What do the Russians
think about Terrorism? About invading Iraq? About cloning?
About Henry Kissinger? About Americans running over South Korean
girls in tanks? About why Russia lost the moon race?
About smallpox vaccinations? Opinions shape the world, and
Pravda, the English version of Russian News, is another Voice worth
looking at. In this fascinating article, you can see another
side of Terrorism--the Russian side. And as Walter Cronkite
might say: "That's the way it is!" |

4, 2002—Ground Zero Plus 448
How Russian News Looks At Terrorism, Henry Kissinger, Smallpox, Iraq And
Russia Itself
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
ZERO, New York City, Dec. 4 --If you're interested in taking a look at
how one of America's former bitter enemies views the world, take a look at
Pravda, the Russian NY Times and Voice of the Russian people. (link
to Pravda
For more than a generation, the Cold War
pitted America versus Russia in an icy nuclear standoff that crumbled on
Nov. 9, 1989 with the breaking of the Berlin Wall and the "fall of
Today, Russia and the United
States--despite many social, political, religious and economic
differences--are working to unite their former superpower status into a
global unity against Terrorism. But, the rub of the
green is still there. Splinters of dissent between Russia and the
United States still pierce vulnerable parts of each nation's body.
Pravda is a
far cry from America's NY Times and Christian Science Monitor, but its
goal is the same--to inform the public. What is
interesting about Pravda's style after reading major U.S. publications
each morning is its folksy, clearly opinionated clarity of the "news."
Unlike American journalism, Pravda doesn't pretend to be "news." It
is more honest. It is opinion, laced with news. American
journalism pretends its opinion is news.
True journalism is supposed to be black and white.
Half of the information is supposed to be pro an issue, and the other half
con, allowing readers to make up their minds which half they want to
swallow. Unfortunately, American journalism is truly one-sided.
It is all about rock throwing rather than fortress building, it is about
destroying the public's strength and duty, not protecting it.
By National Equal
Justice Administration |
Television journalists
are the most flagrant examples of rock throwers disguised as Fourth Estate
Knights. Instead of asking a question and waiting for an answer,
they couch a statement in the form of a question, much as a lawyer does
when leading a witness to answer what that lawyer wants him to say.
Thus, the interviewer--the newsperson--steers information
along whatever course he or she selects. Rather than
soliciting the true opinion of the people, the reporter elicits the
opinions and prejudices he or she, or the publisher holds. The
news, instead of being the Voice of the people, becomes the forum for the
newscaster, the reporter, the publisher.
Pravda is refreshing because it doesn't
dance around opinion and try to mask its reporting in diaphanous
detachment. It just skews the opinion without fanfare, especially
when the article deals with America. Often the writing is
enflamed with prejudice, so obvious one almost applauds it for not trying
to appear like a sheep who is really a hungry wolf.
Below, I've provided a table of today's Pravda stories
and links so readers can take a spin through them and arrive at their own
conclusions. I also would suggest readers dial up nytimes.com
or csmonitor.com, or latimes.com to compare the way the verbiage is
presented between East and West. I would suggest switching on
MSNBC or CNN or the local news to reinforce how many words are put in the
public's mouth, but only the brain dead are immune to reporters telling
people what they are saying.
Cronkite working
at CBS |
I'm aware of
this dilemma in news reporting because tomorrow tonight I'm going to a
lecture by Walter Cronkite at New York City College. I'm eager
to hear him speak, for he was considered by many to be the "true newsman,"
a man who walked the middle line between the yin and yang of news as
carefully as any in history. His credibility as a news
authority has been likened to the prowess of Babe Ruth; Cronkite is a
legend in hitting home runs for news purity and for maintaining
credibility in reporting.
Some have called him the most "credible man of
the 20th century."
I believe the
news today is pedantic. It seems to be issued from Zeus'
Olympus table, and w--mere mindless earthlings are his playthings. I
sometimes feel the news treats the public like Zeus did--that we are a
bunch of dolts, unable to deal with critical social, political, ethnic and
moral issues just as Zeus considered humans unable to even manage fire.
He controlled it with lightening bolts.
In my opinion journalists think they are the
Zeus's of Liberty and Justice. They act as though they were
our "defenders" our "Voices," and hurl rocks at the flaws of government as
though they were in charge of managing Justice and Liberty.
