Article Overview:
What do the Celestial Sentinels of Vigilance think of the world below.
Up in the International Space Station, traveling at over 17,000 mph,
three men look down at earth and see the Beast of Terror romping over
the land. Will we take the Beast of Terror into space and seed
its Fear, Intimidation and Complacency in the Heavens? Or, will
the universe deny us access until we have become Sentinels of
Vigilance and burn our space ships us? Find out in this
compelling article. |
11, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 517
Orbiting The World Of
Terrorism vs. Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Feb. 11--Two American
and one Russian space explorer are circling the earth at 17,163 miles
per hour at an altitude of 241 miles watching the world press toward
war. They can see the Beast of Terror stalking the earth,
lifting his head and growling warnings that mankind may not have
advanced that far from its caves and clubs and thirst to bash each
others brains into mush. But they have their own Beast of Space
Terror to worry about too.
The crew of
Expedition Six on the International Space Station |
The three
astronauts, Commander Ken Bowersox, Flight Engineer Nikolai Budarin
and Science Officer Don Petit, are battling with the problem of
returning home safely. They, and the 100,000 support staff in
Russia and America's space programs, are busy figuring a way to get to
terra firma without burning up in the process.
The astronauts have been circling the earth
for 79 days and ten hours as of this writing, part of Expedition Six,
a joint U.S.-Russian effort to build stepping stones into space.
During the 11-week assignment, they've seen the Korean conflict grow,
the Columbia Space Shuttle burn up on reentry, and the massing of
100,000 warriors on the borders of Iraq, eager to oust Saddam Hussein
from power Politically, they've heard about France and Germany
shunning support for the U.S. as "Global Terrorist Policeman,"
and the Franco-German secret plan to upstage the U.S. by installing
2,000 weapons inspectors in Iraq. But these earthly issues
certainly take a second seat to their primary one--survival.
This past Tuesday a Russian Progress
unmanned resupply ship docked to the station's Zvezda service module.
It delivered a ton of food, fuel, clothing and other supplies to hold
the crew over. Space shuttle launches have been halted until
investigators can determine the cause of the Columbia disaster.
Shuttle flights were used to bring new crews and to extract retiring
ISS crews.
I find it ironic that modern civilization has advanced its cooperation
and technology to conquer the first steps into space by the joining of
two former enemies. And, at the same moment that we reach
into space as a unified body, the gravity of our human defects turns
us into primal beasts once again, willing to bash one another's brains
out with the Clubs of War.
I view the Space Station and Shuttle
astronauts as Celestial Sentinels of Vigilance. Their combined
mission, in my Vigilant opinion, has the far-reaching goal of
protecting the Children's Children's Children security in the future.
They are building a celestial bridge over which future generations
will travel, explore, colonize and expand. They are opening the
gates to Brave New Worlds yet to conquer.
Reality forces us to look far into
the future to protect our children and their offspring.
Our battles on earth over the limitation of both nuclear and
biochemical weapons of mass destruction are necessary as part of the
children's future security. Errant use of these weapons of
mass destruction(WMD) could unleash devastation upon us all.
Errant use of
WMD could unleash devastation upon us all |
And despite the
politics over whether America has a right to be the Terrorism
Policeman or not, few would agree that unless rogue nations are
stopped before they can grow their WMD arsenal's, the threat of
nuclear or biochemical disaster expands and becomes critical.
The world cannot afford to stand by and let such arsenals fall into
the hands of those who would use them or sell them for their own
personal gain.
Pakistan is one prime example.
In the The New Yorker magazine, a telling article was recently
published on how Pakistan has exported nuclear arms support to North
Korea over the past years, selling its knowledge under the table for
hard currency to a nation who has the reputation to use whatever WMD
it can to gain recognition, and, if it needs hard currency, is very
capable of selling them to the highest bidder with little concern for
how they will be used, or against whom.
Mother Earth is under constant threat as
the WMD fall into more and more hands that don't subscribe to
Vigilance but are bent on Terrorism as a means of managing their
power. The victims of these WMD's misuse will be the
Children, for it is always the Children who suffer the most in any
Space exploration is our escape route from
those who might endanger the earth and all living creatures upon it.
Assuming we don't destroy ourselves over
the ensuing years in a nuclear or biochemical holocaust, we face
another form of Terrorism--the lack of space to live in peace and
harmony as our global population expands.
will demand the conquest and utilization of Space |
The world is now 6 billion
strong and growing inversely. By 2050 the world is
expected to have 9-10 billion people fighting for its real estate.
