Who is a role model of
Vigilance for 2002? Who is standing up against Terrorism
despite a world that wants to negotiate peace with a snake?
Who has said America will hunt Terrorism to all four corners of the
earth, and not rest until the last nest is clean of Terrorism's
vermin? What or who is the most newsworthy event of 2002
to you? Is it two women who blew the whistle on Big
Corporations pumping up false numbers on a balance sheet? Is it
an F.B.I. agent who went before Congress and said the government is
all screwed up and didn't listen to her? When Time
Magazine picks a Person or Man of the Year, should it be an example to
the children of the virtues of telling the world what they already
know--that government is a maze of confusion and auditors in big
business lie, and have always lied? Or, should we forget
our private social, political and moral agendas and pick the Person of
the Year based solely on how much ink they create? You be
the judge. |

24, 2002—Ground Zero Plus 468
When Rats Squeal
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Dec. 24--A lot of
people looking at the cover of this week's Time Magazine's Persons Of
The Year see three rats rather than heroes with their arms crossed
glaring out from a dark black background. Some say the
picture is triumvirate of emasculators, a triad of women bent on
castrating a male dominated world of inept business and law
Some just call them "Feminine Rats!"
Cynthia Cooper,WorldCom; Coleen Rowley, the FBI; Sherron Watkins,
Enron. |
I was in the deli getting Ben & Jerry's ice cream
for dessert when the cover of Time leapt off the magazine rack and
assaulted me. The black eyes of the three women picked
by Time Magazine for their politically correct "Persons Of The Year"
award stunned me. The three looked like nuns of yore out of
uniform, unsmiling, stern, priggish, frustrated feminists standing
guard over the vice-held testicles of Big Corporate Business and the
FBI, daring anyone to challenge their right or authority to eviscerate
the wrongs of the "boys."
All three are whistleblowers.
All three have been given hero status as the most
important "persons" of the year by Time Magazine. They
rise above Nobel Prize winner Jimmy Carter, frustrated Terrorist-Terminator President George Bush,
Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, nearly defrocked Cardinal Law, Yasser Arafat,
and Eminem.
I was in a state of shock.
I came home and asked my wife if she had
seen the cover. She said no It was sitting on our couch.
I asked her to tell me her opinion of it--gut reaction--without
reading anything. She looked at it for a minute and then
said: "I don't think it's right. While the women
might have done something important, it means that there's nothing
more important in this country than blowing the whistle on others.
It means our country is sick, and the message to our children and
grandchildren is that the top person in the world is the one who tells
on others, even if they're right. It tells the children there
are no heroes left, only scum, and those who rat out the scum.
I think it's terrible. It's terrible to think there's no one
more deserving for the cover of Time. There are no heroes left."
If there ever was a feminist in waiting, it
is my wife. She grew up unable to play any sports in the small
town of East Helena, Montana. She resented the boys getting to
play and the girls having to watch. She had two brothers
who wouldn't let their baby sister play the "boys" games.
Her father discouraged her from being an engineer because it was a
"man's job," and guided her to the medical field where she became a
In retaliation, she raised her two
children, with my encouragement and support, to be whomever they
wanted to be. Our daughters excelled in sports, were leaders in
school and the community, and chose their destiny without parental
provocation or steering. One is a Left Wing peace advocate who
recently was graduated from the New York Union Theological Seminary
with a Masters in Divinity, has three children and works with the
homeless in New York City. All while constantly protesting the
disenfranchisement and marginalization of society's underdogs.
Our other daughter is a Right Wing Conservative and a federal special
agent who works undercover in New York City and carries two 9mm's.
Both are as politically and socially opposite as one can imagine, and
yet great friends and sisters despite their chosen forks in destiny's
Therefore, I would give my wife's
opinion great credibility for I was flabbergasted, rendered speechless
and dazed by the logic of Time's choice of the three
WhistleBlowers--Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom, Coleen Rowley of the F.B.I
and Sherron Watkins Of Enron--as role models of leadership in 2002.
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Back in 1927, Henry Luce, the founder
of Time Magazine, decided to launch the "Man of the Year" for his
fledgling newsmagazine by splashing Charles Lindbergh's picture on the
cover. The criterion was simple--for better or
worse, whomever had the most influence on the events of the preceding
year won the post position--the prized cover of Time.
Not all were heroes or symbols of
greatness. Adolph Hitler anointed the cover as did Joseph
Stalin. More recently, Ayatollah Khomeini made the cover.