But there is a fallacy in their presumptive legislation over our rights.
They seem to be Johnny-come-lately regarding the real issues of our
Let's take Terrorism as one small but vital
If the press is our "guardian" of Truth and
Justice, our Keeper of Security, our "watchdogs of government," then how
come prior to Nine Eleven their headlines didn't shout for "better
security" of our homeland? I don't remember front page
editorials warning America to beware al-Qaeda, or them calling for
families to bolt and lock their doors. I do see them throwing rocks
at government and wagging fingers at the flaws and gaps in our security.
I see them as fishwives, Monday morning quarterbacks, armchair travelers.
Post Nine Eleven, I didn't see headlines calling
for everyone in America to become a Citizen of Vigilance. I didn't
see the Pledge of Vigilance splashed on every front page each day. I
didn't see the demand for citizens to become responsible to defeat
Instead, I saw a lot of name calling and attacks
on our downsides. Are defenders of Freedom in the business of
castigating wrongdoers, or promoting right doing?
Perhaps the answer can be quickly found
when a newscaster interrupts his castigation for a "short commercial
break" where he or she has the makeup crew insure the cracks and crinkles
don't show too much. while the cash register rings.
My take on "real journalism" harkens
back to the days when Thomas Paine's Common Sense Pamphlets incited
the American public to a state of Vigilance in the face of Terrorism.
Paine sought to fire the public's ire against Complacency, Fear and
Intimidation of the British, and to stand up for the future of the
children's children's children by establishing self-government instead of
accepting rule from an authority so far distant that the King knew no
American's name.
Thomas Paine with
"Common Sense" |
I find the similarity
between Paine's time and today not too different. The distance
from the average American citizen and the President of the United States'
ear is at least as far as it was from America to England in 1775, perhaps
even farther. Today, there are 1.7 million federal employees
standing between the average American and the President, a large body of
insulation that makes it almost impossible for him to hear the muffled
Voices of the people. Big government has small ears.
Bush's storming of the country recently prior to
mid-term elections wasn't to listen to the people's concerns, but rather
to sell an agenda to them. He was on the preaching end, not
the meditation one. If you were talking, he was losing.
Obviously, he did his job. He sold America on voting for what he
believes is right rather than asking the mothers and fathers and
grandparents and grandchildren what they thought was right.
He was the MSNBC Hardball commentator Chris Matthews,
punching America in the guts with his beliefs on why we should go to war,
and vote out any "namby pamby" politicians who promoted domestic rather
than foreign policy. Like any good Terrorist, he employed Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency to drive the audience to the polls and switch
undecided votes to "guns-without-butter-ballot."
I'm not suggesting George Bush was wrong in
his approach. He got off his butt and acted.
That's to his credit. Had he lost the mid-term elections and
control of the Senate and House gone to the Democrats, he would have lost
his power to influence the world. He did what he had to do to
maintain his belief we can "kill Terrorism." But that may not be
what we need to do. It may not be the wishes of the people.
And, it may not be in the ultimate best interests of the children's
children's children.
Thomas Paine didn't want to kill the King of England.
He wanted the end to monarchial power. He wanted Vigilance to rule
over Terrorism. He wanted individuals to be crowned the King or
Queen of their land, and not be fiefs under some titular rule that
suggested the "powers that be" knew more than the average person about how
to live life. He wanted Monarchial Terrorism dethroned by removing
the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency that "power over people" creates.
The only way to counter such power, he promoted, is to empower the
people--to give them Courage, Conviction and Right Actions so they could
rise to Zeus's level or pull him down to theirs.
Prometheus |
Paine was a modern
day Prometheus. He gave people the knowledge of how to use fire
instead of waiting for Zeus to create it through lightening.
In Greek mythology, Zeus got very mad at Prometheus for giving human
beings power over the gods. Zeus controlled fire.
Without fire, people were helpless. Only through lightening bolts
could humans on earth light their fires. When Prometheus came
to earth he
liked human beings and felt sorry for them because the gods controlled the
fire. He decided to defy Zeus and taught humans
how to make their own fire. He taught them how to control their own
destiny and not rely on Olympus or some "governmental god" to dictate the
future of the earth. When he saw a father or mother teach a
son or daughter how to create and use fire, he knew he had given humanity
the power of self-government not just to the people, but to the children's
children's children. He was, perhaps, one of the first Sentinels of
We need to learn to light our own fires again.