Smaller nations seeking power over larger ones for basic resources
will use whatever power they have at their disposal to gain such
territory. All wars are over real estate in the end. In
its "best case" scenario, the United Nations projects 25 billion
people by 2145, less than three generations from now.
Where will all the people fit?
Some population pundits believe that war
will reduce the numbers. They suggest holocausts caused by human
hands in the form of nuclear or biological disasters will halt the
growth of humanity. In the past disease and famine helped check
population, but science and medicine have conspired to expand the
average age of life and the numbers who live it.
Space then becomes more important than
ever. Its vast real estate offers new homelands.
Finding new worlds as our forefathers and
foremothers did hundreds of years ago when they sailed the seas in
search of the unknown is a legacy that destiny dictates we follow.
In their catbird seat some 250 miles above
earth, the astronauts can see the future more clearly than anyone.
They live in a 178,594-pound "home in the stars," with about 1,800
square feet of livable habitat, the size of an average three-bedroom
American home. They can see earth teeming with people and vast
stars and planets waiting for us to visit
International Space Station is but an intricate and sophisticated
covered wagon in the skies |
While the
International Space Station (ISS) is crude by modern living standards,
it can't be much different than a covered wagon was for a family in
search of new territory, or too far distant from a cave 40,000 years
ago when Neanderthals roamed the land, launching the elements of a
language and starting to fashion tools that would lead to the wheel,
the light bulb and nuclear power and now, a proliferation of WMD that
threaten us all if left unchecked, unmanaged.
is our Celestial
Sentinel of Vigilance |
The ISS is our star in
the sky--our Celestial Sentinels of Vigilance. Despite the
Terrorism on earth, the ISS shines in the sky, a signpost to worlds
that beg to be explored.
What's happening on earth today--the
Battle With The Beast Of Terrorism--will only worsen as we grow in
size unless it is thwarted. Those who want to wait until
disaster strikes before we attack the roots of Terrorism need to look
at the population explosions and rethink their reluctance to be
offensive against those who might use or develop weapons of mass
The most vulnerable target for
Terrorists today is our cities.
Today, global populations gather
about the city. This link will take you to a site that
lists all cities in the world with populations of 1,000,000 or more.
There are 408 cities listed, the most populated being Tokyo with 3.5
million, New York, 2.1, Seoul, 2.1, Mexico City, 2.0, Sao Palo, 1.9
and Bombay, 1.8 million.
Big cities are big targets.
Globally, nearly 50 percent of the population lives in or near a city.
The United Nations Population Division reports that in 2000, 2.9
billion people represented "urban population." By 2030
that number is expected to rise to 5 billion, 60 percent of the total
world population. In 1950, for example, "megacities," cities
with populations of 10 million or more, was limited to one--New York
City. Today, there are 17 megacities, including Tokyo, Sao
Paulo, Mexico City, New York and Bombay.
Disbursing our Children into
rural space reduces the risk of humanity's demise as a result of
errant warfare. Terrorists target major cities to inflict the
most damage on a society. When the door opens to space,
the pressure will be released on where we can go to avoid the threats
of Terrorist attack. Space will offer a limitless resource for our
Children's Children's Children. Our great great grandchildren
may have a fighting chance to survive any attack on earth from within.
Three generations is not a long
way. It means a child born today will probably live until
he or she is 85.5, the life expectancy the U.N. claims will be
worldwide in a hundred years. That means the child today will
live to see his or her grandchildren and great grandchildren grow.
Seminars and
studies are being held by the Centers of Disease Control/National
Center for Environmental Health to study expected adverse
environmental conditions of megacities |
It also means a child
today will see the earth shrink, and living space become more
precious, and water more scarce, and food harder to get.
Over that period, if the U.N. projections for 2145 are correct, the
child born today's great great grandchildren will have four times as
many people as today vying for food, water and shelter. It
means more people will want to take what others have, and the odds of
more Terrorism to grow.
But if the doorway to space is
expanded at the same time, and the path is paved so that explorers
find ways to open new worlds to settlement, the Children's Children's
Children will not be crushed by their neighbors. They will have
the choice to move to the far reaches of the universe as their
ancestors did on earth and launch new societies and new ways of living
with one another.
The three men in the Space
Station, and all who preceded them, plus the seven valiant explorers
lost in the Columbia disaster, are the valves on the population
pressure cooker. They release the steam of a world that can grow
so large it bursts at the seams.