Each had enormous impact on the course of history and reflected news
judgment not a seal of approval. Women were not excluded
from consideration or appointment to the cover. In 1936
Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson was the first women to win the page when
King Edward VIII abdicated his throne to marry her. American
Women took charge of the page in 1975 as the feminine revolt rose to
its height, and Mme Chiang Kai-Shek and her husband were Couple of the
Year in 1937. Mahatma Gandhi and Franklin Roosevelt (three
time honoree) have been posted on the cover, in juxtaposition with the
Machine of the Year in 1982 (the computer), and in 1966 a whole
generation was selected for the "Twenty-Five And Under" cover.
Praising the
WhistleBlowers |
In 2002, however, we hold the torch
to three whistleblowers. We elevate them as being
the most important newsworthy people of a year in which Constitution
of the United State is under major assault by the Patriot Act, and we
stand on the cusp of war against Iraq as America posits itself as the
Sheriff of Vigilance against a world reluctant to appoint any one
nation to stand face-to-face and belly-to-belly with Terrorism.
Let's not forget that North Korea stepped
up to the plate and admitted it had nuclear weapons this year, or that
for years it has held Japanese citizens prisoners to teach North
Koreans how to spy on Japan.
The huge reorganization of America's
central government to a state of Terror Alert where a reshuffling of
our government's national defense policy is undergoing the most major
change in nearly half a century pales in comparison to whistleblowing.
Or, for that matter, the ravaging of the Catholic Church's sexual
scandals that resulted in the most powerful U.S. Cardinal abdicating
his throne of power to the Pope. None of those issues stand up
to whistleblowing as the single most newsworthy item of the year.
Ferreting out Corporate and F.B.I. rat
nests seems to be the most important signal of news value for the
year. And, strangely, the Orkin-Man is really an Orkin Woman.
Or, Women, that is.
I would have been happier had the cover
illustrated the women dressed in Orkin white shirts, bow ties and
hats, with a canister of "rat spray" in their hands. I even went
so far as to imagine a conversation with my four-year-old
granddaughter, Sarah, regarding how she can earn her way onto the
cover of Time.
A Proposed Conversation With My
Granddaughter On How To
Prepare For Winning A Spot On Time Magazine's Cover, 2030.
"Sarah, first rule--don't grow up to
be like your mommy, a social activist willing to risk her life
in Central America to defend villagers from being murdered for
opposing the government. Second rule: don't be like your
sister's sister, your Auntie E, and hunt down the bad guys
who threaten your safety and security, and that of all your
"No. Be like the ladies on the cover of Time
Magazine and go to work for a bunch of men who are really nasty
people who like to take advantage of others by neglecting laws
and regulations or the opinion of women.
"Keep really good files on them. Keep a
black book with all their indiscretions in it. Paper
trails mean a lot when you are testifying to Congress.
"Rule Three is about timing. Pick the time
carefully to rat on your associates. When the time is
ripe, stand up and tell everyone what scum bags they are and
make sure you stand just right in the spotlight so it hits the
back of your hair and backlights it so you create a halo like
effect around your face. And fold your arms when you talk
and tell others how no one would listen to you and how you are
pure and innocent and they are vile and corrupt. Be sure
and isolate yourself from them so your virtues illuminate your
purity, your virginity, while they appear to be the lowest scum,
the most vile of the bile.
"Remember, Sarah, the more you can stand
above them the lower they will appear in perspective.
I know. I'm a man. Men always look smaller when a
woman has a rolling pin in her hand.
"And be sure and cry a lot as though you
were afraid of them. That will make people feel how
Terrorized you were to step forward into the light. Make
it appear you were enslaved in their midst, kind of like you
were shackled by a ball and chain all those years and they
treated you like dirt .
"And don't tell them--ever, ever, ever,
ever--that any man might have agreed with you, or that others
just like you felt the same way, or maybe even helped you stand
up to them. You want to appear to be Wonder Woman or Joan
of Arc or Mother Theresa when you step forward. You want
to be the Saint among Sinners, the Good in the Garden of Evil.
If someone asks why you didn't stand up inside the company or
organization for change, break into tears."
"Keep you pure image close to your chest so
generations upon generations will look at you as a victim who
finally broke the bonds of servitude. The more pure you
appear, the less chances you have critics will call you a rat
fink or a snitch or a mere whistle blower for what you did.
"Rule Four. Allies.
Allies help. If you can, wait until another woman or two have
stepped forward, and then try to align yourself with them.
Try to time your castration and evisceration of the man's world
so that it appears the gods above are smiling down on you and
all other women. Try, in a subtle way, to raise your Sword
of Vigilance as Joan of Arc did--despite the men who stood in
her way. Don't be afraid. Stand out of the
madding, testosterone rich crowd and hail the Truth as though
everyone on earth but you denied it.
"Keep your act as pure looking as possible.