It seems that our "free press" is fostering
the idea that we are not able to flame our own Torches of Vigilance.
The constant attacks by the press on government are not solutions to
teaching people how to light their Torches of Vigilance, but rather a
reinforcement of their emasculation of power. Every time the press
is critical of government, there is an inference that if government
becomes stronger, people will be safe. Zeus will protect them.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The more we allow government to dictate our
security and safety, the more insecure and unsafe we become.
History is full of examples of people who abdicate the authority of
self-government and self-protection over to the state. Communism
failed because its central system of management could not cope with the
individual demands. Government could not plug all the holes in
the dyke. Its power became powerless.
The more we believe that toppling Hussein will
rid the world of Terrorism, the deeper we sink into quagmire of
Complacency. The more we give up our rights to light to our Torches
of Vigilance.
However, the more we
believe it is the duty and responsibility of each citizen to protect his
or her family and community from Terrorism, the closer we come to
Zeus wanted to control power. To maintain
power, people must be emasculated--that is, their power must be stripped
from them. They must bow and pray to the higher order, and pay
tribute to it for protection. If they don't, they get no lightening
American newspapers ignore the stripping of
individual power and responsibility in the battle against Terrorism.
They focus their sights on the flaws of the FBI and CIA and Homeland
Security as though these establishments of power had some control over
Terrorism. They suggest to the American public that when the "holes
in the dyke are plugged, we'll be safe."
Headlines don't shout: "You Are In Charge Of
Vigilance--Don't Be A Sheep--Don't Give Up Your Duty To Protect Your
Children, & Their Children's Children's Children. Become A
Parent Of Vigilance Today!"
Our current journalism sidesteps the issue of
confronting Americans and the world on the personal duty of Vigilance
versus the perpetuation of political Complacency.
The more it attacks government for its "failure to
secure and manage," the more it implicitly promotes that security for our
nation and communities is government's job. By calling for
government to "do its job better," journalism automatically puts the
lightening bolts in government's hands. And we, the citizens of
Zeus, go along.
If journalism were the true protectors of Liberty
and Justice, it would be calling not for government to rid Terrorism from
the land, but for the people to do it by building up their sparks of
personal Vigilance. Only when the average citizen learns how to
build more Courage than Fear, more Conviction than Intimidation, and more
Right Actions than Complacency, will the Beast of Terror shrink from
Today, journalism feeds the Beast of Terror.
It feeds it by demanding government get more efficient at fighting the
Beast, when the government cannot.
Communism couldn't keep its promise to the people, and
neither will any government that claims with "just a little more power,
we'll make you safe."
Terrorism lives in the communities of the world, in
villages, towns, neighborhoods. It doesn't have a shape or
size one can put his or her arms around, for it is viral, amorphic in
It seeds itself in child neglect. Terrorism
breeds when a parent doesn't take the time to know a child's Fears,
Intimidations or Complacencies. It spreads cancerously when a parent
or loved one tells a child that he or she isn't loved or cared about,
either through explicit or implicit acts.
TV's propaganda |
It multiplies when
parents rail about the failure of government to protect us, or glue
themselves to the television and inhale the noxious falsehoods vomited out
of the mouths of Zeus's propagandists who wag fingers and tongues at
governments, and never speak directly to the citizens about their duty,
their obligation to stop Terrorism at the doorstep of their own homes.
American journalism needs to take a lesson from Pravda
and not try to appear so righteous. As it stands today, it is not
our protector, our Fourth Estate guarding us from government's power.
It is, instead, the waiter who feeds government's power by contending that
government is the problem.
Government is not the problem.
Learning to light our Torches of Vigilance is the
I'll ask Walter Cronkite his take on the issue tomorrow
And I'll be wary of his answer. After all, he is
a journalist, no matter what history says he is.
To this, Mr. Cronkite might just reply: "That's the way it is!"
(Links to today's,
Dec. 4, Pravda On-Line Stories)
Bush prepares for attack on Iraq
Flagrant disregard for international law
The Bush administration is clearly preparing for an attack on
Iraq, whether or not the UNMOVIC team find any WMD and
irrespective of the fact that the Iraqis are following the
conditions of Security Council Resolution 1441 or not.