And, most importantly, the
space explorers have the opportunity to learn how to control the Beast
of Terror before they leave earth in search of New Worlds.
To me, that's the key to space.
We have the ability as evolving
beings to learn to chain the Beast of Terror to the earth as we leave
its grip in search of New Worlds.
If Terrorism has a positive side, it
is to remind us all that no matter how civilized we might think we
are, until we recognize and accept that Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency must be managed as ferociously as we are trying to manage
WMD, we can ill afford to seed the universe with the Beast of Terror.
If we do, we will have learned nothing from our parent--Mother Earth.
Earth Mother
constantly teaching us life lessons |
In the 1.5
million years of human development we have learned there is a
difference between a Beast and a human being.
That difference is measured by our empathy and compassion for human
life. It is our ability to give our lives so others may live.
It is our imaginations and our beliefs in a Supreme Being that allows
our differences to be set aside for a common good, a common goal that
is larger than ourselves.
Beasts will eat their own if they are
hungry. Beasts will eat the children of other Beasts.
Beasts will survive at any cost and not cry over the death of another
Beast, wishing that someday it will learn not to use violence against
another Beast.
Beasts do not concern themselves with
anything but foraging for food. They do not create music
to lull their primal nature, or pontificate on their existence in a
quest to understand who and why they are. They do not
engage themselves in council as we have in the United Nations, seeking
peaceful harmonious ways to live alongside one another yet retaining
our differences. Beasts rule by sheer power, taking over
by force the weak. Even a tree will fight to grow so strong its
shade will deprive seedlings of sunlight so the seedling doesn't rise
up and take away its sunlight.
We must leave our Beast of Terror behind us, or,
leash it in a cage as we explore space for the answers to our future.
To achieve that we must vow to fight the Beast of Terror in our
thoughts and deeds. We must see the Beast of Terror as the
great Weapon Of Mass Destruction, for the Beast's Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency is the source of all our ills.
We must neutralize the formula for
Terrorism within ourselves before the world has any hope of growing
into peace and harmony. The only way to achieve this is to
counter Terrorism with a formula greater than it.
The Vigilance Formula achieves that goal:
Courage(Cg) minus Fear, plus,
Conviction(Cv) minus Intimidation, plus
Right Actions(RAs) for the Children's Children's Children
minus Complacency equals Vigilance(V!).
(Cg - F + Cv - I + RAs - Cmp = V!)
Above us, traveling at 17,163 miles
per hour is an International Space Station. The three men inside
it who are busy figuring out ways for us to explore space are Parents
of Vigilance, Citizens of Vigilance, Loved Ones of Vigilance.
Each man and woman who came before them from all walks of life,
know the great vastness of space offers the world and its children,
and their Children's Children's Children hope that far exceeds any one
might think possible on earth.
The vastness
of Space offers hope to the
Children's Children's Children |
Earth today is still in the caves.
The population of earth has miles to go to reach the point where
living peacefully with one another can be guaranteed. And, with
the advent of Terrorism, plus easy access to WMD, any hope for peace
and prosperity has been reduced.
No longer can we count on the
agreement of a nation to stand as a sign of peace. The
agreement for peace must be brought down to the citizens of the world,
for a Terrorist knows no loyalty to a nation, only to his or her
Once, Terrorism might have been the threat
of nations against nations. Today, it is microscopic--people to
To assure our safety on this earth, we must
all make a vow while stuck to the gravity which holds us in place that
we, the Mothers and Fathers, the Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers
and Sisters, Cousins, Nephews and Nieces must be the Vigilant Ones.
We must be the Terrestrial Sentinels of Vigilance while our Celestial
Sentinels of Vigilance figure out how to map the universe so we can
travel on their roads to worlds we can seed with Vigilance not
Above us flies three such Celestial
If we keep our eyes to the stars we have
added reason to take the Pledge of Vigilance. If we learn
today how to keep the Beast of Terror constrained, we will be ready to
explore space.
But until we do, until we stand up to Terrorism
as a body of Parents of Vigilance, the universe does not want us to
spread our Beasts in space.
The Gates of
Heaven will not remain open if we don't manage the Beast of Terror |
The universe will
deny us access. It will burn up all our spaceships
to keep us away.
But if the universe sees
us managing our Beasts of Terror, leashing them to tethers
so they cannot get free, then the Gates to Heaven will
Vigilance will be ours.
New Sophia's Wisdom Story:
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Feb 10.--United Nations Of Complacency
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