or spank him, or be mean to him."
"I'd run very fast," Timmy said.
"I'd be very afraid."
("In Timmy Day Shine") is when someone tries to bully you" |
"Well, Intimidation is when someone
tries to bully you, children. When someone tries to make
you feel less than, or tells you they are smarter than you, or tells
you that you're not good enough, or as good looking as they are, or
not as pretty, or handsome, or too fat or too thin, or too short or
too tall. All they're trying to do is make you feel bad.
They're trying to snuff the sunlight of your spirit, to make you
smaller and themselves bigger. The Beast of Terror used
Intimidation to make everyone think he was in charge of them.
Mean people like to push other people around, sometimes with words,
sometimes with their hands or with weapons. They
want to make you think what they say is true. They want to
make you a nail and hit you with their hammer. They want to beat
you up from the inside out, by making you believe what they say.
When someone hurts your feelings, they have Intimidated you.
They have turned the sunlight of happiness into the sadness of a dark,
scary night. That's the bad news. But, the good news
is, you have the light within you."
"In Timmy Day Shine!"
chimed the girl who had solved the riddle.
"That's right. Inside Timmy is the
light of the rock candy. That light, we call Conviction.
Conviction is the Second Principle of Vigilance. It means
that no matter who tries to make you feel bad, or who tries to make
you think you are less than another, or who tries to bully you, the
Light of Vigilance is within. That light comes from
Conviction--In Timmy Day Shine. That means, inside us all
the day shines over the night, the good is stronger than the bad, the
right is bigger than the wrong, the happiness is bigger than the
Stranger taught us that our Light of Vigilance comes from
Conviction" |
"Did the Stranger teach that to
the people of the Land of Poverty?"
"He did. It was the
Second Principle of Vigilance. He told the people that they all
could rid the Beast's shadow by not letting him steal the daylight,
the sunlight, the moonlight from their lives. He told them
the Stars of Vigilance shine on them as they as they held to the
Conviction that no one but themselves could make them feel bad.
You see, children, there is a saying we all need to remember no matter
how old we are. It will help us always banish the Beast of
Intimidation from us, no matter what someone might say about us.
And, it reminds us that the Beast of Terror speaks to us from the
inside out. He fills our thoughts sometimes with screeches
and caws, like the crows. He whispers to us that we're not
this or that, or that we're not as big or strong, or as smart, or
pretty, or handsome, or worthy as we are. He likes to
whisper to us and fill us with Doubt and make us afraid of ourselves.
So the Bully Beast is sometimes inside as well as outside us. We
have to be Vigilant about those Voices. And that's where this
saying comes from. You can tell it to yourself or to someone
trying to steal your Day Shine."
"Tell us what it is, Sentinel. Tell
"The Beast
likes to fill us with doubt and steal our "Day Shine"" |
"Okay. Here it is. I'm
Rubber And You're Glue, And Everything You Say Bounces Off Me And
Sticks On You!"
The children all laughed.
"Say it with me," the Sentinel urged.
"I'm Rubber...You're Glue...Everything You Say...Bounces Off Me...And
Sticks On You!"
"I'm Rubber, You're Glue, Everything You
Say, Bounces Off Me, And Sticks On You!"
"Wonderful. Let's give Timmy a
big hand."
Everyone clapped as Timmy made his
way back to the empty space he left on the floor. The other
children shook his hand, patted his shoulder and gave him thumbs up as
he sat and crossed his legs, a half-moon smile slicing his face, his
eyes shining from the rock candy's light within.
The Sentinel sat back in the
Great Chair. "Now, the people of the Land of Poverty had
learned two things. First, they could fight Fear of the
Beast with Courage from themselves. They learned that the
Courage of one of them could be added to the Courage of another and
that the sum of their Courage would always be greater than the Fear of
the Beast."
"And they learned about
In-Timmy-Day-Shine," shouted Timmy.
"The people
lit the Candle of Conviction with their Courage" |
"That's right, Timmy. The second thing
the people learned was that the darkness that ruled the land came from
themselves. They let the Fear of the Beast snuff out the
candle of their Conviction. They lit that Candle of
Conviction with their Courage. They found that the Light of
Conviction drove away Intimidation. It made them grow up from
the inside out. They realized the Beast of Terror was about
making people think less of themselves. The more people thought
they were victims of the Beast, the more the Beast ruled their lives.
The darker the land became. But, when the Stranger showed
them that the Light of Conviction was inside them, they began to see
the Beast was not a giant at all. It wasn't a Tower of Fear.
It was only a toothpick. The Light of Conviction
shooed away the Shadows of Intimidation."
"And they learned
they were rubber and the Beast was glue?" The little girl
with the pigtails nodded her head up and down just as the teacher at
the School of Vigilance did.
"That's exactly right,
Little One. They learned that the Beast of Terror tried to
hide inside them all, whispering to them from the inside out that they
weren't as big and as strong and as pretty or as smart or as able as
someone else. But now, the people could fight the Beast
within by saying--" The Sentinel held out his hand like a choir
director, urging the children's response.
"I'm Rubber...You're
Glue...Everything You Say...Bounces Off Me...And Sticks On You...!"
"Children...sing the song of Conviction...and drive Intimidation
away...and bring us to the light" |
"Excellent," said
the Sentinel. "You have done well tonight. Tomorrow night,
we will find out about the last of the Triads of Terrorism, and how
the people learned from the Stranger how to never let the Beast gain
control over their land ever, ever, ever again. Now, children,
as you go home tonight, sing the song of Conviction....the one that
drives Intimidation away...that turns bad feelings into good ones,
that brings light to darkness. What is the song?"
"I'm Rubber...You're Glue..."
They began to sing as they stood and clapped and laughed. The
Grandmothers and Mothers of Vigilance passed out a final piece of rock
candy. Some ate it, others stuffed it in their pockets to remind
themselves the day shines from within.
Go to Part IV of V
(For print-friendly version if Part III, click
Dec. 21--The Legend Of Christmas Vigilance:
Part II of V
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