Convinced that the team would find scores of chemical and
biological weapons, the tone of Washington’s declarations
reaches the hysterical now that it becomes obvious that Saddam
Hussein was telling the truth all along.
More details...
Smallpox vaccination in USA, Canada,
France and UK
Sudden decision to give millions of vaccinations based on
One day after the British authorities announced a mass
vaccination programme against smallpox, the USA, France and
Canada has confirmed plans to carry out a large-scale
inoculation project against the same disease.
More details...
Today on FunReports.Com
Should Pornography be Mandatory? Heroic Goat
Rescues Little Girls from Rabid Dogs, Work Desk Reveals Your
Inner Life. These are the headlines of the funny articles
that you can read on PRAVDA.Ru's project today
Yugoslav President Irritated about the
Slobodan Milosevic is not ever to be released
Yugoslavia President Voislav Kostunica said in the interview
to the Belgrade newspaper Glas Javnosti that the
cooperation was supposed to be of the bilateral character.
Kostunica said that the West is supposed to show more
understanding towards Yugoslavia than before
More details...
Why Did the USSR Lose the Moon Race?
The Soviet Union was completely unprepared to beat the US
in the space race
Americans landed on the Moon in 1969. The success of the
Apollo program was not only a remarkable technical
achievement. This achievement proved the political
predominance of the United States of America. The Soviet
leadership realized that fact perfectly. The USSR was the only
country that did not air the live broadcast of the first ever
More details...
UNMOVIC Experts Knocking on Baghdad's
Palaces, markets, and alcohol plants: UN inspectors
searching for weapons of mass destruction
Americans are extremely furious about the fact that UNMOVIC
experts haven’t yet discovered anything suspicious in Iraq. US
President George W. Bush said that the course of the UNMOVIC
inspections in Iraq wasn’t inspiring at all; he demanded that
Baghdad present a complete and reliable list of armament
programs, including weapons of mass destruction and plans for
creation of ballistic missiles. George W. Bush spoke in the
Pentagon and said that he was dissatisfied with how Hussein’s
government observed the engagements to the United Nations. He
added that the UNMOVIC experts came to Iraq “not to play
hide-and-seek” with Saddam Hussein
More details...
It's Coming! New Attacks on US Passenger
American Senators appealed to George W. Bush to do everything
possible to protect civilian planes from surface-to-air
missiles. The new threat for the USA was first mentioned last
week, after unidentified terrorists fired two surface-to-air
missiles at an Israeli Boeing-757 taking off the airport of
Mombasa, Kenya. Both missiles missed, narrowly, and the plane
continued its flight with 261 passengers and ten crew members
on board. Several minutes after the attack on the plane,
Kenyan terrorists attacked a hotel belonging to Israelis;
three Israelis and ten Kenyan citizens were killed in the
attack. The USA believes that the attacks in Kenya were
committed by a so-called Somali-Kenya group related to
al-Qaeda, which has been in operation for ten years already
More details...
Henry Kissinger Still Alive
Politics is a dirty game, yet it's a game worth playing
The current resident in the Oval Office now has rather odious
advisers. Elliot Abrams, a former State Department official,
was appointed Condoleezza Rice’s aide. Abrams was implicated
in the Iran-Contras scandal in the 1980s. Now, Elliot Abrams
is back and in charge of African and Middle Eastern issues
More details...
Latvian National Bolshevik Seeks Asylum
in Russia
Leader of the Latvian national Bolsheviks, Vladimir
Linderman, asked President Vladimir Putin for political asylum
in Russia
Vladimir Linderman said in an interview to Russia’s NTV
television that he was not going to be naturalized in Russia;
otherwise, he would be denied access to Latvia. Meanwhile,
Abel is planning to assert the truth while being in Russia
More details...
Who's Next After Iraq?
“If there is no actual threat to the interests of the USA and
the West, they will never seriously consider Russia’s
interests as well,” said famous Russian economist of Armenian
origin Migranyan. This sounds like the only sound estimate
given within the past twenty years
More details...
Lula in Buenos Aires: "The future of
Latin America Depends on Brazil and Argentina"
The elected president of Brazil arrived in Buenos Aires on
Sunday evening on his first international trip after his
victory in October elections.