You want to leave no scent you're doing what you do out of
spite, resentment, anger or any of those emotions men charge
that afflict a woman's thinking. Be cunning. Set the
bait and trap cautiously. Wait for the stupid wolf to walk
into it. And when his testicles dangle over its steel
jaws, set off the trap and listen to the sweet sound of his
"Yes, dear granddaughter, do all these things
and, you'll have become full, rich, woman. You'll be
a hero. You'll earn the cover of Time Magazine." |
Now, some might say the above
conversation is a little harsh. Perhaps even outrageously
prejudiced. For those critics, let me send you back to the cover
of Time. Stare at it. Stare at it for a full minute, and
then, for another minute. Let the eyes of the women pierce
you. Let the backlighting of their hair radiate the halo.
Let their folded arms message your intuition. Study the lack of
emotion on their faces. Imagine what the photographer is saying
to them to get them to look like that. Look at their eyes.
Look. Look again and again. Are these women who have been
raped? Pillaged? Plundered? Or, are they innocent
bystanders reporting a crime, Good Samaritans who happened by a crime
scene? Look deep. Look for the message not the massage.
Imagine posting this picture on your
granddaughter's bedroom wall as someone to aspire to be like.
Imagine it on your daughter's wall. Aren't these women
TerrorHunters? Don't they look like they have their
stiletto heels speared into the groin of the Beast of Terror who is
writhing on the floor just out of camera sight?
America, the richest most
powerful nation in the world, the only nation who has stood up to
Terrorism around the world and shouted: "We're going to hunt you
down, where ever you are, and we're going to roust you out of hiding
and flush you in the open and cut off your tentacles, and your head
and cast you in a thousand pieces to the winds so that your body will
be spread to all four corners of the earth and find it hard to
rejoin," has taken a second seat to whistleblowers. Tattletales.
Frustrated executives and employees who in retaliation to being
rejected as leaders in their respective fields, elected to step into
the Joan of Arc spotlight and point their fingers and say: "See,
I told them so. But they wouldn't listen. See, I was right
and they were wrong."
Is this the most newsworthy model for
America's leading news magazine to issue to a world on the verge of
war, a world riddled with Terrorism cancer cells spidering outward in
countless countries, plotting and planning the infection of societies
that they have targeted as corrupt, vile examples of capitalistic
moral degeneration?
I know a few groups who have blown up the cover
of Time Magazine and have it pasted, if not wallpapering, the walls of
their caves and bunkers.
The Osama bin Laden's and Saddam Hussein's, and
all the other Western Culture haters, those who oppose capitalism as
being a source of evil and who view Big Business and the F.B.I and CIA
as power mongers out to enslave their countries and corrupt their
morals and ethics--these are the ones who have bought thousands of
copies of the magazine and glue them to the foreheads of their Terror
Training Drill Instructors.
The WhistleBlowers are fuel for Terrorism's
fires of hate.
They reinforce the corruptness of American
law enforcement and business. They magnify the suicide
bombers righteousness to attack America and Western culture because
these three mothers, these three innocent women could no longer stand
the horrors of America's moral cancer. They have been
recognized as the New Moral Leadership. Time Magazine has
done that.
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The marrow of America is corrupt,
were it not, Time would have picked some puppet like George Bush for
the cover, or, perhaps Saddam Hussein for his flagrant acts of refusal
to bend to the will of the West. But there was something
far more insidious at play, and Time recognized it. It was
the ability of the women to face firing squads, torture,
disembowelment to step forward and spill the beans.
I suppose I could turn my head and
ignore this issue as so many people do, or, I could blindly accept the
fact that Time Magazine knows more about the world than I do.
But I respect my wife's opinion.
I respect my children's opinion.
And I respect my granddaughter's right to
see things as they are, not as we would like them to be.
When Time put Stalin or Hitler or
Khomeini on the cover as Man Of The Year, those were
acts of Vigilance. It took a great deal of Courage in the face
of Fear, Conviction against waves of Intimidation, and Right Actions
versus the Complacency for the editors to put unpopular symbols on the
cover of its magazine, and then tell the world why they were chosen.
I can't forget that this year's Nobel Prize
went to Jimmy Carter, and in the citation was a comment against George
Bush, a suggestion that the prize was given to Carter as an insult
against Bush than as an accolade for Carter's works over the past
I feel similarly about Time's cover.
I have this queasy feeling the Time
is retaliating against George Bush rather than promoting
whistleblowing as the most important story of the year. I
also get a feeling the photographer who took the picture on the cover
is telling the three women, "Imagine you ratted on George Bush.
Imagine you found out he's been cheating on America. Think
of that, ladies. Yes. That's good. That's very

Dec. 23--Fighting Terrorism's Terrorism At Local Government
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