During his Monday meeting with Argentine President Eduardo
Duhalde in the official residence of Olivos, Luiz Inacio Lula
Da Silva insisted on his aim to strengthen Mercosur towards
the full integration of South America. He also expressed his
complete solidarity with Argentina: "an extraordinary,
neighbor, and brother country.”
More details...
Belarus Ambassador Says He Didn't Ask US
For Political Asylum
All information reported from Japan concerning former
Belarus Ambassador to Japan, Pyotr Kravchenko, is still
extremely contradictory.
A source in the Belarussian Foreign Ministry informs,
Kravchenko didn’t officially report about his intention to get
back to Belarus. The Foreign Ministry supposes that if the
former ambassador to Japan gets back to Belarus, he is likely
to be dismissed from the Foreign Ministry system
More details...
Towards Closer Delhi-Moscow Ties
Russian President Vladimir Putin will arrive in Delhi on
Tuesday to further push post-Yeltsin diplomacy to adjust to a
world caught between the forces of globalization and
terrorism. India and Russia are in the process of redefining
their relations with each other and with the rest of the
world, now rid of cold war, old antagonisms and nonaligned
rhetoric. Pragmatism and self-interest have become the motors
of international relations. They recognize neither friends nor
foes. Countries have only interests, evident from the manner
in which old ideological enemies are shedding fossilized
mindsets to come to terms with daunting realities. The changes
in China enabling it to negotiate globalization without
abandoning its communist moorings indicate the beginning of a
new order
More details...
Advice to Investors in Russia: Be
Sakhalin Energy suspended in Sakhalin-2 project
PRAVDA.Ru has already reported on the complicated relations
between the Russian authorities and foreign investors
concerning the development of the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas
project. Russian Duma deputies blamed the operator of the
project, the Sakhalin Energy company, for violations of the
terms of the Agreement on production division. In response,
Sakhalin Energy went on a kind of a strike: the company
declared that it was impossible to start the second stage of
the project. And the intrigue around the Sakhalin shelf still
continues and even becomes more complicated
More details...
Black to Swallow Planet Earth
A monstrous black hole was discovered six thousand light
years far from the Earth
Is there an absolute evil deed in the world? Is there the
absolute evil, like the absolute zero of temperature – the
symbol of death and stillness, when there is not even a small
vestige of any movement? The absolute of perfect evil is a
black hole. Any kind of disaster pales in comparison with a
black hole. A black hole devours everything on its way in a
blink of an eye
More details...
Attack of the Clones to Start in
The first human clone is expected to be born in 2003
According to information from France Presse, one
of the women who is taking part in the human cloning project
is to give birth to a clone at the end of the current year.
The members of the mysterious organization Raelians already
know that it will be a girl
More details...
Nord Ost: the Battle Continues
Total sum of compensations claimed by former Nord-Ost
hostages makes up 7.5 million dollars. And this is just the
Three people who have suffered as a result of the terrorist
attack in the Moscow theater on October 23 claim compensation
at the rate of 1 million dollars. This information was
provided by an attorney of the Nord Ost victims, Igor Trunov.
In his words, Larisa Frolova, a Moscow citizen whose son and
daughter-in-law were killed as a result of the terrorist act
in the Moscow theater, claims a 1 million dollar compensation.
Now, the woman has to take care of her two grandchildren, who
lost their parents
More details...
List of Banned Islamic Books Compiled in
A list of 95 banned books by Moslem authors has been
compiled in Russia
The other day, the Coordinating council of the North Caucasus
muftis, presided by Ingushetia Mufti Muhammad Albogachiyev,
wrote an address to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is
a request to provide the government with “reliable information
about Islam.” The leaders of the Moslem group say that
“otherwise, the leadership, military structures, society will
have to spend much more on security than is currently spent
for the prevention of pseudo-religious extremism.” The Russian
newspaper Vremya Novostei reports that the muftis
suggest an initial measure: they say it would be reasonable to
demonstrate David Lynch’s The Straight Story film,
which about the popular English show-man Cat Stevens. Stevens
adopted Islam in 1979, but at that, he resisted its extremist
More details...
Afghanistan: Chaos as Warlords Fight
More instability in Western Afghanistan as government
proves incapable of maintaining peace and order
Armed confrontation around the western city of Herat has
caused 11 deaths as factions loyal to the governor, Ismail
Khan, and the rival Pashtun warlord Amanullah Khan, clash.
More details...
Venezuela: Opposition Mobilises
OAS initiative fails as Caracas accuses opposition of
The government of Venezuela has accused the opposition of
radicalising the issues instead of discussing them, as an
initiative by Cesar Gaviria, Secretary-General of the
Organisation of American States, failed to prevent a general
More details...
AIDS: 4 Million at Risk in India
India and China show dramatic increases in the incidence of
the disease
India has launched a public awareness campaign aimed at
calling the attention of the population to the dangers posed
by AIDS. As in other countries, AIDS is no longer restricted
to drug users of male homosexuals in India, where new cases
are more and more found in heterosexuals.
More details...
Ericsson Keeps Its Secrets
Russian Foreign Ministry declares two Swedish diplomats
persona non grata
The Russian government decided to declare two Swedish
diplomats persona non grata. On December 2, Swedish ambassador
to Moscow, Sven Hirdman, was invited to the Russian Foreign
Ministry. Mr. Hirdman was informed of the decision by the
Russian government to declare two employees of the Swedish
embassy persona non grata. This decision was made in
connection with activity that has caused damage to Russia’s
national security interests
More details...
Russia Counteracts NATO in Central Asia
Russia retakes airbase in Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan insists on
NATO presence
The redeployment of Russian battle planes began in the
republic of Kyrgyzstan prior to the start of Vladimir Putin’s
official visit there. The first group of two Su-25 jets and
two Il-76 transport planes have already landed on the airbase
in Kant. The airbase is located 15 kilometers far from the
Kyrgyzstan capital Bishkek
More details...
Atlantis Under Antarctica?
After WW II, scientists started to pay close attention to
the issue of a supposedly once-existing civilization in
Antarctica. The hypothesis is confirmed by some medieval maps
and research of paleogeologists and glaciologists.
In 1949, a combined British and Swedish expedition conducted
intensive seismic measurements of the South Pole through the
ice cap. According to the commander of 8th Technical
Investigation Squadron of the US Armed Force Strategic
Command, Colonel Harold Olmayer, “ the geographical details of
the bottom part of the map (the shore of Antarctica)
correspond with the results of the seismic measurements. We
cannot correlate these data with the supposed level of
geography in 1513.”
More details...
Russia and China to Counterbalance
American Supremacy
Vladimir Putin started his official visit to China
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s official visit to Beijing
started on December 1. On account of this fact, the attention
of the Chinese media to Russia has increased considerably.
There have appeared several publications covering the
perspectives of joint economic cooperation
More details...
Slovenian Elections
Kucan to be replaced by Drnovsek or Barbara Brezigar
One and a half million Slovenians go to the polling stations
today in the second round of the country’s Presidential
elections, which coincides with the local government
More details...
30 Dead in Bangladesh Stampede
Women and children crushed in city of Gaibandha as crowd
As a crowd of more than 10,000 people surged forward to
receive free clothing at the Festival of Eid Al-Fitr in
Gaibandha, women and children at the front were crushed.
More details...
US Warplanes in Missile Attack on Iraqi
Oil Refinery
8 dead and 20 injured, claim eye-witnesses
Residents in Basra, southern Iraq, claim that US warplanes
launched two missiles at an oil refinery on Sunday, killing at
least eight people and injuring “around 20”. The offices of
the oil-for-food programme were destroyed.
More details...
Arkhangelsk Doctors Treat with Death
New method of treatment makes a patient fly away
The notion of tanatotherapy is translated from Latin as
treating with death (“tanatos” – death). The new method is
based on the psychological influence on a human being. Doctors
use special techniques to affect a person’s muscles in order
to make a patient relax as much as possible
More details...
When Is Akhmed Zakayev Delivered to
The controversy around the Chechen terrorist, who was
arrested in Denmark, is still going on
Akhmed Zakayev, an international terrorist, will probably have
to leave his neat Danish jail next week and move over to a
less comfortable dwelling. The countdown will take a different
form for Zakayev there
More details...
Pravda.RU:Best articles on this
week:Top Stories |

Dec. 3--Choir of Vigilance Sings To
The Beast of Terrorism
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